Newmarket Era, 14 Apr 1899, p. 6

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around the Hub WAT WIIBAWAUR jlBB POM DKNTH FIND TO J DRV TOWN Moat of our young men have gonn to their for the summer Mr John Mahoimy w having ft visit in the city This i8 four On jury A very I occurred on the fifth on day lant Mary is from her recent Harriett died a short time montlm nil time her to She a among Iter and will bo much The and family have the sincere ym- i of thin entire Mr left for Columbia Monday Hi- familiar fuee will greatly at Corners and Floyd Irani died last week from lie wan a bright prom ising littlo fellow years old His remains were interred at vlllo It he for Our young men rut off their todies look green as June grass Mr Win moving ill to Ins own house next week Seeding is lo lie late tins spring Missionary at I J iy Town on Tuesday evening of the firs in every month Sah CORNERS BELLE The Ib softening fast open along flbore Frank drove on Monday the 10th will hardly venture- Amanda has left After spending a with relatives and friends to East and Toronto to reside with her brother in Chicago Lillm Orson met with an accident eutliug his finger is now selling an indelible pen which every scribe should have Master Howl Crant who suf fering much affliction wits relieved lout morning by tho cold hand of denth A lurge of friends and joined the cortege in respeet tin deceased to his last testing place Mr Minor con ducted the funeral services at Queens- ville Mr we are J to is out enjoying fresh air Yes Mr Owl Im on the watch out for that wedding Hope theyll get tied soon and end our suspense As Miss Shaw has received a sit in where her brother now lives she sent in her resignation and is now on her way there The vacancy will ho filled by a male teacher Mr Hopkins of Woodstock and as he ib third teacher in our midst this it is desired success may bo obtain frashoU have washed the gravel platen and badly gutted Miss Willis of Mutual Cor ners is making Mrs J Cowieson a pleasant visit Shell fun tolling the Detective about the Joker Mr David has purchased a Steel Range The scribe furnished a fine batch of Easter news lait week Keep your shoulder to the wheel I think the buds and come together this year making the sugar season House cleaning is contagious at present preparing for painting and papering Mr goes to this week His many friends regret his departure out hope success may crown his efforts Mrs Moore intended to move her effect to Maple last week but owing luiiO bad roads did not get away Sweet of will assist Mr this summer Miss Rosa Miller has purchased an not a organ and intends taking music lessons from a professor Some say the frogs are out The ice is very plentiful yet and itWill be about two weeks or more before its all gone from swamps Suckers are not up yet waiting for the flood gates to open at Junction in River Boatbuilding has begun at by Mr J who is equal to any workman in that line A correction It was not Win I horse that died as last It was Mr J old favorite driver Friday a son of Mr Grant of North was in terred in Ceraotory funeral sermon was by Mr Minor of the Free Motbodiet Churchy in the Methodist Church here was a largo attendance of and relatives parents have sympathy of community in their bereavement- Winter lingers longer in the lap of Spring than the headed veteran is to do and still holds a frosty grasp on frozen ground and an iron grip on ioy waters- The season is late and all creation to know it Master Ralph eon of Mr of was visiting his grandparents last week taking advantage of the holidays Mies Alice Travis was assisting Mrs Win Kavanagh last in dressmaking line Rev Mr Brown hero last morning an able on subject of Tithes showing con clusively from Scripture that it as much a mans duty to give a tenth to God and that not of profits only but of his returns for year as it was in Mr Brown be lieves man is even in this life iu giving to God and fact from the and personal knowledge Mr Gilpin of preached in the evening Quarterly service will bo held in the Methodist here the last Sun day in month Rev Mr Brown of Bradford ad dresses the League in on Tuesday evening this week Miss Clarke daughter of Mr Ed of was in the village one day last week receiving assistance from Mr Pollock in crayon drawing Miss has done some fine painting as also Miss Belle Ham another pupil of Mr Pollock while at The teachers of village as well as some of pupils wore away last week spending their Easter days think the Eaeter vaca tion too long In the country schools larger boys whoso time at school is limited to the winter would attend till seeding a month longer than they generally attend only for the long vacation at Easter which makes a in their studies and they do not return Mr Lewis has been kept very busy some days lately at his mill We apologize for the error in last weeks correspondence regarding Mr We were misinformed Glad to know he is doing so well Wo hear that Mrs Joseph Fidel is ill with la grippe at time of writing Mr has had a serious time for several weeks with ring- worm on his face and neck Mr Will McNeil has also had a serious one on his