J I will that nay Cure will lum bago and All pilot Lo two or three hour euro la a W At a Till to Health tod medi cal Arch it AND worthy to MOUNT ALBERT Has Made Celery Compound The Great Home medicine RHEUMATISM Standard Bath if Canada HEAD TORONTO Paid up Capital 1 OflOWft W A Drnticli til Hunk BRADFORD Discounting Farmers Holes Anil Nun Hi LOWEST RATES For I to JOHN Affont As a Spring Remedy it Meets the Warts of Women in Every Sphere of Life Where flviciHliH r I mm rate ARE YOU INSURED ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED 1825- A new cemetery now Agitating the of section A couple of have been held and com- appointed to report on desirable location On the firat Sunday in the Presbyterian Sunday will open at This will continue until fur ther notice roads south were in such an awfcvl condition on Sunday that Mr J fcm it j- I j lUnUw I When weakly and broken down could not cot to women are scon to gam health and to now service VJRor Mount Albert held an en- Paces Celery Compound no room meeting on Thursday April doubt is loft to most The now were installed by J Medjcal j Celery Compound a medicine i successful in banishing the I troubles that afflict groat majority of and honest physicians are aH always pleased to recommend it t It is a well known fact that all is birmi ij have recovered health and Mr Jacob Graham of form of lost his second bod 11 years of age from an attack of ap pendicitis engaged drawing stone from tho station hero for foundation of of Metro politan Railway over Grand Trunk about a mile south of this place As soon as frost is out of the ground a largo gang of men will com mence building bridge Mi- of the lost a valuable man from pa inly sin Tin IjumJ Mi strength by of Mr has Compound were induced to use it removal from Orange- 1 through the influence and persuasion of other women sisters mothers or Mr Dave Phillips of has accepted of In the spring time when women the Band When Mr ami Mr Kithard Deacon early Monday morning they wore startled to find their infant son cold in death evidently having passed away in mothers arms a few hours before they The little child whs two weeks old Children Cry for CASTOR I A MUTUAL CORNERS Total in force over over Annual Revenue over Claims paid by death and Matured Endowments over Investments in Canada Deposit at Ottawa for security of Canadian Policyholders over Profits paid policyholders lives of Females Insured without extra premium Chitdron over years of written at Special Rates M Ramsay Manager J Secretary Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario GEO HUNT District inspector J A Agent FARMERS ATTENTION The roads are almost impassable Great demand for seed oats barley and peas in this vicinity Mr Kelson sold his beef cuttle to Mr John week bo- fore last which brought top notch of per lb Mr Robert sick horse is recovering slowly Mr John attended the funeral of his sister at Toronto on Wednesday last Two persons living in tho same house in this vicinity were united in matrimony lately They intend keep ing it very quiet but wo wish to say that we are not asleep nor public cither We all join in wishing them prosperity Detective weak overworked nervous have tired feelings dyspepsia headache neuralgia blood troubles or any of the nameless ills which they suffer in Compound will quickly banish all dangers and sufferings it will impart that strength health and vivacity that make women womanly and admired Celery Compound is at ores- carrying on this joyous transforma tion work all Canada and women young and old of all ranks and con ditions bless memory of Dr Phelps who conferred such a blessing on their sex Dear women of our country why continue in misery and when such a as Celery Com pound is within such easy reach and ready to do for you all you so much Do not be decoived by any of the many nervines bitters or advertised pills they cannot be stow that pearl of great price good health Celery Compound has given new health and life to your friends it will not fail in your par ticular hour of need Bear in mind that Celory Compound makes sick people well On Monday morning Mr and Mrs Deacon found their two weeks old baby dead between them A Lloyd has bought the old Baleman place 11th John is moving into Mrs J Woods Weir is pulling down the old Smith cottage was built about years ago A new brick will take its place Tennyson Club wound up on Monday night by having a big time at Mrs J Woods About forty were present evening being spent in play game and song Refreshments with ice cream were served Those present re port enjoyable time We havent heard the burn of the electric ear yet but hear the road will ha located as far as here this week Mr is Greeting a store house for vehicles of all kinds A mooting of those who have rela tives and inter d in Metho dist cemetery will be held in Jennings hall on April 20th for the purpose of electing a board of trustees- Dont