Newmarket Era, 3 Mar 1899, p. 8

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a 1 j the Will Do lhai kill will rate 1 1 la i cart of few IAT WIDEAWAKE COB- TO Oil The Indians loft neigh- f CO tbt all mm Hi cure Cor will DO per of til cm rfiiJntj bornood and to Maple sold a good supply of medicine while and away a silver butter to best Mr Noil Weliar won prize young of our town spent a very pleasant laat Thursday Hot Time trouble Cuf will bo looi toil bit of irtUiitt fall ffW Urea p Pi tfioflbd evening at Mr Thompsons Mrs Smith of visit ing with Mrs Jos of Canada HEAD OFFICE Paid Qp Fund Total nearly A Draach of Hunk In BRADFORD Whore arc rucclc4 of and or ft 4 Farmers Notes 5 And Hale Slowest rates for further on apply to JOHN AURORA On Wednesday of Mr H Nelson of thin the of a it being the marriage of liolla of Nelson to Mr of It Methodist mi the in presence- of a of most of the parties happy will spond a in Ontario on- joying their honeymoon which they will Icayo for Manitoba whore they intend locating I I Murray FLORIDA WATER TUB SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT MOST AND ENDURING OP ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF TOILET OR BATH ill PERFUMERS GENERAL DEALERS if ARE YOU INSURED The S ASSURANCE GO is very ill an to recover and farnilv spent Bun- day visiting bis at Gray and Mr Harry of were of Cook on Sun day Jonathan Baker who baa been very ill slowly recovering I The League held at J on the of the was well attended Proceeds about Miller of and Miss Lena Martin place were married on tbe inst May their journey through life be a pleasant one Misses Lillian and Coos of visited here on Monday aud unfortunately when driving in tho ditch on the had an upset Boy Brace preached to a full house at Bebhesda on Sunday evening sub ject Popular Danc ing and card playing were de nounced Children Cry for CASTOR I A MOUNT Mr M toller of has purchased the of Mr North York farmers Institute met in the Salvation Army barracks litre on Saturday last mooting was well attended and of more than usual interest Mr- Allen met with a curi ous and very distressing at tho Workmans supper on Monday evening A small piece of oyster shell lodged in his throat and resisted all attempts to dislodge it He was obliged to go to the city to have it ro- moved Mr J M of Toronto supreme organizer of Canadian Homo addressed a meeting in Salvation Army barracks on Wed nesday Feb He described the and set forth its A sufficient number of names having been secured a lodge will bo organiz ed hero as soon as possible Anson Arnold of Ibis village acci dentally shot Mr Crittenden in eye with an air gun on Friday The entered the sight com pletely destroying the Great will to be exorcised in order to preserve the other eye acci dent is doubly Bad as Mr Crittenden already has misfortune to be deaf and The Library Concert surpassed the expectations From fan drill every number heartily and deservedly applauded The of and the gen eral management of entertainment was and the committee de serve credit Mr A Jones and Miss Leek ably upheld the reputation of Mount as a musical locality and divided honors equally with the imported talent The Workmans oyater supper on Monday evening was a very enjoyable and well fully one llmr furher hundred being present Mr A E Jones and Miss Dunn furnished music for the occasion After the eatables were disposed of speeches were made and toasts were drank to the Queen the country and the so- ok- ties The Revs McFadyen and responding to the patriotic toasts while Forrest re plied for tbe societies He also read the report of the Grand Lodge The membership of the local lodge steadily increasing and it ie hoped that by July the hundred mark will be W Five worn Several blocks of in the district ward of the business district- burned by the troops owing to the sharp shooters who were concealed there was severe fighting during night and this morning on Arthurs wore apparently determined to break through lino of the Montana Regiment and seven of the Kaunas Regiment were wounded Cert oral Kings brigade has not been bothered since yesterday when they killed of the enemy The transport with en tire Regiment of regular troops arrived here from San Francisco last night A MILK The fire started in Cruz San Nicolas and districts last night with the plain object of destroy ing and pillaging the city were evi dently the work of the native secret militia When the fire began insur gent bugle calls with answering blasts wore J and signal rockets were seen to riw from the several points whpre the fires were Tha districts comprise area of aliout one the largest part of which a native composed mostly of nipa huts The wind blowing briskly and the flames spread rapidly The fire department was practically power to the by the ordinary methods so rapidly did they spread and it was only by the blow- up of buildings in the path of the flames in the San Nicolas district that in the business sections of the city wan prevented During the progress of the fires in sharpshooters on the outskirts of continued to from places of concealment upon the American who were fighting the flames Sever al natives were killed by the United States troops and many others were undoubtedly burned to death being penned in by the coition of American guard DANCERS REAL The will tcreani terror it the of a nd then complacently down udinSerla with that arc g her her beauty her life She will uncomplain ingly resign to the and of female trouble which are to be dreaded a thou- time more than a mouse It la grati fying to know that untold numbers of women are being to perfect ROLL OF HONOR THREE ONE SILVER MedJ Worlds Industrial CCDleoDlJ Orleans AWARDS Sine rf vigor