DRYTOWN iV around the Hub ft WOUTUV TO f HOLT John Graham lingering feijififrjli time passed away on Wed- of last ivook died on night Funeral at Holt I Church on Sunday Mm ihrcM the a throe yew When George Marks wan coining for his mail on Saturday afternoon the horso which lie was riding slipped find foil on him bin Mi tVimk Gihnoy for Saturday Prank will ha mowed The a grand on night Subject that woman has more over man than man has over woman The affirmative gained the though iho liiul most the was over Two wedding looked for thin Particular later Party at Mr on Friday Tho Supper al Mr WW- Fine Orchard wan fully presented by from Holt on Mies Cunningham is ex pooled home tbia week from her visit in London a rush of water last Saturday evening and Sunday morn ing Mr Grant and Miss of were visiting in Baldwin Sunday Mrs Win nto Miss Ida is on list with Pox Ibis week We notice by that we have road on this beat Mr Thompson Hope ho wont be so selfish the Inst one Mr M has let the job of mason work and carpentering to Mesaa- and She- Saw CORNERS As a rule I usually consider it is said la some at up reading theweakcBt spots iotfeo a of an great many it- in head individual I must confess I am Tins Owl oft sorely nonplussed when I endeavor ila to diagnose the characteristics of tho clergy What is food for one is nearly Bridge swept to another Recently a certain divine felt moved by the spirit good or evil ti read the Owl a lecture from tho pulpit for somo of his chilling Breezes Our was endeavor ing to shako off the gloom when just in nick of time there came a little billet doux from another divine con taining words of commendation copi ously interlarded with homeopathic to last week- of the sweetest kind of taffy Mm Mb Atkins of Newmarket prebuinably manufactured by a Sunday at home eon the sod you see the side- fence and 11 lbc sbrno I fouce- The Owls a good friend a raovn to We are pleased to say that Mr King is improving Mr Lou daughter Susan nah died one day last week Mr Alex moved from here AT THE DAVISON GROCERY Friday night evory Snow fail Sawing Mr Stephen Winch and Miss Christine took a trip to tin Queen City on Foslollice Smith of Toronto paid the ollice his vimt and no thing OK The many friend of the late bono hear his Mr Mycin bus re with Morton for iho In despite of fact that so many weddings have occurred during the few mouths ihev keep swelling the Mr John Shaw of this was to of East on Wednesday Quite a number from here attended Mr and wife will adorn tho He will work for Mr J next season Wo have a man in our midst who emphatically deolares ho can bucksaw 10 wood from in a day the kind of a man we need Recent rains have given us another flood Borne bad washouts in the road After three days attack of grippe Mr Mahoney is able to be around Mr Rose is improving fine and soon will bo out Generally a good attendance at revivals Mr and Mrs Robert Graves of were visiting here last Sunday Elder of preached at Keswick and Union Street last Sun day have up all hope of sav ing Floyd Grant who is sulfering from Whats matter with our trustees Never before did we have such a time Batter have a change Citizens around here are prophesy ing an early spring Varieties of spring birds are numerous Mrs Wallace Young has entirely recovered from her recent illness Mr J Smith sold his fine herd of fat to a butcher cents per pound The people that went to Newmarket last Saturday with sleighs had a grand pull getting home Miss Ida of Lake is concert in Sutton last evening and j paying friends and relatives a pleasant ft- report a good program visit Sons of hero still continue to boom It is Bargain Day initiation fee has been greatly reduced no doubt many will take ad vantage of the extra cheap rates The Debate they had last Tuesday evening was a success Subject discussion that water fire Alarm by seven Morton was at home over Sunday MOUNT ALBERT I rf- Mr Stephenson attended a sale at Eimvale last week Mr Geo Stephenson his brother disposed of his stock and implements on Thurs day last The flow of water on Sat urday last had a tendency to test the strength of the milldam here but the supervision of the propri etor everything ended well ceased cutting ice very quick and recommends any that have not secured their ice to wait awhile our contractor informs us that he has as many jobs already as be can attend to Josie Davis has just returned from a visit friends in the pity Rogers and Mips F Spink went down the city on Monday last Miss T Proctor spent last week with friends in the citv Mr and Mm Judges of East were the guests of Mrs last week and Mrs and Miss went home with them on a visit We are pleased to state that Mr who was unfortunate in getting his shoulder broke was able to be out on Friday ExSergtMajor Schoof of the Bechuanaland Mounted Police that with Jamieson into the Transvaal