Newmarket Era, 12 May 1899, p. 5

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ONTARIO BANK REST President Manager v School NEWMARKET BRANCH- A Genera Banking Business Interest Allowed on Deposits AT CORRKNT DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL POINTS Drafts and old Fanners Noma promptly to HonfcT l A MEDICAL f Dp Alfred Wee of iho Dr tog urn Of root Or i4auncl6iojui v Mill St Im I loan id 4 to p J A Tor IFire Companion to at Current tli Newmarket A Ramsay Insurance on Farm tasks and Isolated Town Property llodxcsTln PAINTING The House Qraloer and Paper Hanger years experience In nil branches of or of Ibo latest iltslgnB In Wall Auk to them 2nd door of the Primary School Church Hired fl Paper Done promptly neatly in order ttl0 a Painter Sign Writer bo Ion Inns Hardware Store at the residence of Mr J Green bead of Jubjo Street Weal Bolton Practical House Decorator Betrayed May 11 John 18 Golden Text lie ia and re jected of moo HOME Friday Matt Saturday John Sunday 1 1520 It will be absolutely that the accounts of three evangelists shall read and compared order detailed story of the arrest of Christ and events im mediately preceding it may be set clearly in his mind and until bis is filled with spirit and mean- of this night of divine tragedy PRACTICAL Christ know sorrow that was coming but ho did not avoid it Let us stand at post of duty Avoid the example of Peter as seen in the lesson tie was impetuous goodhearted and warmhearted but too impulsive lnnooenco may he on the scaffold while guilt is on Throne Yet time makes all tilings right for God through tiino Jesus is now enthroned in and in human hearts The voluntariness of Christs sur render and sacrifice must be kept clear ly in view through all these closing for upon it rests the atoning and value of his death nearer wo get to Josus in church in Sunday school in daily life the more careful wo should bo that we bring no reproach upon him Theso upon an evil mission fell baok overwhelmed with awe in presence of majesty of inno cence Notice tho contrast in 10 the sword the cup A Combination Evils on That Trouble as Titled fttaiDEHCECoroer Millards and MISCELLANEOUS A Wo undersigned do hereby agree to rofand money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle they do not Constipation and We also warrant that four bottles will perma nently euro tbe most obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay Wills English Pills are usod E Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Druggist Newmarket Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Celery Compound Does a fop and Woman Tired feelings Those two words cover a multitude of dangers and per ils and should when fully compre hended be taken as serious warnings Tired feelings result from a vi tiated and deranged condition of the blood nerves which causes a gen eral weakness of the entire Constipation is usually one of the dominant troubles vigor is lacking is poor and sleep never To banish Tired feelings the blood must be cleansed and purified and tho nerves toned and braced This foundation work is easily and quickly accomplished by Celery Compound the worlds famous spring medicine This noted remedy purely vegetable pleasant to taste is in every what in claimed for it It is the spring medicine that our physicians vouch for it in groat health restorer giver that the best people of CanaWa talk about in the home aud on the A few bottles of Celery Compound used during month of May will banish all the roubles regularly contribute to Tired feel ings and ill health If you are nor vous sleepless have indigestion dys pepsia neuralgia heart kidney or liver affections your doctor or druggist will if asked promptly advise using of Celery Compound OOP Toronto tetter death Kellogg an American Presbyterian Missionary through accident in Him- For a time he paator of St James Square Pres byterian Church in this city At the time of his death with two other emi nent was engaged in trans lating ficripturcs into the Hindoo- language Premier Hardy has returned from his trip to Atlanta much improved in health of Manitoba was in this city durinR part of last week on his way to Ottawa North Toronto School Board on Thursday last appointed Mr Fotheringham inspector of schools under their supervision It is out that His Excellency Lord will not be able to attend the decorating of the volunteers mon ument on Saturday but the militia will be out in force The Criminal Assizes will open here on Monday next Mr J K Kerr will be Crown prosecutor assisted by Co Crown Attorney In con sequence of Pare and escape who were Crown witnesses and also of Mr Osiers ill health it is said the Crown will move to postpone Pontons trial Fire in a paperbox factory on Rich mond did considerable on Friday last A writ was issued last week against the Townships of East and for damages by the relatives of the late Richard Mount Albert who lost his the in March last through snow drift upsetting his breadwagon Simpson Main Sundries and Fancy Goods p flPthaF Olivet Graduate of Conservatory of Music or PIANO PIPEORGAN and THEORY Jake Ice a St Regis Indian was shot and killed by a Dominion Police officer near Cornwall Monday Two other Indians were badly wounded They had tried to rescue their under arrest To a Cold in One Pay Take Laxative Quinine All Druggists refund the if it fails to Nearly the whole male popula tion of Wallace Idaho has been ar rested by United States troops in con nection with recent riot Money to Loan At per cent on farm and village property 1V m C Davidson for tatfoj affidavit J Conveyancer Rod Agent c for tho following reliable Insurance Liverpool and Norwich Union Midland Mutual and Kco- Also for the Standard Life anceCo and Northern Life Assurance Co Office Block Mount Albert- Wealth Couldnt Save NEWMARKET WORKS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call BcforeOrdcringEleewheie Money toloan At five per on Security by David for taking Affidavits Heal Agent Conveyancer Marriage rfw