Newmarket Era, 16 Jun 1899, p. 4

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HI V tii are master of your health and if you do not attend to duty the bUme is located If your blood stout of order Hoods Sftparllla will purify it the specific remedy for troubles blood kidneys bowels or liver Heart for A of years and different failed to too- I tried Hews and bottles completely i said perfectly A Bridge NT I had remaining two children AS they subject to throat trouble and ysrr strong Art slow end Stronger and not since baa a Pembroke IP- Sire to JACKSON Best Advertising Medium K York County meats insertion Insertion moots per lino for insertion coNTaior bates FOB Yrii mo file nob iDCboo Jfer Instructions until forbid Charged will be each month if desired month composition I- paid for regular for be In by noon on for ft to Kent Art kite Found etc notice will be tree for A rMdliH notice win for Bucb No execution to iMk rille LEGAL J Robertson Salary Public OrriOEMaln Street NewmKrMH good Farm Barrister do Solicitor fur of Klug I to building Newmar ket p BArrlsterSonolior Conveyancer etc Marab it Cameron e Toronto Estates carefully mauaxed and promptly made Money to loan at lowest rates Block liennox Morgan Darrletera o Morgan of Post Of floe Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora wiU also be at Newmarket on Saturdays and Court Solicitors for J Boas Co Hankers and Ontario Bank Aurora Funds to I HERBERT Dunn 6t Am Mao Id Arcade King St West Toronto Honey Block Money to Loan i- Ti Executive ycek bod a of in Hop- to the Liberal for riding A was strong el pat ting on record of loaders of party that coming contest be Mr oppose the Minister of of not yet settled A of the Navy bee written to the Companion of be of Jane An Article headed At the North Polo The writer ox in a clear and delightful way why at poles a day and a make A year why extraordinary Condi prevail In of north With to be In this Is story of two old people who tried to get a portrait of their dead daughter by buying too dollars worth of groceries AH OPERATION EVADED BARBARA MOP j The of York that the cor poration of Toronto Junotlon Is for part for the of the Land Titles end salt bee been by for a to that The And thai nndor the statute which life in They pay to business being a part of the though a municipality has not it Is said paid a dollar towards expenses of the within last four years The says the Junction is liable for at least Its proportion of the done The action is however styled a friendly suit The Only Medicine That Able to Call a Halt to Wasting and Dan Diseases Ont Tells it Was Done of Appendicitis Way Wore Now Well and Working Everyday t WW A Duncan Auctioneer the Co or York on reason able attended to A trial solicited pjEaiOBKCe Btxeet Newmarket ft i- Jackson MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Office Newmarket Office Mayor Raymond an Mayor of to the position of Fire destroyed J Longs house lit Thomas and Mr had ho lifted out an upstair window The of Barrio are making preparations to hold a monster demon stration in county town on July ltl Over union men and sym pathizer with the street car in their strike paraded the Tuesday evening headed by a band are increahing north of Jviinoutou and the Dominion Govern ment will ask lo extend close season in an effort to nave the animal from extinction Que- June The Goad- cook Woolen Mill was destroyed by a fiie at oclock this morning The started in the pickerroom Some machinery and stock was saved The building is a total partly insur ed Owen June Rev A Brown of Owen Sound who is about to be transferred to Avenue Methodist church Toronto in place of Rev E Scott who goes to Van couver was on the first ballot elected president of the Toronto Conference today Quebec June The Lake Huron and her are at Island Station and will be detained in quarantine for three weeks On the way out from Batoum one case of smallpox revealed and it was thought best to de tain the ship New York June buildings comprising almost the entire plant of the Charlton Fireworks Company at Richmond Borough were blown to bits this after noon and the entire fireworks plant practically wiped out of existence Al though tbe Area which followed lasted for several hours the wreck was com plete within a few minutes after the first detonation No were lost but three persons were iojured only two of them seriously June In a At of maniacal frenzy James a gardener residing at Dixie two miles from this place attempted to murder his wife this morning pounded her in the face and jumped on her and when the woman attempted to escape drag ged back to the house by the hair of her head Mrs lies to night hovering between life and death in the house of a friendly neighbor and the insane husband is in a cell at Brampton jail awaiting an examina tion that may commit him to the In- sau Asylum