want any Its time to go to work I Leave me alone There you are limp as a rag lying in when theres cold waiting for you down town But your head heavy Your eyelids are lead Your tongue bad And you dont care liver liver liver And stomach stomach You dont know it but its so just one remedy that will put vim in you by giving you clean bowels a healthy- stomach a lively liver and blood that Is rich and red and dont stag nate It is Dr Pierces Golden Medical It puts an In your stomach a move to your bowels life in your liver and the stuff that builds bone fleah and nerve In your blood It will make you sleep at night wake in the morn ing eat your meals and work with a zest It curea all dis eases resulting from improper and in sufficient nourishment nerve liver and blood troubles It contains no alcohol to inebriate or create craving or stimulants An honest dealer wont offer you an inferior substitute for a little extra profit from A Wcllcr Esq of Escambia Co Son Ml I have since your f my trouble and liver plain bottle of the Medi cal Discovery and must that am lrans is my I vali Do you think of to BUILDING THIS SUMMER r If you do write lH W Ml LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get prices of Vanecred Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Willi dows THE LATEST Artistic Effects Inside Woodwork from walking as my tod must perfect Factory in Canada for he of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS called lo perfect health I value your remedies very highly and take pleasure in them lo and all who did- Four ago I did not think to be Id to aulst our Uncle Samuel in I case of hostilities but to you J am now for the Keep your open Dr Pierce Pleasant will do it without griping All dealers BICYCLES We Repair all kinds short notice For Sale The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT FOR WEAK GIRLS AND BOYS Dr Wards Blood Nerva Pills- ZEPHYR firet aide road south of the vil lage between the 3rd and 4th conn ia flooded by nearly three feet of water The crossing near the Black River on the Itb is so submerged that the driv er is compelled to stand on the seat to get through There has been no prayer meeting in the Presbyterian church for some weeks on account of bad roads Efforts are being made to form a choir in the Presbyterian church Mr J is confined to bed with illness A Hard and soft good garden with woodabwl and stable Located at the eod For particulars apply to J J At you are not a subscriber to the Era Send for a trial trip of 3 months HOUSE TO BENT la garden ttplendld driving Apply f to od the lw IROQUOIS BICYCLES FOB SALE THE ISAAC USHER SON IP Is to he li to of the Portland of atrutturc bank- barn alios hog bridge arch culverts tlc la sold at about price the Portland Personal charge work warranted For apply to DUNCAN A line and Juilli etc always at lowest priced W THE GLOBE TORONTO CANADA The of the Dominion THE Has over raoreeuulHrclrcula- every day It bad nearly more tbati one year ago IT BECAUSE IT ALL TUB NEWS DAY The With flail or pages Saturday Its lis roauy special Slcclcby Articles having news- of I he day baa rival to the IT IS CANADAS GREATEST NEWSPAPER have THE every day and for the you have to pay for many of the smaller dillics The added ha wcelc In concise form and Kb readers Id close touch with every a John McLaughlin an trout lust Saturday John Arkfioy and son of North took their departure for Michigan on Tuesday Jolin jr was given a fare well party Monday evening previous to his departure for British Columbia The congregations of St and the lake shore churches have contrib uted for a new cornet for Mi John Taylors use in the choirs On the Mr Mac- of Knox College To ronto will take charge Knox church here as permanent pastor The following party for on Tuesday Anderson Geo Bur rows Anderson John jr Lafayette Sweet Cent T Allan Anderson Mr of Toronto was here this week for the purpose of lot ting contracts for the erection of three or four cottages on hi property at- the lake short Miss Wright who has been visiting her aunt Mrs for some months departed for home yesterday A number of young people met at Mr residence on Tuesday evening to speed the parting guest Athe adjourned vestry meeting of St James church held lost Monday the financial reports submitted by the wardens were satisfactory The fol lowing were elected Wardens Messrs John and A vote of thanks to Mrs Stevenson for her kindness in presid ing at the organ was passed unani mously At the organization meeting of the cricket club held on Monday the fol lowing etc were elected Officers President Greenwood Noble Hon orary Dr Noble Captain A Taylor Com of Management- J A John Taylor and Geo Thayer Match Com J A Taylor and A Honorary members Rev Mr Little and A Cole fferald Brick residence on St with all mod ern furnace bath hot and cold water also au excellent stable and Lot of one acre nil or which are Id condition Terms Easy