Newmarket Era, 21 Apr 1899, p. 3

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Weeks fleas WHAT ON A ABOUT TOWN Club Regular in Hal this evening An All Moods of Parky are invited to attend Close I in School Room Life of is to bo taken op by A Davidson P I Lot member of bo present Adjourned The of Wootteo ve Flanagan for before Messrs and Lloyd overling The was and the was next Monday in Chamber to Taylor wo that ho served fat Mr The that ho did not serve his fall and Mr doe cot wish his to be misled by The This team made a good rec ord last year that they to for honor this and will League A subsoriptioo hat- paused among the business people last week to boys obtain a and ion was approvod Wo to break record To be The mnuulaoiurera of engine at Electric promised to supply a now free of on account of ho apparent weakness in An ernployeo wan iho day that to put together in daylight and no interroption to the service This very honor able in Co The Foil We have passed through a very hard winter and the farmers have had great about fall wheat The general opinion of people driving to Town last Saturday was that the appearance not equal to this time last It be discolored in some places but is alive ou low or Hat ground Hills and ox- places suffered A very large was put in Notwithstanding the disagreeable weath er on Thursday afternoon of last tbo faster of the in connect with the Methodist at residence of Mayor Cane off with gratifying presided and Miss Nettie aoted as organist The program comprised a read- by Mrs duett by Mrs and Miss and an original paper on Japan by Mrs J McKay The offering to fln Exalting While on hie way to sale afternoon by way of Barrister Lloyd had an ex- parlance Owing to the roads being in a terrible condition his got down in a hole reaching the Town Lice and was unable to rise notwithstanding many efforts to bo Finally help was snd with the of planks the men got the horse up The boggy was slightly damaged and the harness broken Mr John Carrey returned with the horse while Mr Lloyd made the rest of the trip on foot Porbojhwipptatooe Sprayer Doable Spray- only Hardware Be Cautious The season of the year Jog when the in the back yards which has been all winter will commence to rot and give out poison ous gases and dangerous Very few people are fully aware to what extent their health depends npon clean and the absence of decaying vegetable and matter These aooucjn- are the generator of fevers diph theria and a host of malarial diseases and hence the Public Health cogni zance of this and every individual house holder compelled to keep his and premises Empire Day All in York Country have been notified by the Inspector to Empire Day on the of May in accordance with the issued by the Minister of Education in order to a sound patriotic feeling The following program is suggested tub A familiar talk by the teaoher on the British Empire its extent the relation of Canada to the Empire unity the Empire and its advantages the privileges British subjects we enjoy the extent of Canada and its re- readings from Canadian and British by the teacher interesting historical in connection with our own The aim of the teacher in all his to Canada and the Em pire should be to make Canadian patriot ism intelligent and strong Commencing at to be Occupied with recitations songs and reading by the pupils speeches by clergymen and each other as may be avail able The trustees public generally should be invited to be present at these else Daring the day the British Flag or Can should be hoisted the aoheoi Credit Good unsocial standing of Newmarket ia good when It aoll a De benture bearing per interest at a bonus of This will cover all cost of voting on the ByLaw and pasting the Private Bill regarding the Specialty through Legislaturo A Kind flat Owing to the of Harry eldest eon of Mr Morrison tho to number of nineteen marched into bis bush Monday after noon armed with and axes and the way the and sawdust flow for the noil four hours was a was about 25 cords of stove wood Tho generous act will bo gratefully remembered shows a very neighborly feeling In the cdmmoitity fipuuorth Social and Literary meeting was a great success The Mr Joe Meads presided and Miss Nettie discharged the duties of accompanist with her usual ability Matthews assisted in open- exorcises The program comprised an on Life end of by Mr J Miss a splendid synopsis of Evangeline and oonclnded by read ing closing part of tho poem Skinner read Lovers by Long fellow Miss Miss a duett and Mr Leslie sang a solo The Bridge Little gave a recitation and literary part with Gems from Long fellow by variouu members of the League There was a large attendance and were served at of pro gram The sociality was enjoyed Dr Dentist Opposite Bakery every day Painless extraction R Sensation There was juite a sensation last Saturday There is a negro settle- mom in will im bury where a girl named Ridley resides with her grandparents of whom is white and the colored Since the girl has grown to the age of she has bad a tend ency to seek other society and surround ings and in the ordinary course of met a young man named Bam Hartford of this town who lived in that sec tion It was settled between them that they should be married and according to promise they met at Mrs Wards residence last Saturday tut while arrangements the wedding were in progress the girls grandmother arrived on the scene and threatened 10 lake law if the girl did not return home with her Apparently the girl did not take very kindly to the inter ruption of her plans and being very roinoa to have her own way the old lady proceeded to a Magistrates had a warrant issued for the arrest of the pair It was placed in the hands of Chief Ander son and Constable who proceeded to Wards house but the couple had disappeared some the girl was located in a boose at the North of the town Alter considerable persuasion and reasoning by the she consented to return home with her guardian Thus the