for life If sick people young and old acted with greater promptness and dooision suffering agony and misery would be vastly reduced To the work of regulating and bracing the nerves and purifying the blood is a serious mistake When the blood la sluggish impure and poisoned when the nervous sys tem is unbalanced when digestion is deranged and the appetite poor and variable be assured your condition is critical and calls for instant attention before hot summer brings it many added dangers At this time the use of Compound will do a marvel lous work for every rundown sick and diseased man and woman Iu life- giving work first commences with the blood which is made clean and pure then the nerves are quickly set in order digestive vigor is fully restored the appetite is made natural sleep is refreshing and the despondent heart is made light and joyous It is well to bear in mind that Compound owes its or to the most distinguished physici an that the North American continent ever produced and his great and worthy prescription is publicly indors ed by our best medical experts If all disheartened sufferers will ilart promptly with Compound they will be astonished and delighted with the speed with which this wonderful remedy is able to ceil a halt to wasting and dangerous diseases It now making tens of thousands well and strong for the hot and sickly summer weather Papers Issued At private resLdeocc deslred REMOVED To Premises Across the Street Coal Seeds sod Provisions Cemem mi Town Carting j and Terms Cot Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie Springer of 1125 Howard street Philadelphia Pa when she found Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden All other remedies and doctors could give her no help but she says of ftoyal It soon removed the in my chest and I can now sleep soundly something I scareely remember doing before- feel sound ing its praises throughout the verse So will every one who tries Dr Kings New Discovery for any trouble of Throat Chest or Lungs Price and Si Trial bottle free at Drug Store new Methodist will cost Mount ForeBt is laying five miles of cement sidewalk Woodstock carried a bylaw to spend for a new fireball There will be excursions to the Agricultural College dur ing June Nelson Horning took cramps and was drowned at Brantford Tuesday night while bathing A railway accident near Flushing Holland billed two men and injured several on Friday night Tottenham granted their town football team to pay rent for a field to practice in The bylaw to issue debentures for for the purchase of waterworks was defeated in Strat ford Mooney a financial agent of Bend Ind is in- custody in Montreal on a charge of stealing belonging to Miner of South Bend Donald under death sen tence at Vancouver for murdering a Aoman gashed his abdomen and wrist in an endeavor to suicide He may not survive the loss of blood David Russell Ronald son of David Ronald South Dumfries drowned in a pond upon his fathers farm while attempting to save a younger brother from a similar fate Two sons of Ronald were on a raft which went to pieces A third broth er swam out and David told him to save the younger lad first which he did David sank before the older brother could return Hamilton June When Mrs J Thomas a widow who lived near was driving to the city with her son yesterday morning the horse took fright at a Grand Trunk train while crossiug the bridge not far from the Valley inn Mrs Thomas was thrown out on the road She was as sisted to the Valley innbatdied in a few minutes Both of legs one of her shoulders and most of the ribs on loft side were broken The horses did further damage fobbed the Grove A startling incident of which Mr John Oliver was the subject is nar rated fay him as follows was in a most dreadful condition My skin was almost yellow eyes sunken tongue coated pain continuously in the Back sides no growing weaker day by day Three physicians had given me Fortu nately a friend advised trying Elec tric Bitters and to my great joy surprise first bottle made a decided improvement I their use for three weeks and am now a well man know they saved my life and robbed the grave of another victim No one should fail to try them Only Prom Chronicle In February 1898 Mr A Size was taken very ill and was confined to his home for several We heard tbafho was to go to the hospital to have an operation performed but the operation never took placu and he has started to work again and in apparently good health we investigat ed case and found that he has been using Dr Williams Pink Pills for Palo People Mr Sire is a highly respected citizen of Ingersoll having hero for over thirty years and has been a faithful at Messrs Partlo it Sons flouring mills for over nineteen years When asked by a Chronicle reporter whether lie would an for publication tol ling the nature of his disease and his cure