Apply to of the world and mors especially pur own country r rates and full particulars can he Lad at the office of this paper any dealer or postmaster or send direct to owns tor Canada Children Cry for new members were added A 0 U at Bradford last week Mr of visited over Sun day The Piano Recital given by Miss Blanche OBrien in Daleys hall last Thursday evening was from a musical standpoint a decided On Tuesday last Anted John after returning from a drive in going up the steps at the house fell and her arm near the shoulder The case of came before Mr Justice Ferguson at the nonjury sittings at Hall last Friday morning It was an action brought by Calvin of against Mr James of the same place the wellknown bar rister in York County Mr had alleged that a certain mortgage which he admitted signing had been filled in contrary to the agreement and brought this action to have the mort gage set aside On Wednesday last he in court and stated to the judge that he desired to say that the he had made were wholly un true The suit was allowed to stand to give Mr an opportunity to proceed with his if he so desired but upon coming be fore the court his action was dig missed with costs A very un circumstance occurred on Wednesday April at Indian Head in the burning up of the residence of Harvey son of of this place It seems that the hired man got up first and started the fire and went out into the harness shop to work Shortly after the smell of smoke was noticed and on getting up the kitchen was found to be on fire and the roof just falling in Nelson Smith and wife who a few days before arrived there and whose trunks were in the kitchen lost nearly everything and Miss also lost nearly all her effects None of thorn managed to save their boots and only what was on the lower flat in front was taken out so rapid was tho work of destruc tion misfortune will be heavily felt especially in a new country where difficult and expensive to replace the lost articles The annual meeting and roll call of the Baptist church was held last Friday afternoon The statistical re port was very encouraging twenty- three having been added to membership during the year Finan cially the church commences this year without a cent of debt Last year oyer more raised by voluntary contributions than the previous Our school did not take advantage of the Easter vacation The teachers are anxious for the welfare of the pu pils at the coming examinations The leaving examinations will bo held here this summer The Home Circle is about to open a lodge here The Rev K normal lesson on Tuesday night was largely attended by Bible students He is master of the subject and imparts the lesson so that all can take it in Taffy pulls are now in order No less than four newlymarried couples at the services in the Methodist church on Sunday Six insurance agents were here last week doing or trying to do business The Smelter Co has received an export order for England of ten cars of charcoal To Rent Sell or Exchange FOR FARM PROPERTY on St Newmarket on Situated a good Brick Dwelling House with hard and soft water at the door Good Bare and underground stabling an excellent orchard consisting of apples pears plums Ac The above property can he rented for one or a term of years further apply to 400 of tbe famous Modal Bicycles will be sold each just their real value Workm cause their were expensively built and we have bought the entire apply to It With It we got Model Iroquois Bicycles finished and com plete to ate mi To advertise our business we have concluded to sell these at Just what they stand us and make marvelous offer of a Model 3 While date and JnoQieTrrwhe for good quality Model it too J1 to atUUta la log twoplec fanb In tat nfoWtl colon si and Ladle El Beat icord gumsucd blab grid tbrontriiOBt Our Written Guarantee with Ann ffr ne or we CO p or to If you dont fled it moat BtcyeU Offer Order today It dont to or la roll with order WE HAVE BICYCLES n every town to represent Hundreds their bicycle last afta we offer wheels and cash work done for also FREE USE J of wheel to agents Write for liberal proposition are kuQfi every as the greatest Exclusive Bicycle In world and are reliable we refer to any bank or house Jo Chicago to any press and to our customers MEAD The Co are are The universal fate of mankind It cannot be escaped but it can be insured against Canadian OF hold it to be their high duty to make it easy for all healthy men to secure sufficient insurance to protect their dependents at the lowest possible rate consistent with safety They have succeeded in paying over in claims and amassing the magni ficent surplus of over s a safeguard a For further en quire of any of the Member of the Order ELLIOTT C THOS WHITE High i J HORSEMEN GET YOUR ROUTE at the office and you get a in the besides having the Uatrgest of Plates to of Toponto m Address Era Oifice Orders by Mail promptly attended to Newmarket Stfi