i CHINA MAY a 1899 A couple of dates of Bets bought at a Snap Price Our custom ers can have the piece Dinner How printed colore your choice regular sets A Snap in Toilet Bets printed pieces several colors your choice 140 reg ular CO BOOTS SHOES The Value we have had Very neat and the latest styles Want of room prevents us carrying a largo stock but it iff complete and our prices are right GROCERIES Bartons Baking Powder in quart regular for Half Price to clear Prunes finest quality lb now Ji lbs for Fine Quality of Figs lb Excelsior Coffee is the Beat Try it A SMITH The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts A Question WHAT ON IN ABOUT TOWN Presbyterian The Presbytery on Toes- day Messrs J A and A selected to preset the of the to A to pallor hero Thus A in this do fiots through and oat ashes than has to sprinkle bis and lawn mower coal bo the ho carries and mure water ho squirts the harder ho push the lawn mower Aid Tea Ladies Aid of Methodist Charon will bavo of their popular Quarter ly Teas on of at of Mr J Billiard Tea from Geo to be followed by a delightful literary musical program wel come for Pipe Organ Food missionary Box Womens Missionary of a packing box of clothing last Monday for the Indian Mission at Norway House mostly goods every article neatly repaired and roaoio ready for use At a very low tire a to the poodn wore valued at and wit no doubt bo greatly appreciated of your eytt If You ned Masses your burn If so You Glasses type become In reading If so You need Glasses Do you from frontal If so Glasses will Help You you know If you have perfect J If not we can Inform You LIT WILL COST YOU L Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson Co Store NEWMARKET Pine Specimen day last Mr of the Contra Meat killed a la mouths old that beam at lbs It raised by Mr John Proctor of Yon go and shown what the are doing in that line No wonder Mr has his name for supplying roasts when ho burn animals like thai Brought to Time Saturday an Indian with hair hanging oyer bis shoulders llko a girl opened his satchel and basinets on leading to the Mar ket The Chief ordered him to go to the Market bid license Mr Indian refused to do either bat when the Chief walked off to get a warrant the ven dor walked alter him to the Clerks omoe paid his Si end went where he was told Discretion Is the better part of valor Gospel 8plendfd program provided last Sunday Cody in the chair and Mrs Lush at the organ Mr Parry of Col lege conducted the devotional exercises by Jos Rogers of Toron to and Walter ArmStage of Newmarket by Miss and reading by Low Singing by Lily Loan and coneio by Mr Webb and Mies Dor land also Mr Webb Miaa Wortop all of College The provide the program next Sunday Great Sport No need to go away from home for good fishing One day last week Tom caught a in the here that weighed lbs On Tuesday the same young man caught another carp and drew it up in fall eight of the men working on the Rail way put all doubts to rest on the truthfulness of the story It measured 2U inohea long and weighed lbs Tom wore a smile all over hie face as he proud ly the fish op Main On Wednesday morning Mr Wm Good caught 14 carp in the pond here the est weighing lbs after A Union with Aurora is talked of Ron Jbo Bicycle Club meet at Poet Office tbJsovonlng at for a run to the Lauding Hill on A cordial invitation la extended to ladies to join Hello I you hoard of the Strawberry Feat young of Pauls are making for It is to bo held on Friday Jane Watch The Sound A desire haying to train start from the have arranged with Co to from there at ten minuter to six on tbe morning of June Solvation At7y of Toronto will ft A at am and pm The is well known as ouo of oldest Canadian Officers and will doubtless be able to give some thrilling from bis long experience Commander Booth is to be in New market the I Young Peoples Convention Annuo Convention of North York People to be held id the and of Juno Tuesday and have been in obtaining tbo services of excellent speakers and others to read papers on of vital to the Aaeooiation evening Hoy Canon of is to apeak on the of Kings business The second evening the speaker is to be Mr Lower of Toronto and those who have beard both gentlemen apeak In the highest of their ability- It Is to be hoped that a large number of delegate from Newmarket and sur rounding Towns will be in attendance at this Convention end everything lit reedy for hot He bit it lucky foir little Water was used during the wet epell the re la nearly full of again June month of rosea and Town next Monday County Council meets on 12tb here from Wed Big to Perry Bound A booked for next Deliberate Warder Child Killed by Its Mother Who then Sad Case at Pine KNOWLES Wholesale Retail PROVISION STORE North Roadbooks Furniture Store i v A Fresh Supply a Week- of Famous Bacon Hams Lard io Tbe beat Mildest Cured Meats on the Market today A trial wilt con vince Also Rolled Corn Meal Batter Potatoes Pickles Salt Corn Peas- Tomatoes Pickled Ham Tongao Hooey o Orders filled shortest Killed by of the Primrose variety appear to be very to rente N Starr had a very choice primrose in fall bloom sitting upon tbe front window Bill just over the place where tbe telephone wires enter the store It a perfect but during a thunderstorm that passed oyer here two ago it was so affected that it immediately wilted and nothing could be done to revive it Another plant