r j Itlfe the Hub MfiAt awe con- Mr Hurt of Mount fill- the pulpit last Sunday and a sermon as we not for a lima Maator who has been nick is slowly improving Mba Mary was the guest of Mrs Win White on Sunday Mr Win Hood of is ain in our Quito a number of our took in the concert Sutton re- import a good Since reports rife of diphtheria out again wo think every H house should a good SUTTON Ida Shaw is on visit to friends in Mr Wed- BETHEL CORNERS A few evenings ago of Church to number of 30 visited the homo of Mr Mrs Flewoll to say a word of on of approach ing departure from our to of Dakota After some time had been in pleasant conversation refresh- moots wore served mine host and hostess presented with an by Mrs Huntley by the gift of a beautiful Rug expressed great regret in leaving so many kind friends and mutual followed on hand We sorry to lose Mr and Mrs and wish them all possible success in their new homo in a strango land is Lottie Wiggins organizer of province of Ontario will occupy pulpit of Church morning at when is a good will be given It is hoped that all workers will turn out in full force A collection will bo taken up during the service in aid of the temperance cause Ob those belle golden bells No Eye like the Masters Eye You are master of your health and if you do not attend to duty the blame Is easily located If your blood is out of order Hoods will purify it ft is the spoolfig remedy for troubles Of the blood bowels or liver Heart Trouble- had heart trouble for a number of and different medi cine foiled to me I tried Hoods and three completely and perfectly cured me Mm a flow Wallace Bridge A I had lost five chil dren with I gave my remaining two children Hoods they were to throat trouble and were not very it rung Tbey are now healthier and and have not had a cold tan Pembroke DEPARTMENT Miss Wiggins Provincial lecturer will visit on Friday lost in interests of and T U Wiggins us well as a platform speaker one of the brightest orators in da has been identified with the work of Christian Endeavor move ment fur a number of years and now holds the position of President of To ronto Union address in the afternoon will be of particular interest to parents In the evening she will lecture on C work There will also be some ap propriate music Dont miss this rare treat AT THE GROCERY HodiSi Never lifer HI pair flarMpariig COLLEGE CORNERS to try his fortunes in Yankee Wedding bells Listen to their tin T land will bo greatly missed ho was of a gonial disposition a favorite May at fcond him in bin now home Mrs Goo Bait who has the last couple of weeks with in OHUia returned on last makes a delightful bach Mr and Mrs lake in his wed cling near on Wednesday of Sharon is visiting sister Mrs J at the present Mr Kullinglon paying a friendly call to all this yards of the vicin ity Mr and Mr arid Mrs Anr paid a visit last week to Mr J no of Thornton- Rev has always something but effort last treat a mahterpiece of deep truth No narcotics in dis courses The Misses bake will show all latest novelties in millinery and dress making their Opening on Thursday and following days and cordially in- vile indies attend Mr John Shaw is the last who has gone and joined benedicts see Holt have boon a groat many weddings about and it looks like a serious epidemic They say it is only in its earliest stages too as Dame Rumor has a long list apt to fall a prey The Bethel people can reiterate Cor of sentiments in reference to the discourse of popular merchant Mr Gilpin- The Annual meeting of the Bethel was held on Wednesday night and all the officers were unanimously reelected BALDWIN BREEZES Home meddlesome critter conveyed the impression to a certain little school mam that the Owl was a perfect ogre therefore when we called on purpose by accident the said maid fled up stairs and hid in dismay The Owl is doing better work with the amongst the Gum Swampers than Jack the rapper did with his whiskey flask during the memorable 1 election campaign in the years Its extremely easy to catch a cold but dreadfully bard to get rid of it I can summon thousands of witnesses as to the truthfulness of my assertion What is beard sotto voco down at bells are ringing in this vicinity A Gibson expect to do rush ing business in stumping this summer Wood cutting is all the rage around here A team of horses belonging to Preston ran away last week but were before doing any serious injury Our genial book agent is doing a rushing It is reported that been seen in this vicinity- look out for an early spring Mr A Miller who has leased Mr Lehmans farm moved last week HoilSKT DRY TOWN Miss Snider returned home a week ago after assisting Mr Minor in a series of revival meetings here She is a splendid exhorter and made many warm friends in this vicinity Mr John is attending Jury in Toronto this week Mrs is under the doctors care from an accident