Newmarket Era, 17 Mar 1899, p. 8

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f THE ERA DAY MARCH will Cure will aciftlic pain two or three hour and cure la dirt At druggist a to Health modi- free Arch it it RHEUMATISM Bank of Canada HEAP OFFICE TORONTO Fund Total WO A Branch of thin Dank BRADFORD are rocolvurt of wd up and paid the rates Wo a or Discounting Farmers Notes And Halo at Lowest rates further apply to JOHN ELLIOTT I k s- J MURRA LANMANS FLORIDA WATER THE MOST AND ENDURING OP ALL FOR TMI KERCH 16 TOILET OR RATH ill ftMD SEALERS Itif the Hob COR- TO BE CORD Mr Miller importer of lips from this station nearly every week of Rev J Ilea of Toronto Junc tion will Ivcturo in the church hove on Friday on the Woman Kingdom MOUNT ALBERT While Forrest recently the animal Btarted for the overturning the rig and ruin and around the yard Mr of will visit Mount Albert shortly with fl view to organizing a class in painting and drawing His ability ia too well known to need any comment from We bespeak for him a mea sure of success Woodcock Bros are anticipating a very busy season Their mill yard is full of logs and they are running their mill to its full capacity A number of contracts for now bouses have al ready boon taken and still others are in sight- Mount Albert Lodge was instituted last week by the supreme organizer Mr I M Six- teen members were initiated The officers are J George Stokes Mrs Mrs William WJ Mrs J Unas Albert Main- prize Smith and John Hunter BRADFORD S Convention at ARE YOU INSURED Si- ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED 1825- Total Assurance in force over over Annual Revenue over Claims paid by death and Matured Endowments over Investments in Canada Deposit at Ottawa for security of Canadian Policyholders over paid policyholders livea of females Insured without extra premium Children over years of age gf written at Special Bates Ramsay Manager J Balfour Secretary Hunter Chief Agent Ontario CEO HUNT District Inspector J A ATTENTION Li Cm ft I THE ISAAC USHER SON Mr John Sutherland jr of the Scotch Settlement met with an acci dent on Tuesday of last week which nearly cost him his life He was chopping wood in the bush and while felling a tree was struck on the head by a large branch which inflicted an ugly gash Six stitches were neces sary to aew up the wound It is the unexpected that happens and perhaps the most unnatural thing that could possibly occur was that there should be no Division Court held here on Saturday last on account of there being no business to transact A similar state of affairs prevailed in Aurora Divisional Court which should have been held on Tuesday of last week It is not in the recollection of Mr T Graham the Clerk or any of our oldest citizens that an occur rence of kind ever happened before in connection with this court At a special meeting of the laymen and ministers of Bradford district held here recently in the interest of church Montreal Rev Matthews of Newmarket presided The chairman and Rev Brown both of at the meeting of the Toronto Conference Special Com mittee gave statements in connection with the Montreal church The ad- showed that the entire indebt edness is The congregation will raise the Montreal Conference will raise and they appeal to the other Conferences for100000 together with genera subscriptions and the sale of the Temple building will relieve the difficulties The amount allocated for the district The district meeting unanimously re solved to do its utmost to raise that amount It is well known to many that there are thousands of acres of land conti nous to Lakes and and also the Holland River that are waste and valueless and if re claimed wonld become very valuable for purposes and perhaps for its rich denpsits of peat Some twelve municipalities will memorialize the Government to take steps at an early date to reclaim said lands by lowering the outlet of Lake A meeting was held not only to dis cuss question but to receive the report of the delegation appointed at a meeting to interview the representatives of the various muni cipalities interested and to take such further steps as might be deemed ne cessary inline case Moat encouraging reports were presented and a deputation appointed to interview the Govern ment Witness The Seventh Annuel of the Township of Boat Sabbath School Association met at Holt as per program After the usual devotional exor cises Rev of lit Albert was called upon to take the Normal Lesson It only took a few minutes to convince all present that the Rev gentleman was well qualified for his work as it was exceedingly interesting as well as instructive Mr Jackson was introduced to The value of formal Work He advised us that it was necessary to got good teachers Our day sohoola re quired teachers with qualified certifi cates while our Sunday anything available Intelligence necessary and our Normal Lessons are calculated to educate teachers bo that they may bo better fitted to ap ply the lesnon word Normal is derived from the Lattin word Norma a or pattern By doing a matter in right way we will accomplish more Normal work will qualify a teacher ami the result will be a more systematic way of conducting our Sab