V V 14 FRIDAY MARC ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL REST branch A General Banking Business TUANHAOTKl Interest Allowed on Deposits AT It DRAFTS ISSUED AM- JOISSTH lmfli ti Bold Farmers promptly nit undid num I W At Main JO i in Dp Alfred Nnvrnmrkii Or dour South INHUKANCK J A for hud to at Current ltalixi Newmarket T AJKNT Canada flsfiufsnc Co INKUHANCE AT HATES A A Ramsay Low on Farm mid Isolated Town Property flbop PAINTING and 30 yearn I all of lino of lUi In Wall Pttpan Iboio ttEaiDHCEddoorNortbof Urn Sired fiolfcon and lhoc and Simpson Main St fiucdnt and Softool Christ Sin John March Text- If Hon shall you shall bo Friday Rom Saturday Gal J J I John The of Josus at the of lahiTiiaclfM in the Ion pie the re port of wonderful led to a hulief that thin man from was the of The however not only aloof from current hut set tliemaolvoH it Ill tli A I The condition of true sinner Satans children an the only true Those who believe eternal lifo not have eternal fl Frightful Blunder Will often Hum Cut Halve the heal in world will kill promptly heal it Corns nil Skin Pile cure on eurlli Only a Hold all IruKistH J Drought in Australia Cottle Dying by Hundreds MILLIONS OJ- VANCorvKit Au stralian advices received by steamer to day that terrible devastating drought ie widespread in Australia The ruin is arc starv ing to death by hundreds A train load of cattle starling out from one alive on arriving at a station one hundred miles further on was fill ed with dead carcases The authorities are at their wits devising some means of disposing of these cattle before they spread con tagion in the process of decomposition The only means yet devised is to pile them in huge heaps and build fires around them after saturating them with coal oil Distressed landowners are meeting throughout the Antipodes and in of Government land being occupied are asking for remission of rent tot year a request ifl readily granted- At these meetings hundreds of those present that for three years they had made a dollar Millions of acres of crops and millions of sheep have been by the drought To the fires are raging over of miles of territory and farmers have had to fly for their lives to the nearest towns test mi WliKHB WAS MIL LIONS Panama canal in eating up French fortunes Do has not all the men of means and there is now an army of men at work digging a water way from ocean to ocean across Col Ebon Holmes a who has recently boon in Panama brought back some entertaining stories about the days when the Do Lesaops were their millions He The that have gone abroad regarding the of the old Up Company wore not a bit overdrawn I had no idea until went and Haw for what reek- fabulous there was on the from I I large expense to furnish of 203000000 wuh for the canal and their friend their their broad their lawns and curv ing gravelled approaches Now the hot breath of the sea creeps broken window pane the wide the porches welcome rank and thick as their only Aaterepouts bang from the decaying cornice and structures look as if a firm football would make floor and wall crumble The in dirty hot and Colon live on the memories of the days when money ran in tho street They tell of days when the highsalaried canal officials usJ to give grand balls at which champagne was drunk by the and men HIGHEST and women amused throwing of gold and silver coin out of the windows to nut the natives fight and on the ground for it They tell of the or chestra of that was kept at Colon for three at The Wright Man IN The Right Place Keeps the BEST BOOTS For School Children At the lowest price Repairing Neatly Custom Work a Specialty ittu vsan Violin Violincllo in Vtolini Mid pecij tor pnvae in unal say that the work he done for The talk davi jet Was Siiii and at Virginia ily but were not with the in KH ben million francs profit a month Pan and Colon I met one man there who Kohl and donkeys to the Panama Canal in and made clear ietweiii June and from an capi tal of 20000 He told me of a man from New Orleans who brought down a stouk of rubber worth about and wjjo Mold the whole lot to a contractor for the canal company for cosh down Mr who built the famous tower in Paris is currently reported in Colon to have mode on one contract in one year A Han Franciscans were poor when they went down to gl a contract for sup plying something to the Panama Canal Company in those days and all came away with fortunes Machinery and apparatus that cost million of dollars are now rotting and rusting in those tropical swamps and forests Therj are the from France fourth of die an evening The will never forget engineer the time gave thiee Colon and I he ojieri was at ranging to It THE NIGHT CLERKS STORY A FACE LIKE CHALK A very bad attack of Grippe one year winter left my system io a very weak elate and my completely getting over tit go of diaejise I naturally expected to gain but unfortunately did not do to tbo contrary my blood became weaker I daily lot strength and vitality and my off voub system became so weak it a constant source of