Newmarket Era , June 2, 1899, p. 8

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celebration bore Mane tek jBWJMtaj tor liver and taw sink I pause indigos etc In- valuable to prevent a cold or freak op a rarer they worthy your Purely vegetable bo taken by children or delicate women at all or by mail of A Co Lowell Mess ftukl of HEAD OFFICE op Total A Brand Bank In established at BRADFORD Whore wards and Interest at We Specialty Discounting Farmers Notes And Hate LOWEST For further Informally JOHN Bradford W so are coming in early gammer There are already five cottages occupied at lake Jan Taylors Thursday carrying away all the articles thereon a day celebration horo Irige a -girlfrom-lnaiffiliown- eight- of eye was ptreet a boy via a giant fire cracker A of the exploded cracker bar Miller a from Victoria hospital was struck on the by a ball being thrown from a hotel back yard where men were playing catch and the blow fractured hie jaw ARE YOU INSURED S ASSURANCE GO ESTABLISHED 1825- Total Asaurance in forces over over Annual Revenue over paid by death Matured Endowments over in Canada 1 Tho annual Campmeeting of who free Methodist Church will be held in Mr James Hamiltons bush the of June Rev John Oregon from Buffalo the converted Priest and will be present and preach the word of life All vited to attend Children Cry for ca AURORA A football match was played in town park here between and the Aurora High School team which resulted in favor of Aurora by On Monday head of cattle which had boon fattened at Hon farm and purchased by Mr J wore shipped for English market They were a very fine lot averaging in weight lbs The demonstration held on Monday evening in the Mechanic hall under the auspices of Hoy a I Templars of Temperance in celebration of Empire Day a great success so far a numbers are at least the hall Wing crowded to utmost capa city Rev occupied the chair and in his opening address complimented the on the manner in which tho hall decorated with flowers flasund bunt ing also his pleasure at meeting an Aurora audience The church is peculiarly the homo of religion and of its in worship Tho men who do not go to church need most the good things church would give them They are living in their lower natures lives at beat or refined or but more probably immoral corrupt and Loss of religion or in it results commonly from violations of tho moral law from the toss of honesty chastity or sobriety Honest not hypocritical churchgoing would men back to virtue and piety through instruction prayer and worship through purifying and strengthening sacraments and through sympathy pood example and mutual help Right reason teaches the im mortality of tho soul the existence of filial relation of man to God and the moral law graven on mens hearts by the Creator Right reason also teaches that obedience to the mor al law is necessary for mans happi ness here and and for lest good of human society There fore if there were no Christian reve lation nor Christian church at all wise and true men would form ethical and religious societies to nave the aid of association in greatest of all concerns Lalie Home Journal Children Cry for CASTORIA Self peter Now York at deaths door as to He years age an as the Broad- way theatre four weeks ago when he suffered a nervous collapse The teadrinking habit with him had bean growing steadily until tt food well drink for tea were fierce as any that ever beset any victim often he could away from hia work be brewing aha drinking that the beverage be atrong ten years ago he y there at He did not know tbe his illness when bo found himself un able to bed one day AT A LOSS who visited him were Sozzled They were at a for a lagnosia On their advice he was taken hospital on May Here it waa discovered that had been a tea drunkard Dr Egbert and Dr Herman house physician of the third bad treated a tea drunkard a few months before This patient bad been a young woman but aha had not been in near ly so serious a condition as is Phelan face and body were and lips guma and white He was scarcely able to move and when he did respiration was like that of one who hoof ran up a steep hill USED AS A CHILD a child he was- fond of tea and An fa of the way doctor maybe mistaken la in the experience narrated by Dr Joseph years ago emigration from there a lady in the company who was badly affected with that dreadful disease scrofula Her mouth and throat were in an awful condition and there were lump on the below the the of a hens egg Other doctors had been called and they It was a fatal case 1 called an made my diagnosis I felt