sensation ended and paid the costs in the case which to It is said thai father was a participant in an elopement case some years ago and he was located by Chief age on a farm tbo other aide of Business Change The partnership of Messrs Grooms has been dissolved aud Mr Albert Began will continue the business of the Home Bakery in the Old Through the employment of a good baker the use of highgrade floar a quality of broad has been at Homo Bakery that enabled Mr to nearly double former sales the wagon coupled with courtesy to that Mr has assumed all re sponsibility he intends to devote some at tention to tho Store and by keep log a fresh stock introducing the newest pro- and fruits in season to bring tbe reputation of the Bakery up to He old standard Give him a irlal order fl Generous After a flee in it is quite a lor a of to be presented to the Council for services watching refreshments to Women bat late at Factory there baa nothing of appearing reason The Cane Mfg Co not only supplied the refreshments but paid all who remained on duty after danger wee over Not only that but they have recognized services of the by a donation of 2fl The generosity of Arm in this worthy of comment in another light the honorable reputation of The liens Mfg Co- Long may in dividual members of ho to carry on important industry tbe wish of every citizen of Another Change Mr Moffat who on reporting staff for some ha sev ered bis with this office to work for another Oar friends will please notice of this and not give away information for the Em Runaway While driving to Town last Saturday Mr of Union accompanied by hit wife had an log experience The horses ran away on the Town Lino and Mrs Smith was badly hurt lo ankle and The rig was considerably dam aged The On Messrs and of and Mr J of Toronto were here in with tbo proposed addition to the factory The plans were talked over with tbe managers bore and the opinion was that the building proposed when the vote was taken is too small for the growing proportions of the business A meeting of the stockholders was held in Toronto yesterday and it was expected that some would be arrived at Guarantee Wo guarantee the of everything we sell to be as low or lower than the same article or pattern can bought for elsewhere If in a day a week or a month later you find the same thing lower anywhere else make claim upon us and it will be allowed at once and remember we keep no shoddy goods either in Groceries or Dry Goods A FEW LEADERS Rubber Blinds complete Lace Curtains from up to 250 Cretonnes soft finish fast colors per yd Art Muslins fast colors 5 White Check Muslin Shirtinp fast color 40inch Pillow Cotton extra heavy White Towels inches GROCERIES Choice Lemons per dozen English Breakfast Coffee per lb Dome Stove Lead per box Epsom Salts pure per Ib Washing Soda per lb Whiting per Ib J All Groceries Sold on This Basis Police Count Monday raornicK leak was before J P by of the Landing Win and the of Hoi lend and the latter of Bradford with breaking into bis shanty near the County bridge Bradford On the following arrested by Con- Savage and brought before Woodcock J- to answer for the offence On the being called complainant asked to have the information amended charging trespass instead of as This granted on consent all round- On the amended admitted and after taking evidence to prove extent of damage and the Bench ordered to pay to cover fine damage mid said to be paid within day a end in default to imprisoned in tbe County Jail for CO manag ed to elude arrest but a warrant ie now to hands of Constables Savage and for apprehension Resolution The following passed at a recent meeting of Newmarket Council No Royal Templars of Temperance representing the temperance sentiment of this town and well a large number of electors desire to ex press our feelings of disappointment and dissatisfaction at the answer given by Sir Wilfrid Laurier Premier of the Dominion to the Prohibition delegation which asked for prohibition legislation in reference to AioohoUo liquors and would Thai Whtreat the Liberal party at Convention held in in the City of Ottawa placed a plank in their platform that if returned to power at the general elections they would submit a plebiscite on prohibition to ascertain whether the people desired a prohibitory liquor prohibit ing the importation and sale of liquors for beverage purpos es Aua at the general elections the liberal party was placed in power to a great extent by the votes of prohibition- And tbe Hon Wilfrid Lau- rier publicly in the House of Com mons that the Government would give anon legislation expressed will of the peo ple warrant And the Province of Ontario gave a majority of the County of York WO and the whole Dominion id favor of prohibition He it therefore resolved that the large vote cast in all of the English speaking provinces and the Territories a majority of demands progressive and advanced legislation on tkiB subject And t it further resolved that measure of prohibitory legislation be he Government may for our active Coming to flerjamQrket Mr John of Bradford bad given up his business at that place to ac cept a situation yardmaater with The Cane Bona Mfg Co here Bradford Witness of last week says On Friday evening of Mr J invited the of his Sun day to hie residence to take tea and spend a pleasant evening together During the past ten years in Mr has been a teacher in the Metho dist Sabbath School be has bad the same and naturally a attachment between and pupil bad sprung op This feeling found true expression on the part of the pupils on night in when Mr who has been obliged to sever connection with the on ac count of leaving the town was made the recipient of a beautiful Bible a volume of Longfellows Poems accompanied by the following address which apeake for itself The address Ib a very complimentary one and we extend a welcome to Mr Davey Newmarket hoping that he will con tinue in the work and children have gone to where they will spend a