he readily consented Mr gave the details of his illness and cure as follows In February I caught a heavy cold which seemed to settle in my left side The doctor thought it was neuralgia of nerves It remained tiioreforsome time and then moved to my riht side in the region of the appendix We applied and hod flyblisters on for hours They never even caused a blister and did the pain no good The doctors came to the con clusion that the appendix was diseased and would have to be removed The pain was very great at time and there was such stiffness in my ankles also in my hand and pain all over my body The day and date was set for an ation and I was reconciled to it About a week before I was to go to tho hospital my wife was reading the Chronicle She read an account of a man who had been cured the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills The symptoms of the disease were so much like mine that she became interested and wanted me to give the pills a trial I had little faith in the pills but as my wife seemed to be anxious that I should take them I consented The day for the operation had now arrived and I told the doctors that I did not think I would go to the hospital for a while as I was feeling better I con tinued the pills and was greatly sur prised and pleased with the result I continued to improve and have long since up all idea of an operation When I started to use the pills I was unable to walk and suffered something awful with the pain in my side It was just five weeks from the time that I started the use of the pills until I was able to walk again and I had been doctoring three months before that and Ihave been working ever since Altogether I have taken sixteen boxes of the pills and they have done me more good than all the doctors medi cine I ever took in my life I have now every confidence in Dr Williams Fink Pills and think that they are the best medicine in the world today Certainly had it not for them I would have had to go through the or deal of an operation and perhaps would not have been living now I hope that by making this public it will be of benefit to others as it was through one of these articles that I first learned of the unequalled quali ties of the pills The public is against pink colored imitations of these famous pills The genuine are sold only in boxes the wrapper around which bears the words Dr Will iams Pink Pills for Pale People If your dealer does not have them they will be sent postpaid at cents a box or six boxes for 9250 by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Brock- ville Burglars made two on the Bank of Commerce office at last week Willie a fifteenyearold boy was run over and killed on the track at Belleville A a result of a scuffle at Brook- vile between two employes in the James Companys foundry a man named is laid up with wound in the thigh inflicted with a knife by a lad named Pitt A wolf hound with which the in fant daughter of John of VanCamp was playing sudden ly grew vicious and tore the childs face severely The mother drove the brute away While a train was crossing a bridge at Rose Center light ning tank car of gallons of oil and the explosion three the water and the bridge and nine loaded were burned The Prince of Wales as Grand Master of the English Freemasons has a letter to he Grand Lodges ob jecting to the growing custom along the Masons of wearing the orders 13 lb Council mot at June Members all present- A petition was presented signed by arid others asking for aid to gravel the at the south Dr was heard re specting medical attendance on the Henderson family while quarantined with fever in 1897 Bills were presented by Vernon machine oil Wm Cane Sons repairs to Road Machine John Williams repairs between lots and con 10 Baker expenses building of bridge between lots con J Brooks guarding pond hole on con J Brooks repairs side line be tween lota 28 con Henry claimed dam age for one sheep killed and two lambs injured by dogs Vernon claimed damage for one sheep killed and one lamb in jured by doga The Treasurer was instructed to pay the bills presented and twothirds the claims for sheep killed and injured by dogs Councillor Powell was empowered to purchase two road planers The following grants were made for road improvements to gravel con line at the south end to gravel side line between lots 30 and con to repair bill on side line be tween lots and coo 6 to grade and gravel side line between lota and con David Kennedy was instructed to prosecute any person found removing wand from the Con line at lot No The Reeve was instructed to repair bridge on 3rd Con at lot No Councillor Powell was instructed to plank hill on 3rd Con line at lot Robert Lemon was appointed to manage the road machine The Reeve was empowered to pur chase a breaking plow Councillor Clark was instructed to repair hill on Sideline between lots