neck They say this psculiar disease is infect ed from cattle Both Mr and Mr are now able to be out and attend to business The roads been almost ablo Mr J has moved back into out villago again Mrs J of Newmarket was spending a few days with Mrs Noil Morton Mr J Davidson returned home from Toronto this week has boon attending University past term Miss May Mann of is visit Mrs Mann at present desiring clover seed will find good by purchasing from Mr Howard Morton Mr Myers who has up with la grippe is on duty again Mr J A Irwin visited friends here last week Parlor Social held at homo of Mr last Friday evening under auspices of the Kes wick Christian Choir was a grand success in spite of inclem ency of weather Everyone seem ed to thoroughly enjoy entertain ment Much praise is duo Miss Chris tina Winch for her untiring efforts Mrs If and 0 J Sil ver Esq visited our on Tuesday RICHMOND HILL A gong of inert Monday morning wiring for Metropolitans to Bonds Lake The Agricultural Society have com pleted arrangements for a grand con cert to bo held after fair on May KESWICK 99 Among those who have been seri ously ill in this section and are now convalescent are Mrs Tattoo Mr and Emma Hilborn Mr Norman Curtis had the to out hie leg with a chisel on Saturday last and since then got proud flesh in it It is needless to say that he docs a great deal of hobbling Mr Flanagan jr has leased the lot recently occupied by Mr A at Tory Corners Mr Proctors sawmill on the lino is in full blast again with Goo Roof filling the honorable posi tion of yardmaster Mr has taken an agency for binding twine It is that Elder will conduct baptism services next Sabbath p ra but it is thought that water may not be clear enough Home from our got pointed on Wednesday last at sale They home to report the roads very bad Mrs Fred Webster has j returned from a visit in city It is necessary that swine be kept out of Cemetery and not bo allowed to run like last Sabbath Very interesting mooting of the lost evening was very introduced by Mrs Jenkins in tho absence of her husband He did not return from hut evangelis tic work tilt this week next meeting will bo in tho Methodist Church and will bo missionary in its character Building operations have commenc ed in Keswick Men are at work on Mr new house Mr Warner is also making ex tensive repairs to the Mrs Young which ho lately pur chased Isaac Esq wont to the city on Wednesday to attend the Horse Show and meeting of County Magistrates The in bay i viry firm yet Mr Is crossed to Lofroy on Tuesday Mrs is quite sick Mr Win baby had a serious time weok but is getting better GROCERS See our Large Stock of GARDEN FIELD SEEDS Dutch Set Onions Top Onions Potato Onions See Our Uncle Sam Seed Potato SNAPS Lovely Oranges 30c doz Large Choice Lemons 15c doz Large Selected Bananas Sweet Pickles in bulk 10c pint Choice Ham Roll Bacon special 10c lb ROACHS POINT Mr George Hamilton spent Sunday with his sister Mrs J Peters sorvice held in the English on Good was well at tended Mr Henry spent Easter with friends in the Master Willie McDonald of Sutton has been visiting with his grandfather Mr Levi Miller the past two weeks Mr Win Tanner of Newmarket paid a flying visit to bis home on Sun day Messrs and finish- Seed Peas for Sale Crown variety Lot In of A DONT FOOLISH wis BILLETTO Greatest Sire Will make Newmarket borne a places between Newmarket I booked tola season and lo addition to i And take Ready Mixed Paint people say is Just as Gcfod as Robertsons but get the GENUINE ARTICLE It costs no more and it Satisfies cutting the this with Mr J Beajrram lo Bond Dillctto lo Waterloo Stud two Mr Geo Young and his sister BALDWIN BREEZES Christina are home from Toronto on account of illhealth Joseph has engaged with Mr Glover of for tho summer months Mr is trying his luck at maple syrup this spring Mrs McCordiok attended the U at Richmond Hill last week Bona to Mb weeks Among the mares he tend to la Terrebonne a full to Victorious Queen winner Owl ok lo above engagements I may be detained from commencing Newmarket but will try Bible tOdO Proprietor iri Wanted work Wages per KAVANAOH InduBtrial Home Moore Sons farm foreman was the loser of a valuable down the bay on Thursday rig went down through thin ice though Mr Moore saved harness ho was unable to get the horse out April The residence of James Davidson Brentwood was iy burned this forenoon tho fire started the were saved Loss Several of our farmers are busy manufacturing the sweet liquid They report several good runs but they say the reason will be short this year One of your citizens got so hungry for a feed of suckers that he tramped through mud and water to the Holland river but alas He was the only suck er on the Wabash We understand that Mr Cowie formerly tailor in this village has engaged with Mr Belfry of Hol land Landing for the summer EdS Parks has engaged with Mr for the summer also Geo Wright with Mr Greig Mrs Morton has a hen that hatched eleven fine chicks on the of March and all are doing well Who can beat that Mr of Keswick is engaged at Mr in housedecor ating Our popular Range Agent Mr A A Smith is a hustler He