Newmarket Era, 14 Apr 1899, p. 8

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WAV APRIL 1 v At ill A cold It got atari of you Coir Cure will flu of In a mid iKiciunoulA It bo In ami It a ih11cj Quid to Bask Canada I KICK up Total iowiooooo Jul A till Hunk ih BRADFORD mm acid up- and Inn mid iIiiiIjIm1 milk lull Discounting Farmers Holes Ami LOWEST HATES For Inrurjtiutloii apply In JOHN lit ARE YOU INSURED Standard ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED 1825- Reports A ilk IN OF MERIT FOR VIVIAN Sr Fred Norman Olive Herbert Jr I Garnet McCormack Lottie McLvun Smart Bessie Ida Norman Grose J no Br Ill Flora Ethel nek 111 Lottie Hold Fred Scott Maud Zona layntH Victoria Scott Robert Hold Den ft rose Goo Charles Join las Graham Smith Jr 11 Lucy May Maria Wood Scott McOormaok Mary Smart Florence Wood Beatrice Buck Leo Grose Part I Hoy Allan Buck John Buck J A Teacher of Life Industrial in M a thousand pounds op comfort What makes Puerto fIeo Celery Is the fflighticst and of Spring TIS AN EMINENT PHYSICIANS h s Total in force over Annual OWJOOOO NO Hoy Joo Clark Geo Fairbarn Jr Huftli Ill Welly Clark Katie BoaR Cole Jr Ill Frank Georgia McDonald Leonard Smith Charlie Pollock Smith Ada Smith Violet McDonald Florence Leslie Smith Jr Willie Pollock Eva Smith Fred John- Sr I Amy Pollock Jr I- Percy Clarence every day Joe Clarke Greenwood Minnie Fairbarn Violet McDonald Georgia McDonald Teacher and Matured over in Canada Deposit at Ottawa for security of Canadian Policyholders over Profits paid policyholders The lives of Females Insured without extra premium Children over years of age written at Special Hates Ramsay Manager Balfour Secretary Charles Chief Agent Ontario GEO M HUNT District Inspector J A ARont s no If P Carrie Alan Hugh Bessie Terry IN Ivan Mann William Van- Norman Jessie McDonald Jr Alice Norman Morton Dora Ill Edith Draper Myrtle Mary Morton Jr Ill- Gladstone Levi Morton Agnes II Beaaio Jr II Elliott Oldham Marie Drap er Russell II Isaac Clayton Jenkin J Tablet A Tablet Percy Cole Arthur Hunt- ley Raymond Huntley Tablet Huntley John Frank No on roll 50 Average attendance Phelps M a leading professor in the celebrated Darmouth Medical College first pro scribed what is known in home of the civilized world as Paints Celery Compound a positive cure for common ailments and diseases of spring such as blood troubles kidney and liver complaints dyspepsia ner vous diseases neuralgia and As spring medicine Cal ory Compound now occupies first in the estimation of medical men It has boon tested by members of the profession in cases whore ordinary pre scriptions have failed and in in stance wonderful compound has maintained its claims banished disease The action of Celery Com pound on the nervous system in spring time is marvellous in health produc ing results It quickly purifies the vitiated and impure blood braces the nerves rebuild tissues adds to flesh and weight appe tite augments tho powers of assimila tion and keeps the whole digestive organism in proper repair Celery Compound baa done a grand work for millions in the past Surely this in the best guarantee for who now ailing and physically broken down- Every city town and village in this vast Dominion can fur nish its proofs of the virtues of Celery Compound well attested cures A few bottles of the great spring medicine used at this time will give to every man and woman the blessing so earnestly seeking true health BRADFORD PARMERS ATTENTION I THE ISAAC USHER SON Is guaranteed to beguile to any of the Portland Tor ail ora or farm as walls stable floora allow bug bridge abutment arch This Ccmeot Is Bold at About price of Portland Personal given free of charge Am all work warranted further Information apply to Agent I A line of uric etc at lowest price NO V The following is the honor roll lor Jr for March Byron Minnie Wright Howard Brown Lewis Teacher THE GLOBE TORONTO CANADA The Leading of the Dominion Una aver tlon and one year ago IT UAH ALL TUB EVERY DAY Saturday j Willi ii every Saturday lie A supplement lie Md aving a supplemeut special Sketchy Article having Oil new of he da I hXSbocom new of day to the monthly NO Class- Hamilton Mabel Percy Leslie Stephens Jacob Hamilton Henry Clark Charlie Milton Draper Jr Glover Glover Royal Draper Fred Barker Geo Phillips Annie Hamilton May Hamilton Les lie Glover Phillips Willie Drap er Elgin Barker Jr Ill Eddie Glov er May Anderson Albert George White Willie Hamilton Phil Hamilton James Barker Maggie OBrien Br II Willie Clark Nora Shaw White Jessie Wight Walter Draper Ales Victoria Crit tenden II Martin Stiles Everett York Pt Wiofred Micks Lillian Jobpston Wilfred Rose Ross OBrien Crittenden Jr II- Mary Barker Br I Allan Shaw Moulds Jr I Hamilton An derson Alex Hamilton Walter Lin- stead Verne York Morley Hamil ton Present every day Mabel Boag George Phillips Bhaw Albert Nora Johns ton Wilfred Walter Nettie Anderson E Smith Teacher Mr J Y of New market spent part of the holidays at the parental home here Mrs Marshall of was the guest of Mrs over Easter Rev Barrio mot a number of the Bradford ladies in the school room of the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday afternoon and succeeded in organizing a society here On Monday night Mr Jas