occupied the Methodist pulpit here on and gave a very interesing address- Tuesday afternoon and evening will bo the beginning of a series of meet ings in the Methodist Church here when Rev Mr Dewey of Aurora will be present Next afternoon and even ing Rev Mr Leo will be present Hamilton March court of which tried the case oflnnxor- preferred by Miss Hare against feV Geoghegan Church today The Court found Rev Mr guilty k- I and the bishop sentenced him to sub- horn the ministry for a term W Probably Wilson was in Toronto Mon day and Tuesday Davidson was in on Thursday Rosamond and Miss Bertha Rosamond were in Toronto Friday and Saturday John Leek of was visit ing here for several days Mr John A County Clerk is here for a few days Miss Terry left Monday for a months visit in Toronto Mr David who is at pre sent in Toronto Hospital is reported to le recovering Mr Ed Jones of III is visiting his father Mr Anson Jones Mr Da vies of Toronto is visiting Jimmy Noble this week One of the oldest residents of this vicinity passed away last Wednesday in the person of Mr John Graham of Franklin Her death was caused by pneumonia The deceased was for many years a resident of Sharon Among her children are Mrs George Mainprise of this place and J of Zephyr who with her hus band are extended much sympathy An old resident of ML Albeit Mr John departed this life on Sat urday He had resided here for up wards of years and had but recent ly given up business selling out to D Wilson Tuesday last he was attacKed by bleeding of the lungs and gradually sank in spite of all the doc tors efforts He is mourned by a widow and a son Andrew being of Buffalo His remains were taken to Toronto on Tuesday morning train for burial A sad accident occurred on Tuesday morning on farm of Matthew Rise- on the town line resulting in the death of Mr Ford Piper who an old of Vivian While driving a load of hay from one barn to another he was- thrown to the ground by the load upsetting alight ing on his head His neck was brok en and he was instantly killed Buried on Thursday at Cemetery On Saturday evening the rush of waters broke Roses mill dam at Franklin in the place the occurred two weeks previously There is a large gang at work repair ing the breach and the firm hope to have everything fixed by first of next week A- Died On Monday Char lie infant son of Mr and Mrs Funeral took- place on Thursday Albert a mighty bad enemy his claws are sharp Artie is learning taxi- from his aunty He is practis ing on small birds and squirrels and doing well Another Gum Swamp subscrib erWin Wrightman Charlie has completed his violin opt a fiddle and it proves bo a perfect toned instrument fully equal to a dollar imported one All those boys are mighty hand chaps Geo is putting in odd times building his big yacht It will be very complete and of an entirely new model to Lake craft Pure unadulterated selfishness is shown by those bringing in custom logs to Yates mill They piled the logs on the public highway so that is a bare rods width of road left Tho had best order them hustled out of that One night a short time ago war broke out amongst the hired help at a well known establishment The boys had a hot time A and bedstead were wrecked and feathers strewn around sif several owls had boon plucked A blissful affair Four of our young folk jumped the broomstick on Wednesday Joe and Miss Maud Allan and Geo you know handsome Geo and Miss Frank Taylor all of North bury were united in marriage Con gratulations Two weeks ago a telegram came that Ted son of Peter was dying at from an attack of pneumonia of kidneys and appendicitis Later reports say theres a turn for better gas machine working well Chflie as it his new home What next i J r l IS coo well to please works night and day like intrest on debentures Ho thinks it costs about times that of oil light agraod light all the same Crawford and the Owl have smoked the pipe of peace He wanted to kiss the Owl in token of eternal friendship but such liberties are not Wed advise him to learn to drive with lines about his neck so his arms may be free in case of emergencies Thirteen loads of brick averaging eleven hundred to the load passed through here on Wednesday en route from to Jos near He purposes build ing a brick residence Counting chickens before theyre batched That was what Cliff assist ed by the Owl was doing one day re cently even before the nest egg was laid The old hen in question is the steam yacht Queen with which Cliff expects to enjoy the patronage of the pleasure seeking public at Jacksons Point this coming season Prospects are bright for a fortune if all signs dont fail John Henry gave an enter taining lecture on Phrenology and kindred subjects in Sutton on Wed During the course of the he examined the knowledge boxes of a number of prominent citizens and their adaptability to