CAPITAL RE HEAD TOaOHTQ 0 President j I NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits bates DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT ALL and American bought and old Discounted vvv fiWWM promptly attended to ROBS Manager MEDICAL Dp Alfred Newmarket- Hi Jr Ural door or am P AH twice iUflliluini littery occupied by Dr opposite Main fl to 10 I to and fl to p in PAINTING The House Palmer and Paper Hunger years experience In all branches of Full designs In Wall ware theui 2nd door North of Primary Church Bintit A TflYUOR Paper Hal At promptly aim J unci mui IIItuih Hardware Mr J I J Hid of Bolton Ml Hard a mid Church MISCELLANEOUS Simpson W Main Bun drive and Fancy Goods to Loan Spur farm and village property by Davidson Coin oner for taking J Conveyancer and Ileal Agent Agent for reliable Insurance Liverpool and London and Norwich Union Midland and Eco nomical Standard Llfo and Northern Life Co tar Office Hopkins Block Mount Albert Money to Loan Five per cunt on farm Security by David Commissioner for taking Affidavits ileal Es tate Agent Conveyancer lsaer of Marriage Licensee Etc for the following Insurance Companies of London and Liverpool England Citizens Montreal Gore District Mutual established In IBM also for the Confederation Life Association To ronto Old Office Corner of Main fcid Newmarket AGE THE Brantford Red Bird Call und ee at Carriage Repository AIiki a few secondhand wheels In stock THE AND VTOCK Also agent lor the Life The best Inducement to young men ROBERTSON Mniaf iessoD in col Lot of God rule your t to was about A from his oo at was a fa Ada Minor within reach of bus from bagiorjiog to doctrinal and principles set forth oar lesson stand as the foundation of all Christian purity of the indi vidual of homo busi ness rectitude social order neighbor hood enterprise national uprightness all are built on truths here pre sented With the change of our hearts we should change also our words our and our character Only God can make us true Chris tians If wo are Christians we should act like Christians Wo live at with God and in with men The now life in Christ ally lived brings as its and welfare to field of human activity as physical and human life are deeply bidden in their natural spheres bo is this spiritual life hidden with Christ in Anxiety and worry about future undue unrest in the present remorse for the past are like inconsistent with the absolute rule of a human heart by he peace of God The petite of a Goat envied by all poor dyspeptics and Liver are out of order AH know that Dr King New Life Pills wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy gives splendid appetite sound digestion and a regulur habit that insure perfect health and great energy Only at Drug The office of the Burlington Gazette broken ioto the other night Of course the stupid burglar got nothing JobTrotta bricklayer at died and loft by will the following sums to charities To the Crosby Orphans Horns Manitoba to the Aged Wo Homo Belmont street Toronto lo the Salvation Army for Toronto work to the Toronto District Wo- Christian Union io Methodist Fond 9200 to the Protestant Orphne Home Toronto 8100 to Methodist and to the Thorohill Methodist Sunday for a library 825 A Manitoba Flour BEST Hungarian FIELD SEEDS of til bind Clover Carrot and of the BEST VARIETIE8 LIME Portland and Ontario J Cor Main and Huron St We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr English Pills if after using of contents of bottle do not relieve Constipation and Headache We also warrant that four bottles will perma nently cure the most obstinate case of Constipation or no pay when Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Y Druggist Newmarket Oot Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Mr Calhoun near had one of bis prize drauRb team by lightning last week Hales Cones or CoBtivenes do away with the need for Laxative Pile which are bo dam aging to the walls of the stomach to say noting of the griping pains caus ed by Splendid for the child ren Is a box from Bros one Lender The Health World No 8 ribing these Cones sent free by us The Peat Fuel Company of have several men at work on a peat farm near that town Rag Carpet to public ho has moved to House on and that ho still Celebrated Iowa Co Loom with all ate it o iirvparbd do Best Work In Bag weaving Call and Bend your In Early 8ml OLD at the Office per lots over lbs The and Admiral naval hero by friend and of the Idol end best book Inches nearly pages halftone illus trations deiiiHHd a Dominion Com pany 3rd Floor J0idr Chicago OR fitGOTRY THE HOMe FUTURE EFFECT ON CHILDREN With So Crd mid Bhoutd to for One for Eternity- A Duties ffashlngton Juno IK Ron took tor his toxt this morning Gen oa Lot there bo do strife pray anil then nod my and thy- oot whole laud He said- and and holt both pious both and with large flooks df lowing ot Into a light perhaps about pasture or about Doit or booauM of one got by horns of other Not their of opportunity but was cause of these To the glorious old sholk such aoomed absurd It was two ships quarreling for sea room In the middle of the Atlantic Oooan There was a vast reoob of coan- try cornfields vineyards and plenty room In acreage Now let to Hero are tho mountain swept by the tonic of sea breeze and with reaching proflpoot and there Is tho plain of Jordan with tropical luxuriance You may have Lot who was not as as A brum and might bate been to the second choice made tho first aeleotlon and with a modesty that must have made A bra id fiinlle to him Yon rvrkH the Arte will the valley of the with all Its luzurlnneo of com- floldn the river to water the flocki am the genial