was pro cured and put in position soon another storm came along this plant commenced to droop hot being at removed it revived For cheap good as new Apply to Will exchange for gen tlemans wheel good order Accident For want of a little more patience there quite general mixap at the Enron fit crossing last Saturday afternoon and it was that no were broken The train bad jam left and a freight train polling out of elding Sever bad collected on the aide of track while the crossing waa and the cabooae had not cleared the crossing when there a general rash The third in the string wee being driven by Mr it became frighten ed at tbe carp that aa soon the started he could not hold Mr George was driving the second and he thrown oat of the light waggon entire ly and bogey ran over none got free and was caaght held onto bis bat it kicked In Its endeavor to get free abaft was a wonder tbftt If You Wont Good reliable Paints Oils and go to Empire Day In honor of the day a now Flag Pole was erected at Separate and tbe Canadian colors floated In the breeze on Tuesday of last week An entertainment of patriotic songs and also given in the School House Mr Walter Cain a very popular and Miss Codys pupils from the School joined Primary in celebrating Empire Day The children took great interest in decorating the school with flags and flowers and effect was quite pleasing Many of the parents show ed their interest by being present to enjoy provided by the child Mr Pretty and Mr attend ed though late in arriving and the latter kindly con eon ted to act chairman dar ing the remainder of the afternoon Mr ronton addressed the children and rous ed their patriotism quite in their singing Before dis persing Mr asked the pupils to join heartily in giving three oheers for the Queen To this appeal the readily responded and oheered if had intended Vtotoria herself to hear their shoots of and love The Toledo ot May gives the fol lowing account of the marriage of Dr Frank Cooks daughter who is also a to Mrs of this Town Friday is lucky day for some people just as others select as a mascot more and others still prefer to take their first peep at a new moon over the left shoulder Whether two young people who plighted their marriage vows on Friday evening last gave thought to the obsolete auper- etition that declares that day unlucky not known bat at any rate their friends consider them both exceedingly fortunate young and for them the happiest of At Grace Episcopal on the evening named the rector Rev pronounced words that made Beatrice J Cook and William Bed- bone husband and wife The bride a graceful and very pretty girl more than usually attractive in a gown of filmy white and carrying a duster of Marechal Kiel Her maids were Miss Anna and Miss Pearl Hughes Miss flngbee was very sweet in a pale blue organdie frock very becoming to style beauty and was and fair in wbite Swiss knots of bine Both maids the correct bridesmaids blossoms pink Mr Broer and Mr Cook were groomsmen A reception at the home of the grooms parents on Huron street fol lowed the ceremony and there the rooms were filled an guests who offered hearty coogratulationa Mrs Thompson at the piano and play- the wedding from as the bridal patty antered the All the rooms were profusely with daintily served Mr and the recipi ents of gifts thai will be given places honor their handsome bow on Olio wood ave- wlifrethoy A horrible and aad case took place a little this aide of Pine Orchard be tween and Yesterday morning in a wellto do and highly fam ily- Nobody waa present when the aot performed bat the plainly tbeoheto of events Mrs Jewitt wife of a achoolteaohCr at Toronto Junction and formerly at came homo a month ago on tbe advice of her physi cian to try the benefit of a in poor health ever Hince tbo birth of baby about ago She brouRht two other children with her and ail were made comfortable as possible at her old home of the late Starr Mrs Starr her mother is very poorly being confined to her bed and under the care Yesterday morning when Mrfl washing baby by kit chen stater went down cellar to work some batter On finishing she came upstairs and found the washbasin and other things where they were used and soma of the babys but Mrs was missing After going to see if mother required anything she back to tbe kitchen to see what her aiater doing On going Into a horrible sight mot her gaze Thero the darling little babe partly dressed was lying with its brains knocked oat It had been struck awful blow on the aide of the head witb bank of an old axe that was used in the woodshed to ohop The axe was left near by and was stained witb blood at alarmed everybody on farm for neighbors and Coroner of Newmarket after the family physician ar rived on bis usual visit bat Jewitt not be murder was olearly a case of tem porary Insanity and had been deliberately planned Insanity runs to some extent in family Mrs had sent the two older children to the barn to hunt eggs telling them that she would be oat there with The was a little cross and fretful but otherwise a healthy and promising baby still its mother bad remarked to her sister that it would be better If the child waa dead On the arrival of the neighbors a was at instituted Mrs was tracked down the lane and over a fenoe towards the woods After searching all through the woods and all over vicinity for over two hours dead body was under a small bridge in a swale