Newmarket Era, 24 Feb 1899, p. 6

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i I Pi I J I I Hi fejyaAT and TO AN DORR MCMILLANS CORNERS Mies last week Mr Hector Gordon who laid is able to bo out with la grippe J- Quite an took place in Gum Swamp last Mr and Master Ouaoy fluocoeded in capturing four coons they found in a log Maccabees are increasing now members joined last J Wednesday night The was a grand v Master Ernie speot a few days at Mr Wells The is worry to hear of the of Mr he may speedily rumor Reports of wed dings for March The feels glad follows found out who the false item for mm of our local papers other of our peaceful was startled by a rap at the door which was answered and a wcll- stopped in It proved to our old Goose- but the now suit gave him quite a respectable appearance Mr John Smith is kept busy these ico It is said to bo nearly thirty inches thiok Our noted hunter James after a lively captured a coon on Saturday last has a new tenant Mr Williams Mr Abraham was struck in the face by a horn while ty ing the animal It left a very bad mark i- Endeavor meeting on Sunday evening was very largely attended Mr Washington Winch of ably introduced the subject and Jed i- the meeting wan such an fcorost that it was decided to continue the special services under the Society during this week Next Monday night the regular meet ing will be held in Dr Law ih to introduce the Mr Webber preached an able sermon in the Methodist Church on Sunday morning last from the text I am tho vine year branched A good from here will attend V the School at Hut- ton on Friday thi iiltlr any friends lJijah will bo grieved to hear that she is very sick On Monday little hope was entertained of her but wo learn later Unit she is improv ing Miss of Allendale is visiting at Dr Laws this week Everybody who ia fond of liver will attend the Hurst Sale as it is on the bill of for for dinner 4 ft has returned homo after spending a month visiting friends and relatives in Thornton and and spending a very on- time A sleigh load from Thornton spent Saturday and Sunday at Mr Matthias Mr and Mrs Moore of were tho guests of Mrs Matthias last week Mr Moore an esteemed friend of your correspondent informed that through the delay of a letter sent from to Mrs Moore and which not getting caused so much anxiety that she started home for lust ridy the day that Mr Moore started from to come here thus missing each other on the trains and causing a douhle disappointment He had intended remaining a of weeks but returned on Toe Mrs Lake sister of Mrs is quite ill at time of writing and blood- poisoning having started in end of one of her fingers has extended up the arm dud reached the shoulder No school last Friday or Monday in the junior division Teacher sick with heavy cold or la grippe Your correspondent has been down with la grippe for about a week The Junior worth League will hold their Anniversary in the base ment of Church on the of March Refreshments will be after an entertaining program of dialogues recitations music etc Come and assist the League in their good work Mr two younges sick rtf in about to are is move to the North- West The Oyster Supper at the on Saturday evening was a success A thoroughly spent Two or visitors from present The Division here liking up The mak ing by bate in the y Mr is visiting friends at Lefroy this week children and Freddie with la grippe flov Mr will remain on the Presbyterian Circuit Baldwin too of our- observant foax were remarking what- a marked contrast there is between and nuptial One fairly bubbled with jollity whilst tho other solemn and grave as an owl Probably Mr Drown thinks as another gentleman of broadoloth aid its a very solemn thing to bo married to which she pertly responded Its a great deal solemn r not to bo This fine spell of has brought out skunks coons etc Foxes owIb also hooting quite We have a number of very attractive and I must say handsome in this section Nino or ten of em took advantage of the weather on Thursday p and enjoyed exhilarat ing the rink Some were making their maiden efforts at skating The of the rink was out in all glory Charlie Tomilson is his mechanical in the manufacture of a violin lie has a large portion completed in a workmaoliko manner The wood is curly maple taken from the first church built in Toronto so tis said The fingerboard ebony blacks a nigger Were anxiously awaiting its completion A fine boy whoso name is Roy went down to the hub last week to enjoy a days visit with his aunty Mrs Bat the hub had no charms for biro he anxious to get back to school or dear mamma Some of our men should bo more guarded how they speak lightly re a respectable girls character Such things often cause much vexa tion and many tears and sometimes legal trouble A womans good name is a priceless treasure The wood trade is still brisk A woodhog came along day and had cheek to offer for a cord and a half of excellent five feet hardwood What do you think of that If the trustees of Gum Swamp acad emy were looking for beauty they certainly got what they were after when they engaged the present teach er who comes from bo famed for handsome girls The little school mam informs us