certain vocations We understand that our friend Billy Ed by the cat of bis jib was designed for the ministry Another cit was designed to turn the crank of a hand organ or some such high grade prof John Henry can read bumpol- better than many a self styled puffessor theres the least doubt of it Complaint frequently comes to me of the depredations of owls in neigh bors poultry flocks just as if I were for the thievish proclivities of the Owl fraternity As a generality Owls are a tough lot so the old Ingun thought who tried eating one Those who know our Warden and his legal confrere at Aurora under stand how they love to witness in the sweat box 1 under stand that at the recent court in Sut ton they appeared very uncomfortable as if in the sweat box themselves un der the puzzling sarcasm of an unso phisticated little country maid ac companied by quiet sane of a petty country conveyancer Their had a very lugubrious aspect as if they had just received tidings of the demise of their motherinlaw Aud now the whooping cough has broken out in Egypt and the kids are hooping her up to boat the band- MftHadden from near v- The remains of Mrs John Graham of Holt were laid to rest in the Queens- Cemetery last Friday afternoon Deceased bad reached the age of Her husband is a brother ol the late Graham A child Mr Geo VVasa of Hunts I J- died last week of consumption Tbe remains were brought here and interred in the Cemetery Saturday afternoon Mr Ed King of North buried on of bis children in the same ceme tery last Bunds Mr J Buffet has just returned from the city having taken his wife down to hospital last Thursday Her mother and brother also accom panied her She is under the care of Dr Temple at his private hospital and hopes are entertained of her recovery Mr Doan who was quite low with la grippe for the last two weeks died on Monday morning He leaves a wife two sons and five daughters to mourn their sad loss The family are grown up and married except the three youngest daughters Funeral on Wednesday largely attend ed considering the weather The sermon was preached in the Presby terian Church by Rev Mr With the exception of three years spent in California and Australia de ceased has always lived near villeand had many friends Messrs Wilroot Hill Geo Wiley and Harry Fogg leave the village next Tuesday to make their homes in the North West Their many friends will be sorry to have them go but their best wishes will accompany them for future auccess The villages loss will be the North Wests Mr John Large and family are guests of Dr Pearson Mrs Geo Fogg returned to the city last Saturday Johnnie Fogg her youngest child is still at the Child rens Hospital on account of his knee which shows indications of improve ment Lizzie Turner is still im proving The Misses Blanche and Frank Pearson of this place were At Home on the evening of the 9th to about young people of and vicinity Refreshments were served in excellent style The 1st Prize in the was won by Mas ter Willie A and 2nd by Miss Irene Moore About midnight the company retired feeling happy and having had a very pleasant evenings entertainment Rev Mr Webber occupied the Methodist pulpit last Sunday morning and Rev Mr Brown in the evening Mr Webber will ex change pulpits with Mr of Mt Albert who preached here very ac ceptably a former occasion A week from next Sunday Mr Webber will a sermon in the morning to the boys and girls and would like as many present as possible Rev G A Grant will occupy the Presbyterian pulpit here next Sunday afternoon For Six Months we have been testing foreign tea in prepara tion of three Blends of Black Ten which we have full con fidence will win lame among Lovers of Tea PURITY Reliable Blend Black Tea lb Champion Blend Black Tea lbi 1 Sterling Blend Black Tea lb Japan Tea is again up to the Old Standard Select your Va and give it a trial AURORA Card of On nil the- broth- Mod I to Our sincere to il try lilb Card of WirtXMliibKirtuuUy of una to the officer and Ibat were cheap members of the and j Of I DC W Jko to iiuHltWiifl who so kindly I Winter Suits thai were cheap t AMI a SUNS Limited WANTED A Good Fresh Cow that will give rich milk I SILVER Tenders for Land Tenders will be received by 1 up to noon on Haywood cut lies and lumber for Mr Arthur friend and tor the llimes mid ihc lot con lit Mi Mary on the 10th They cut tie and feet of lumber and finitclasH work The mill men and a of neigh were treated to an at Mr Stephens on Fri day night and music on the violin Motley Bros rendered good accompanied by a guitar The party hioke up in the wee hour- I all well satisfied with this night I pleasure i HOLLAND LANDING Mr E Luck of Toronto Mrs Bel and Mies McDonald of Aurora spent Sunday last at Mr Lucks Mr Cook and wife left for Winnipeg this week where tbey in tend residing in the future Mies Moore of Bradford spent