and the wealth Immeasurable So controversy was forever settled end carried out the of the text hot there be no strife between me thee and between my and thy Is not whole In the of the century and In this which nulled America lifter Aiiuiletia but should Coin bun after Its dlioovor- flrflt doty of bar lifetime Is not of penitent or your husband ImpgnltoDB your church- not oondltioi companion for Quadrillion of years a mightier consideration to of your taste for 0 or A man or a woman who would stop holt a weigh as to whether no or she had hotter go with the com- portion to this or that church or has no at all never has had and I fear will have You are loaded up with what you to bo religion but you are like Captain i who brought book from voyage of discovery a shipload of what ho supposed valuable minerals of liver and gold were nothing but common stones of field to be hurled out as finally useless Mighty In all thy realm Is there man or woman religion jet stolid so unfitted so far gone unto death that- Wo alt I be any hesitancy In surrendering all preferences such of salvation and heavenly reunion If you a Christian wife are an attendant upon any and your husband does not go there ho does not like It or or Its architecture or its uncomfortable and not to any bouse of worship but would go If you would him some- clso your Take your home with you to day- to your In the neighboring pews and go with to any one of hundred churches till hi bouI Is and he Joins you march to heaven More Important that ring on the third finger of your loft hand It is that your Heavenly Father command the of mercy concerning your huBband at his conversion a in the parable of old Put ft ring on bis hand No letter of more importance ever came to the city of Corinth situated on what was Galled the the Sea and glistening sculpture and gated with a style of brass the of which the following have not been to successfully imitate and over- the a fort ress of rock feet high I say no letter ever came to that great city of importance than that letter In which Paul the two startling ques tions What O wife whether thou shalt save thy husband Or how thou man whether thou Shalt thy wife The dearest floo on the part of one Is cheap if It other go to the small est weaken most church on earth and be copartner In eternal Colon bus we have wealth of j than paw earthly membership religious opportunity that most gorgeously church while your companion outride of Is churches of all of ertMN ami of all kinds of gov ernment and nil forms of worship and evangelical privilege Bolter have the drowning saved by a scow or a sloop than in deflate regions there may be only one cbmoh In the opulent of this the Campania remark If both of the married country there la profusion that couple be Christian but one Is so there ought to bo no difficulty In ranking constructed that It Is a No light about vestments or to enjoy the a particular liturgical or denomination and the other is not so adherents or as to baptismal mot lea or a sectarian or punctilious lot the one less of water as compared with a particular go with the Other who Is to dwell on As for I feel as much the heights where ho can only get a homo in one denomination of sprinkling from the clouds let him con- sent Lot have all the Jordan in which to immerse himself there be no hi rife I- thoa between me and the and my and thy is not the whole laud before thee Christians a another and I think I must have born very near the line I like the solemn roll of the Epis copal liturgy and 1 like the of the Methodists and I like the Import ance given tho ordinance of baptism by the Baptists and I like freedom Especially in It fortunate when families and I like the allow angry discussion at the breakfast government and sublime of or dinner or tea table as to which is the Presbyterians and like of best church or denomination one at one the others just a as any I have end of the table saying he could never mentioned and I could happily live and endure the rigid dootrlne of preach and die and be burled from any aniara one at the other end responding But others are born with a she never could stand the form of I unbending so Inexorable Kpiscoriaoy and one at one aide of the some denomination that It Is a saying he did not understand how necessity they have the advantage of anybody could bear the noise in the that one What they were intended to be church and another declaring in was written in the sides all the Baptist bigots There are their cradle if the father and mother hopelessly split on had eyes keen enough to eeo it Ther and in the middle of every stop crying until they hod put discussion on such subjects there I a their hands as a a kindling of indignation and it needs of the Articles some old to come and put whole current of their temperament his foot on the loaded fuse before the thought and character runs into one explosion takes thero ftot of religionists as naturally as the be no strife I pray thee between me j into Chesapeake It fie Fooled the A I doctors told Hamilton of Went Jefferson after suffering months from Rectal he would die unless a costly operation was performed but he cured himself with five boxes of Arnica Salve the surest Pile euro on Earth and the best Salve in the World cents a box Sold by E Leh man Druggist Mr of won at the Ontario Jockey Clubs spring meeting in Toronto The Town Clerk of been arrested in connection with an alleged in counts Charles James was instantly killed at being struck by as he- was doQrefnishouse and thee and between my end thy not the whole Juod be thee I undertake a subject never undertaken by any other pulpit for it is n exceed ingly