i The Era gives more home news eyejy any two other NORTH YORK INTBETIGENCER AND ADVERTISER 8 PAGES me liberty to know to uttor and to argue according to conscience above all other liberty J No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance ty Single Newmarket Friday March Terms per annum if paid in advance GET READY FOR MAKING PANS BUCKETS SPILES THE HEW CHURN MS Vaster Specially to the IIV WISH awiftly the snow was falling large downy flakes following each in rapid ly concealing from view any bare of mother earth which the early March hud freed from it winter flitting at window in her low rocking chair look ing dreamily out at the wintry scene It a of hem thin acquainted with and I soon be like your old self Oh think I can easily manage that Doctor I have an old nurse liv ing in a village about twenty miles from here whom J have been tor some time been intending to visit no if you think it best I will write at once requesting her to me under her roof for a few wee kit the thing exclaimed the So they set off at a brisk pace It parents said Pnil as be opened the was a clear frosty night the street door of the tiny porch lamps either side of the road cast- bad no time to reply before ing their rays on the frozen snow she found herself in the embrace of a made it gleam and sparkle as though faced matronly woman powdered diamonds had been scattered whose well known voice bade her a on every hand while the merry true motherly welcome then a large crunch crunch the frozen road j rough hand grasped hers and Mr their feet as it was trodden by Cliftons hearty voice repeated his themselves and other pedestrians sent wifes greeting That lady at once forth a music exactly suited to the led the way upstairs and Cecile soon scene found herself in the tiniest of bed- To fresh from the city it rooms where a tiny fire blazed in a was indeed a privilege to inhale that tiny stove which nevertheless sent pure frosty air with every breath she forth a warn welcome to the new oc to draw a fresh lease of life cupant of this small domain hen I enjoy this kind of an evening left alone she removed her wraps and ever so much dont you Mr Clifton seated herself in a tiny that said when they bad walked a stood beside the stove and while warm short distance i her chilled fingers examined more Do not call me Mr Clifton please my name is Philip though I prefer called just Phil in grille time T- Palces Celery Compound OlVfclt Of HEALTH AM TO THK 1j13KASE St Every Churn Guaranteed to give Satisfaction rAinrrA It cost you nothing to try it for weeks closely this nest of a room she expect- p inhabit for the next few week and came to the conclusion that Phil I like that said It though rather limited in pace it in uncommon and easy to say would prove a not unpleasant retreat But I have not answered your whenever the desire for solitude came the www fall iheie was something in Doctor I could not have planned yet- said Phil for we also upon her the uiet steady descent of that soft anything better Now be w bun by that name Yes Presently her trunk arrived which white substance which seemed to have I to write this very day mid iiurn- this kind of an evening is just to my enabled the making of a few exceedingly soothing effect j months instead of weeks Do you know Miss Els worth in her toilet then she j her spirits With 1 this he and after giving I am some almost sorry when the miniature stair-cabt- ana wan Her thoughts had back Ids patient some more gid the winter leaves us taken into a cosy little room on to last autumn when she had in a like look his departure Spring with bright sunshine lengthening ami its promises of a new life is approaching and will be hailed with itiifc young who are enjoying full health and 1 Hardware Stoves Paints Oils Glass Etc covering There her only remaining parent had been laid to rest leaving her a loiiHy orphan to battle with the world a best she could She had been scarcely more than four years of of age when sweet softvoiced mother had been taken along on away and now only a faint reinem- the remained of the time she had her warm embrace and heard that hushed voice speaking to her even when ill reproof so gentle that it created no rebellion in her childish heart then suddenly this loving in fluence had passed out of her and the coming of spring means a fuller cup of agony and suf fering it time when dark grave claims many victim- When men and women are burden ed with deathdealing sicknesses such as disease liver complaint blood troubles rheumatism neuralgia and the terrible of grippe spring has no charm for them They have allowed to sink a condition of misery and helplessness true health and live giver Celery Com pound be made use of without delay The nervous system weak and un strung must be fortified the blood sluggish impure and watery must be Spring always gets a warm a tabic in the centre a dainty supper the winter manner been watching the snow fall Accordingly that night sent come from me said Cecile I who spread terminate life unless for the first time that year and think- a letter to her once devoted attendant cannot confess to that much love for This next was Sunday and as of the newly made grave it was asking be received as inmate of cold weather though I thoroughly en- Mr and Mrs Clifton according to her house for at least a few weeks joy tbe winter while it lasts their usual custom set off to morning and in a couple of days got a mean to say that the pros- service Miss Els worth and Phil were satisfactory reply so not week had summer is disagreeable to me left to themselves elapsed since the foregoing con versa- woie cannot help feeling tion took found J win PI I I rtrtl Art iKir nr6 successful Compound no other re- so a- o 11 can It acts