Newmarket Era, 12 May 1899, p. 7

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fc 4 CHINA Weeks ItOGal OH ABOUT or A T A I I ling boon and to point The to Wo bo pleased a for from torn a who in tills regard- to prune rod point will bo appreciated by our MAY A couple of a of Bets bought at a Snap Our custom era the Dinner printed colors your regular sets A Snap in Bete printed 10 pieces colore your reg ular BOOTS SHOES The Value we have had Very neat and the latest styles Waflt of room prevents carrying a large but it is complete and prices are right GROCERIES Bartons Baking Powder in quart jars regular for Half Price to Prunes finest quality 18c lb now a lbs for Fine Quality of Figs lb Excelsior Coffee is the Best Try it Gospel TboWO last Sua- day Mr in the and at the Headings were given by Cody and Mrs aL tolo by Merrick and recita tion by Mr J Green The Presbyte rian Endeavor la to provide lbs program next Sunday AQOldent Last Monday morning on way to school in Newmarket Mies Flora Esq County Councillor mot wit a accident driven along Second Si and just a short distanoe before turning onto ibo wheel dropped in to a big bote in the road and immediately in of the Were out and Land was so that she was into a near by and medical aid for Club Adjourned meetioK well attended on Fri day evening Hon Pros Q Roes in The voting on officers to be elected resulted as follows BeoTrtaa Cent Reg 1st Lieut 2nd Jackson Com Hogbos Dr C Montgomery A It was that the join the A and the will be and green soon as tho roads are a will bo arranged In the Presbyterian Church Newmarket on Tuesday evening May PART I I The Sou Shall be no More Woodward The Choir Never Again v mn With Me and Oliver and Mr Oliver Coming of King v Miss Domino in P Buck The Choir Q is Thy Mercy Quartette by Mies I Hark Hark My Shelley Tho Choir Obligate by Hies Love Divine AH Love Excelling and Mr Knowloa Ave Verum Millard The King of Love Oliver Mr Knowloa Dr and Mr Oliver Praise Ye the Lord Mies and Oliver Rock of Ages Back There Is a Holy City SholJoy Choir Correction Mr J Rout of Holland Landing one of the Fishery tell us we were misinformed about the that confiscated and sent to the Home to whtob reference was mads last week and seme one mfcbt think that the Inspectors an the Holland River Messrs Rout and were not their doty we are request ed to the fish in question was caught off or near Point Mr Rout seized fish an hoar before Mr Terry arrived in town and the man brought the Ash to Newmarket paid a fine and The fine mould no doubt have been heavier had not been forestalled in laying the complaint A SMITH The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts The anniversary of of the League will bo next Monday dr Mr Davis and Wilson of Bond are to assist on program The people are looking forward to a treat The Department has the dates of and University examinations Candidates la form I will begin on July candidates in and commercial epecialUts on and candidates in forms III and IV on July Cue Last Friday Mrs John Lewis who re sides on Town Line west of St met with a accident was carrying a jar of fruit by the top when it suddenly broke and her left wrist out very badly by broken glass In her right band Medical aid was sent for and wound is healing Dont That Wednesday the of May Is date fixed by the members of St Paul a Church holding one of their popular and Varied Entertainments in the Town Hall Heal Changes Mrs has her premises on Andrew St to Metropolitan Railway Co who have an eye to the gravel then and Mrs old Badge homestead on Lot St expects to remove All Cut Doom The Corporation laborers went around town on Monday and out down every scrubby tree and bush on and all nests of caterpillars were burnt in the country should see that trees infested with worms along highway are treated in the earns manner Away off Sight When you are compelled to a hold the newspaper away off know that your eyesight Is away off and glasses should be procured at once free SatIsfactionimranteed L GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson A to Stow NEWMARKET Deputation Co On Wednesday last a deputation from the County of Peel of Warden Novel of Brampton County Wright and Little and Inspector John ston visited York Co Industrial Home They were received by Warden Woodcock Commissioner Norman Councillor and the Mr who extended a welcome The purpose of visitors was to obtain point ers in conducting their own Industrial Home They only built their Home last year It cost At present they have inmates in the institution Tbe deputation expressed satisfaction of the York Home and management At the adjourned meeting of the Board on Wednesday evening the following of ficers were elected Mr Morrison Mr Hughes Librarian Mr Wright Library Com Messrs A- Watson Walter Cain M J Smith and A Davidson It was decided to sell membership good till Oct let for each This ie a splendid opportunity for readers It was suggested tbat the Library Com mittee select about worth of books during month of June and librarian will receive from members names and authors of any work whey would like to see upon the shelves Tbe question of lighting tbe Library by electricity is also under consideration a Fire The old grammar school very nearly getting a the other day One of tenements was occupied by Mr and family Daring the temporary of Mrs Lepard one of the