and strength by Dr Pierces Favorite Pie- scriptlon It all uterine disorders exact name of the din- case doesnt amount to a row of pins If is in the womanly organs Fa- vorile hunt it and cure it It can a drain a pain an in flammation an Irregularity or weakness and this medicine will act directly upon it and restore the organs lo perfectly healthy action It prepares the girl to a woman the wife to become DIPLOMA A lit r AWARD VtiUj AWARDS ArtCBliuraI SIX AWARDS Ml AWARDS Fair IMI if- SIX MEDALS l4lUr I4M STEEL HOTEL AND FAMILY RANGES vW ur SILVER MEDAL Ill flatlet of ifttlt middleaged lo pass turn of lift in safety It not a cureall but a medi cine for women only is the of Dr R V Buffalo the worldfamed specialist in the treatment of disorder of Any reader of ibis paper msy Dr Pierce free by mail Write him if your local physicians do not to your case Mrs W J Kidder of Kill farm vu the past year I found myself and rapidly health J suffered dreadfully from bloating urinary difficulty I grovrlog perceptibly weaker each day and ferd much Po at timet felt that something be done I sought your advice and received a prompt reply followed your and took twelve bottles of Dr Favorite Prescription also followed your Instruction I to Improve Immediately my health beam excellent I could do all own work w live ou a rood aired I walked and rode all I and eojoyed it I bad a short cod and have a healthy Above Honors were received by Sold January WROUGHT IRON RANGE FOUNDED PAIDUP CAPITAL 70 to Pearl Slrwl TORONTO ONTARIO CAN ADA Vasnlnglort Avenue ST Western fcitl Vl illkilsfaffl KNACKS l Iliivtl tator Dr Piercci turn healthy I I R ST What Some of Our Customers Say This ia Certify that we base for Home Comfort and ay ibey are perfection Fine and fuel aavori in fact one half the wood work and we them cheapest on the market and will a life time properly P J Aurora Newmarket Total in force over 4 Mrs Deborah at her homo evening asaiated by It and Mrs enter tained large number of young friends Howard left for Toronto on Monday Mr shoemak er also moved from Jos left on Tuesday for I Beyond lifes light nines ON THE Oft By his friend and school companion of early years Life with brightness at ha birth Qa wings of joy from shore Death oasts his darkneas on lifes door warts spirit from earth A few short years at moat we live A few brief of joy and pain And to the vast Unseen again Do through death one give A veil of mystery screens our sight As through a glass we darkly see Nor to things that bo in native suburb on the north of It lies along the bay shore north of the busi ness district of the city ft is built almost entirely of huts Between an residences and business house de stroyed Hundreds of homeless na tives are huddled in streets mak ing the duty of the Americans very difficult WlMNCECOu TWO TOWN LOTS On Desirably Situated near the Old For Sale on Apply to EJACKSON Agent J W Joe V Hendricks ford Ceo Hendricks Dollar Vsniiorrj Dollar Geo F Stewart J A C W more be a the This to certify that I have a florae Com fort Range years and wt arc now well satisfied have no hesitation recommending them to stove is jQst as Kood today as when we purchased it Player Pine Orchard J W Wilson Aurora I Widdilield Pearson Newmarket Brilltoger Snpt Aurora Out FOE SALE BLQOD Ik NERVE PILLS Annual Revenue over Claims paid by death and Matured Endowments over Investments in Canada Deposit at Ottawa for security of Canadian Policyholders over 13700000 Profit paid policyholders The lives of Females Insured without extra premium Children over 10 years of age written at Special Rates Ramsay Manager J Balfour Secretary Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario GEO HUNT District Inspector J A Agent FARMERS ATTENTION I ISAAC USHER SON GEMOT medical treatment at Toronto as ho feels very alarmed at his con dition Mr Park principal of our school had a rumpus during school hours the other day Two or three of the scholars were charged with breaking locks on the premises etc Of course the principal is right and the bigger scholars will learn sooner or later that he is boas of the situation Mrs Lake built a fine cottage at Jacksons Point couple of years ago has purchased the lot adjoining and intends erecting a large boarding house on it The Fax concert was quite a success It was amusing to observe how little nonsense ib took to make people laugh Miss Webster as an amateur did remarkably well Children Cry for CASTOR I A to ho equal to any of tbe Portland for all or a raUs stable floor fllloa hog bridge arch ulyertaclaterna etc Cement about ooehalf the price of Portland jV pejaooI Instruction charge all work warranted For further apply to General Agent N Hoe of flret and etc always on hand at i a in to manage our fJtberownflDd nearby at borne WyhtS0Caycar and no more no aalar The members and friends of the filoomington Christian Church made their pastor Rev Hauler a very agreeable surprise on evening of Feb About with well filled baskets came in and took pos session or the parsonage After a sumptious tea which the ladies of the congregation so well understand how to prepare the evening was spent in singing and social chat The young people enjoyed themselves in singing some those beautiful hymns and songs of praise At about oclock all bowed with their pastor in prayer thanking God for the pleasant evening and a sense of His presence with them After which all returned to their homes feeling that they had not only spent a pleasant evening but had giv en to their pastor one more public ex pression of their high appreciation of his labors and their continued confi dence in him as pastor and preacher The oat bin was not forgotten cellar well supplied with just sue Ihing as