few months with her father Theres money in It By a return prodaoed by Inspector at Council Meeting last Monday evening gross revenue from Incan descent Electric Light System of Newmar hot tho past year was about This wo are given to understand is some more estimate and shows con clusively that a reduction in the tneter rate is justifiable No doubt the Council will do the square thing when the audited accounts properly before them through the Financial Committee fl Big Catch The boys and some of tbetn pretty big once had a great time below the dam on Water last Monday morning a freshet being the Special ty men replaced a number of the planks in dam to the water in the pond Of course ibis lowered the at once in the creek disclosed an of In the quiet stream There was fun catching tbe tribe One fllled three bags Buskers were afterwards around Town at each It a regular fish feast Considering the bad it was simply to the crowd of people in Town last Saturday morning Butter and were tbe chief commodities on the Market former sold from to but the latter took a tumble to and Ho Large quantities of potatoes offered all the way from to per bag Apples sold for and a pail or a barrel Live chickens from to per pair Veal per lb by quarter Sprint lamb each by the Suokera from to per doz W A BRUNTON corner store The Best Cooks use Baking Powder IG Stock We are showing thousands of dollars worth of New Spring Shoes Style and Quality Unsurpassed This is the largest stock of Shoes under one roof in Newmarket pi l Mens Fine thing- Is what we keep and we received a big shipment this week Young Mens Suits a Specialty We have the Very Latest Styles in Mens HATS CAPS All the Newest Styles just received The Nobbiest Ties in Puffs Derbys Bows etc just to hand MOITTOOMBBY aa The Coming Roof For barns and dwellings is the Patented Safely Steel Shingles samples- Get prices from A Last morning Mr Alfred Miller preached a very acceptable sermon to a large congregation from the text He must increase but I must decrease The majestic opening drawing from dawn of day many practical deductions regard ing and prophets of old to coming of John Baptist who was bright and morning star that faded at the approach of the Bon of riveted the attention of and pro- daced a very favorable impression of the intellectual ability He proceed ed to abow bow Jesus moat increase in authority and love till all kingdoms of the earth are and to obtain the riches of grace man most decrease in selfish In the evening the Pastor preached a good sermon Tram words Bet your af fection on not on things on earth Largo congregation and good Next morning at the of the Women Missionary Society of the Totonto Conference Matthew will on Systematic In the bis will be Dow God depart from man At a special meeting of Quarterly Board on Monday evening Of Miller for i Extensile Improvements The Cane A Sous Co are go ing right along with the proposed addition to their factory A largo number of men are employed moving lumber and levelling the grounds of the present factory cottage near the old blacksmith shop will be moved to some other location Tub large wooden building now at tbe West end of the faotory will be moved to place now occupied by cottage The new building will be built feet from the pre sent and in line with the wall on Huron with a front of feet and ex tending North feet stories high of solid brick The material is nearly all purchased and the will be shoved along as fast as possible Every depart ment of the faotory crowded with orders and tbe bag bad to refuse work offer ed On Wednesday the biggest freight car that ever came to Newmarket was loaded with pails tubs washboards and for Winnipeg The inside measure of tbe car was ft long ft inches wide and ft high Obituary Word comes to ibis wek of de mise at Toronto Kansas April of paralysis of a native of Newmarket in the person of Mr Albert in hie year Deceased was well known in this section of county but more intimately In the Township of Away bok in the sixties be took an aotite part in municipal affairs of township occu pying a seat at Council Board and for a period was its Reeve Deceased was a Liberal in politics and took an active in terest in farthering the of his parly in the days of at Joseph Adam Wilson and J Well Living near centre of the township at he exerted an influence that was duly ap preciated by political circle in whiob j ha moved atd for the advantage of the cause he espoused Deceased married Margaret Lloyd Sept Three two sons and were the result of this anion one of these now resides in Toronto the two having preceded their father to the great beyond Be married a second time to Rebecca April Seven children were born sons and three daughters One sob and daughter departed this life several years ago leaving three sons two daught ers and his companion to bis de mise He removed from Canada to Toron to Kansas in where he continued to reside remainder days A relatieahd friends In North York join the bereaved family mournfol sympathy at their loei Only February Mr and Mr Dennis Whitchurch attended bis birthday and bo health Danford Roche Go THE CHEAP STORE A GROCERY DEPT Sugars and Syrups Bright Yellow Sugar lbs for Coffee Yellow Sugar Cream Sugar 22 Best Granulated Sugar Fruit Sugar per pound Paris Lump Sugar per pound Pure Gold Pink Icing Sugar per package Canary Chocolate New Orleans Molasses Golden Syrup Crystal Drips Syrup 1 1 00 00 00 it a Laundry Soap Surprise Soap Soap Ammonia Electric Soap Electric 4 Eclipse Soap 4 Union Jack Soap 4 bar 4 Morses Mottled Soap Sunlight Soap Rugby Soap N P lb 13 Laundry Soap lb DRUG DEPARTMENT Childrens Medicines Pitchers Castoria bottle Hive or Croup Syrup Mrs WinsSows Soothing- Fluid Magnesia Mother Graves Worm Exterm inator Dead Shot Worm Candy Stedmans Soothing Powder Stedmans Teething Powder Italian Castor Oil Tasteless Cold Drawn Castor Oil 5 bottle attended J DANFQBP ROpH CO NEWMARKETS

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