delicate subject and If not rightly handled might Rive offense but I approach It without slightest trepida tion for I am sure I have divine direction In the matters I propose to present It Is a tremendous question asked all over Christendom often asked with tears and sobs and heart breaks and Involving the peace of families the eternal happiness of many In mat ters of should the go with husband or the husband go with the wife remomber that all evangeli cal churches have enough truth in them to save soul and prepare us for happi ness on earth and in heaven I will go with you Into any wellselected theologi cal library and I will show you sermons from ministers In all denominations tbat set forth man as a sinner and Christ as a deliverer from sin end sorrow That is tho whole gospel Get that soul and you are fitted for the here and the hereafter There are differences admit and denominations we like better than others But suppose three or four of us make solemn agreement to meet each other on important business and by the New York Central another by the Railroad would be a torture to such persons to be anywhere outside of one church Now let tie wife or husband who Is not so sacrifice milder preference for the one more Inflexible and rigorous Let the grapevine follow rugosities and sinuosities of the or hickory tbo in flocks Christian grace should say to Lot who ifl built on smaller scale Let there bo no strife I pray thee between me and and between my herdsmen and herdsmen Is not the land before thee As you can be edified end happy anywhere go with your companion to church to he or she must go or be miserable Remark the third If both couples are In their sectarian ism let them attend the different preferred It is not necessary that you attend the same church Reli gion Is between your conscience and your God Like and Lot agree to suffer When on Sabbath morning yon come out of your home together one goes one way and other the other heartily wish each other a good sermon and a time of profitable devotion and wben yon meet again at the noonday repast let It be evident each to arid to your children and to the hired help that you have both been on tbs of yrans- flgoratipu although you went up by different paths and that you have both been fed by the bread of life another by hc kneaded by different hands in different another he Baltimore Ohio Rail- trays and baked In different ovens Hot road One goes this way because how about the I am often mountains are another takes by scores of parents Let thorn also this because the cars are more luxurious make their own choice They will prow another that speed is greater reverence for both takes the other because he has represented by father and mother long been accustomed to that route and if jf waitnmiX all the employes are Bo far as denominations If the father lives the our engagement to meet is It life they have more makes no difference if we only get there opinion of his denomination If the Now any one of the Innumerable mother lives the bettor they will you jraoMco its more favorable opinion of her teaching although some of their trains denomination And some both the runon a broad gauge and some on a parents will for at least one Berrien go row will bring you out at to the same neighbor will Of Now Jerusalem say I wonder what it going on to day It being that you will be safe I neighbor and Ms wife who in any of the evangelical denominations always go to different churches going I proceed to remark one of Me In am to the same sanctuary married couple be a Christian and the I will tolVyon what has other not tho poo a Christian Is bound- them together arm in arm to same to go to altar Something has willing to go Their eon- is to uniting ifhe or no other You of the He standing in the taking the vows fa He a arid mother a good deal of anxiety but their prayers have answer in his and standi i and Po you yourself to God wnomadoand rodoomcdyoUi promise to all days sod with manly Voice he I do there Is an April in the where father and mother ait and a rain bow of both souls and makes all- of creed In finitesimal And daughter who had been very worldly and gay and thought- leas her on altar of conse cration and as sunlight of that streams through the church and falls upon her brow and she like their other daughter face was Illuminated with tho brightness of another world on the day when Lord took into bis keeping years ago I should not wonder if all these parents the of their life in the same church all church overcome by the joy of being in the bouse of God where their children were prepared for useful and beaten Bat I can give yon recipe for ruining your children contend In the household that your ohurch Is right and church of your companion Is wrong Bring sneer and caricature to emphasUe your opinions and your children will up their minds tbut religion Is a sham ana they will have none of It In the northeast storm of domestic contro versy the rose of Sharon and the illy of the valley will not grow Fight about apostolic sucesslon flght about election and free fleht about flght about the bishopric flght about gown and surplice and religious prospects of your children will be left dead on the field- You will bo as unfort unate as Charles Duke of Burgundy who In battle lost a diamond the value of a kingdom for Id your flght you will lose the jewel of salvation for your entire boo bo bo Id This Is nothing advocacy of your own religious theories all forcible argument bring all cell ing Illustration array all demonstrative facts but let there be no acerbity no stinging retort no mean insinuation no superciliousness as though all others were wrong and