The Era home news s 4 1 4 ft j NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER 8 PAGES Give me the liber to to utter and to argue freely to conscience above all other liberty Each J No paper sent outside of North York n1fH paid in advance Newmarket Ont Friday April 21 1899 Terms 125 per annum v if paid in DONT FOOLISH And take Ready Mixed Paint people say is Just as Good as Robertsons but gel the GENUINE ARTICLE It costs no more and it Satisfies The band of Beyond the of Where Slipshod Point is now There used to be when 1 was young The Land of Anyhow was king of all this realm A cruel kin was he For those who served him with good heart lie treated shamefully When boys and girls their tasks would might And cloud poor mothers brow Hed say Dont care Its good Just do it anyhow But in after life they longed To make proud fortune bow Ho lot I hem find that fate neer smiles On- work done Anyhow sleeps mists from her yes Thats the best sermon youvo preached since we wore poor the ideas are catchy Ill digest them white Im eat ing breakfast Scramble some theres a darling If Im late again Mr Seymour will say Im the worst saleswoman in Ins store A year before this morning jery and Gertrude considered themselves the girls in Lin- wood They had been adopted after their parents death by a distant cou sin a rich widow with a neerdowell Hon who had one West and for years did not write to Its odd she said to herself hut paste Up in Stable positively Gertie Taber has more self- For lie who would the harvest reap Must learn to use the plow And pitch his tents a loug long way From the Land of Anyhow A SilkCoantcf Heroine nor possession of manner more more style than she had a year ago Last year and she would have been at the Seymours dinner but now- Well Im glad I chose that silk The question here left unanswered in Mies Georgias thoughts was settled to her discontent when she arrived at the Seymours the few days preceeding the anniversary party The girls were invited to the festivities- But when the evening came only one of them put in an ap pearance was laid up with a sudden his mother She rumor said had willed the most of her money to her cold Fainthearted Gertie dressed adopted daughters in a madeover muslin passing Mrs Tabitha did intend 10 stairs through the brilliantly lit man- make such a will but white she de layed its signing another Will which permitted no dallying took her out of the world To the general to take off her wraps saw a pic through open doorway which it A driver should be his horses best friend and should study bis comfort- It is everybodys business to inter fere with cruelty It is better to direct your horse by a low voice than by a whip or a rein The whip is but little used by our best horsemen and never severel The Editors Shears CLIPPINGS V a exchanges It is staled that good a pels from to per barrel in New York city Yelling and jerking the bit confuses fcTh council of Whitby has a horse and advertises a blockhead a fiv yean to the local You can get no more power from l company for anc light horse than you give him in his food 31000 a year caused her breath to come in quick of her son turned up one time friend Georgia was all Colors Builders and Farmers HARDWARE Eavetroughing and General Tinsmithing in all its Branches- G A BIN IMS Repairing Promptly Done NEWMARKET because They Are Right have just opened up our Spring Stock of Prints Shirtings c Also some desirable lines in Our Groceries Boots and Shoes You will find them right in quality and right in price uptodate in every particular are always fresh and right Highest market price for produce J McFarland A I Penile i post Office Block opposite the Methodist Church Air for Satisfaction Guaranteed J Rogers Resident Dentist Aurora to the late Dr Robinsons late evidence Street Aurora Dp P Dentist Orf Ufa be at the of Dr Porter Brad ford every al Violin Some cough mixtures smother the cough But thQ next breeze fans it into life again Better put the out That is better go deeper and smother the fires of in flammation Troches can not do this Neither can plain codliver oil But Scotts Emulsion can The glycerine soothes and makes comfortable the give power and stability to the nerves and the oil feeds and strengthens the weakened tissues Gertie Gertrude will you ever Its seven oclock and you rouat at the atoro by eight and have a long car ride too It tall wellformed who a girl with eye dovciruy in color and like a mother doves in ten- she over the hod and shook the flushed sleeper whose face was nestled in a mass of loose hair bright and wavy as the mane of a chestnut colt Gertrude do you hear Got up this minute Youre a regular Hip Van or you would he if you could It is well you added those last grumbled the sluggard open- her