which occurred The largest of water passed through our lowlands last week that was ever witnessed by mortal eye A mania for pets has a pot fox Jerry a coon J Winter a and Josephine a pot lamb A steel range man was soliciting orders on this street He met with some cranks Some of our school pupils are mak ing fine progress towards the Leaving next term We are pleisod to learn that Mr Hose has again secured the Union St Milk route A bee was held at Mrs A Hosts last week Some of our young men have taken contracts to work for different farmers the coming season Its true one cant get used to the weather so changeable For Six Months we have been testing foreign tea in prepara tion of three Blends of Black Tea which we have full con fidence will win fame among Lovers of Good Tea PURITY Davisons Reliable Blend Black Tea lb Champion Blend Black Tea lb Davisons Sterling Blend Black Tea lb Tea is again to the Old Standard Select your Tea and give it a trial Our Toronto better Mmtumnt MDOUGALLS Card of wUu til their thanks to tin kindly in of It understood that field the Clerk of the Peace and two Magistrates will draft toe grand and petit jurymen on the inst who are to serve at next Genera Ses sions and County An employee of the Railway Co one day last week while ioe a pole on the top of a car in the who were kind company sheds received an electric mm shock which knocked him to the ground breaking hi leg- Headquarters for Suitings tings Trimmings of Thanks chaogeauie arc being torn down Ice rates have been fixed by dealers one day while carrying a creamer from Corner Several members of i Mr J us Cunningham of this place and Mr of Holt have taken a trip to Michigan to visit their brother Mrs J Pollock spent Sunday with her parents at from Mt Albert circuit occupied the Methodist Church here oh Sunday evening He preached a very able discourse on Character vs Religion Mr has been moving from farm north to the place lately vacated by Mr Cook near Holland banding Mr Flana gan from Union Street intends mov ing in the house now vacated by Mr Bain Emma has returned from whore she has been the Last month with her grandfather Mr Luther Draper But likx her is short re turns this has engaged with Mr Johnson for the summer months Prof Grosser of Sutton was here last week trying to arrange for a lecture on phrenology and limelight views informed of the last failure here he left for Sharon A missionary from Japan intends fefving a lecture on the work with views of his travels on Thursday next in the Methodist Church Miss Wiggins representative of the addresses that order in the Methodist Church here on Wednesday afternoon and evening of thiB week teams are engaged his week drawing lumber for the Crystal Palace to be erected on the Fair Grounds They will a very commodious building it is to be 100x40 ft Mr Goo Hopper has struck quite a bonanza We understand that he has sold manufactured enough ties already to pay for the property he purchased besides having a lot of out of wood Mr A A Smith is again on the road orders for the Home I Comfort Mr Harry Fogg and Geo Wiley fc left on Tuesday for Winnipeg and Wo under- stand that Mr Albert Milne leaves on Thursday Mr Pollock has had an attack of pleurisy but is recovering Sunday was a Breezy day- Genuine March weather Children Cry for CASTOR I a certain church are causing consid erable anxiety as they got unruly kick over the traces arid break the church discipline The breaking of several dams up stream raised water extremely high here but dam is a sub stantial structure and withstood the shock of tho spring freshets Several bridges were severely tested Our assessor Mr has his twentysixth annual assessment He and Jos Kay tor have each served over twentyfive years at their respective offices Movables are moving in every point of the compass though the rough roads are rough on dishes and glass ware A clever trick twould be for those men who play at the cor ners to sub for the Ea for their good wives to read when left alone A petition was got up and presented to the powers that be for the release of an of The authorities thought they could take care of him yet awhile We have right here tit Baldwin some of the best bread makers in this portion of the Queens domain I walked into a Baldwin home recently and the lady of the house with an air of whisked off a cover and there were thirteen lovely loaves as ever I clapped my eyes on make your mouth water Bakers bread ie nowhere beside homemade Query Did John Henry ever ex amine his own cranium to see what he was best adapted for The old adage heal thyself is ap plicable to him Therell be no dance at the Travel lers year but probaliliea say be the annual It turns out just as the Owl sur mised Sir Wilfred and the party havent got the sand to tackle such a ticklish subject as prohibition Too many of em I fear are fond of their bitters