a few days last week with Mrs Luck Mrs Haccourt and family returned to Chicago on Tuesday last Suckers are up Quite a number caught on Monday Mr moved to Aurora on Wednesday Tuesday where he has purchased a the rental or Nacres more or or ibii beautiful residence He will be great- missed by large Circle friends balance pasture land 1 in the Landing Miss Violet Sheppard spent Sunday last at the parental home particulars apply Quite a number of our young folks took in the opportunity of seeing the Champion lady skater at Newmarket Rink on Monday evening last Our village is rather lively this week with the buzz of the sawing machine in all directions had left hand badly bruised while working the machine at Mr Kitcbings Mr John Stephenson cut three and a half cords of wood twice in two in thirty minutes Monday last at Mi Lanes Who can beat it Mr A Moore of St will move into the residence vacated by Mr Mr Bell has purchased the house vacated by Deter and will move in about of month Mr D Housers been laid up with the grippe but are on the road to recovery We were glad to see Mr out again after being laid up with grippe the past two months Headquarters for Suitings Overcoatings Trimmings j Ml tic I were cheap at j Suite that wore cheap at IIS now ii Winter thai were cheap at now that were cheap at now j Overcoats that were cheap at Si that were cheap that were cheap at now I All made op the style anu 1 and trimmed without a and Kt firBt choice I Merchant Tailor to L Atkinsons Move On 1 i Mrs Rose wife of the hotelkeeper at Sharon died Monday evening Mr Rose a brother of Mr Elijah Rose of this village Many friends extend their sympathy Mm this village has been quite low with la grippe for time Several of our young folks attended party at on Wednes day night Good time reported I that the Directors of Public Library failed to meet expenses at their concert on the That is poor encouragement to those who are giving time and services to make the Library a They may however rest contented as con cert was an intellectual treat and a iu that respect Mr Sin clair was repeatedly encored for his rendition both of classical and comic songs won the hearts of all present and was repeatedly encor ed for artistic manner in which she rendered her solos The voices of Mr Sinclair and blended harmoniously in Miss A was a host in showing that she ha1 marked ability both for the dramatic as as the comic Altogether the artists made a rtroTtgconbteaon or any accepted For further Mr Simon Johnston a farmer liv ing about three miles from Thames- ford was struck and killed by light- nine on Wednesday when a field from one barn to another J Newmarket P will be accepted Tor wheat and separately the Creditors Notice hereby lurauant to chapter that ail creditors other per sons claims against the of fllpheus theTownoblpof East In 1 or be Leave your order to Painting and Papering before every body eke wants every thing done in a hurry or you may get hewitt Head of CHURCH be County of York who or tbglbt day of Oil fore THfCLOBE CANADA The day of April or Dominion to send to the of the Will of the fcald their tlan and descriptions with full and of their claims a statement of their account and the JiHXtlr nature of tbe held by them j And notice Is further given that immediate- after day of April the Executors may proceed to distribute the a acta of Estate amongst the partita entitled thereto regard only to those I claims or which they shall then have notice And the said Executors will not be liable for ouch or any portion thereof to any person of whose they fthall have bad notice at the lime of distribution Mated at this 1Mb day of EDWARD Executors Sharon P -HaaoreriaOOOmorereniltr-rcuU- h and nearly more than one yeaMitfo IT PLEASES ALL THE EVERY DAY The Saturday Illustrated iery Saturday I Wanted To learn Dressmalting MISS Eagle Street LOST A Canvas WagonCover nearly new be tween Holland Landing and Aurora on the 1st of March Reward offered for It return to office Gaid of On behalf of the family I to thank the friends who assisted in connection with the burial of my father Wo McMuUen at last JA8 MCMULLEN All parties Indebted to said Estate are required to settle their accounts with the WlthltaWorftJoag Stork fd- aetehv-trtielw- WM EDWARD A quantity of Good Wild Goose very clean fln trade be able to take care of at once to ABIKKB Newmarket Great Reduction OF Prices on Photos at GRAHAMS STUDIO From till after Boater I Cabinets 200 Mantilloes 150 GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET IT IS CANADAS GREATEST NEWSPAPER GLOBE everyday tSXRATEO for about The new feature added all the news of and keeps lis readers In part of the world and oro our own country rateaand can aDy news- dealer or ap direct to GLOBE I I WOODWORK Apply at to PO our fast clean Call and see left KetUeby few left p4tn order to J