and Con also to build bridge on Con line at lot No Councillor Powell was instructed to repair hill on the Con at lot No also to repair road at pond hole on between lots and 1 Con tfoll of WqmflTlM of See la loll of MUNYONS y Assort ten swifcJtsiJ Barbara BolventJeb England creeping on to bar and old Father Time has deeds with body as severely as usually does with persons of her ago bus her mind Is as and bright ever was and- stored op in that mind make her about as an old woman as one would wish to find Her was a color sergeant in Third Battalion Rifle Brigade and served throughout War His little daughter imbibed military Ideas and from the time she was old enough to totter from one to another and ho does not forget that is a soldiers daughter and a soldier herself at heart was born in Gibraltar end she was only years of flho followed her father to the field of Waterloo The gallant soldier was wounded by a nine- pound shot from effect of whloh he died Mrs ot remembers little or nothing of details of battle hat she has a of being In a with mother and besides that mere fact that one boon present at a entitles to distinction After Waterloo went to England and began her little life there When some or more years ago she married Philip Moon she went to lite at and has remained there ever since old lady who has been bedridden for two years has been a very hardwork ing woman Her husband was blind for a long time before he finally died years ago and It was no small task for her to keep up the household Five of her children are still surviv ing and are proud of fact that their mother Is probably the only living woman who was present at the great of Waterloo bURbSwa CWf cert v tut will 4 tut for casts of Cur will catarrh will cars- dj Hod bl win a form of so on tbiouab lb Hit of all era la rlil If Prof It Is ablotl TWO TOWN LOTS Qorbam filtustcd near old Woollen tfale Terms ELEPHANT CRIME- To Rent Sell of Exchange FOB acres on St on good Brick Dwelling House with bard and water at the door Good Barn and stalling so orchard of apples c The above property can be rented for ono rear or a term of years further particu lars apply to J A Fine Residence J E was appointed for No Con in lieu of resigned Council adjourned to meet at Hills Hall on the of July Members of Council organized as a Court of Revision Three appeals against the assess ment of real estate was presented but not entertained Borne reductions were made where land was taken by the Metropolitan Railway and the Co assessed for the same Seven dogs that had been destroyed or otherwise disposed of were erased from the roll The roll as amended was passed as finally revised and the Court adjourn ed sine die Moat Apparent Id Ilia ftcbamei for Few more Impressive confidences can be Imparted than one in Which a Hindoo describes how be known bis elephant Intends to destroy him It Is all so seem ingly trivial and In reality of such deadly significance His attry is full of details that prove the profound understanding of what be Is talking about that one remain equally amazed at the urates power to dissemble and Its Intended victims Into the would- be murderers And yet from psychological standpoint an elephant never gives any other sach indication of j mental power a Is exhibited in Its re venge That patient watchful Implac able hatred often provoked simply be cause a man Is In attendance upon another animal fox It Is the rule with tuskers to detest their next neighbors speaks more conoluslvolv of a high Intel lectual guide than all stories true or false that have been of their ability Such concentration and flxednui of pur pose careful such perfect and consistent pretense and when the time comes such desperate energy as homicidal animals are Impossible without a very Irregular development No one can deny that If this creature Is great a all Its greatness shows itself In Its crimes These have caused It to be worshipped In the east where men vener ate nothing but merciless irresponsible force and where an exhibition of those qualities and traits described folly accounts for formula My lord the elephant AND Farm for Sale 1st The rtssttiinw awl premise situate just South nt the on Prospect contain acres of land with a rood and fratuc and But hereon a laxte orchard just at prime bean v No Town taxea Tout la a place particularly suitable for a retired larmer can be given at any time or not until fall A fcul purchasers 2nd The NorthHalf of the West 1Vi Of lot In containing acres The House are fairly good 8oll The pur chaser would take subject io a to Joaeph for two or a revdooauie set could be made with Immediate For particulars sod Conditions rto I Fire destroyed the shoe factories of W Pat ley and Amos Campbell At Quebec lightning on house of Henry of and shocked Mrs Henry William Lewis foreman painter at the shops at fell dead at the table on Tuesday