Tho better we understand work wo undertake the more we will enjoy it and the greater progress wo will make The President appointed a Nomina ting Committee composed of the fol lowing gentlemen Bros Ross Fair- burn Thaker Taneley and and for Resolution Committee Bros Webber and Hopkins Session closed with singing and Benediction AFTEHKOOS Rev Webber conducted the opening services The minute of previous session was read by Secretary ana adopted after which the Presi dent invited Mr Jackson to take charge of the Roll call The follow ing schools responded Methodist Albert Methodist Albert Presbyterian Brown Hill Union licit and Mcnnonite The pleasing features in our work was by Mr Jackson and taken by Rev Hager Win Win Cult Rev Mr Webber Mr J A Hopkins Mrs and the President Many thoughts wore suggested that wore very encouraging The president Mr re viewed his labors during the past year Ho dwelt on Presidents Roy conclusion that if wo help Sabbat BchpoJ we will help the church society Estate all bud will greatly add to multitude that- belongs to that beauti ful country called heaven another- selection from Roy Mr gen was escorted to the eland with a joyous baud clap of welcome He very ably handled his subjiict The value of the child to the state to admiration and of all present Ho called their attention to fact that subject was the tap root of interest to nation and to Gods word to support his statement When Chi 1st took a little child and said it was this greatest in the kingdom of Ho consider ed that the greatest crime that could be committed on Gods earth was to or lead a child wrong Jesus knows the value of a child to the kingdom and says what ho means Tho sea of a nation is framed by all the characters that How into into it and if puro it will ho a pure clean sea but if impregnated with filth and sin a very dangerous body therefore if you poison the child you poison the nation so that same child is going to help make the country just whit it is Christianize a child and you accomplish all that can be accom plished in a nation vj a righteous government Christianity is the fa therhood national honor The na tional question should be the burning question of the hour Elijah had been a prophet from his youth and was honored and respected even by wicked kings To christianize a child is to do far more than to build an array or navy or invent means of destruction to force a nation into subjection We in Canada have the best facilities in the world to make a noble nation Look at our heritage fisheries min eral timber pasture and Gods llfjiy word Then let us educate our children to the value of being a God bonding and people and we will never know want or trouble Report of Resolution Committee adopted as follows svery step that will of the Sabbath workers Having listened with considerable pleas ore profit lo Ihe lesEOOB during the of the convention satisfied that a of these aiQdiea would result in increased in the several of Sabbath School work this convention re- lady the tired shopper the worn- out with babe they one and all Men clival- Sits down Is dally apectecle in modern car Any competent will tell you that woman peculiarly unfitted to bear the long her feet apeclal to build up In womanly this unusual demand upon her will result- a disease of the organs her from man of these maladies are heralded by general and lassitude headaches weak back and sensations of these symptoms invalidism or early death There a remedy that will strengthen and build up womans special that she may withstand the strain of long upon her feet and the maladies that would destroy her general health her capability as a wife and mother It is Dr Favorite Prescription builds up the muscles that support and strengthen the organs peculiar to the sea 11 enables to stand without feeling pulled down and without or extreme It cures alt womanly weakness and disease It not only for work but for healthy happy wifehood and motherhood Mrs Nelson of Car writes had runic sod Favorite together the advice guru Id his book cured me of years Dr Pierces cure SUMMER LIMITED newmiket ont And get of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows Mb ALL Artistic Effects Inside Woodwork Factory in for of a PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc BICYCLES The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co We construct and Repair kinds bo abort notice NEWMARKET WORKS NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head stonesi subscriber to the Era Call Before Ordering Elsewhere nr Send 2oc for a trial trip of months i wherever and concluded by or study these Normal be practical to teachers 7 and In the of lie v J J Rev H Haver was asked take the Normal Lesson for p hi The Secretary was ho much interested in the that he made no attempt to take any noteu during the whole lesson and can only say it was handled in a very efficient and instructive manner The Nominating Committee report- as follows ftnB Peregrine Auditors Ross and J Executive Committee All the su perintendents of the township together with all resident ministers The report was adopted as also the Treasurers report which was read by Secretary Rev Mr pronounced the benediction session