o Agent tor the following Companies of London and Montreal for Life Association O Office Corner of and Lot Streets Deadly Kidney Disease Had Him in Its American Kid ney Cure Snapped the and Made Him Whole Again A young man a son of one of citizens two years ago contracted kidney disease by taking a plunge in the lake when the body was overheated Specialists could di agnose but could not cure the malady and when half globe tra velled in hope of and a cure he returned to tefhome apparently with but a short live but the print ed testimony of the cure of a school boy acquaintance attracted him to South American Kidney Cure He procured it and persisted in its use and although it was a stubborn case today he is well and healthy Bold by Lehman Bent- leys Newmarket Sutherland a four-year- old daughter of A Sutherland of died in Guolph Friday from burns caused by her clothing catching fire while playing near a bonfire on the day before Council Met at April 29th all present Hoove in the oh air following bills were passed Micks grave for i for Atoheson 10 00 Deacon con Carson repair to road ma chine Goo Norman commuted stat ute labor E Sullivan culvert con 0 Gillies lumber Black repair north town- line John repairs road 12 Robinson repairs road machine E hardware HO Job salary repair con FJ Proctor lumber John repairs to bridge town line 16 J five days on road machine 00 John Watson on salary Webb on salary A grant of 25 was made to repair west town line provided Albion gives a like amount Garto Pottage and appeared before tbe council demanding pay for right of way of road where it crosses the east half of con Reeve and Clerk were appointed a committee to ascertain what title the Township had to said road The clerk was instructed to notify the Sanitary to prosecute all persons depositing refuse on Aurora sideline in lst con Tbe aotion of the Reeve in placing Davis in charge of road ma chine was confirmed The Reeve was also to arrange with Sons re making of blades for road ma chine The Clerk was instructed to notify road overseers that positive ly return their road lists this year be fore August 1st and alon with them a list of the number and condition of road scrapers in their respective divi sions Next meeting of council will be held at May th The Ihkpionhl v- 1 invention Atlanta April The tenth International Sunday School Conven tion held bote this week was attend ed by about 1600 persons cams from almost every Stato In the Union and from several of the Provinces of Canada The programme consisted largely of reports and discussions con cerning the work of the three years It was essentially a business meeting for the consideration of the many important matters that affect the Sunday schools in the various States and of America The statistical returns presented to tbe convention were of the most en couraging character They showed that there a in the United States Sunday Schools with 1418 teachers and scholars In Canada the schools number with 79600 and scholars During past three years there has been a gain throughout the con tinent of America of teachers and scholars The total enrolment of all the Sunday of the world is now The report of the Lesson Committee was one the most important pre sented to convention This com mittee of fifteen member in America ix in England in and one in Australia To them is important duty of pre paring the international Sunday are so widely used in all of the world la represented on this commit tee by Rev Dr Potts who is the chairman and by Principal Rex ford Montreal I he expense of committee are borne the various publishing houses which print and circulate lesson helps The mem bers themselves have never re ceived any payment for their services nave they any pecuniary interest in the lesson helps It has been the icy of international series to have one lesson for ah the schools and for the different department of school During recent years there has been some agitation in favor of having lessons for the primary classes of a somewhat simpler character The committee took this matter into its most serious consideration but could not agree upon any separate plan of lessons that would be generally prohesies as to who will be bis ceptable It was announced that the One paper says that a number of lessons for next five years com- Councillors are after the with would be largely biographical in There was keen rivalry to secure the gathering particularly as the Worlds Sunday School Convention is to be held at the same time and place Invitations were extended from Indian apolis Denver and Toronto Rev J J of Uxbridge eloquently placed the claims of Toronto before the convention and Major President of tbe of Denver In view of the fact that the convention had never yet been held in tbe west it was decided to hold the next gather ing in Denver Colorado Fred T Sly a Montreal butcher while wheeling was run down a street car and killed The drummer looked across the aisle The seat beside the pretty girl was vacant Going over he said Is this seat engaged No said the girl but I am so it wont do yon any good The best curfew ordnance says an exchange is one is adopted in each family where old man acts as mayor and common council night watch and calaboose keeper where fine and punishment go together and a good stick is more to be feared than so la for Infanta and Children is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Syrups It contains neither Morphine nor other Narcotic substance It is Pleasant Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers Worms and allay cure Diarrhoea and Wind Col relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and assimilates Pood regulates the and Bowels of Infants and Children giving healthy and natural sleep Is the Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend Castoria id excellent medicine well to children children Mother have told thai I It as superior Any pro of good effect upon their children to me OSGOOD ft A THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER