Newmarket Era, 3 Mar 1899, p. 4

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I Another move Wonted Advertising Medium It is a source of satisfaction to know that wo have a Government at Ottawa capable- of bringing both r In York County and companies to time re I discriminating tarilfp These SK5V nVro two railway monopolies in order to the of Standard Si Oil Co at of Ha established a tariff It la Par will convene for despatch of baalDoas Much The return of Hon Edward Bis be to iho Dominion the view to permanent rcstdotioo here will bo balled witb the near wo may to him a conspicuous figure in the parliament of Canada On o the TO THE BOYSAND GIRLS J STHoboa- Clinch woo 1200 rates in Ontario on American IXC flu aid with ton forbid Advertisements will inr each month For than bo paid for fti regular Change for bo tins by noon on Special Low Hale for Notice to Kent Articles and Found Is an interview Mr Pros- ton last week after hi return from North bo stated thai and the wore already at homo In their now locations in tho Territories and will to be a desirable class of citizens Mr Preston sailed from Boston last Wed- petroleum and its products over CO per cent while local rates on Cana dian petroleum and its con- trolled wholly by Oil Co I dalleB J I aRont Europe were allowed to remain aamo as were brought be will taken Church or Society potters or fur- ion No to LEGAL J Robertson alary Public Ac formerly These faots before the Railway of the Privy and both Railway Companies to withdraw their obnoxious discrimina tion rates The Government should now make stride forward and demand a two cent per mile passenger rate throughout the older Provinces of Dominion Ontario and Que bec Tho war rata year is proof that it would pay Or stain Newmarket to on good aounrlty nioyd for of Klrnt Loan Court Newmar ket p C S Barrister Conveyancer etc Late with Lou carefully nuitutifed and oollcetion promptly Money to loan at ratuB I uoultdee Boultbee rlelon Manmnif Arcade King EDITORIAL NOTES a recent order of the military author- lien aalo of or malt or wines at forbidden This a move in right direction and will not raise aooh strong lions to their volanteerb Is reply to last week J Davis stated that the Government did not soil all binder twine manufactured at Central Prison I was in bands of the and could buy it from them at a price to that mentioned in agreement In future aroeroouie there is just one other point thai be it now axe told that while contractors do not beyond the stipulated price they can band over the of the prison to a dealer or speculator who is not now bound to respect agreement between Gov ernment and contractor and who by a little ingenuity travel all round agreement and make consumers pay fancy or speculative prices Of course there should be a reasonable margin be tween contractors end dealers but product of prison to the people and speculation at the expense of consum ers should be out of the question Toronto Covey to IO Ik Hall Toronto on Day Hon Mr of Canada will deliver an address aaspiooa Ancient Order of will bo a gathering of U of the Emerald Isle Money to Loan AUCTIONEERS prank Duncan Licensed Auctioneer for the Co of York- sold Farm Bales attended to A trial solicited fllmooe Street Newmarket i MARRIAGE A despatuh from Ottawa Mr of Toronto baa been appointed to survey the boundary pet wee a British Columbia and he Yukon He will leave iu a few days for he to the work assigned htm that the Gov- eminent will give formal to the Niagara Power Co o that if the terms of the agreement have been complied with in iu entirety by the November the liberties li censee powers granted be Tub adherents of the Merbodist Church everywhere will read with interest that an unknown donor has Riven for the maintaining John bouse In Road London as museum and tbo formal opening has taken place The paper containing tho above statement fur The bouse contains but three rooms one of them being that Wesley died The house was finish ed eleven months after the chapel and Wesley first occupied it as he reoords in journal October Among its belongings with Wesley are in which he used to sit and io which the President when presiding over a the grand fathers clock which away bis dili gent days and boars and on an old bureau in the famous teapot presented to him by The lid the spout broken a wealthy Araerioan offered for it without getting it The third room on the floor is the prayer room Wesley need to enter at oclock morning If They Are Delicate and Sick- Celery Compound Will Make Them Strong and Robust Boys and girls who are ailing weak and siokly are suffering from a weak ened condition of the nervous system The tissues and of our boys and girls are extremely deli cate and sensitive and quickly dis turbed by ill health When you find your dear ones ner vous irritable and weak whoa they do nit sleep well when they have headache variable appetite sal low skin sunken eyes and skin troub les bo assured the blood is foul and thin and nervous a low ebb Children with weak stomachs and weak of assimilation can not thrive on their ordinary daily diet They are in need cf a special nerve tonic and blood cleanser like Celery Compound noted for its wonderful flesh building and bracing qualities Cal ory Compound is the great only true medicine for weak and frail bodies and unstrung nerves it has do equal as a medicine for the young In the past grateful parents in every part of our Dominion have glad ly testified to the great work of Celery Compound has done or their children Wo counsel mothers and to have boys and girls use Celery Compound at once if they are not showing signs of heal thy and growth Cel ery Compound is pleasant to the taste free from all dangerous narcotics and cannot harm the most delicate child Iwucr of MARRIAGE LICENSES the Newmarket Private Papers issued at private residence il FLOUR Strong Bakers Hungarian Pastry Beat Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use of all Kinds Tub Provincial that Mr was jjatd for ills aervices at three triors viz Cay uga and This is better than following plow or sticking type Evi dently the Jongrobed gentry dont matters when tbey the country for a client Ik the of Friday last the rea son assigned for Mr Bull resigning the of