Lawrence sustained a bad fall by walking off the sidewalk into the ditch on the corner of Johnand Barrio It is feared several of ribs are broken Mr Geo Allan was obliged one day last week to undergo an operation in Toronto for a growth on one of his cycs it necessary to remove the injured member entirely in order to save the other eye Mr J no Davey who has been a resident of our village for a number of years has given up all interest in the sash and door factory here and accept ed a lucrative position with Wm Cane Sons We are to lose such a good citizen one who gene rally took an active part in all objects that had for their end the welfare of tho village We wish him success in his new field of labor Witness which used universally on island aro very abundant and during flowering season perfume the air for yards around with deli I cute odor of their blossoms fruit reaches a and perfection seen else where the large varieties almost to ruistako them for lemons never raised with and exported but they may always bo found froah in marketplaces bottling of lime juice has been found very remun erative whore and is offered as a business suggestion Puerto pineapples are for their flavor and wonder ful bouiiuoi in fact it is oven admit ted in Cuba that the pineapple par ex cellence grown on the Bister island It has only been within the last decade that any attempt at systematic cul ture has been made and the industry is yet carried on in the most primitive- manner The district is tho ono in which they are grown for and in other portions of island where never above a hund red or HO are grown in a patch are used for home the inferior alone their way to the local markets raising of the above named fruits bananas oranges limes lemony and pintapples often indus trial openings of muclumorit for men of capital who cannot or dare not indulge in the highpriced luxuries of sugargrowing coffee or tobacco plantations It in a Burn way mod est wealth and it is believed that no investor for the next ten years can go by putting his money and bin wits into this form of toil What are needed today however to as complete success are direct running from the island ports to the great marts of our tic seaboard 1 possibly on account of the lack of such transportation that the more perishable fruits have never found their way to the United grow everywhere along the sandy coastlines and old coral rocks which have been covered over with rich silts and sands afford a per feet soil for their prolific growing It is said that cocoanuraising is very profitable that is it gives large re turns for money invested but there is much more labor connected with the industry than casual ob server would imagine The sandy margins of the coastline where sugar- estate holders willing to part with them are sold for very low figures Tho trees rapidly spring to maturity and after a very few years bear im mense annual crops of nuts heavy expenses Ho in the laborious methods of gathering the nuts by climbing trees and hacking the branches from the lofty heights and again in the difficulties which are met with in releasing the nuts from heavy fibrous hueks Cultivation of the sandy loams in which tho trees grow is unnecessary and hence there are no expenses in this direction A very profitable business is the extract ing of oil from the nuts as half a dozen large ones will furnish a quart of oil The writer hesitates to make too much of a point regarding this in dustry in Puerto Rico as the suitable areas are not numerous and there are so many far more desirable localities along the coast of Cuba where thou sands of acres are available in single stretches It is ono of the economic possibilities here which should by no be overlooked Weekly woman contented her lot How many con this question Some shallow observers imagine that all a wom an wants is an easy tort of a life But thats a mistake A woman thrives on kindness end care Give her an affectionate arid congenial atmosphere to work in and sound physical health and she will work harder than the average man and never grow discontented If you have a fret- wife find out souk- new way to be kind to her there in weakness or condition that causes irritability see that she has the proper remedy right That wonderful medicine originated by Dr V Fierce of Y bis Fa vorite for women diseases will restore perfect organic vitality and It will give cheerfulness energy and power In the words of a New York lady Fisher of Lexington Ave it will give a thousand pounds of comfort I feel a duty inform you writes Mrs in earnest letter to Pierce that I suffer many years with ill it symptom and compile I Jon I to tee a or purchasing medicine lor this or coin- pit hit my became unbearable he of ray induced me to try Favorite Alter taking one and following advice I was loolc five more bottle and then 1 did not take any mure for several a felt much letter am now and irritable 1 have a good color in my face have Kilned in weight of for I am a new woman once inure aud your and your caused it coupled Pellets which are to be with will not lake any more you to advise fur I do not see that I need it Dr Fierce will send advice by mail en tirely free of chance a Do you think of UIL SUMMER If you do write The Mi LIMITED