Newmarket Era, 16 Jun 1899, p. 8

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feVs often a the lis torpid or Inactive Mors trouble mar follow For prompt cox of ted all liver troubles take Hoods Wefts restore the V K ft JWttaPi fttf action of bowels do not or do organs t bat hare positive effect at HI Or by mall of Tv mini Bails if Mi TOIWNTO Fund ft A or thin Bank Ik BRADFORD of and wards rates Wo of Farmers Notes And Hale Note LOWEST RATES further Information apply In JOHN W- YOU INSURED The Standard GO ESTABLISHED Total Assurance over itife the COR- ZEPHYR Our popular played Morton Park School last Sat urday and at tho Catholic Sutton on Tuesday Dick a young fox week and sent it to Mr Plot- barn last week splintering a rafter and and passing on without any further damage Mr Fletcher now insurance policy hie buildings 4SBej Our Beef Ring commenced opera tions week Childrens Day in the here last Sunday Mrs Jones and Miss Clara have north to Collins lor the summer The having their house painted Public at on the of Juno The are having their church painted a generally repaired Children Cry for CASTORIA gave hit peasant litcfatyeveniog In church Tuvsditvi musical program was of for shy is culled of Mr to Mr If of Miss Thomson Walton and Mies Rev V Hart brought KiDastoiUo Toronto of Zephyr on It Nature lr was very Rev of is spend week ffitb son A gnat number of orchards in this section of country are being May evenings often RICHMOND HUU Court Harmony To paid a fraternal visit Friday SNOWBALL VlRlt over JbytbeViwt army of worms An j flight to the a special car owner of tin orchard who a lows the visitors to and from the should There much for neighbor to Saturday lost has been take proper of his trees white j for the annual outing of the auol her allows to he destroyed by j Sabbath School The trip the pest this year will be to Reservoir Park by Hon CJDavis our mom- railway her was mvited to net as chairman in of the last evening In Ins reply to the in vita- An game of baseball was explaining bis inn hi lily to he pre- here Saturday afternoon June sent on the occasion he did not for- between the married and single to cheque for to Victory waB on the aide of the ply no doubt on the church debt single men irxnariivtdheroonMon- The S picnic in day with a Dumber of and grove a grand Cmmdiuii ticket agents on a tour of Hairy Trent of was inspection They were the guests of the of bis F Trent the and from went across Queens- to per v were the of their sister thence to where Mrs Joseph Ballard on Saturday they e brief among the many jo Art ful portion of Northern Ontario Master J4 visiium were the in s by Annual Revenue over Claims by death Matured over IrlvestmenlH Canada Deposit at for security of Canadian holders Profits paid Iders 3000000 lives of Females Insured without extra premium Children over years of age written at Spicial Hates Manager J Balfour Secretary Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario GEO HUNT District Inspector J A BAST EDO Agent word Is uur tor Purity and Strength when our It lor their IU you fur It Plant Spray PI tit frouaraeulcar Sure alt Insect life tic to only reliable Sheep Dip Dip tf preparation fur Out oof tie of Id and cattle It lb it work with or Jr- by leading Horse Wash Peristolic Home la prepared to and ridding or all ln- i soot vermin It baa a effect pell and puts the In In thoroughly condliloo Price per W cud Miss Elliott of is in vicinity The Sunday School intend having a picnic at Lake Wilcox the first week in July Mrs of Colling wood was visiting her parents hero last week On Monday evening the inst the members and friends of the con legation of Methodist church in tend having a social tunc The lades are expected to bring their baskets Good program provided Alt are wel come No admission charge On Tuesday evening the Epwortb League of Aurora paid the League here a fraternal visit and gave a splendid program which was greatly enjoyed by the large crowd After the program everyone was treated to ice cream and cake A pleasant even ing was spent Children Cry for CASTORIA will take the chair and the singing and topics will be given by Jr townsman- members Children Cry for old cast liie deuft of- lloits where they died a apcedy world has of innocent to an equally painful and The woman who day after day a tortured headaches weak back and dragiflng In the and ajmptoms aufftra a that not even a Nero could invent Not one dpctor In a thousand will attribute trouble to the right cause weakness or disease of tbe femi nine organs yet al most without excep tion there ltca the trouble And there la just one known remedy that reaches and cures every case It is Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription It makes women young again It gives new strength