little boys about years of age lit some dry grass near the cellar window and it soon with the window sill Mrs who lives the blase and quietly dashed a pall of water on the fire thus preventing a con flagration Will the Century End It appears tbat question of when one century and another quite warmly discussed now it hundred years ago and In this enlightened age of oars too From an exchange of tbe Old Land we have raked up an old poetical problem which seems to solve it It was written on the morning of January let and from it we would say the century begins at one oclock a It rune as follow Precisely at twelve last night The eighteenth took its flight Pull many an aching head Has tacked its brain ink has To prove by fine That one hundred means bat While others at such wisdom wondered And took one more to make a hundred Post- The following are the officer of Junior League elected at their last meet- Anna antler ViceAda See Cody Organist Frank AflBiet Organist elf fief lets Currant bushes are making a great show log for fruit Regular meeting of the Town Council next Monday evening The very on plum trees A number in this section have died No less than six new wheels were deliver ed in Town last week Mra residence on Park Ave la by a new coat A big batch of wbeele visited the electric railway works below Aurora Sunday afternoon People who have trees in their gardens the harrows with black knot on them wo old Bad Foil While going along sidewalk yester day morning which was still wet on ac count of the rale Mr dutys cratch slipped and be fell on bis sore leg wrench log it very badly He was afraid he had broken it but a medical examination satisfied him that fortunately snob was not the case However be will not be able to get off his bed for three or four day Salvation Sunday evening next May at oclock pm the will be Seven Thing An action brought against the drum being a nuisance and therefore will be tried by judge and jury Wednes day May at the A Barracks at pm The Lantern Entertainment on day evening fairly well attended and audi was slighted deafly Killed Mr I P man narrow escaped a tragical death last Monday He was harrowing in the same field a boy named Albert Newton was operating a twofurrowed plough Something went wrong with bis work and the man left bis horses standing a few yards away white he went to young Newtons The horses attached to the harrows started to run and the man ran after them grab bing one by bridle He was unable to check the horses and knocked down- The horses continued to run round and round and finally ran into the fence The man whose name we could not learn was dragged harrows and bruised badly Mr heard someone calling and went to bis assistance just in time to save mans life as bis was Pas Wheat What will bo place fall wheat that haa been or wilt be plowed up The answer depends largely on locality In lower pact of York a great deal of goose wheat will bo planted farther up will to havoc wrought by on peas sown for hog feed up in the lower part and northern of where bugs have done little damage a very large acreage of peas will be put In Goose will largely take Ibe place of the plowed up wheat said There nothing bet ter than this it a spring crop is good but it riaky on ac count of the midge For hog feed barley will be our main reliance The wrought by bugs and blight has rendered peas an unprofitable crop about here We can generally count on bushels of barley to the acre while last year we did not have over of peas Wo think very highly of barley as hog feed there is less danger of overfeeding with it than there if with peas Goose will take the place of fait wheat about and Kleinburg said Edwin We can on a yield of to bushels of that The bugs were bad last year and o barley will take the place of peas for hog feed Even in ordinary years we can get more feed out of an acre of barley than we can out of the same laud planted in peas Borne will sow spring wheat says Kerr of King Creek Others will raise peas and others again bar ley There was a lot of peas grown about here last year but the bug was bad and barley will be largely used instead this season Goose will be depended up on to take placet of wheat about Strange said John Willie Peas do fairly well here about bushels to the acre and will be largely grown again this year A good many about King City will plant wheat with goose said John Burns- The bug has not troubled our pea crop very seriously and a considerable of peas will be planted this season PEA CROP We have had some trouble with the pea bug said John Curtis of but nothing serious The high peas will cause able sowing in crop Owing to the reduction in the price of bacon there will be rather less barley gown than usual Peas are free from bug about here said Joseph of the same sec tion- They give a fair yield and will be largely sown Barley has done well with us in the past and there will be more of it than usual this year on account of the failure of the fall wheat A mm j Newmarket Markets Kay barrel Wheat per bushel Wheat par Wheat per bushel Buckwheat Barley per bushel Oata per bushel per bushel Butter roll per lb Potatoes per Apples per Sheepskin Wool per lb Fork f Beef per owl- lb pair pucks per Turkeys i5 i i r a a a a a a a a a a a a a a SCO a CO a a till I Oil a a a a 0 tiJA W is coo 13 The new paster of the Christian Church Rev Weeks and family arrived