the woodshed She slipped and in jured her knee and also inflicted aome ugly cute on her throat caused from falling on the handle of the creaner The sudden death of King of cast a gloom over the surrounding community There is one thing remarkable concerning the revival services here There has been a score or more of con verts and all are boys and young men It is seems as if Miss preach ing took more effect on our young gentlemen than the opposite sex All we need now is a gentleman evange list to convert the young ladies Owl In discussing with a lady respecting getting the power and the noise produced thereby the lady remarked in support of her argu ment You know where theres spirit theres noise True for ye we dryly remarked Ive observed such to to be the case especially about dis orderly She subsided Miss Mabel returned with Miss Snider of for a weeks visit Strangely enough our Mr Fred Taylor is resid ing in that locality Im told that- Johnnie Taylor jr is enjoying a few days of blissful exis tence in Victoria Harbor It is rumored at Gabbfctown that at a recent investigation respecting seri ous against a member of the codefendants intimated that society was too mighty inquisi tive and in retaliation brought a rail of a similar offence other members Tub MUTUAL CORNERS Mr Frank Petch left for Manitoba on Thursday of last week accompanied by Mr William Kennedy who is going to Vancouver B C Mr and Mrs Joshua return ed home on Tuesday of laet week after visiting friends around the Golden Lion on Street Mr of Mono was visiting his daughter here week Quite a number attended the mis sionary sermon at Wesley Church on Sunday morning last considering the bad weather Six Inches of snow here on Sunday morning last Mrs- Hacking who has been ill for some time slowly recovering Miss Miss Brown and Mr Evans were visiting at Mr David Evans one day last week Seed Grain is in great demand through these parts The Maccabees are booming The Detective VANDOKF Mr Petit spent a couple of days visiting in Toronto last week Miss Maud of New market is visiting Mrs J A M Van- Mr Fred Barker moved to Aurora on Monday where he intends to work in the tannery taffypull took place at Mr Richard on Friday even ing Quite an enjoyable time games music etc Mrs Charles Wells has been laid up with a severe attack of Ia grippe Revival services closed a week ago last Friday evening to live a better life Me thinks I hear those wedding bells from the sand rat plains The returned missionary Mr Peter Campbell preached an excellent ser mon last Sunday morning On ac count of the inclemency of the weath er the congregation was Mr Powell and Mr George are attending convention of the Maccabees in Tendon this week fl intends Richardsons this and made to upright along the road on Queen St Mr hunting dog succumbed to a fit last week Our young folks will again enjoy the snow by listening to Jingle Mr McMillan who has been so long on the sick list is improving and soon will be out again The Joker is busy reading the contents of a large bundle of papers and magazines given by a friend A goodly number have taken an in in the recent revivals mostly young folks is a good example Glad to hear of a change in road bosses in Mr Geo Thompson will be a credit to the Quite a number of bad accidents dur ing this winter when the Joker almost dislocated one of his knee caps in an upset when coming borne one night A had washout in the road near the townline south Mr Wm and wife were out to meetings one night Mr who was so at Mr has gone home and will be around again Mr Duncan King says he is selling an immense lot of cement for the com ing season Mrs P Sweet can crack a joke with any one Young Willie Thompson has gone to labor in the realms of Uncle Sam Mrs Snider of who so ably conducted revivals here has gone to her own circuit Her winning ways accompanied with an easy de livery in sermons won for herself lasting praise and true friendship in the bosoms of our people young and old The Joker Winter thai cheap t Soils that cheap at SO now Winter Baits were cheap at VSmSSSSSilA Winter Boil that were cheap at iO At Winter Buita that were cheap rtf Go now at 517 if Tor In lb4 for the season as follows by the ton for lbs or less 15 els t ffll at In the sessions on Thursday laSliltmmnny who rendered Aluabi flrtw kail f I during lb ebon 111- Sift TO the bail bonds J Overcoats that were cheap charged with fraud also of J onflow charged with theft were S- thai were cheap at treated total People who a go bondsmen for culprits run a great Morgan the teat and made risk ot Mr A was called y gSffl down very unexpectedly before the Aurora win Private Bills Committee the day With two other cozens he j gSmSAASm aod trimmed a and first choice Call In tod ort A Li at Tailor Next door lo Atkinson- for legislation to amend the agreement between Toronto and the N A Residence for