and virility to the organs long harassed by arid ft promptly heals inflammation and ulcera tion alops weakening drains and restores the health and vigor youth It fits for wifehood and prepare for motherhood It banishes morning sickness and other discomforts of antematernity It makes new women One letter among thou sands says CsrlUte of Manchester Coffee Co write am of the county Poorhouse and Asylum combined Your Golden Medical Discovery- favorite Pleasant pellets are the beat for the for which recommended I ever used They saved my wifes life at the time of change of life I also cured the case of lunacy that we ever had with your Prescription The bad been under a doctors core three years baby diea before the doctor comes you will wish had sent for Dr Pierces Medical Adviser In paper cover one- cent atamps cost of cuatoms and mailing- Cloth binding Sf stampa Ad dress Dr R Pierce Butaio 4 Do you think of THIS SLfMivlER If you do write i LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT get price of Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows TBE Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork Largest Factory in or the of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES Etc YCLES The Wm We Repair all or short notice Tot itv SHARON CASTOR I A Honorary membership was confer fl Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET Now the People AURORA Air assistant in the Ontario Bank left here on Monday to enjoy two weeks holidays Bona of England intend a grand demonstration in the town park bore on Dominion Day Friday inst has been set a- part by the directors of the Cemetery Company here as decoration day No company 12th York Bangers held their annual church parade Sun day evening to Trinity Church Mrs A accompanied two pigs killed by Lightning by her son and daughter left Thursday Mr is busy moving his household eftocts to the store late ly occupied by We to lose Mr Phillips from our midst but our best wishes go on Bros- Walla and with him Our young men are all Watson by of leaving nd jewels were presented to them on Mrs Win sr and Mrs A Wednesday evening Jud J have gone to spend the sum presenlatioo was made by Hon J relatives at I one the members of Mrs Banders of ridge has lhe knowp to spend the summer with Mr the order present on the occasion were Messrs J Miss Mary of Grand Worthy Patriarch Daniel and two lady friend spent Sunday at the poet masted J worthy Patriarch A Miss Robinson of Bond Head Patriarch Mr has returned home after spending the 0 in few months with A J in 1850 charlGr Mr Hewlett has gone to work of five divisions in different places with Mr Warner in North Gwillim- had a part in building four tern- bury for the summer prance balls and though over Miss is visiting her aunt years of age is still active Mr Mrs Win Cain of Newmarket j Watson is years old has been a Wo generally take it as a sign of a member of Division about 25 wedding when we see quilting going Financial for lias- got a Fine Display of a4 continually to In ny sty It or fancy they may bave people- have different not loos In what Kind of rig Ilk but are odd fellows if thuy dont lovely roomy and God dare just for anyone who tyle Comfort I have also a let of and two cows for A The Era till Jan 1900 for on Mrs A to busy in years in succession line do not know what it means Miss Dover has returned to after spending the last three weeks her sister Mrs CAS Children MOUNT ALBERT i has the of his store j During the recent thunderstorm Mr Alex- Gunn of Albert had I are Mr and Mrs left on Pig Wash Pig Is fully used in nil Bkln OS and for nits lice apd generally Keeps tbe akin in and en sures a eased animal for market Hen House Spray And Powder Ilea House Spray and Poultry def destroy vermin peculiar Co Stock on Act as a dlfllp- serais and purifying ftttaosphere Used liberally ibey pruveu kindred diseases these from max Agent for Newmarket We Qwfe correspondence M AND UNIVERSITY are Invited to improve their holiday sea son by attending our SESSION A tew July and yrlil nay teacher months uri- to fill a good Open En- del BUSINESS COLLEGE for Bat Portage to spend summer with friends there Independant Order of Odd fellows intend there annual strawberry and ice cream festival the inst Miss Wight of who has been visiting friends in town for the past two left on Wednesday evening Berg Smith brother of Mrs Dewey of this place left San Francisco on Monday for Manila in United States signal service On Saturday evening Mrs John Webb after a very long and painful illness passed away at the residence of her husband Street South Mr Tuesday afternoon for River north shore Lake Superior to commence survey of the gold mine located by him a year ago of Ontario California arrived here quite unexpectedly on on