as a nerve and Darkness had already set in the train reached the station felt Home anxiety as to whether Now want you to tell rnadG be toned up casting a look of admiration upon the seating himself opposite though we ra any one would come there to meet but taking a seat in the waiting room ing the world indeed a gloomy place she decided remain there a mo- to in Hut presently the sun he j before trying to find her way G A Repairing Promptly Done because They Are Right We have juBt opened up our Spring Stock of Prints Shirtings c Also some very desirable lines in Our Groceries Boots and Shoes You will find them right in quality and right in price and uptodate in every particular are always fiesh and right Highest market price for produce J McFarland DENTAL A I Post OlBco Block the Church Vitalised for Guaranteed a I sor to the late Dr Aurora Dp p be at the Dr flrad- Why is it that nearly all aged persons are thin And yet when you think of it could you expect Three score years of wear and tear are enough to make digestion weak Yet the body must be fed In Scotts Emulsion the work is all done that is the oil in it is digested all ready to be taken into the blood The body rest while the oil feeds and nour ishes and the hypophos- mak StouMer wxl phites makes the ftcrves tan to show itself once more fathers love and care almost which absent I Arid now after so long being rounded by the taste and refinement I which was always the results of his efforts to please her she was left with out oven the means to provide herself with the merest necessities of life for an unsuccessful money investment had entirely swept away this little fortune The shock proved fatal to her high- strung father and since the day of death had been compelled to de vote what talents she possessed to gaining herself a livelihood For more an hour did Miss sit thus communicating with her own thoughts when her medita tions were suddenly interrupted by a heavy knock at the door and before an answer could be opened and a mediumsized elderly gentleman entered He possessed that quick en ergetic manner which characterizes the man of business and without cere mony helped himself to a seat Well my dear he said cheerfully how do you feel Pretty well I think doctor an swered Now dont tell me any such stuff as that returned the doctor with en do you think I cant see plainly enough you are fretting yourself to death over what cannot be recalled Just remember my dear child that there are greater martyrs than you the world and who think to that they have been placed here for a better purpose then to mope the hours away Miss looked at her reprov er in surprise it was a long time since she had been given the benefit of such plain speaking as this Perhaps I do waste more time in that way than I should she said pre sently but how am I to help it You would have mo my situa tion you know Leave your situation I should think ao But you must have have a change of scene or I will not for the consequences and Dr Parker brought his fist down on the table with great force gave a little smile of amuse ment she asked Where would you have me go to Europe or the West Indies if so where procure the money to un dertake the journey Now my dear you go to extremes one need not go to Jericho for change of scones simply mean that you must get out of this smoky old city as quickly possible Go to some lace where We of pure country I alone to Mrs Clifton place and in a short time was rewarded by seeing a pleasant faced hoy apparently about sixteen or seventeen years of ap proaching her place we are coming to 1 came to live tnem misery now is the summer residence of one of when his wife died several years ago thousands of thankful letters them Take a good look at it as we and has been like a mother to his pa3S The estate referred to was worthy of more than an ind glance some little received from Canadas best peoole are j children ever since say wronge8t well I her compel her to marry an Compound cures ifferent old fellow about her age for the lfc ig in do Though the building was of his riches it she was not by common aivertised medi- distance from the street kupt long in bondage for be died a many Ar- Miss he ask- ffcW ftftr theif and unsafe Ask for the iUulZ was a large stately edifice with How many are there Judge ha6 Mends anbWre all tbe taste and skill of narchi- family kind that makes well ill A expansive lawns surrounded Four answered Phil himself Are you Mrs Cliftons son I am at your service and she has commissioned me to escort you to our house was the reply I am much pleased to have such an agreeable companion said with a pleasant smile There is as much cause for pleas ure on my side returned tbe young fellow gallantly his eyes telling at the me time words were spoken of genuine admiration And Cecile was not serving of admiration for to Ray the least was exceedingly good look- it on which here and there in posi tions that told that some one possessed of an artistic eye had dictated their arrangementj were placed widespread ing shade trees in groups or singly that must have afforded a delightful retreat from the burning sun of a mid summer day Though every detail characterized it as tbe house of wealthy wife and two daughters One is an invalid that is she isj Only 2101 3S0 troubled with very delicate health and needs a deal of attention The lately been talking of get- ting a companion for her is the expenditure on the new most beautiful girl I have ever seen and Judge Lambert thinks the world Court up to January 1st was Appropriations not of her other daughter is as toll people there with one exception possible to that tota nothinc it from others the one I have been g of she architect has been paid foe fees nothing to