confident that none of my remedies would do her any permanent good It came to my mind that Dr Pierces Golden Medi cal Discovery recommended for it so went to the drug store and bought one bot tle and gave it to her to use as directed Five bottles cured her and she is well to day She la married now and has three healthy children If this is a credit to your medicine Dr Pike in a communication to Dr Pierce yon use it I am using a good many of your medicines in my practice In bin own profession Dr R Pierce Made in all Standard Sizes and Styles strong durable right best finish Meets with ap proval of rate- pay a teachers Inspectors and pupils Ay r The Office Specialty Mfg Co limited Newmarket Ont Head Office and Bay St Branch Dame Montreal Q Makers of Office and School Furniture I my own profession R Pie of Buffalo Y- is honored as among the foremost of living specialists la diseases of the blood and nervous system If your health is poor write to him in perfect con fidence for good advice It will be sent you in a plain sealed envelope without charge the most obstinate forms of consti pation use Dr Pleasant Pellets Their action is prompt yet comfortable their effect is permanent Insist that the Deposit at Ottawa for security of Canadian Policyholders over For Infanta and Children Profits paid policyholders 0000000 The lives of Females Insured without extra premium over years of age written at Special Rates Ramsay Manager J Hutton Balfour Secretary Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario GEO HUNT District Inspector A Agent pilars at had been allowed to drink of it as he liked He grew to like it more and more He drank it without milk or sugar When he was a young man he to drink six and eight of strong tea a day to enable him to work Bo the habit grew until at the age of forty years thirty a day was hia He is now hovering between life and death with little hope of recovery j TWO LOTS TO BENT Id Aharon Good Harden splendid orchard pood bouse and nod soft water Apply to on Pity the Woman MOUNT ALBERT Examinations If properly conducted t8t the or student well graduation of the Toronto all Independent by of Canada No or Diplomas to In- Our arc properly trained to EreclatQ standing why ave any for capable lip efficient young men women to All pool thao we can amy enter our College at any time wo Supply irCol your enter our any time j There are no vacations to Interfere with your 9 to If you a postal Principal fitu Toronto word Is copyrighted guarantee for Purity Strength when seen our goods It marks Iheui for several and lie presence protects you collations and Inferior goods for It Plant Spray PJaiagpra no minora ouareiJleor Paris Sure to all life etc Harmless to veKC- Canadas only Shsep Dip a preparation or the cure of akin diseLCS and tbe eradication or Jo sbecp And cattle It la highly modi dual docs it work no drastic or Ir ritating Endorsed by leading Horse Wash Wash Is prepared and for of all llcauiewtforlheoureofaVlodlseaieepecu- iocl peatB and verialD It a BurparBiiiHly brightens the pelt and puts a thoroughly healthy Price per or Pig Wash Pig laaucoesfifully used in all dhteaaos of and for llec aud vermin Jo condition and en- fture a health animal for mar nod Poultry Powder Hen and Poultry appearance la be Hen House Spray Mr David will on Monday in the office lately occupied by Mr He baa entirely recovered from his recent illness A liberal display of bunting a bat of three anvils and an unlimited supply of firecrackers were the princi pal outward and visible signs of the Mounts loyalty to Her Ma jesty on the twentyfourth Mount Alberts honesty has been weighed in the balance and has not been found wanting When Mr Cros by closed his store on Saturday he left a number of pairs of valuable shoes and found tlieoi there next morning It has been definitely decided that a grand entertainment will tie held in the new hall immediately on its com pletion Talent from the city will be secured and no pains will be spared to make the affair the best of its kind ever held in Mount Albert Woodcock Bros are a rushing business those day They are work ing full time over time and all the time Besides an unusually large number of small orders they have just completed two large contracts in North They have secured the contract for the woodwork of the new Methodist Church at A prominent member of a church not so many thousand miles from here had gone to prayermeeting with his wife aftera particularly hard days work He fell asleep almost as soon as he sat down and of course failed to respond when asked to lead in prayer When the request was