Sat urday by a25 train They were greet at tbe station by several members of congregation and conveyed to the home of Mr J Mr Weeks attended Sabbath School Sunday morning and de lighted children with a short address A large congregation assembled to bear him on his first appearance here The text for the morning service was found in Job Acquaint now thyself with him and be at peace thereby good shall come onto thee In the afternoon Mr Weeks preached to a crowded bouse at the King The evening was also largely attended to the late arrival of Mr Weeks and family the could not be given until after his appearance in pulpit The members of the Christian Church m and congregation spent a veryeoolsleyen- school room last Monday by way of getting acquainted with the new pastor and his family Town Band was invited and enlivened several selections Refreshments on tbelr own interests by having them to at once The JR have built a new fence around pond Those who the beautiful in nature are now realizing gorgeous renewal of the they admire Regular meeting of East at Sharon next water cart fa doing effective in keeping down the dust these days meet at Mrs- next Tuesday afternoon Smith Bros took an excellent photo of a group in their gallery last day night 7- are making a great showing in the flower gardens The Band flying a over Main tbeWeek advertising Smith Bros took a flash light about 4Q Templars at their lodge last Wednesday evening fttlVBV When the express train from the north approached the depot at Newmarket on Wednesday morning a man Crea don driving a onehorse spring waggon at tempted to cross the track Creadon east and had not paid attention to ths approaching although whistle and bell were both Bounded giving fall notice When the engine was upon the hone which Creadon had pulled the horse wheeled to The train just barely missed tha rig When will the public team to give some reasonable attention at Railway Crossings driving as if were in some fern fane It a close call and if the engineer had riot so promptly ap plied brakes which gave horse time to swerve off the running op on the station platform fcbe or the driver would probably have boon killed p R I N O D S T A This is the Age of Progress and we are keeping pace with it NEW GOODS For the Spring and EVERYTHING JUST AS REPRESENTED- Shelf Hardware of Every Description Tools fop Farmeps and Mechanics Steves and Tinware THOROUGHLY UPTODATE it You a be Satisfied if you with ALLAN CO Newmarket J Lines We are doing well in BLOUSES A DRESS GOODS Mr chimney oh Wednesday No damage has not goi a la- fi Mrs Alex Allaire of St Man was terribly her dress fivo burning in the yard- Her injuries will probably prove fatal D stick ii it Typhoid is affecting the health of the Americana troops in the Philip pines proposed new High School building and qulpment is to about Thirty lives were lost by the wreck of Loch gloy on Kangaroo Island in Australasian waters At Tuesday morning A planing mill and an door factory partly de stroyed by fire in Economi cal of Berlin Washington May The Navy De partment has selected a socceaaor to Admiral Dewey to command the Ablatio squadrons Orders were issu ed today detaching Rear Admiral Watson from command of the Mare island navy yard and ordering him to report to Admiral Dewey at Mani la to relieve that officer when he feels that he can be spared there Belleville May The of Gold being turned out by the Can adian Gold Fields Company at and the Cordova Exploration Comp any at Belmont is the beat advertise ment our North mines could ask The is informed that this week the Company shipped ounces of gold and the Belmont Company ounces Ont May Last night burglars broke into pried open the safe and carried off ten or fif teen dollars in postage stamps and small change also entered Fausts general store and took several suits of clothes with some jew- Three saspioioos looking char- in town yesterday all dress ed in dark clothes one carrying his arm in a sling The other two sold small wire May Mrs Webster who was arrested on charged with- blackmail ap peared before the magistrate again to day- woman was prostrated and were not admitted- to the court room plaintiff Antoine and Chief of police Rose were examined and upon their evidence Mrs Webster was committed for trial Bail asked it the amount of in two sureties- Her father desired to furnish the full amount as a second- surety not then bo The woman was taken back to jail to till a I can be furnished J TORONTO HOUSE FRESH and FLOWER GARDEN SEEDS From moat reliable SEED HOUSES SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT POST OFFICE May Collec tor Internal Revenue S Jones in this city has disappeared and ac counts are short according to the inspectors Jones has been away a month and his whereabouts axe un known Manitoba Floor BEST Hungarian Pa- FIELD of all kinds Timothy Mangel Carrot and Turnip of BEST AND Portland and Ontario J A Fine Residence AND farm for Sale The late Thomas Iho on lliiltaor Newmarket on Prospect land with a Hath and orchard lust prime bearing a fa a place particularly retired farmer not fail to suit rod of the croai of of contoi0loirT5 loam take tola subject to to Coatee for two cere or a V bo taado For particulars and of Q pi to pod Charles Wobb of Thomas Coatee to X Vpv- j- J m J Cor Main and Huron J

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