Newmarket Era, 14 Apr 1899, p. 3

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t v Weeks IB OK IN TOWN iho io- There attendance last Monday evening and paper by Miss was very Next Monday the League a Literary and Musical with A pine the of a number farmers in he vicinity of Newmarket and Barrio Mr Toronto has to here for tie sea son in to be the horse of Canada and those who are In- should waiob out for his appear ance Bee ad Another Change Mr No lor baa sold bis Shop ouibi to Mr Chan a man of and toady Habits son of Mr It and we wish biro every spent three at the and bio popularity with the boy a will be great in his favor A Bod past a property at lite that boards from bis fence were disappearing but was unable lu thiol Finally was solved by a woman who saw a women who resides hear vacant property go to tho fence end off several boards to her home A Warn ing has boon given and should the practice be repeated the case will be ventilated the Police Foot Crushed Mr lib happened with a painful accident at Canes last Thursday afternoon He was to a heavy truck loaded with pail slaves when he stopped on I a small block which turned over in front the car wheel Before he could draw his foot way the wheel caught big too of the fool and ran over it As a result the said member was badly injured He will be laid up lor six woes a R SmashUp Last Monday night a couple young men hired a livery rig and started for When opposite Mr the horse suddenly turned in the leading to the floating bridge and in bo doing threw occupants out animal ran for distance finally the broke and freeing itself from the boggy returned to its stable The buggy was landed in the Dutchmans Bay in a wrecked condition Assistance procured it was pulled of the water and returned to stable How the escaped injury is a mystery little episode will the boyB nearly rm m Farm Produce It was a surprise to to see such a of people in Town last Satur day for such a wet morning The on fresh was something re markable They started at Ho bat was ruling price paid The supply was not to the demand Batter was in clined to be easier to being the general pries Potatoes still going and a bag were paid Apples from to per basket 17 and per bar rel Maple sold from per gallon wine measure to per gallon imperial measure from to per pair Dressed turkeys per pound 4c by Pork 95 to Another Bonk With the of trade and en terprise in Newmarket corns facilities for increased business Messrs W Co have leased the brick store adjoining on the South and the premises are being refitted and renovated for a Pri vate Bank which fa expected will be ready for business next week Mr was connected with the Standard Bank for eleven years and boars most excellent tes timonials as to character and ability Ho has established a private bank at Graven- and has business connection with the Imperial Bank Mr is a rel ative of Mr John Carrey and will remain in Town a few weeks until things are in J Davie has oar thanks for a bills which pasted the third reading daring the late session of the Legislature Wo shall take occasion to oar readers with brief synopsis from to time of inch of measures we believe Will bo of or local Interest In Hurry Smiths delivery horse didnt fool in front of store waiting for the driver and It started South Tuesday morning with telephone rapidity turning Water and Eagle Street with greatest agility It was stopped on the road oat to Street without doing damage keeping op the reputation of the grocery for delivery Depot The shipments past week are as follows OUTWARDS cars merchandise oar screen doors A oars lamber oars woodenwere oars bolts oar coal household goods loir Specialty goods household oars car bottles They ttierw The Newmarket jjfflcleis the season by tbe testa at Smiths Studio last Monday It mlfiht be that the past sea- sou oar boys made a most nine matches with following defeat arid have every reason to bo proud of their record boys thank at largo for their generous pat ronage which did in making ttie a saccosB Postponed Owing to the wet and disagreeable night last Tuesday the Royal Templars deemed it advisable to postpone their Open Coun cil till this Friday evening The hall was half filled tbo In terest at manifested in tho Order A bus load is from Aurora and a program of exceptional merit is promised yon in sympathy with tho temper ance workers in it by presence tonight Silver collection at door Bee programs Gospel Temperance Very good attendance last Sunday after noon and good program provided by the Friends Mr Lehman oc cupied the chair and Miss Palmer presided at the organ J J a good showing tbe of tem perance sentiment in the community com pared with SO and years ago Mies Palmer Miss Mr and Mr a and Cody a recitation The Royal Templars provide program next Sunday Forget Tbe sale Household Furniture House and Lot property on Lot St on Thursday 20ih Inst Alarm About last Saturday morning an alarm of was on the Water- Works whistle in response to the box at the corner of Lot and Main streets A volume of smoke and flame wee pouring oat of a at the Forsyth House and tho firemen in quick order The Hook and Ladder Wagon was the first to leave the Fire Hall five after the first alarm was sounded and it wee followed by one of reels about two minutes later When the firemen got to hotel they no immediate cense for alarm and at notified the engineer who sounded Ire oat At the time the alarm was given a chimney on the old Grammar School building on Lot street was also on fire bat it burnt oat without causing anxiety School The official report of Inspector who visited this institution on the of last month was received by the of the Board on and taken on a whole