repeat ed his wife shook him They want you to lead she whispered He awoke and replied not in a whisper my lead I dealt Notwithstanding the threatening weather of Thursday the repre sentatives of Methodist Womens Mis sionary Auxiliaries of the District were here in force to attend their annual convention which was a success in fullest sense of the word from the opening hymn to the benedic tion at the close of tho last session Not an auxiliary but delegate not a delegate but brought cheering facts and figures concerning the work in her district and felt fethusiasm for their cause increased and their courage find renewed Henry Ward used to tell story of way in which his teacher of mathematics taught him to depend upon himself I was sent to the blackboard and went uncertain and full of whimper ing That lesson must be learned said my teacher in a quiet tone but with a terrible intensity All explana tions and excuses he trod underfoot with utter I want that problem I dont want any rea sons why you havent it he would say I did study two hours Thats to me I want lesson You need not study it at all or yon may study it ten hours just to suit yourself I want the les son It was tough for a green boy but it seasoned me In less than a month I bad the most intense sense of intel lectual independence ami courage to defend my One day his cold calm voice fell upon me in the midst of a demonstra tion No I hesitated and then went back to beginning and on reaching the same point again No uttered in a tone of conviction barred my progress The next and I sat down in red confusion He too was stopped with No but went right on finished and as he sat down was rewarded with Very well Why whimpered I recited it jost as be did and you said No Why didnt you say Yes and stick to it It not enough to know your lesson you must know you know it You have learned nothing till you are sure If the world says No I a Nervous Wreck But in a Remedy That Will Her as South American Nervine Did This One Mrs James A Publico Lunen burg was a wreck from stomach troubles and nervous prostration After she had trid many remedies and was treated by best physicians to be disappointed in a cure she was recommended to- use South Amer ican Nervine She did so with the result that today after years of suffer ing she is a cured and happy woman and this great remedy saved J her life Bold by Lehman Bent- leys Pharmacy Newmarket We Go to Church Fop On Street Desirably Situated n the old For Sale on Easy Apply to Heal Estate Agent To Bent Sell or Exchange FOR PROPERTY stabling excellent of apples pears The above property can be rented for one orchard conalatlag of apples pears plum Sew or a term of years For further apply to A Fine Residence AND your business prove it is to say Yes and stock o fowls or fa hods fee taut destroying Aot as ilex destroy vermin peculiar to feathered on purifying atmosphere they roup aud KAHPrtlJHrJSt for Wo J f His money in the Street Catarrh Remedies Cost Him Hundreds and Ho Two Bottles of Dr Catarrhal Powder Him Fred jr distiller Rail road York Co Pa on January last wrote of Agnews Catarrhal Powder like this I had catarrh of the head and stomach for two years and had it in the worst form I spent several hundred dollars in remeolis and might aa well have thrown my money in the street I was recom mended to try Dr Catarrhal Powder and two bottles of it have al ready cured me am a well man and wish its makers the greatest of success Sold by Lehman Bentlas Pharmacy Newmarket The Press Association will visit the lakes on Satur day June and remain till the fol lowing Wednesday The New Yprk staff strong will also visit our lakes on of patting tip at- Port Sand- field We go to church to worship God and his attributes include all that is noble in life all that is hopeful in death and all that is beautiful in bought or in Nature What a man worships determines what he is To sincerely and appreciate good ness wisdom power and in telligence as exhibited in tbe charac ter of the Christ of the Bible is to be inspired with the highest thoughts and become a partaker in an increasing measure of that grand Divine nature We go to church to reform evil to secure strength in our weak ness to revive our hope to obtain comfort in grief to elevate our think ing to purify and intensify our feel ings to preserve and restore our health to our knowledge arouse our love for all that is good to make our home more sweet to make society more brotherly and peaceful to get rest from care to be better fit ted for business to secure enthusiasm for heroic deeds and to find pure and permanent