formed with the individual schools would also move that cordial of this convention be extended to people of this and neighborhood or their and hospitality in this To W and Mr Jaokcon of Newmarket and other local workers for assistance in making the sessions of this convention Bncoessfo To the officers of the past year who so efficiently carried on work of As sociation and to the Mount Albert Or chestra for their services at this evenings Carried After Hinging God be with you till we meet again Rev Mr pronounced the benediction Thus ended of the most sue- cessful conventions ever held in the township The collections for the day amount ed to AVERS Sarsaparilla is the Portland Com sue to any of the for all aors of farm bunkbarn walls stable CASTOR I A ftooru silos Idgoabulmeiita Cement sold at about the price of Instruction free of For further IK all work warranted apply to General Agent A line of am am lowest WHS Mr PRIVATE SCHOOL English- French and Music For and Children btrebavOBUod primary after Haiti alfumfs DC Mr Geo of Vivian met with an accident while hauling wood last Saturday He was thrown from his sleigh and struck his head against a stamp The blow rendered him and produced a slight concussion of the brain Ho is now completely recovered Children Cry for Opened by tha usual devotional ex ercises following this was the singing led by Albert Orchestra and after reading the minutes the elected President was duly introduced He spoke for a short time and after thanking committee and friends for their expression of confidence and ap preciation of his past efforts the speak er of the evening were called upon In the absence of Rev Mr Hi Its Mr was introduced His subject being The duties of parents and the church to the School a few introductory re- marks he said there would more to day belonging to the church that are drifting to an awful end if they fully realized their responsibilities regarding Sabbath Schools He didnt balieve in the old saying that it was necessary for a young person to sow his wild oats See the worry it would save to escape that Tho farmer that does not carefully care for his young stock or young orchard will soon base all ho has Likewise church that does not look after the will very soon not be a church Parents are apt to think they are just ified in shifting the spiritual training of their children off shoulders to the Sunday School whereas the is only to assist the parents to edu cate the children for a higher life the parents have the children six days of the week while the and preacher have only about two hours There should be a in every church and a church in every one in evoryhome church should dec orate the with her living loving encouraging presence By helping the school we get quick and profitable also more intelligent congre gations The impression on minds of children are eternal The FOR THE Languid Weary V A live snake inches long was recently found in the stomach of an old mare owned by Mr Alex of Bond Head Do you have a weak tired feel ing Take Millers Compound Iron Pills Sold by Lehman of the Union Hotel Guelph was fined and coats on Monday for selling liquor to a drunk en man Millers Grip Powders cure Sold by WELehman Seattle The citizens of Fort Alaska are drawing up a petition for cession of their town to Canada Children Cry for CASTOR I A BEST SARSAPARILLA Best is an easy boast But theres no best without a test You expect something extra of best something extra in bread from best flourj something extra in wear from best cloth something extra in cures from best medicines Its that something extra in Sarsa parilla that makes Ayers the best That something extra is quality Remember its quality that cures not quantity Geo Smith of the Peoples Drug Store Seymour Conn says I have sold your goods for twent3 years and when a customer asks me for PATENTS PROMPTLY SECURED book Invent ors Help And How von are or mod J of your Invention or Improvement and wo win you our opinion to whether It in probably patentable a of applications In other furnished HABI0K of School of fcnliwrl6fl4chelarln Law VV Work Alloc Jl8UTtrorti frcUjofCitUIifialGJrt Wfw A I say will take opinion use Ayers Sarsaparilla I will guar antee that you will receive more benefit by using one or two bottles of than you would by using half a dozen bottles of some other kind When they take it I never hear any complaint Ayers Sarsaparilla cures all diseases that have their origin in impure blood sores ulcers boils eruptions pimples eczema tetter scrofula etc It cures cheaply it cures quickly and it cures to stay Thats why its best any After twenty year experience w a druggist I consider SampariMa superior to similar on the market and I rive it preference over all In estimation as regards Sajs heard It spoken of preference over all others A C WOOD WARD Mass ion as regards Aye is the standard We in other than the very highest terms TERR1LL CO Slaia Street Vt I consider the beat blood purifier on the market CO West Gardner Mass Durfn fifteen yean of expedience with I have yet to learn it a case wherein it failed to Curt used to COLUNS Wo Hi belike vjJuc than othtf Chetnist

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