on the homestead farm She had ended her life by drowning Under the circumstances the Coroner did not consider an inquest necessary but the County Crown Attorney has ordered one the body of the child All parties are wellknown aud most respected and they will have the heartfelt sympathy of the community their sad bereavement trouble The Meeting of the Metho dist on Thursday arid Friday week was largely both ministers and lay men from all parts Rev Matthews presided The District is of the largest in Toron to Conference extending from King to Allendale and from Alliston to including upwards of ministers The first day largely taken up with the ex ruination of ministerial character which was very satisfactory Revs A Spencer and having finished their college course and specified time of circuit work were recommended for Rev J was recom mended to be continued as student of Medical Coarse in preparation for Foreign Missionary work Rove Geo Webber were recommended to bo continued on trial for ministry and Alfred I Miller of Newmarket all necessary was commended as a canudai for ministry It was also recommended that the relations of superannuated ministers be continued namely Revs Lee and Hughes of and Mc Dowell of Aurora A public meeting was held in the evening at which an excellent pro gram was furnished by ministers On Friday tbe state of each circuit was under review and District an a whole was found in good condition The following delegates were to attend Conference at Owen Sound week Bradford T Graham Newmarket Jackson Lennox J Boas AUiaton McKay P Banting WaafcEasa Bond Head Joseph Ed and Tottenham Enoch Love Dan Green Aurora P Charles Nor man King Elmer Queeneville J Ayl ward Ebenezer Kneisban Inoisfil Henry Grose William Blaok On Missionary Com Len nox of Thornton On Com Rev Crown of Bradford and P McKay P of On Com J J Spar ling of Deerborst and J of Thompson In view of the probable removal from the District of the Chairman a resolution testifying to the executive ability uniform kindness and courtesy manifested towards the brothers and praying for the continued success of Rev Matthews was tenderly moved by Rev Large seconded by Rev A and supported by Revs J B Wass Lee Cooking and Brown and carried most unanimously The chairman made a feeling reply and proceedings closed in the usual manner THE LEADING if This is the Age of Progress and we are keeping pace with it NEW GOODS ARRIVING For the Spring Trade and EVERYTHING JUST AS Shelf of Every Description Tools fop and Mechanics Stoves and Tinware THOROUGHLY UPTODATE IS You will be if you Deal with J A ALLAN CO Newmarket Lines We are doing well in BLOUSES DRESS TORONTO JOBBINI J HOUSE AH the striking carpenters at Winnipeg returned to work on Mon day Beginning early in July a new line of steamers ru between Montreal Bordeaux France A washout caused by a railway accident In Iowa early morn ing when nine people were killed and ten wounded The marriage of Mr Harry Cart- wright son of Sir Richard Cartwright to Miss Hope daughter of the late Mr W Hope has been arranged to take place on June Mrs Morrow of Tottenham paid a fine this week of and costs for selling liquor after hours and Mr J M of the same village comes up for trial on a similar charge on Tuesday From Barrrie Paris Woodstock and other Western Ontario towns come reports of extensive damage to crops by a fiftrce thunderstorm on Monday A number of buildings wet struck by lightning Roberteop store at St Thomas the largest department store in WesternOn com pletely destroyed by Are Monday night were and one of Hie largest in Only the walls are left and not a worth Wednesday were Oar Toronto It is understood a meeting of repre sentatives of York County in Toronto Junction was convened yesterday to consider and determine what part of the land titles expense for the year shall be paid by the latter muni cipality The Star of Monday announces that the annus excursion of the Warden of York County will be held on June 14 to Niagara The delegates to the annual meet ing of the Orange Grand Lodge of British America held in Toronto this week may be said to fairly represent Canadian Orangeisnt on thin continent We are told that every part of this wide Dominion sent its delegates men who by their standing in the order their acquaintance with history and general abilities are fitted Lodge representatives The address of Grand Master Hon Wallace was full of interest to the order was well received Rev Dr Potts met with a slight accident on Tuesday night which will confine him to the house for a week He slipped on the pavement when alighting fiom a car and was badly shaken up Hon James Young of Gait was in the city yesterday There seems to be no change in the strike on the The officials say they are getting all the men they need and simply refuse to discuss the question On the other hand the strikers say the trouble is giving the Co much anxiety the trackmen Jwlieve success sight Possibly a compromise will be the result At share holders of Dominion on a divide nU of 12 per and FLOW FIELD GARDEN SEEDS From most reliable SEED HOUSES SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT POST OFFICE r tolal loas center ffiA wl REMOVED Lundys Tailor Shop la to premises of DAWS GROCERY Leave year for one of our Nobby Spring Suits T GRAHAM Photographer JONES OLD STAND Cor Park Ave Photos in the Highest Style of the Art- Cal and See Spaclmens i