petting along capitally and likes the good folks of the Swamp who are kindhearted as the Owl well knows Yates mill yard is piled with ud more Mount Albert scribe ROACH a POINT v La grippe seems to have vanished from Point Mrs Sherman visiting friends in city Our enterprising young has almost recovered from the effects of a sprain We hear a little stranger at Chris baa com to stay a son Mrs and son Gordon of Barrio aro visiting her mother Mrs for a days Her will to hear her health has greatly Improved undergoing an operation In Toronto hospital last fall Mr Will Main and the Misses Main of Keswick the guests of Mies May Kaake on Monday evening Mr Jesse Kaake and Mr Charlie- Miller were visiting friends at Zephyr last week and report a very pleasant time I Mr Charlie Goodyear of Jacksons Point wag the guest of Mr Richard Boyd last Sunday We think the Point can boast of the finest and fattest horse in the vicinity being the property of Mr Marsh Mrs Kelly ban disposed of her horse and cutter at a good Mr David Hamilton is making preparations to go back on his farm in the Spring We will be all sorry to I him from our midst as he has proved himself a very kind neighbor DAVISON Lenten Sale I Large Naval Oranges dozen Choice Oranges for slicing 5c Manalade Oranges 10 A SNAP Fresh Frozen Cod Fish do do Cod Steak in one pound Tints Fine Large Bloaters 10c A Choice Lot of Cranberries To Sell at a quart Pickles in Bulk j j cts quart J A Large Quantity of Selected Goose Feathers for sale DAVISON CO Main Street Newmarket Gents Sigh Grade tor Salt Cheap lor A to At WANTED IROQUOIS BICYCLES 15 t A ffcoerul man Turnips Wanted I 1JD to Ud M o I if tvti I Our fctttlsfactlor fft a taw left R COLLEGE CORNERS Mr Samuel Bain has settled on a hill not far off will perform his under the supervision of Mr J Ha Every one had a grand laugh at the Owls cue the It was just to my taste Mr Young is having a trial this winter Ho first received a severe kick from a horse which be nicely ot over and attended a wedding when the next day ho took down with an at tack of grippe On getting better bis wife laid down with the same ail ment The assessor of taxes a man for four dogs but ho he hasnt a dog on the place This week wheels roll instead of oners Whats the matter with the young man from Holland Landing He has let a pretty young man from Baldwin usurp his sit Valentines day wasnt celebrated here Forgery is a penitentiary job Writ ing letters and signing anothers name to it will put a legal course into op eration if repeated it appears to us ihat we will have an early spring- Ground hogs are out and once in a while wo ear of robins flitting about That bad piece of road down by the has been opened but the dont travel it U upper Up adornment that a Sutton barber looks comical it seems to be coming out wearing a brown till the end of no is much in the Con gregation The trouble with the weather is the mercury Hows too freely to the ends of the tube of the thermometer last week ranging below zero this week above giving a change in temperature of some CO Sleighing gone again and looks as though Spring had come Splendid wheeling week Wont it be nice when the cars run all the way from Toronto to Newmarket and Lake We hope it will be so before the end of next summer Science advances and the world moves and so does religion and the Spirit of Christ whether the skeptic believes it or not Salisbury the Czar and Stead look for a cataclysm of civilization Spains downfall looks more like a cataclysm of the works of the devil The programs are out for the Pub lic Library Concert on Friday evening the and we have no doubt that it wilt be a grand success The talent is A and all we need say is Go early if you want a good seat A Brown has been instru mental in organizing a very interest ing Normal Class which meets every Monday night k Fountain has moved a to the third ruel Spring is in Michigan T sons wont to a load of pork and potatoes revival services at Elm feffcre still going on this warm sunny weather plants begin to bow their heads gjW the windows Tub Mrs J is on the sick list She has had a very serious attack of la grippe necessitating the skill of two doctors but there are hopes of her re covery at present Mr Jas Cunningham jr sis ter were guests of Mr one day lately P paid QueensviUe a visit and found everything satisfac tory Mr Smith has been very busy sawing wood in our village the last week Mr Harry and wife are to leave for Newmarket soon Mr John Draper intends moving in the house now occupied by Mr would not write sucL fabrications when reporting Its awful aggravating Our report was true as given by the referee who is supposed to know Doth Candlemas and St Valentines were bright sunshiny days so no doubt bruin saw his Jerry Graham is at last able- to crawl out but his hearing is seriously affected Mrs Crittenden is regaining her usual health and spirits Mrs Geo is still bed faBfc Everybody else progressing fa vorably Wasnt Sir Charles speech at Clin ton a fright He aroused the virtu ous indignation of the Hon Mr Mu- locks many warm friends here who have the most implicit and abiding faith in the integrity of our beloved P We have here a youthful Borneo