yes Oh dear I feel as if I could sleep on tor hours or days but no owe ever jeta a now to Rip Van Winkle or anybody else who was pleasantly lazy All pur easy times are over The newly awakened girl interlock ed her fingers behind her head and gazed at the elder sister who still her Look here she went on I dont want to get up I just hate to face new days that dont bring any changes or fun I get wearied out standing behind that odious silk counter from morning till night That is bad enough but it makes me positively wretched to have to wait on girls who are as rich as wo were last year and who of them not chummy with ua any longer because we have to serve them now instead of sharing their good tiineu Theres Georgia Neville Whenever she comes to the silk de partment I feel as if needles were pricking me all over Some day I shall turn my back and refuse to wait on her at all Then I shall lose my position and show that I am only an overgrown baby who cant make a suc cess of anything There were tears upon the drowsy eyelids like dew on a morning As they trickled down the Bushed checks tenderly brushed them off with finger- tips Poor Gertie she answered softly Ill admit that changed lives such as ours do look their worst when one wakes in the morning Old memories wake with us and new discontents and we feel as if lemonjuice had been worked into our opening eyes for the world looks so sour and awry Why I had no idea that you knew anything about such feel ings Gertrude stared at her long- hearted elder sister in amazement at being so readily understood Indeed I do And have dis covered that there is only one way to get the better of them It is to face each day with the belief that it has been given to us merely for happiness and certainly not that we may shirk the work it brings and refuse to go on but that we may identify ourselves with that work do it so trustingly and so well that our faithfulness shall help to spread Gods kingdom upon earth Believe me little sister Mar- jers eyes kindled like eshlights work dona in- tins spirit is great whether its selling silks and trying cloaks or studying music and German as we did last year But if we are listless and sever ourselves from our occupations wo grow selfconscious and that in a to perfec tion of any kind after her death claimed she had and scorned to make provision for the girl cousins who had he been usurping his mothers affections Mai and Gertrude left the man sion they had live for five years in two a side street an positionx in the largest store the town boast ed chosen for the cloak department and Gertie stationed at the silk counter Mark Seymour one of the before a mirror in the guest chamber which had been given up to her arrayed the opal silk Admir ation for herself and dress had tiluxl her pretty chin but there was no soft ness in the glitter of her eyes The little saleswoman felt as she saw her horse is mans invaluable help er and should be treated as a friend Any fool can roin a team but a wise driver maintains its value The beat drivers talc much to their animals Your horse needs water often than you A sandy or muddy road doubles the work A rise of only one foot in ten doubles the Balking is caused by abuse over loading or tight harness The farmer who thinks a crow a Very bad bird because he pulls a tew kernels of com know that the same black fellow destroys on an average insects year April 14 Per kins grain merchant and of Tp -jwhilt- battling with the Hoods the Midland River was thrown a log by the impact of a piece of ice and drowned Bathe a bruise with vinegar as soon as the accident happens if like a bird that has left its own bright weeks sphere and fluttering back again is The whip costs more than it saves doubtful whether it ought to return i Put it up How Miss Georgia managed to feed Blinders are useless and injurious that feeling through the evening was Cut them off known only to herself whii Check reins are cruel and injurious Never strike or hurt a talker Stuff can be kept in place lay a cloth soak ed in vinegar over the injury wetting it as it dries and there will he very little discoloration March Home Journal cloth in his ears or hold up hie foot and tinker with it fully three minutes Divert his attention and act kindly No horse should wear a shoe more tors a tall man of thirty with kind eleven oclock came and Mr Seymour- unless very slack speculative eyes his sister Miss was speeding his guests from the tires save much horse power Ruth had been friendly with the girls j household Gertie sought Miyj Ruth But few farm horses need shoes during Mrs Tabers lifetime and to say goodnight in much relief the change in their fortunes She found an anxious little hostess Quiet and patient drivers are worth twice as much as