you Infallibly Take a blot from astronomy The Ptolemaic made the the Copter of the solar system and everything was thought to turn round the earth But the system and made the sun the center around which the planets revolved bigot makes his little belief ihe renter of everything but large soulid Christian the sua of rlghteOUnisi the and all denominations without any each In Its own sphere around It the tomb laaluy in Westminster Abbey in of Scripture Thy are ex ceeding broad Let no man crowd on to a path like the bridge Irot which the thinks from this world over abv8 of Into para dise the breadth of the bridge lens than web of a starved spider or the edge of a sword or raror off the edges of which many fall While the way la not wide enough to take with us any of our sins It Is wide enough for all Chris tian believers to pass without peril into everlasting Bui do not any of you depend upon what you call a sound creed for salvation A man may own all the statutes of the State of New York and yet not be a and a man may own all the best medical treatises and be a physician and a man may own all the best works on painting architec ture and not be cither painter or archi tect and a man may own all sound oreads In world and jet not be a Christian Not what you have in your head and on your tongue but in your heart and in roar life will decide every thing In olden times in England before tho modern street lamps were Invented every householder was expected to have a lan tern suspended In front of his house and the cry of the watchmen in London as they went along at eventide was Hang our your lights Instead of disputing In your home about the different kinds of lantern as a watchman on the walls of I cry Let your light so before men that they your good works may glorify your Father which is in heaven Hang out your lights may have a thousand Ideas about religion and yet not the great idea of pardoning mercy It Is not the Dumber of Ideas but the greatness of them do not reject Christianity as many do because there are so many sect Standing in Westminster Hotel London looked out of the window and saw three clocks near as I can remember one on the Parliament house another on St Margarets chapel another on Westminster Abbey and they were all different One oclock at noon another said five minutes before- an other said five minutes after IS I might as well have concluded that there is no suoh thing as time because three timepieces were different as for you to conclude that there is no such thing as pure Christianity because the churches differ In their statement of it But let us all rejoice although part of our family may worship on earth in one and part In another church or bowed at the same altar in a compro mise of preferences we are If redeemed on the way to A perfect church where all our preference will be fully gratified Great cathedral of eternity with arches of amethysts and pillars of sapphire with floor of emerald windows aglow with the sunrise of heaven What stupendous towers with chimes angel and angel rung I What myriads of worshippers white robed and What an at the altar even the great High Priest of our profes sion What walls hung with the and flags by the church militant passed up to be church trium phant What of all nations Coronot to coronet to crrabal faarp to harp organ to organ Pull out tremulant slop to recall the suffer ing past Poll out the trumpet stop to celebrate the I When shall these eyes thy heaven walls And pearly gates behold Thy bulwarks with salvation strong And streets of shining gold By using a HighGrade Flow intend to turn out FIRSTCLASS BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry v always on I Wedding Cakes a Specialty Fresh Groceries Always in Stock v Proprietor ppiunuy to thank the many customers for their past sal ask a continuance of their favors Our Groceries Are Fresh this week Eight Value New Dress Goods Forbear give up a little tote more than should bo put upon you Make allowance for anothers judgment of differing constitution circum stances and we shall often decide different about the justice and integrity of things alone heal the ano bridge over the chasm between us while resentment our will brood endless dispute J Our German I Vims area marvel Our art pronounced just Our Muslins and Cretonnes will mi Ladies and Misses Hosiery cannot Our Stock J I Kings is omelet We UK price ihi tiling pi Cloth in No r ex J if- new this we ek See Our Paints ancLOUs H KENYON S AJjgJj I he Buffalo AllSteel Disc Harrow it Harrow or adjustable spring Kfi ilic or the of to be upon inner of foot of y fcrciir to a hit Machine- care fully with The Cultivatof IS A OF only CutU- wade of will even lo Examine it you frill ace why only Cultivator with a move able tooth the of can be regulated to suit any condition of aolL Prewar be to act differently on every Mo tion requiring it are carried the wbeeli Instead of trailing behind u other machine securing lighter draft chine with grain seed box when required It baa reversible diamond for the also wide thistlecut can be will no other amine It you THE BEST DRILL MADE The Needs No ud our lure In use 10 Drill made lever for of depth of hoe in all kind of sol while learn motion Sows absolutely correct to scale feed S3 kernel Is deposited at a proper 10 tfro you Ill satisfied calso and as the best for Bros Co iLimneCi Oct ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET ONT i Made all fiuUb p- of aod The Office Specialty Mfg Co limited w factory Newmarket Out and Branch Noire Dame St Montreal J Makers of Office and School Furniture 1 l- l ST J If ypu are not a subscriber the Era iin for a trial trip of si x-