happiness Ladies Home Journal Farm for Sale The late Thomas Coatea residence and premises situate just South of the Corpora tion limits of Newmarket on fiacres of land with a good House and frame Barn and Stable thereon a large orchard dust at prime hearing age Town taxes fouls a place particularly suitable for a retired farmer Possession be given at any time or not fall to suit purchasers NorthHalf of West of lot la the 2nd Concession of containing acres House and Barns are fairly good Soli la a clay loam The pur would takethla subject to a lease to Joseph for two years or a reasonable settlement could be made him to give Immediate possession For particulars and Condition of Bate ap ply to George Rose and Charles Webb Ex ecutors or Thomas Estate or to Solicitor I W Newmarket The following Valuable are hereby offered FiSALElTENDER i Lot one Concession Four East Gwil- Alma College has been found guilty of heresy by a of if vfpflMM AND r Cry for iiaiiii Thomas Methodist district for ut terances in a inj in January last teacher to the other day have in my room two of the brightest pupils in the school They are not naturally endowed with great er intelligence than other children but their home training has developed the habit of looking into things of learning why and wherefore When I made a short visit at their home a few weeks ago I discovered why they differed from my other pupils The father and mother do not indulge in trivial gossip at the table brat each strives to some bit of informa tion that interest well ab in- aid when the father Borne new piece of across a little ont of the ordinary he for the The whole family the news of the and there of ten and twelve are eager to learn thing with to enliven the never obtruaiveand never bo t a loss for words in years when The North half Lot Conces sion of West 150 of Lot Concession of East excepting a strip of feet The North Eaat quarter of the East half of Lot in the Third Cotf cession of Bait West 125 acres of Lot in the 4th of East The Easterly half of Lot Conces sion of East The Easterly of Lota and in the Concession of I Lot the 1st Concession of East East of Lot 182 the 1st Concession of North TheouthEast quarter of Lot Con- cession East Village Lot in being part of Lot the 2nd Concession of Grvilllrabury and Village Lot number in the- Village of Albert skid properties are well as far as churches wd are Toronto fl Do thi BUILDING THIS SUMMER If you do write TO WE ME LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get prices of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows LAP MX Artistic Effects Inside Wpdfk m Factory in Canada for the of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc BICYCLES We and Repair all kinds oa short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET ONT u ax 3WlBIMfflfi The Buffalo AllSteel Disc Harrow Ttdn is Harrow made or la Canada having Independent adjosuble pressure upon the inner ends of the allowing any amount of upon the Inner ends of the irancR the foot of action a uniform depth Examine this Machine and compare with thers The Cultivator IS OF The only Culti vator made that of teeth cut an even depth In the around Examine it and you will why The only Cultivator with a move able tooth eel so that the angle of regulated to suit any condition of soil Pressure can be regulated to act differ ml on every c- requiring The teeth are carried between wheels Instead of trailing behind as In machines thus securing tor draft Tbts Is furnished with grain and graaa seed lox required It has reversible diamond for teeth also extra wide points can you will buy no other THE BEST DRILL MADE The Needs No Introduction Over Drills and Seeders or our manufac ture in use In Canada The only Drill made with lever for instant and perfect regulation of depth of hoe in all kinds or soli while team Is In moiloo absolutely correct to scale saves as every kernel la deposited at a proper depth to Purchase Only the best and you will be aalisOed manufacture Binders Mowers Rakes- Cultivators and as good tfs toe beet vend for Illustrated catalogue Canada ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET ONT YEARS EXPERIENCE V S V PATENTS SECURED c In a skat eh aw uovrUlm an tt probably Handbook on oldest flmcrkan A vm1t- of any tenrnaX Terms dr a- Write for our books bveM and are swindled Send or jour Invention or and o UljcH you our opinion as to whether It is probably Wo make a sp of reJecUd In other hands furnished ft CM1 A MJ Vol gKS I x J If you are not a subscriber ot the Era 5c a a months

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