any others son of Mr Robert Riddel I of Vaughan died on Sunday morning He had been suffering from a throat trouble for which he had an operation the day before Deceased wag years of age He at tended Aurora High School Some six hundred Hungarian families will be brought to the Cana dian Northwest this summer Gertrude had been true in her standing on the upper corridor with horse intends to please you arrangements having been secured i Imnm 1 complaint that one or two girls of their set who formerly were sisterly in friendship greeted her when they saw her chestnut head among the shimmering silks of Messrs Seymour and Barnards store with a new re serve their nod and smile The new saleswoman felt the difference keenly Oh dear heres Georgia Neville whispered to herself about three hours after her waking talk with jery shes coming to the ilk count er Now I shal feci as if I had swal lowed a nettle while shes turning everything over If shes patronizing or insufficiently cool I shall turn away and lot somebody else serve her I know I shall But lere did that new thought come from which swept through her I by frightened servants Water was There an escape of cried the latter Its coming from my room I couldnt have turned it off safely Dont go in screamed Gertrude but- the disdainful girl made for the door The rash crack of a match a nameless explosive sound a vision of fugitive flames starting from no com mon source and Georgia backed into the corridor her opal skirts ablaze Miss Ruth Gerties brain seemed to turn a somersault But in a moment she had compre hended the danger and seized a heavy Turkish rug wrapping it round her oldtime friend and out the flames with her bare hands A moment of agony and Mark Sey mour came leaping upstairs followed v like an breeze Gerties eyes gleamed as had done like flashlights showing an inner illu mination Youll do no such thing Gertrude Taber she said behind her teeth youre going to identify your self with your work and think it is worth while to perfect in sel ling silks as anything else She shook her head as if defying herself took her courage in both hands and looked pleasantly at a fashionable girl who passing other welldressed loiterers approached the counter Good morning Mass Neville What can T show you she Georgia flushed A year ago pur chaser and saleswoman had been Gertie and Georgia to each other but once when she spoke the familiar name from her present standing place Gertrude had noticed a surprise in Miss Nevilles face which forbade the repetition of such a blunder I want to see some shaded silks answered Miss Georgia There is to bo an dinner party at Mr Seymours a week from today am going to stay with Miss Ruth to help her in the preparations And I muBt have a new dress Isnt that piece with the opal tints just lovely Georgias father was the wealthiest lawyer in town and a cousin of Mark Seymour but as tho young lady ex plained to own satisfaction it was one thing to give cousinly smiles to a handsome proprietor of a store who drove to his office for a few hours each day behind a thoroughbred pacer it was another thing to be intimate with one of his insignificant saleswomen Gertrude unfolded wave after wave of gleaming silk upon the counter But tho piece with the opal tints a pearly gray shot with pink like the veiled fire in an opal took Georgias fancy Yet she was not ready to decide upon it Half an hour pass ed while roll after roll was turned over a stinging halfhour to the little saleswoman thefirat Bilk chosen at last Georgia quitted the store it was dashed upon the girls The fire was quenched so speedily that it had scar cely scorched Georgias flesh but the brave bare hands which beat it out were half flayed My little heroine murmured Seymour in the saleswomans ear youre the bravest the dearest The sentence was finished a few weeks later Genie said Georgia Neville tear fully to the future Mrs Seymour I never knew there was so much in you I feel positively when I re member how horrid I was after you worked in the store But hard times seemed to grow a new spirit in yon Marjerys spirit murmured the little silkseller No softly Spirit The Business Booming Probably no one thing has caused Buch a general revival of trade at mot Lehmans Drug Store as their giving away to their many customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr Kings New Discovery for Consump tion Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable remedy from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints Coughs Colds Asthma Bronchitis Croup and all throat and lung diseases are cured You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free sizo and Every battle There wag nearly being a fire at Dr Pattersons on Sunday night The ash barrel which stood