High Constable Vacancy May 1st To Editor of Era Sib The Toronto papers have on several occasions lately re ferred to the vacancy in the position of High Constable of the County of York by the death of the late J Jones who occupied that posi tion for the last twenty years and have indulged in various surmises and HOME BAKERY J and that the salary is to be in to 1000 or over per annum Surely Mr Editor the writer is Talking or rather writing through his bat The complaint has been general for several years among the ratepayers the salary paid the High Constable was too high and late ly I understand that even some Mem bers of the County Council entertain ed that opinion also and began to move in the direotion of having it re duced Now when a favourable op offers of making the reduc tion without hurting anybodys feel ings I proposition comes from certain to continue or per haps increase the salary and make one of the County Councillors a High Constable This is attending the interests of ratepayers with a ven geance I advised the electors in each division to keep an eye on their re presentatives in the Council and pre vent this deal from being put through if possible This position of High Constable is honorary rather than useful The duties even if consoientously perform ed are very light indeed and the ser vice of such a of very little value to the Country The average amount of salary by other ties was ascertained by David Nigbs- wander Esq J P a year or two ago to be about He brought the matter before the Magistrates at the of the Peace and it was referred to the County Council by them hope the will keep the interests of the ratepayers in view in dealing with this question and not be stamped into making a soft place for some wirepulling member of own number Yours truly One who Pays Taxes By using a HighGrade Flour we still intend to turn out FIRSTCLASS BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry always on hand Wedding Cakes a Specialty Fresh Groceries Always in Stock ALBERT Proprietor I I take this opportunity to thank the many customers for past patronage and ask a continuance of their favors YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE Anywhere at Anytime AGENCY FOB Red Bird Coll end tee Sample at Carriage Repository a tew Block STOCK JUST RIGHT ffAlflo agent for Manufacturers life In eurancoOo The Inducement to men of Torture In a Trice and Permanently Cured Persistent use of Dr Oint ment will eradicate almost every kind skin disease No matter how long standing or it allay ir ritation with one application Its the cure known for and salt and will cure blind bleed ing or itching piles in from to nights V Bold by Lehman Newmarkets Millers Worm Powders are too best laxative medicine for children as nice as sugar Sold by E Leh man Mr Andrew mem ber for East been ap pointed manager of tdo North Shore Navigation Co- and has moved with his family to this week The berth is worth a year and it is said that should it- provo satis factory Mr will retire from politics President Mellen of Pacific Railway is so anxious to build the extension of the Portage branch westward from Portage la Prarie that ho is willing to right to the usual grant of per rnile and offered to build the road for a bonds for Working and Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was mode is Dr Kings New Life Every pill is a sugar- coated globule of health that changes weakness into strength in to energy brainfag into mental pow er Theyre in building up the health Only per box Sold by E Lehman Druggist Mr McGutcheon of line King lost his twoyearold first- prize general colt last nod two yearling general purpose this week from spinal i Dear A lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drumshas sent to his institute so deaf people unable to procure them may have them free Apply to Department The Institute London f-A- 7 Early Accidents Cauto Lifelong Suffering A that Is Causing Talk When a lad about eight years of us felt into a cellar a distance of ten feet striking on my head and causing con cussion of the brain I was taken to a London Engi Hospital the first seven not recovering consciousness I am now years old and from the time of accident until I began taking Dr Ward Pills Bye months ago I had been Subject to fainting spells never being more than two weeks without an attack of fainting As I grew older these spells became more frequent lasted longer and left me with less vitality I was weak had no strength Or stamina always very and downhearted imagined that every thing and every person was going against me and life only had a dark My appetite was poor most of the time but m now happy to say that since taking Wards Blood and Nerve Pills I have only had one fainting spell shortly after I began taking them so I have no hesitation in saying that Dr Wards Pills cured me Before taking these pills I always looked for a fainting spell not more than two weeks I would be greatly surprised at a recur rence of these spells- fife is now bright the constant morbid downhearted feel ing gone being replaced by a content hopeful feeling I feel like working My appetite is good and in every respect I have experienced the health arid strength restoring properties of Wards Blood and Nerve rills They certainly have proved a great blessing to me Yours truly Signed Thomas Stanton ion On Wards Blood and Nerve are sold at per 5 boxes for at druggists or mailed on Toronto ADVERTISE IN THE The Most Popular Local Paper and reaches all Classes ol the Community Rates Very Low Considering Circulation OF Court of Revision The first the Court of the year Monday May 29th themselves Way w TENDERS -ron- Doctor Ward Co i Girl Wanted general Wages per month Home I Sealed will received the to Saturday tho day of Kay for streetwatering s Parties to day for atrJbj and Water Street to track In all cases the to watered to a depth of feet each way from Main also franco to yards ji i 5 OLD Baa s4

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