Monday afternoon on a visit to her parents Mr and Mrs John Street All the machinery for the power house at Bonds Lake which baa here by train has been taken down to the lake and is being put in position The funeral of Miss daughter Mr- Walter Macheil took place on Saturday morning from the Grand Trunk depot to Aurora cemetery Deceased died at the residence of her grand- father Mr- Toronto function A disgraceful affair occurred at the corner of and Wellington ft last Sunday afternoon It appeare mo day on a visit with friends at Port Ar- Rev Mr of exchanged pulpits with Mr J lL last Sunday I lacrosse match this CounoiUor Moore a number of the A took place men at work building a road through Smoky and Stouffvtlle teams The tt t latter won by to apphcauons have a ttendance been received by the school trustees evening to their for a j to hear the lecture by the teacher to succeed Mr c Vaokleek A party of gypsies have been lead- The stereoptioan views of scenes in then merry merry life under Chicago and Buffalo were good and some of Will Hunters greenwood I very interesting trees for the past few days and selling furniture Q since last December as clerk Mr Geo is building a at the Drug Store was taken sudden- hue residence the Bite of the ill in the store on Saturday evening old homestead The latter is a and was taken to the residence of arch among dwelling house in this Mr Duncan where he lay in a vicinity probably the oldest of them critical condition with inflammation of the bowels until Wednesday even- so far as perfection can be attained They mark the highest point in pill progress To many people any pill is a fit pill and so long as it acts they dont consider whether any recoil in the action Dynamite has a very moving effect and so has an earthquake but the consequences that follow arc apt to be disastrous There are pills as damaging as dynamite and as dangerous as an earthquake Dr Pills are Perfect in Preparation eration i thats man named had left Maple with another mans wife by tho name of Baxter- Baxter Mrs hired ft rif and fot lowed runaway ooople capturing on place and as might bo ex The Albert Lodge 0 held a very enjoyable meeting on Thursday evening June Mr Geo Lapp was present and fa vored the lodge with an interesting address The regular monthly meeting of the local took place on Friday evening last Mr Hayes enter tained the lodge with an interesting description of the doings of the Grand Lodge at its recent meeting During the absence of Rev Mr at the con fere oca Mr Hopkins of Holt and Mr of Zephyr officiated at the Methodist Church consumption rtopj why stop EMULSION Imply orruner ft Keep It will he imp and make them for jim T Vl ing Two doctors were in regular at tendance and on Wednesday the case became so serious that it deemed advisable to send to Toronto for a specialist and in the evening an opera- was performed He lived through the operation and became conscious only to speak a word and pass away Deceased was years of age and was a son of Mr and Mrs of tha Con of was a fellow with a bright future before and was well liked who of of died from the effects run ning a nail foot on Saturday last Deceaied lootrngarpund a neighbors where re pairs were being when he step ped on an upturned rusty which aid of the breaking off the flesh The foot showed a few days and laal Tuesday Dr was consulted- The portion of ho removed followed bgsy lockjaw Mrttigb died in J and their use not followed by violent reaction A grain of sand stops a watch You dont use blasting powder to eject the grain and start the mechanism going again The machinery of the body is more fearfully and wonderfully made than a watch and needs even greater delicacy dealing it Ayers Pills give just the necessary stimulus to start the bowels into healthy action They correct the illconditioned liver and give a healthy tone to the stomach Thus they cure dyspepsia sick headache heartburn constipation piles and all diseases tht grow out of the disordered condition of the liver stomach or bowels Ayer Pins are the best cathartic ever used in my practiced J I dont know of anything that will so quietly relieve and eyre tha terrible of JOHN C Warren Co work efficiently do not gripe nor make one so jrtne nor JOHN M SM1T1I Atlanta Although mild In and liable to gripe than other purgatives thorough in operation can always on to cure he PETER J Tex After twenty yean experience know that Pills are an absolute cure for ague bilious over sick headache flux dyspepsia corsiipaton and hard colds J WILSON Contractor and Builder Sulphur Springs Texas We always In my fathers family I am now fiftyfive yean old tod si ways have ihn in the because I hare found no better pill than MARY Chestnut Ohio r

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