Saleltxreat they thought ibe bill should be enter- I request of three citi- 1lrablc part of Town lb lilted up vlth all rmxlero con- 1 vealeocett well fruit ret Aic J CALL IN Tenders Wanted si fl Woman 20 Mrs Place was electrocuted at one minute past eleven oclock this morning for murder being the first woman to meet death in this manner in the United States The shock lasted four seconds voltage being Death was instantane ous The crime for which Mrs Martha Place suffered the extreme penalty was for the murder of her step- daughter through jealousy The dam at the mill of County Clerk near Mount Albert was washed away on Sunday for the third time in three weeks Santiago ok Cuba March While a twelveinch shell fvoin one of the American battleships that took part in the of Santiago was being unloaded yesterday it exploded killing two men and a child horribly mutilating a number of other persons and demolishing the building whore the work was being done Abner deputy re turning officer at the provincial tion 1 of last year to Edward Hastings a Township farmer a new ballot in place of one ho had spoiled by mark ing it for tho wroDt candidate Hast ings sued for damages and Mr Jus who heard the case has given judgment awarding him and costs He finds Summer- in Ills duty for ing given Hastings a new ballot for not cancelling the spoiled and disclosing the which marked hiqallot- invHf and not a hand was raised Hon Frank Smith has so far re covered as to be about the house He has been ill since last September part of the time confined to his bed The Civil Assizes opened on Mon- day last at the Court House here It is expected that the Legislature Shaving and will prorogue next week I Charles an elderly man from near Sutton convicted of a serious crime against his 18yearold sister-in- law was censured severely by the Judge on Monday Im innocent said in the eyes of the Al mighty I ask you to be merciful and I ask the Almighty to be merciful offence is very serious said the Judge who sentenced to three years in Kingston A fierce fire on Adelaide street broke out on Wednesday evening in a four storey building causing dam age insurance Edith McCaffrey a fiveyearold was killed by a fall of snow from the roof of Metho dist Church Wednesday The York County Board of Revision consists of his Honor Judge Warden J Woodcock and Clerk of the Peace Bull will hold a meeting on April to rearrange or confirm the County Councils division has been rendered necessary by the withdrawal of North Toronto from the county OF A HASTEIO Prices on Photos at GRAHAMS Parlor I U I South of Newmarket Cabinets 200 Mantilloes I by the no- O T GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET Tenders for Land will up to The 31st day of march to lUe Hoiue or be County or one year with Broad Beef and Dry Goods Contract lal of Pur- up to oclock on ties to tender any of can blank Hume WeQneSCJOV and get in fc to cental acres more le of no J wheat la pasture land a of water tbrogifb The property well fenced and rUr a term of or any not accepted For particular lo J Box P i wilt for the wheat and pasture land separately flnothep Bad Fife Neb Maroh 21 Appalling in its harvest of death and suffering was a fire that partially destoyed the Patterson Block this afternoon Two of its victims have already passed away one is not expected to live and about others are suffering from brok en limbs and borne The fire orig inated from gasoline stove explosion in a room in the rear of the third floor of the building and next to the elevator shaft it not discovered until it had spread to the adjoining apartment About twenty members of the womans Lodge of Maccabees were attending a committee meeting in front waiting room on the same floor They were unconscious of danger until a janitor threw open a The warning came too late The fire swept through the door and down single stairway Those nearest door fled through and reached the street with hands and face burned and blistered The rest jumped from the windows Havana riots took place in this city today and the greatest excitement prevailed Many collisions occurred between the police and N four men were killed and GO wuaded if Do You Need Photos of Your if Your wife Your husband Your daughter Your Your baby Your mother Your father Your family Your Your horse and carriage Id fact anything If so Coll SMITH BROS Gallery two doors South of House North York License District Saturday the of April at the Office at AH for License be bauds by April A J License Inspector Gottentip Gootl To Apprentices boated earn A Seed Wheat for Solo A quantity of Good Wild Goose very fine wheat Apply to Lot of of Kins i V NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST IN and Head Stones- Call KIsewhero Allew Get a Move On Leave jour order Painting and Papering before every else wants every thing done in a hurry- may got left it-