is very satisfactory In the way of about the school and premises is marked except Waiting Rooms In equipment 956 worth of apparatus has been added since the last report organization is in accordance with regulations and division of duties among the teachers is satisfactory The are all legally qualified the discipline satisfactory the text books all authorized the registers satisfactory The of teaching is graded Good in all the subjects except Bead ing is marked Poor Science bas this note attached I did not see enough practical work in Science to be able to report on the department pupils work is marked Good in DockKeeping and Drawing drill and cal isthenics fair Date Changed For the convenience several who arc taking part on the program the Harried Mens Concert la connection with tho Methodist will take place on Wed nesday April Instead of the as previously A program will A Snap A good second band Brentford for 1600i also a High Grade Alert for These are bargains Enquire of A young went- to stable to hire a rig Mr rofascd toallovy to boggy some hot words and of thorn pummelled proprietor so badly that ho has obliged in boose ever since AH efforts to matter far have been fruitless and Is quite likely to go to court A Good Weber Will be sold with tho Household Furni ture st Burnt sale the 20th After Business Mr A Taylor who served hie apprentice ship with Mr is out business for himself House-Paint- leg and every thing that Hoe A mat card was issued in the job department for him this week which is indicative of the kind of work ho will do himself He is obliging energetic and will spare no pains to please bis customers Give him a trial WW Every Day 1 w ih j New Prints New Lace Curtains New Laces New Ginghams New Art Muslins New Trimmings New Sateens New Dress Goods New Lace Curtains A NEW IDEA American Print Dress Patterns designs No two alike Prices Always Right order which the permanent Bond be here from never in a better No Rood to Wealth w No one expect to an making a living in Newmarket It requires bard work and lota of it to get along There is sharp competition in the professions in the trades and In business of every There is no easy road to wealth no royal highway to riches But isnt where Go where you will you will by the same condition If one is anxious to work opportunities for something to do will open up it Is the mm willing to work who is sought after Dont think you cant do anything ooIssb it Is at a certain trade There ie no room for lazy men hot plenty for the fellow who Am willing to rough it if necessary It may soil your white hands it may muss up your tailormade suit it may not ac cord with of pride and position but It work good honest work the doing of which never lowered a mans dignity or brought discredit upon anyone Stay at homo and work It means more than hunting pots at tho rainbow Klondike proofs which wo have already seen in many in- summer music and as soon the weather becomes favorable they will open the sea son with openair concert Much credit is due Bandmaster for the pro- fioienoy attained through hie persevering efforts The citizens at large appreciate good and the first appearance of the Band at the Square will be bailed with de light The latest addition to the Band is an snare dram which was the firm at Toronto last week Drummer Low will now have to display handiwork At conclusion of practice last day night the boys held a special meeting decided to have their annual concert on May I2tb Miss soloist In the Metropolitan Choir Toronto sud Miss Ad am son a young Canadian violinist of great repute have been engaged for the occasion at Sharon on Saturday Regular meeting of tbe Town Council Monday evening Newmarket Lodge AOUW has Issued a very neat pocket card giving con siderable date information regarding life Those who think of insur ing should get one from Mr C Hughes There were In attendance at Methodist 8uDdfty School last Sunday in cluding about In Mrs Canes Normal Implement agents are busy people these days winter vacation is its end Owing to vet night there were only about a dozen present at the Normal Class last Friday Lesson No Life of Christ in Methodist School Room next Friday evening these days the average man feels as if he bad worn his winter about a year and yearns for the time when be may abed at least bis overcoat And in a few weeks he will be mopping his brow and making disparaging remarks about the heat There was no quorum of the Public Board on Tuesday evening Paperhangers are busy as nailers and booking orders ahead tannery on Gotham street is giving steady to eight hands and prospects are good Got oat your garden rake sod tickle the chips in back yard Mr Milters house near the foot of Pear- eon street has been leased Vacant booses in Newmarket are a soaroe article The weather is becoming permeated with the balmy of Puss ies are showing their and lilac buds are bursting Eleotrioian installed more incandescent lights at Mr Charles industry The fee on the pond is breaking pp Engineer and assistant had considerable trouble with the frozen do mestic wter pipes at the of Main and Timothy streets running into Barbershop also into Alderman Smiths stable Stephen Doyle fell off a Bcaffold at Canes new last Thursday after noon with a slight shaking up The Young team of last year have decided to kick football this season instead of playing lacrosse Did you see thai fine new top buggy for sate at the Royal Mr has leased the east half of Mr Samuel en Queen StEaet Mr Ken Robertson sold one of hie Ruby Rimmed Ladies fiioyotsa last Saturday Mr formerly propria tor of the Central has been engaged by a Mount Albert syndicate to groom their famous trotting Stallion