close to fence took fire from its hot con tnts and when J A McLean noticed it about the fence was also burning A few lively work however sufficed to the flames oh the Can be cured jo days by the use Ointment However Impossible this may s few Many cared who been disfigured for years- it to day- by does not always know your wishes Dark and damp stabled cause tow spirits and various diseases Patient and gentle grooms and drivers are worth larger pay than others Axle grease pays per cent pro fit Good blankets are profitable and save food if wisely used He who abuses hi horse will abuse his wife and children Cruelty qualifies for crime they are close neighbors It is cruel and silly to whip a horse lor fright him with kind words Use a stiff brush if the currycomb distresses the horse Damp stables cause rheumatism Screen doors are a good investment in fly time Horses have small stomachs so should not be fed to much at a time If a horse has been standing in the stable for some very careful when you take him out as a hard drive under these circumstances is very apt to bring on spinal meningitis or some other serious trouble Regular is of the most important things in keeping a horse in good condition not overtax your horses during the first week of work in the spring You will gain time by raatring short days at first The farmer who feeds his stock re hours and just what the animal will eat up clean will get more pounds to the bushel than the who uses no system It is waste to stuff horses with hay and an economy to feed less hay and a grain ration Dont feed hay in the middle of the day Give the heaviest feed at night Some require more hay than others Study your horse and never give him so much hay that he looks stuffed If you allow him to himself you will give him Indigestion Feed so he is round and sleek and he will be a joy and comfort to you Give frequently and in small quantities On rainy days when you can do nothing outside take a look at your horses hoofs Bee that they are clean for if the frog becomes diseased the horse will be useless A few minutes attention may save not only time to the owner but pain to the ani mal Bub a gall with stove blacking or plumbago if you must work the horse and cannot give time to heel It seems to work wonders Always rub and clean the legs patties settle in with the Government rive in various parts of the country A fire occurred at Circle City on January in which the large store of the Alaska Commercial Company with contents was destroyed fire was caused by a defective stovepipe igniting the partition A number of fire fighters had their feet frozen in striving to extinguish the flames The nuggets of the company were saved Money getting absorbs too of the time and energy of most per- sons to the neglect of their social ancF intellectual natures There is to work and a time to play a time for study and a time for recreation If all of this tine- is given up to moneygetting the money gained at such a cost will be but poorly enjoyed What might have been a fatal ac cident occurred at David Kites Mark- ham Township on Tuesday of week His eleven year old daughter who was playing in the barn had climbed up on some straw when the straw slipped from underneath her and she fell some fifteen feet falling across of a roller hurting herself internally She has taken a turn for the better ands recovering An has been is sued to nursery men under date April that their stock shall be fumigated under the provisions of the recent act of the Legislature before being offered for sale The effect to put this indiSstrJto great inconveni ence in he height of the spring trade But asXhe object is to stamp out the San Jose Scale all are interested in any reasonable measure to that end Relieved is puff of the breath through the Blower supplied with bottle of Dr Catarrhal diffuses this the sur face of the nasal passages and delightful to use It relieves in stantly and permanently cures Hay Fever Colds Sore Throat and Deafness Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket April J Quirk and his who pied the van on a northbound freight train had an experience on Wednesday night Shortly after the freight had passed this station the jumped the track and pounded along on the rails for a half a mile turning over into the ditch and taking- two other cars with it The conduct or and had just jumped oft when the upset took place van took fire and was burned in a few a vague uneasiness nor thoroughly after a or a fte belonging to the bell rope did not van top- pled as the night darky the engineer and fireman did not know that anything was wrong work If the horses get soiled badly nights plank over the stalls and leave the planks an inch apart will be needed and time will saved in cleaning v