Clerk of the Peace for York is thus given The Government baa ruled that the duties of the office most be per formed by the in person and Mr Bulls advancing years prevent hie attend ing to the clerical routine work he felt it incumbent upon himself to resign LAND PLASTER A oar of fresh ground American Gray best fertilizers for Clover and Grass LIME LIME The very Lime J Storehouse Cor Main and Huron Telephone No A has been introduced by Mr P P for South Wellington provides that the financial year shall close on the let of December and the audit to bo made up to that data before the of that month This bill also pro vides that the auditors abstract of ac counts to be published and read at the nomination in lien of the ficanoial state ment now issued in December by the Council it i ienc NEWMARKET WORKS Wx our of Bonner in advising a Government grant to the fair to order to extend its sphere of has made a mistake The Township and Riding Associations al ready draw their proportionate share of the agricultural grant and if the Govern ment should recognize an independent fair in one locality the same would be expected in other places a result these local or ganizations would be formed at rival local ities in bait the Townships of the Pro vine thereby weakening So cieties and multiplying exhibitions which are now all too numerous for really efficient work At a recent meeting of delegates representing the Societies of the Province the question of anking the Government to materially reduce the number of or ganizations was seriously DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call Before Elsewhere MRS PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music t 1st Tub member for Sooth Oxford has in troduced tbe bill of he gave to prohibit the voting by ballot in muni cipal Its clauses are along lines we a couple of weeks ago It provides that whenever a division is taken in a council either upon the officer of the corporation election a warden or other presiding offioer of tbe Council or upon a re solution or for any other purpose each member of tho present voting shall announce his vote upon the question openly and individually in the Coonoil and clerk shall record same and no vote be taken by ballot or by any other of seoret In any and when so taken shall be void and of no effect From full and emphatic way this bill Is it Is dent member for Booth Oxford baa tbe right of the enormity of being done by a man act ing in a representative capacity under the The of the books Insurance vote pa all issues primary Instruction after s Official Historian to the The book was In army at Han on the Pacific with tho American trenches at Maul la In ftSinA I AKufnaldo on he deck of the Dewey jhc JO of battles Ao fall of fiMl of original pictures on Photographers on book prices given Drop all trashy pal al war books t before the Pains in the Are UBually the of Imperfect Working of the Kidneys These can Only be Restored to Their Normal Condition by a Pair Use of Fink Pills Mr Albert M in tie of Woodstock now engaged in the business is well known in that city and surrounding country Some three years ago Mr was living at South River Parry Sound District and while there was attacked with severe in the back At first he paid but little attention to them think ing that the trouble would pass away but as it did not he consulted a local physician and was told that his kid neys ware affected was prescribed but beyond a trifling allevia tion of the pain it had no In addition to the pain in the back Mr was troubled with headaches and a feeling of lassitude He was forced to quit work and while in this condition weak and despondent he decided to try Dr Williams Pink Pills He purchased a half dozen boxes and was not disappointed with the result Before they were all used Mr Mintie was feelinc almost as well ae ever he had done The pain in his back had almost disappearod the headaches were gone and he felt greatly improved in strength Two more boxes completed the cure and he returned to work hale and hearty as ever Mr Mintie asserts that bis re turn to health is due entirely to Dr Williams Pink Pills and he still oc casionally uses a box if he feels in any way out of sorts The kidneys like other organs of the body are dependent upon red blood and strong nerves for healthy action and it is because Dr Williams Pink Pills supply these conditions that they cure kidney troubles as well as other ills which have their origin in watery blood or a shattered nervous system Sold by all dealers or sent postpaid at a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Go Brockville If you value your health do not take a sub stitute The man has discovered that brandy can be made from wet elm sawdust and a disoouraged -Prohibi- what chance the good cause will have when a man can go forth with a rip saw and get drunk on a fence rail Keen the children well by using Millers Worm Powders Sold by W Lehman Half the ships in world are British The best of them can be converted into ships of war in forty- eight hours r Dishes Were flamed Hominy in from the North American for parched corn Succotash in borrowed from the Indians and called by them Blancmange meaob literally white food hence chocolate is of a misnomer Charlotte is a corruption of the old word which means a dish of cuKtard and charlotte is Russian charlotte Macaroni is taken from a reek de rivation which meant the blessed dead allusion to the ancient cus tom of eating it at feasts for the dead 125 Men From the Inroads of Dreaded Catarrh What Catarrhal Powder Did for Mr- He Proves Will Do For Others Alfred of St Jerome Que was a great sufferer for years with catarrh of a very severe type Dr Catarrhal Powder rescued him when everything else had failed Today when he goes to his lumber camp with his men this great re medy is considered as much a neces sity to comfortable camp life as any thing else It relieves cold in the head in ten minutes prevents the growing of catarrh germs and when they are sown it cures them Sold by Wilmot E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Countess Von and her nephew Herman were found guilty at Berlin of having conspired to defraud the Fire Insurance Company and sentenc ed to two months imprisonment R Card