suffering both day and tost the of food nauseated me the weak of my caused shortness of breath and unnatural action of the heart such t fluttering and violent palpitation and my faae was like I was if this condition and constantly getting weaker when I began taking Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills I bad read the books they distributed and their advertisements in the papers and thought Well I have taken so much medicine without benefit it is useless to any mora money However finally made up my mind It is a forlorn hope can but try If I am not benefited will not be hurt So I bought one box and received great benefit therefrom so continued their use and today am a well man in consequence my blood is strong my face has the ruddy hue of health my appetite has returned at an of I sleep well I have not the slightest in- WRIGHT Shoema ken NEWMARKET Opposite Hook Store REMOVED To lac Across the Street be only noadii allowing Kinuyix bo thrown upon the Inner mill of the ihc fnmSff fully win The No 12 IS A only Cuiil WIII81H- utile tool full any toaoi rtuitirirnc liutmd Id I oi- It and van why any doll Preuuro on r Thin diamond THE BEST DRILL MADE The Wo J iW I in- til hi or on mind only Drill madr ii hi mi riKuliDfi of In Mil r lain uliiio- nit Uftti u If n lb- depth lOtlOl lrh you be to niv in On ml ii Bros- Mrs Co Limited Canada ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET I I Until SLNcwmnrhH Town Carting A of Team J Dffdoneort Sbrt Notice on Eh to Loan t SOyS property by Davidson taking C J Conveyancer nod Ileal Estate Agent c for the following reliable Insurance Com pan lea Liverpool anil London and Globe Norwich Midland Mutual and Eoo- Life ance Co ami Northern Life Aaaurance Co OlBce Hupkios Mount Albert- Money to Loan At per cent on by Liloyd for taking Affidavits Heal Es tate Iaautz Marriage Ktxj r- Agent for the following Queen of London and LlTerpool Citizens Montreal District Mutual In for the Life To ronto Office Corner of Main and Lot ALWAf HEP OR Halt THCftK QW MM THAT Will LOOK OUT OB IMITATION TITUTE THE THE NAVE PERRY DAVIS A SON In iue day for well Ol AHl ftCCCpt pOal- Iti a common event oven the leading BUSINESS COLLEGE OP but It actually occurred as folluwa Telegram for young woman fcrrapher from Fort for young Clerk Onion Station a Call for young lady Telegrapher Toronto Telephone for young man Stenograph er Express Or rfby our Competent 8tu- gel Wo train properly and know Jfembora admitted at any time principal The way to get to be punc tual in paying your bills The way to preserve your credit is not to use it much Settle often have short ac counts no man appearance they are deceptive perhaps assumed for the purpose of obtaining credit Beware of gaudy exterior rogues usu ally dress well the rich are plain Trust him if any who carries but little on his back Never trust him who flies into a passion on being dunned make him pay quickly if there be any virtue in law Be well satisfied before you give a credit that those to whom you give it are safe men to bo trusted Sell your at a small advance and never misrepresent them for those you once deceive will be aware of you the second time Deal uprightly with all men and will repose confidence in you and soon become your permanent cus tomers Beware of him who is an officeseek er Men do not usually want an office when they have anything to do A mans affairs rather low when he seeks office for support Trust no stranger Your goods are better than doubtful chances What in character worth if you make it cheap by crediting everybody Agree beforehand with every man about to do a job and if large make agreement in writing Be not af raW to ask for a guarantee it is the best test of responsibility Millers Grip Powders cure 5i Lehman cranes brought by the shipload from Birmingham at of each railroad thousands rails heaps of railroad tools steel cables and other things that cost small fortunes years ago and are now useless and buried in dust and rust I behove that machinery and apparatus that cost the French are now strowen along the line of the Panama canal in a distance of about j Ten steam pumps and re servoirs that cost no less than each lie in a heap where they were dumped from the cars and the crating about them was never removed At a place near miles from Panama there is a pile of rusted steel rails which were never used and which cost about One can not go half a mile in any direction from the canal without coming upon rotting rusting machinery Along both sides of the canal site the waste of iron and wood extends Steel cables lie on the ground loose and coiled rusting away in whatever shape they are placed Dirt cars stand around by hundreds either sidetacked in long lines parallel with the railroad or ditched in heaps in the swamps men on the Isthmus have told me that out on a rotting spur of the construction rail road is a locomotive and train of work cars standing just where en gineer shut steam when the finan cial bubble burst and he and the crew quit their jobs The soil is soft and