distinguish of the same this was the tall and angular has a long ant hawthorn hedge that completely and wears spectacles or of The total amount of interest eneloed the estate giving to the whole a picturesque beauty that few of our ing perhaps not enough so to be call beauty Country homes lliatDvenv A line property it Bald estimated though that pretty little relaxed into a smile and an an swering one beamed from those dark blue eyes a beauty higher type than mere physical beauty lit up her coun tenance large shapely head was crowned with a luxuriance of rich brown hair and she earned it in that easy dignified way that tells of an in ward store of self respect In describ ing Miss personal appear- we must not forget her attire to ignore such an important feature would in these days of fashion wor ship be an error indeed But a few words will suffice for this Her dress which the writer fortun ately knows to have been a simply but tastefully made black one was com pletely hidden from sight by a long furlined cloak which looked well able to keep out the cold of even an arctic winter Her small neatlygloved hands were concealed in a soft dainty muff and a little black hat simply trimmed with a few loops of crape rested on her bead This description will enable the reader to form a good idea of the im pression Miss was likely to make on a young village lad so we will now return to where we left two and take up the thread of their first conversation Dont trouble baggage my father will see to that said ma ster Clifton offering bis arm You will not mind walking will yon he then asked as they went out into the night ft is only a short distance to our house you see the station is situated close to the Certainly hot I will enjoy a walk after Bitting for long in the oar answered Cecil a- Oh my exclaimed Cecile with a led on debentures up to January 1st little laugh what a picture you have was Phil VIt is indeed answered but I think the nicest part of ifc is that dear old English hedge I thought you would returned her companion That is ray opinion exactly But it look nothing now to in a month or two then it will he of snowwhite blossoms and the perfume they exhale can be discerned for a surprising dis tance around especially if there is a slight breeze bo in see this wonder ful hedge is not only a delight to the eye but also to the the nose He ended with a laugh and was startled to hear her own voice joining in for it was now many months since she had indulged in that indication of You see Miss Elsworth I do not use very lofty language in the clothing of my ideas said Phil a broad smile still on his face At least you made your meaning plain said Cecile and that is what some of tho greatest speakers often fail to do But she continued you have not yet told toe who is the owner of this fine residence Ob it belongs to Judge Lambert It was as a summer residence for his family bat they occasionally re main the winter which has been the case this year The hedge was plant ed some time ago after their return from a visit Co Europe Having arrived at the utmost ex- of the property their conversation turned other sub ject after walking along briskly for a they reached a neat ly pointed though unpretentious in appearance looked presented me of It is a true one anyway but she is a regular too has been through college and takes great pleasure in discussing learned subjects with learned men Then her musical ability is something wonderful in her own opinion When Mrs Gilbert was elected organist of our church words could not express her indigna tion so she was given position of which somewhat soothed wounded Since then been favored with many a solo the trembling notes of which have affect ed some to tears and some to laughter according to their different tempera ments As for myself the convulsion of feeling within heart has been such at times that I have felt like leaping up and tearing my hair out by fist full and for fear I should some time yield to these feminine feelings I have rather shunned the services that were to embrace a solo You make wish very much to see this lady said Come with me to Sunday School and you will most likely have the op portunity said Phil Thank you that will suit me ex actly as I would like to visit it any way returned that afternoon she and her young friend went out Into the bright winter sunshine and directed their steps toward the handsome country church that stood in the centre of the village but to breathe the fresh country air was such a luxury to that she tempted her compan ion to some dig- farther so when they at last entered the Sunday School they were somewhat late and more pair of eyes followed as they mads their way towards The annual interest now securing is Tbe amount annually required for interest and sinking fund for deben tures is A Escape Thankful by Mrs Ada E taken with avnad cold which settled on my cough set in find finally terminated in Consumption Four- Doctors gave me saying I could live but a short time I gave myself up to ray Savior determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth I woijl4 meet my absent ones above My husband was advised to get Dr Kings New for Coughs and Colds I gave it a trial took in all eight bottles It has cured me and thaok God I am saved and now and healthy woman Sold at Lehmans and Guaranteed or price refunded Hit mail bags belonging to the Dominion Line steamer wrecked on been ered T I Dp Ointment v- The Great Skin Core Alfred Blano of Jerome Que has faith in Dr that he buys it by the dozen to take with him to his lumber camp He it a Quick cure for chafing bruises frost cites and other emer gencies incident to camp life rheum eczema and other and three to fivenights toward Sold by Wilmot E jj V