every pastors house stand in A thousand within arise OF life beyond this earthly Bat comes there back no message here From spirit homes beyond the coals yearn deeply hero to know The of life and death profound The mysteries that there abound But which no angel spirit dhow From deaths affliction here that dwell We lift our sorrowing hearts above And trust In Gods eternal love Who doeth all thin wise and well How fair dear friend thy childhood days How full of joy I with bliss how rife idol thy mothers life in aU ways How seldom pain or care did To make thee sad thy life did seem Like soma unfolding summers dream Within boyhoods happy home Thy love was constant tender Wnd No flokia change thy friendship knew Bat ever strong end stronger grew strength of manhoods stronger mind Untouched by sohomes of wealth or fame Thy families welfare was thy care And love was never wanting there Where greetings from thy loved ones came To Succeed Early to bed early to rise Never get tight and advertise In the Newmarket residence Ragle St with all mod ern conveniences furnace liatb but and cold water also an excellent and Lot of one acre all of wblcb are In Condition Easy Apply io M To Rent llrlc bouse corner of Victoria and Ave bouse with all modem furnace Ac For terms apply to LLOYD Barrister Arc Main St Newmarket For Sale or Rent Desirable Brick Blacksmith Shop together with aces of beat Ihing as every pastors house stand in Theyll miss the now those loved ones The fond companion of thy years And loving children weeping tears Of sorrow since thou art not here Bad dry thy weeping eyes And solace find in Christ the Lord And in the everlasting Word That they who sleep in Christ shall rise To regions of eternal rest To realms bright of endless day Where pain and death shall away And spirits are forever blest Disaster Fergus Out Feb Yesterday evening about oclock when the bridge over the Irvine river three miles west of this place the Grand Trunk mixed train going north was derailed The engine tender and cars passed safely over the bridge The cars immediately following went the bank a distance of feet into the river The secondclass coach and car in front of it although off the rails remained on the ties The trainmen and passengers were unhurt A bull and a pig went down with the wreck and when these were secured the wreck which was a complete one was fired This morn ing the charred trunk only of a man was found burned beyond recognition The remains were brought here An inquest will be held The accident was caused by a broken rail R Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie E of Howard Philadelphia Pa when she found that Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption had completely her of a hacking cough that for many years had mads life a burden All other remedies and doctors could give her no help but she says of this Royal Cure It- soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly something I can scarcely remember doing- before I feel like sounding its praises throughout the Universe Bo will everyone who tries Dr Kings New Discovery for any trouble of Throat Chest or Lungs Price cents at any Drug every bottle guaranteed Do you think of UILDING NEXT SUMMER If you do write The ME LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get prices Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows AM Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork Above would be suitable for Black smith Gardener be put In repair W tenant For particulars apply to Newmarket DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR BALE IN NEWMARKET Largest Factory to Canada lor manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc comfortable brick residence conveni ently alto on Avon u pled by the undersigned soft water stable water on lawn house wired for eJeo- light Also for sale Quiet Carriage Rigs c Complete Apply on the premise J P HUNTER Newmarket BICYCLES We and Repair all kinds on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET WILEYS PINK POWDERS HEADACHE WILL fad Foods and indigestion Iowb b sure as follows the day Nature has supplied in the pineapple a wonderful supply of vegetable pepsin Dr Von Stans Pineapple Tablets con tain all the elements in a pure harm less vegetable compound that heal all forms of in quick corned beef is more sub- Make you well and keep yon jstantial than pressed autumn leaves well Pleasant and positive Sold by Bent- Pharmacy Newmarket Children Cry for FARM That conveniently and most desirable Farm of aoreB being Lot GO East side of St Four acres of Orchard Underground stabling and all modern conveniences Living stream of water through the pasture Apply to WEBB Newmarket by the Government Official rilstoriac to the War written in i at on the Pacific General riU Id at Honolulu in In American ft a on the rfkoftheOIyinpraw ftndtn the Brimful of picture lvcroinent Ubook war Outfit Mrs Erie Ave Hamilton says I have been sufferer from Neuralgia for many yeare often been laid up for a week at a time I have tried many other remedies but found nothing good as Wileys Pink Powders It is very seldom I have to take more than one to stop the most- attaok They are nice to take and leave no depression afterwards For Sale by all Druggists 10c per Package or write THE WILEY PINK POWDER CO per Box Toronto YEARS EXPERIENCE fcrea Lorn TfiAbR Copyright Ac ruin ear opinion I lea opinion xi a lrlcdyooni3ntUt rtUUon or Kleins aTfoorBi0Dthii fcS VuiuLito2 i PATENTS bar fiend us a 1 you arc jtoli or o4tlof roar ItiTenUonr Improvement and oar opinion to whether It patentable We make a of rejected in Uril Taw Works P fBfli rtjrorf W1 TTaatfiU MJ43 j iFAi i V

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