sold four in this township last week Mr Embury mine host at Queens in Toronto on a business trip- We noticed an item from the Albert correspondent suggesting that some one should invent an epitaph in of their town band We would be very thankful if we were allowed to copy from it for our band but perhaps we wont need one as our band is like a cat if has nine It may resurrect with the weather Red en feW- it Allen Richardson eleven only son of of jeweller of shot hi self through with A Old Dame Rumor couldnt keep her tongue still so many weddings are on the tapis Shes whispered to me and to moat everybody else I pre sume a long lingo in which names of Btatton Dunk Crawford Will Cameron and several very nice young ladies are prominently concerned If anything happens Ill let you know In the interim Ill be on the qui Presbyterian Church in Sutton was preached vacant as it is termed on April 2nd We hope the next pas tor will receive a very call and be given a cordial grasp of the hand as a token of good will Only two sugar bushes in this sec tion They have been tapped and are running though they havent travelled far asyefc All is stir and bustle at Mill preparing for cutting an immense of logs The big smoke stack was taken down and erected on the new mill where the machinery is now being transferred Tim old mill has served its day and generation Mr and Mrs Cole are im proving has now got able to feed himself rheumatics having released their grip Mrs Cole able to sit up The road in of the mill yard was horribly disagreeable since the thaw We Us and Co will kick if its like that another year Mr Yates is not the culpable one No its the roadboss If Mr Harry Bennett will do us the favor to call around and view the monstrous drifts opposite his lot hell easily observe why we kick at fences encroaching on the road The town- line is bare excepting at this point Wild ducks are numerous waiting for open water But tbe Owl cant catch em Judging by acts and conversa- some of our recent converts the next time they should be convert ed by a club A recent couple have had a dissolution of partnership He goes his way and she goes It must be admitted are some badly matched couples in this portion of the universe Say whats a Why when you kiss wrong gal to be sure Peter has ten ewes Five of have twins If the other do as well hell bo The Owl HOLLAND LANDING Mud mud mud is all we see just at present The fine weather is bringing frost out of the ground and moat of the farmers in this vicinity will be plowing next week Seeding will be late this spring Mr Asa Stephenson left for the NorthWest on Tuesday last Mr Reg Tate of Toronto spent Monday last in the village Suckers are plentiful now since we have the dam repaired Newmarket had free trade long enough the boys say Mr J Webb has rented the resi dence of the late Mr Brown and mov ed in this week We hear of another wedding in the near future Keep your eye open and you will sea Mrs Lloyd and Chapman left on Monday last to attend the funeral of Miss Mai loy in Deceas ed was a of Mrs Lloyds Con sumption was the cause Much sym pathy is felt for the parents and rela tives residing here Peas for Sale Grey Peas Mummy for Sale Apply once P for Sale years wheelonly been ridden a abort time Inquire of H Grocery Store AGE FOR THE Brantford Red Bird Call and at Carriage Repository Alcoa few THE AND TOCK Also agent tor the Life The befit Inducement to young men ROBERTSON The Queens last public appear ance is likely be the laying of the foundation stone of a new art building in South Kensington next month or early in June Gold plated one day week between Park Ave and the Station will be re warded by leaving It at tbe Office Auction Sale John Dean has purchased iambs from Mr J near Victoria paying for bunch- awi2 hereby alccero to Brotherhood or or and prompt manner In betd by tny late Court for which kindly and prompt manner In my late Wishing your order aid the polio evtxy I am respectfully yours MRS To Whom It May Take notice that will not be responsible for any debts by any of my family from and after this date name was In cluded the family in above notice of fast was bo error on my part and la hereby receded J FLOURFEED Colors Builders and Farmers HARDWARE Eavetroughing and General Tinsmithing in all its Branches A BINNS Repairing Promptly Done NEWMARKET Telephone No9 Storehouse Main and Huron P Store Two Doors North of Roadhouses Shop Main St Newmarket Choice Hams Bacon Pure Lard Sausage at Lowest Market Prices solicited Than Ever SMITH BROS Platinum Photos Portraits Groups Outdoor views snd verylhlog In photographic line done In the and best style vo them s call at their gal lery doors South of Amateurs Wheat for gale A quantity of Wild very clean flue wheat Apply to J Newmarket PO at Office to per lb to NEW SPRING GOODS Everything uptodate and at that will astonish Call 5 goods for yourself and dress upto at a email coat FrsrBtACK Suits a Ladies buttons made any size to match Dress goods We also sponge and shriek Dress goods on shortest notice 1 1 mm Wy A a fine Display or Burgle In NOW A J- v-

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