NEWMARKET Vaneered Doors NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Cult Ordering Allan And get of Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ILL Artistic Effects Inside Woodwork in Canada for the manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc YCL The Wm We High Grade and Repair all on short Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET J If you are not a subscriber to the Era Send for a trial trip of 3 months I For five years my husband suffered from scrofula The best physician in oar city pronounced the case incurable Sores appeared eating into he mouth and throat The jugular vein was tongue entirely eaten the palate and out and there was a large sore on the outside of the throat After everything else had failed he tried Ay He had to take it through a tube as his too sore to swallow Now after years of terrible suffering he fully restored to health and he is able to work every day although his speech is greatly affected by the less of tongue and palate Mrs FOSTER Wilmington f I IT IS CANADAS GREATEST NEWSPAPER you every Jay and thy about you have pay for many of The He baa the week and in close touch pan of the world ftud more our country His Was Saved Mr J Lilly prominent citizen of Hannibal Mo lately had a wonder ful deliverance from a frightful death In telling of it be I was taken with Typhoid Fever that ran into Pneumonia My luuga became hardened I was weak couldnt even up in bed Nothing helped me expected to soon die of Con sumption when I heard of Dr Kings New Discovery One bottle gave groat relief I continued to uee it and now am well and I cant fiay too much in its praise This marvellous medicine is fcbe surest and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Troubles Regular sizes 50 cents and Trial bot tles free at Lehmans Drug every bottle guaranteed Coll in wood f taking advantage of the new County House of and within a week sent five of its poor to the institution rate and full particulars Hie of this paper any news- direct to Canada CASTOR A For and Children He bylaw to raise for water works purposes was carried at Waterloo children made strong and healthy by Millers Worm Powders Bold by Lehman Mrs J Shaver of Goodwood a lady years of age who attending her daughter Mrs Eli in her illness opened by mistake a door and fell headforemost into the cellar She was up unconscious grave hopes are entertained for her recovery Children Cry for A shell acoidently exploded in the last Friday kill ing two and wounding seyeral persons and doing great damage INCALCULABLE GOOD M EXPRESSION OF FAITH Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills have done an incalculable amount of good think they are the best quickest acting cure for nervousness unhealthy action of heart insomnia or sleeplessness anemia or impoverished blood debility and For nine years before I com menced taking Dr Blood and nerve Pills my heart was weak and In an unhealthy state Its action was so much impaired that I could not walk across the street without suffering great distress my heart fluttering and beating so rapidly that I could scarcely breathe causing loss of strength and leaving my nerves all unstrung My was very much disturbed I had no appetite ana there was little strength or vitality in my blood I was always excessively nervous I have now taken three boxes of Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills and taking them I have not been away ft om my business an hour Before taking these pills it was a frequent occurrence for me to be away from business As a result of taking Dr Wards Pills my heart Is perfectly healthy and strong and gives me no distress whatever They removed all nerve trouble made my nerves strong and gave me healthy These pills made my blood rich and strong and gave me a healthy appetite Dr Pills have given mo perfect health restoring my lost strength in place of continual weakness heart trouble and In justice I cannot speak too highly of this wonderful medicine Signed Miss Walton St Port Hope Wards Blood and Pill sold at per bo boxes for at or mailed on receipt of by THE DOCTOR WARD CO Limited Victoria Street Toronto Book For seven years I suffered with lhat terrible scourge scrofula in my shoulder and arm Every means of cure was tried without success I bad a good physician who tried in every way to help me I was told to I immediately began its use and after taking seven bottles of this remedy the was entirely cured Mrs J A- Me was a great sufferer from scrofula being unable to do any work for twelve months Not one of the doctors who attended me nor any of the medicines I took did any good My friends supposed that I could not live One of my physicians induced me to try After using eight bottles I am now perfectly well GEORGE French Camp Miss worst forms For many years Averts Sarsaparilla has been one of the constant rem dies used in the Home for Wanderers and we have found it valuable In eliminating humors from the blood which seem to have been especially scrofula and other skin diseases Rev A Supt Home for Utile Wanderers Boston Mass Dr Avert Pills specially adapted for use with Avert They promote digestion and keep the bowels and stomach in good working order

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