Mr Dan McCarthy of Logan Township was struck and killed by lightning while at work on his farm Mr Andrew of a wellknown horsemen was kicked to death by a vicious which he owned Prank Jell London Ontifan- of the Surprise mine Is lands was killed a premature dynamite explosion Benjamin aged who lived near Renfrew was killed by a train while cutting grass along the railway for bis cow By an amendment to the London Local Government Bill adopter in the House of Commons women wore declared eligible to election as aldermen and councillors Now Johnnie he teach er if your father borrows promises to pay a week how much will he owe in seven weeks One hundred dollars said Johnnie Im dont know your lea- very well replied the teacher not know lesson very Johnnie frankly admitted but I now my fattier WANTBlFpr of Ad ralralpowojtUo worlds Life an MOTHERHOOD AS A PROFESSION Lack of Pro par of Host of Illoaaa Chlldrca Ideal motherhood Is work not of instinct but of enlightened knowledge acquired and carefully digested writes Helen of Tbe True Meaning of Motherhood in the Ladles Home Journal If maternity is an Instinct motherhood Is a profession and yet many a girl under takes it with less understanding of Its duties and less anxiety for their discharge than gives to the selection of the tailor who is to make her new gowns or the costumes of the bridesmaids in her wedding quite the fashion nowadays tn welltodo families to pro vide the daughters with some special training by means of which they could earn their own bread and butter if the family fortunes should suddenly fail It is held to be altogether wise and proper to educate a daughter for a possible pro- fesslon in a remote contingency jet while 19 of of our girls marry and be comes mothers no training whatever for the real profession of their lives Is thought to Any practicing will fell you that fourfifths of illness among children could bo avoided by proper knowledge and care on the part of the mothers and yet girls feel that they must take up college settle ment work and whist and banjo to get a little excitement into Laoklustre lives until the great excite ment of marriage comes oarest naval hero reton friend and iduilrcr inflations pages one Chance of cotnmlsslona of Arab a The seeds of the laughing plant of Arabia produce the same effect upon per sons as gav The plans attains a height of from two to four foot with woody sterna widespreading branches and bright green foliage Its fruits are produced in clusters and are of a yellow color The pods are soft and woolly in texture and contain two or three black seeds of tho of a Brazilian Their flavor Is a like and their taste la sweet the odor from produces a sickening and Is slightly- offensive when and taken lot small effect upon man He begins to laugh loudly then be sing and cuts all manner of fan capers Such extravagance of gait aud manners was never produced by other kind of dosing 5 r 1 cup Paint for Wood Iron pound new lime grind up with a half pound of boiled linseed oil add to two milk stir well then add pounds whiting and one pint raw linseed a hour apply a large brush is dead white but may be coorW any of painters plants etc Another rocipo- any of milk and gradually best Portland cement until mixture la as thick as- batter Then ply to George Rose and Charles ecu tors of Thomas r 15 AUCTION SALE OF VALCABLE IN The property known The Hewitt Hotel property in the Town of Newmarket will be offered for Bale by Auction Saturday the 24th lay of Juno at oclock in the forenoon pre mises Tola property has feet frontage on fit by a depth of about Bouford Street and Is the moat desirable building site for Stores Bank and Hotel premises In town It will be sold subject to a bid and will be offered flrat In one Block and If not Bold will then be offered two parcpla Term s or Ten per cent money to be paid down at the time of Hale and balance within days thereafter without In tercel For particulars apply to Sol for Trustees in V The following Valuable Properties are hereby offered Lot one Concession Four East North half Lot of Whitchurch West acres of Lot Concession of East excepting a strip of feet The North East quarter of the East half of Lot in the Third Con cession of East The West acres of Lot in the Concession of East bury The Easterly half of Lot Conces sion of East The Easterly acres of Lots and 27 in the Concession of Whit church Lot in 1st Concession of East East of St Lot 182 in the let Concession of North Gwillimbury The East quarter of Lot Con cession 7 of East Village Lot in Queensyille being part of Lot in the 2nd Concession of East and Village Lot number in the Village of Mount Alberts Host of aald properties are well located as far as MQooifi churches and markets are concerned For further apply to SS Temple Toronto or Barri ster v

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