We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Headache We also warrant that bottles will perma nently the most obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay when Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Y Broughton Phm Druggist Newmarket Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Next to of that of Dr most pic turesque and important that lias been accomplished years Hod in is a Swede a of Stockholm and still in the prime of early man hood Ever since ho was a child his absorbing passion has been geography and he has studied under the masters including the Baron of Berlin As a prepata I tive for scientific research he made three preliminary journeys into Asia and in 1893 started on his trip through Asia an account of which appears in October number of Harper May- and later probably in October book through Awia will pub lished In his trip ho travelled a 15000 mile- of which nearly miles led through absolutely unknown regions His adventures were so many and varied that here we have hut enough mention the the deeert of an experience ho rokinx to every faculty of and mind thai few men could ai have lived through it Hit command of men eatnelh two dog- three ten berth and a cock During the firv thirteen days every thing went finely The following day a well as usual but pro no and it was then that lie learned that bin men had taken water enough for ten days he had ordered but merely enough for four days desert man Mid however thai they would strike in four and ah his statements corresponded with the maps they blindly towards the wate Every sign of life had now disappeared not even a fly buzzed in tiie and an ocean of sand stretched out on all sides without a point upon which to rest the eyes They inarched on but without finding any signs of water Their little sup ply was rapidly being exhausted and the men and animals becoming weak First a large black camel fell nick and to goon His load was dis tributed among the others but during that same day another camel gave up and it necessary 10 leave behind various things that could I sparer Ten more camels died soon it was only a matter as to who would hold out If some one fell the others won der- d merely turn it would be next On and on they pushed until only Dr and the desert man were left For ten days they were without food and for nine without water Then the desert man gave out and to quote from his article set out alone through the trees toward the east I crept through the bushes lore my clothing and after an hour reached a level plain where the trees ended as if they had been wiped off by fire Furrows and scattered treetrunks betrayed that precisely this was KhotanDarias floodbed but not a drop of water was to be seen We had come at exactly that time of year when the bed of the river lies dry awaking the summer from the mountains In the mean time I went on in the moonlight directly southeast resting a while and then continuing on for a distance creeping in that I felt an ir resistible impulse forward as if I were led by an unseen hand Presently the dark treeline of the other bank was distinguished Everything be came more distinct There stood a thiok growth of boshes and reeds a fallen poplar lay near the floodbed I was not twenty paces from the bank when a waterfowl flew up with a whirring beat of the wines and a splashing sound and the next moment I stood at the edge of a little pool twenty metres long of fresh cold splendid water What I first thought of before I drank the reader himself can but ima gine Then I took empty choco latecan filled it pot it to my lips and drank How that water tasted cannot be described I drank drank drank one after another I felt how the thiok again flowed easily through my veins how my hands whioh before were like pieces of wood swell ed how my skin become moist and perspired how my whole body re ceived new life and now strength There was a crackling in the bushes and the reeds were pushed aside It might be a tiger but I did not care since I had been given my life again To a Gold in One Day Take Laxative Tablets All the if it fails to The hinges of true friendship never rust That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you if you used Dr Kings New Life Pills Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health Easy to take Try them Only cents Money back if not cured Sold by all v Feb Inspector Henderson of the Post Office Depart ment and Police Officer Chamberlain left here last night with Samuel who was arrested and will be tried at Milton on a of stealing a mail bag containing from The bag usually hung on an arm at the railway station that the mail could catch it as the train passed The bag disap peared oh January and left about the same time had on bis person when arrested He was traced to Belleville and then to Cornwall where he was arrested last night mm a Drops u VV visa Vegetable Preparation for At iheFoodandRegula- the and Bowels of Infants THAT THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF Promotes neither cor Mineral Not WAS Remedy For Constipa tion Sour Stomach Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions and LOSS OF SLEEP Tat Simile Signature of NEW YORK IS ON THE WRAPPER OF BOTTLE OF old EXACT COPY Of pit op La It not talk Dont Ja yon aaytblng on lit plea or itat It li jut aa and will aoswer j COM TO THE We arc still Leading in all lines of read Cakes Etc We have also added a line of CHOICE FAMILY To Sell at Lowest Prices BOGART That Tired Feeling as common and as i just as common and as reasonable in horses as in men When their blood is im poverished their appetite and energy leave them their work feels twice as hard Dicks Blood Purifier restore this lost vitality The food is enjoyed Evervjpartic3 is digested The hide frees itself Bots and kindred worms are des troyed and the horse thrives Cent a Package Trial SUc Cent MILES CO Agists DICK CO of the a J Bold at third their reel Work their wen too entire plant fore dollar Vlth It wo got 00 ilcdet com- To Our business have just what they stand us the Iroquois Bicycles finished and to o at advertise concluded offer a v to vpto Semi otto dollar wo and a rf tod it at our world end ro per- ton lD

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