spongy there and the weight of the lo comotive and cars has born so heavily on the track that the train has sunk a yard deep into the ooze One cannot be long on the Isthmus without hearing stories of how ma chinery was even thrown away The men at Colon say that the mud and made ground about the harbor at Colon formed the grave of tons upon tons of costly machinery dumped in to the ocean without ever having been taken the cases Engines with wrong gauges imported from Belgium at enormous expense were disposed of in this way Gigantic blocks of con crete intended for a sea wall and which were brought across the Atlantic by the shipload only to be dumped into the ocean But the wicked waste of capital was not confined to machinery and railroad property It made me melan choly to go about Colon and see evi dences of the splendid fortunes that had been thrown away there As one sails across the Caribbean Sea into Colon he sees first among the palms and banana trees that fringe the shore the bronze statue of Columbus The of America points toward the opening of the canal on the shore The famous homes of Count de and his son are directly behind- the state on the shore of the houses coat and might be built almost anywhere in the Union for or these of of heart trouble and from a tick weak man Dr Wards Blood and Nerve transformed me six weeks to full health and strength am yours very truly Signed Night CUrk Grand Hotel Dr Ward Blood and Pills are old at per box boxes for at or mailed receipt of price by THE DOCTOR WARD CO limited Victoria Street Toronto Book of Wtmation free Mrs Cornelius of a widow aged SO years was struck and killed by a train at a cross ing The Presbyterian church at was to the ground dur ing the hour of morning service on Sunday fobbed the Grave A startling incident of which Mr John Oliver of Philadelphia was the subject was narrated by him as fol lows I was in a most dreadful condition My skin was almost yel low eyes sunken tongue coated pain continually in back and sides no ap petite gradually growing weaker day by day Three physicians had given me up Fortunately a friend advised trying Electric Bitters and to great joy and prise the fi bottle made a improvement I con tinued their use for three weeks and am now a well man I know they saved my life and robbed the grave of another victim No one should fail to try them Only bot tle every bottle guaranteed at any Drug Store AYERS The popular use of a spring medicine is founded on experience With the coming of the spring season comes languor debility a dragged- condition and a general lassitude summed up in the familiar phrase that tired feeling MORTGAGE SALE OF Valuable Property IN KING Under and by the powers contain In a certain which he at the Sale there will for Bale by AUCTION by Robert Stewart Esq at the Bote in the of BRADFORD ON- Qth day of I goo at the hour of oclock In the afternoon the following farm properly name ly West hatvee of and In concession of the of King In the County of York formerly the old Survey of the Township of contain I more or once- have been atod at Bradford of AUoa atrip along the west of the East halves of tola IS In the wild of Township of and containing three acred more or all of which Raid are more described In said Mortgage of Ten money to bo paid to the Solicitors on and the balance within ope taonth thereafter with Interest In the mean time at percent or otherwise as may bo agreed upon sold subject to a re served property may bo inspected any by intending purchasers For father particulars and conditions of Halo apply to undersigned J MARK A Vendors Solicitors Bradford To Purify the Hod from the gross effects of the fatty foods of winter there is ho medicine equal to Dr Sarsaparilla It not only cleanses the blood but re vitalizes it It puts a spring into the step and a sparkle into the eye that betoken health It restores the lost appetite induces refreshing reduces the liability to disease by neutralizing the conditions essential to the development of disease germs Always Ask for Ayers a spring medicine during the months of March and May I know of no preparation that can begin to compare with Sarsaparilla It is the leader fcf leaders A I cannot speak too highly in praise of Sarsaparilla experience I can as best spring medicine ISAAC SSPARKS Ky I hate used Sarsaparilla in my family for years and highly recommend It a spring medicine it has no equal A- li NICHOLS St Cambridge Mass Ayers Sarsaparilla has been a household companion In our family for years I take it spring beginning in April It tones up my system gives mean excellent lite and makes mo steep like a top As a blood medicine it has no superior in my opinion It WILDKV SarsaparUla without an equal as a blood purifier and spring medicine and cannot have praise enough I have watched its effects in chronic cases other treatment was of no avail and have been astonished at results medicine that I have ever used and I have tried all so thorough la its effect so permanent curejaa SajsapariTia Da P MERRILL Augusta Maine 1 4 ViW