Eoho An important Real Estate deal is about to be closed Main street and another on street the barber sports a new pole local fishermen have made some great hauls the past week with their nets Mr Geo proprietor of the North God Meat Store is doing a big trade these daya Are we going to have a Senior Lacrosse Team this season Thereat was turned into the new Dry Kiln at Factory last Saturday and it works very satisfactory An idea of tbo extent of pickle business can be formed when new bottles are brought here by carload as wee the case two or three days ego A safe was put into the new bank premises oo Wednesday It broke a hole through the floor getting it io the doori Theroada are drying op Moonlight again The Era is on top as with a portrait and sketch of the new Christie minister this week Maybe farmers werent vexed after plodding all the way out to ou Wed nesday through mud to find that the sale was stopped April Another thanderatorm yesterday Club Owing to disagreeable weather the at tendance last rlday evening waa email and the program not carried out It was decided that the next meeting should be conducted a Mock Parliament Mr will move address from the Throne seconded by Mr J and Col Lloyd attack the Government which will be sayportel by Messrs J Robertson and Walter Cain Meeting will take place in the Temperance Hall day the at oclock and iovita- extended to all friendly to Liberal party to be W A BRUNTON THE LEADER BIG Solvation firmy Every service held at the Barracks last Sunday was largely attended Next day night an William and wife and Lieut Titos will say farewell after a tiny of months in command of local that time converts were the roll Out that num ber bee soldiers The and wife the corps in a healthy spiritual condition and out of debt During their charge here they won many friends who regret to learn of their departure Next evening the soldierfl and friends will give the officers a Farewell Tea at Barracks They leave for their new appointment on the following day Christian Chuveh Elder being absent a visit to his parents tbe pulpit at the Christian Charon occupied morning and evening by Elder who preached two very impressive evangelistic sermons on Sun day and the did their part in excel lent The morning text was 13 It is only when we are alive to righteousness that we are to sin To be folly alive spiritually morally intellectually is the highest elate of lite all begin at first to develop through only begins to dawn It is the province reason to decide whit is right or wrong and of conscience to urge a to do or not to do- Aayono of truths Jesus when rooted in oar hearts will lead us to all troth All our natural powers will help lead ub to God if properly used- bat if improperly used will lead down to perdition Evening text was AotB and Owing to fact that the Jews conaidered themselves the favored people of God it was hard for to overcome bis preju dices The moral law is eternal it always existed and always must being prt of God All disability to come to Christ was nailed the Religion is adapted to our natures and the spirit of God us to to him All troth comes from God and We all have oar part to do God is certain to do his Shoe Stock We are showing thousands of dollars worth of New Spring Shoes Style and Quality Unsurpassed This is the largest stock of Shoes under one roof in Newmarket J I Mens Fine Clothing- fl Is what we keep and we received a big shipment this week Young Mens Suits a Specialty We have the Very Latest Styles in Mens HATS CAPS All the Newest Styles just received in Puffs Derbys Bows etc just to hand The Nobbiest Ties MONTGOMERY pip V 1 Danford Roche Co THE CHEAP STORE Book and Stationery Department- We have moved this Department upstairs opposite the Wall Paper Department Dentist Opposite Open Painless extraction Died in Sound Sound April 1 Last even ing at William Reginald Armstrong aged years Clerk of the Peace for County of Grey died at the residence of bis sister Mrs Stephens Mr Armstrong fell down a flight of stairs at the Court House two receiving several nasty cuts and and a severe shock He did not strength and a few days ago was stricken with paralysis due to a of blood on the spine Deceased was born in Newmarket York County He studied law in of Mr John Toronto and came hero in being the first solicitor in Owen Sound On the Judicial organization of the County of Grey Mr Armstrong appointed of the Peace which office ho has held ever He married Miss Anna Robertson Toronto who died some five years ago He leaves no child Mr Armstrong a great reader and student and a number of books pamphlets eta yon subject Romanism Political and Religion was bis last work and was widely throughout Canada Deceased was a Free Mason and an The funeral will take place tomor- afternoon at Flags are at half mast on ail the public build ings Choice Literature and Fiction by Famous Authors such as IOC EACH Publishers Price School Books Per Note Paper Good Quality Envelopes Square Cent less than Publishers Price 3c Quire 3c Package DEPARTMENT J I Tonics and Blood Medicines fc R Splendid Toseoore a good property wiii be Sir Louis and Hon Win have to take a trip oyer Trent Valley canalafter the House of prorogues Fellows Compound Syrup of Hypo- phosphites Wyeths Malt Extract Dr Clarks Beef Wine and Iron- with Cocoa Wine Phosphate of Iron Quinine and Strychnine Greens Burdock Blood Bitters I i i i oo 5 65 Celery Compound Dr Channings Sarsiparilla Bristols Sarsaparilla Hoods Sarsaparilla Ayers Sarsaparilla Scotts Sarsaparilla Fowlers Pile arid Humor Kennedys Mediial Discovery Pierces Golden Medical mi DANFORD ROCHE CO NEWMARKET ii J m

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