and Juliet whose shy tender glances are quite au fait In this ease the father looks on with a smile of ap proval Is the Joker the star pupil at the singin skule Come up and Jets hear you Mrs we congratulate thee on thy success in securing that beautiful Souvenir Range Thou art well qualified to win it by thy literary genius Mies Minnie only daughter of Mr Ben is prostrated with an attack of pneumonia Our are on the jump night and day so they say Business is Bridge scheme over our pond bast ed Tenders too high Mrs of Riverside Cottage is ill Sid and Angus have re turned to Bradford Mr came over to inspect Charlies gas machine Its working capitally The Owl The chance in the weather wan most agreeable People were begin ning to imagine themselves at the Klondike and yet there is much sick- in this part Among the unfor tunates are Mrs Mrs M Robinson Mrs John Flanagan Mr Mrs Mm John Mrs Mr Murray Mr John Crawford and Mr Thos Blackburn tor Wednesday last Mr Thomas Millard and wife accompanied by Mrs dk raiti left Jameson of Gait were the guests Mr and Mrs Mr John Hughey of Oik Ridges l0UhL accompanied by bis grandson and wife Mr Floury Bag Weaving his son Nelson of Machel and daughter Mrs Nelson of Aurora 10 public that be baa moved were the guests one day last week of water hi vwmirkci and thai he bis son Rankin baa that Celebrated Iowa Co f i and he it The monotony of was prepared to do nest Work in Has Carpet Wcavinif your broken at the borne of the Early Bros- on Friday evening when a surprise party from Aurora was corned Mr Ellison and family of were guests at Mr Stephen sons last week Mr Wiggins of Grange House Toronto spent Sunday with his sis- j tor Mrs Jas Murray Messrs Curtis and spent with friends in the city Mr and Mrs Foster and Miss Nettie of Newmarket were the guests The Wright Man IN The Right Place the BEST BOOTS For School At the lowest prices of Mr Levi Watson over Sunday Neatly Done Mrs of the 3rd Con presented Mr with a daughter on Sabbath last Since writing the above we are ne cessitated adding to the sick list Mr Murray Mrs G Proctor Mr Wellington Nye At a recent meeting of the Came- 1 it was to erect a dead house and sink well which will no doubt give the ground a living appearance It is certainly a long felt want as the caretaker can testify Custom Work a Specialty PROFESSIONAL GRADE Violin Violinoello8lringa kept in Violins Repairfid and He haired The pilgrimages to the Holy Land are undertaken by the Russians It has been calculated that between and Russians visit Palestine every year CASTOR J A For Infants and Children Mr Jameson if P for Winnipeg shot himself dead Tuesday night gem Apply at once to Box PO The Grip i R Horn is a great mass of rock rising abruptly from the sea and forming a small island Upon one of the ledges of this stands a covered barrel the international letter box of a region more than miles from any thing that resembles civilization It is custom of captains passing round the to send a boat ashore at trVa point if possible take whatever mail is going in the direction of the vessel and drop in whatever it is de sired shall go in the other The Khalifa is upon men -V- FOB rates for WM WRIGHT NEWMARKET Opposite 8tarr8 Book Store HOW Is your SIGHT On the photographic trade of this locality and wo intend to beep It Work and attention to bis secured ft for and See Us whether you want op not SMITH BROS If things look blurred or dim you had better have your eyes attend ed to by a Competent Optician as soon as possible Gallery two doors South of House tBt We can be of good service to you charges will be reason able CONSULTATION FREE ATKINSON CO OPTICIANS Main iz of Modal KIM be sold at jmt tt It ftAO WcpScg dollar It fc Pol Model firhAa con- to fit 960 To to toll t and at r SI Known jri- fc inaiiNiiioi pfl it l- jf fltr If jci I ajj LiVnilJ WE HAVE BICYCLES to I this year we an cash for work done or us USE of sample to agents Write for our liberal r the tie us I I la to any or lo any tx- company iiOt oaiOiirS THE J MEAD COMPANY We want IN HISTORY OF THE SPANISHAMERICAN CABOT LODGE SENATOR h minviv ft ha t vertucit Admiral Sampsons Fleet Battle of THEIK JOURNEY By Willi A oouintaz all ihu The Princess By If- Watson A full of a4 Spanish Story By J A iv tie are Laid re SHORT STORIES UNDER AN APRIL SET GHOSTS OF JERUSALEM By Crinkle THE HOUSE WAT OP THE CBOSS By By THE LOVE OF PARSON LORD THE CUCKOO CLOCK By Matt By THE CENTURYS PROGRESS IK SCIENCE By Henry Stilt reiv by center lo appeal White Mans Asia Republics of South America By By a Copy Si a HARPER BROTHERS New York qrahaMb Headquarters for Aft Studio I Saltings We are prepared to do sUl of work in the very latest styles Winter Suits were cheap now Winter Baits were cheap at lie now lis Carbon on Winter Suit that cheap at now Winter were cheap at now Winter that were now that were at Overcoats that were cheap at Overcoat that were cheap at that were cheap at now Ail made in the latest and made trimmed without a fault Call and get flnt choice- I Carbon on China Colored Crayon Water Colors Embossed Work Tailor Nwt door to Saturday Bargain Pay forget to j O T QRAHAM OLD STAND fr

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