Newmarket Era, 23 Jun 1899, p. 5

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ncr jr- r to no to General NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business transacted Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED at fltcrllnK find American Drafts Notes promptly attended to and Collections Manager WOMAN- he mystery of In full Of deep unanswerable enigmas women compelled to because they arc Why that the of their highest joys is the time the cause of yrele very which make it possible for to be happy wives V fc ii- ft i jc arts influences- OH THE OP BRUSH AND EASEL- FAMILIAR BIBLE PICTURES O Into llrtft door South of Pant toiindOtodMn lately occupied Dr opposite Church Main to am Itotf and fl to p in PAINTING Pointer Paper Hi all of the or of latest In Wall Papers Ask to them North of Primary School Street of or if fllouno Ab neatly and JUmalBOOfKoalnlul with Painter and Writer Orders can bo left at Hardware fitoro head of Queen Street Went Newmarket Bolton Practical Painter IjuRoieeorator Corner Church Street Millards and Wffl- Simpson Fancy to Loan At per cent on farm and village property by Davidson If J Heal Agent o Agent for tho following reliable Insurance Companies London Norwich Union Midland Mutual and Also for tho Standard and Northern ranee Co Block Mount Al Money to Loan Jit per cent on Barm Security by David for taking Affidavits Agent Conveyancer Marriage Licensee Also Agent for the following Q Insurance Companies Queen of London and LiverpoolEngland Montreal Mutual In also for tho Confederation Association To- Corner of Main and Lot Streets flENCY THE and mothers ren der them to the utmost physical misery and The suiTcritigs of body and mind caused come weakness of the distinctly nine organs are go almost universal among women that the question might well be asked Is this Natures punish- for crime of ieing a woman The true answer is No These buffer ings are neither natural nor necessary They would not exist if the organism was healthy No woman ought to en dure such troubles There is no peed of It Dr Pierces Prescription a perfect and positive cure for feminine weakness and disease Help is at hand for those who choose to take It Dr Favorite Prescrip tion will infallibly cure womanly ills It is designed for that purpose alone It acts directly and quickly on the organs involved and restores them to health and vigor This is proven by the triumphant record of thousands of cures It is successful when all else has failed Af ter the abhorrent local treatments of the doctors have proven useless the Favor ite Prescription does its marvelous work bringing comfort and happiness It is the one thing that can always bo upon It gives health strength to the spe cial organs and nervecentres heals in- flamniAtion tops weakening drains promotes functional regularity and re stores the normal vigorous and painless condition which Nature intended It is the only medicine of its kind in vented by an educated experienced physician It is the only medicine which makes babys coming safe and compara tively painless It has had a longer sale than any other like medicine Get it at your druggists and do not be persuaded to take a substitute When I wrote to you about two years I was indeed an invalid writes Mrs of Choctaw Co Miss I could not describe oil my suffering At times I had a sensation of bearing down weight low down across me J also suffered great deal with my back I could not walk any great dis tance without pain Had constant drain a frequent desire to urinate also had palpitation of the heart After receiv ing your advice began treatment with Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription and Golden Medical Discovery I kept this up several months and am now in the best of health Many thanks to you and your wonderful medicines I have been taking your medicines and they always help me writes Mrs of McTcan Co Mine was a bad case of female trouble hut I do I would have been in prave if it had not for your wonderful medicines I have taken Favorite Pre scription Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Pellets I suffered mostly with iny head and lower bowels espe cially at my monthly periods I would have to go to bed and use hot applica tions and drink all kinds of teas I had three of the best physicians I could get One doctored me lor twelve months and I was worse when he quit than I was when I began with him The other only helped me temporarily I will always speak well of Pierces medicines and will recommend them to all Buffering women Any woman who would like to know about this medicine and about her own physical makeup should send onecent stamps to Dr V Pierce Buf falo to pay the cost of customs and mailing only on a free paperbound copy of his 1000page illustrated book The Peoples Common Sense Medical or cloth cove in Patriarchs prophets in art Angola In art Heaven In world and church ought to to higher appreciation of the mission of pictures yet the authors of thorn generally been left to great painter tolled In till be ing great skater on tho ho tho acquaintance of General of army who through owning to admlro Wont adorer gradually carno to appreciate as much that which ho accomplished by his hand as by his hoe mighty painter pursued and had nothing With which to defend himself against tho mob but portfolio which bo held over his bend to keep olf atones hurled him pictures of Wilson of were sold for sums of money after death bat- living painter was glad to get for his Alcyone a piece of Stilton From to there were pic tures wilfully destroyed In reign of Queen It was the habit of peoplo spend of their time In knocking pictures to pieces In the reign of I It was ordered by Purl la ment that all pictures of Christ bo burn ed Painter Were ho badly treated and In beginning of that were lower clour down out of sublimity of their art and obliged to accounts of what did with their color The oldest picture in a por trait of Chaucer though now of treat value picked out of a lumber garret Great were the trials of who tolled on from anvil till us a be won wide to Mexico made fatal mistake of destroying picture- for loss of art and T wm sonr In this year of our Bird Call and Samples at Carriage Repository a few wheels in stock THE AND hTOCK IS JUST for Manufacturers blfe In The best inducement to men ROBERTSON conductor between Kingston Montreal while attempting to board a train missed his hold on the rail fell both feet under the wheels Manitoba BEST Hungarian Patent FIELD SEEDS of all kind Timothy Clover Mangel Carrot and Turnip Seeds of the BEST VARIETIES AND Portland and Ontario J Cor Main and Huron A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn Scald Cut or Bruise Ar nica Salve the best in the world will kill the pain and promptly heal it Cure Fever Sores Ulcers Boils Felons Corns nil Skin Erup tions Best Pile cure on earth Only a box Cure guaranteed Sold by Lehman druggists Richmond of Bishops Col lege son of Rev Richmond of was drowned in the River after saving the son of of the Grand Trunk Rag Carpet Weaving inform the public moved House on WnterNt and that he still Iowa Co Ioiu with all prepared to do Host Work lit Carpet Weaving Call and ace your Early in Speak little speak truth spend little pay cash The Life vemenU of Admiral the hero the fife5 Sk h5 of Idol and Aver 0 free Floor Cation We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty five cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Headache Wo also warrant that four bottled will perma nently euro most obstinate cace of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay when Wills English Pills U3ed Lehman Druggist iJlt Druggist Newmarket Scot 18 Pharmacy Main St Newmarket tU It tlM by AtSHa- and lib ftvit June roaga took for bin text inorninR day of bo upon Ml pleoannt Ho Wild by to of tho trivia aontl- or worldly but text that scrutinizes pleturc they mud used for or purpose it mutter of divine divine my pencil subservi ent to the kingdom of tho bad is frankly admitted After rvfitovotl from Pompeii of to in ho exaggerated and nil bis Imps wanted tho Angering of easel They would rather possesdon of that tho art of for types not so potent and quick for evil an pioturci powers of think they gained tri umph and re- parlor or they cm a can ran to the good but fascinating tho It In not in a spirit of pnulory but backed up by truth when I that you no to bang your art rooms or your dwelling houses that which would bo offensive to good If tho figures plotured In your and tho guests of your household A ploturc that you to hong In a place or that In a publlo hall you cannot with a group of friends deliberately stand and discuss ought to a stabbed Into It at tho top and cut clour through to tho bottom and a stout finger thrust in on right flido ripping dear through the loft Pliny elder lost his by going near enough to of Vesuvius and farther you can stand off from burning crater of sin the better Never till the books of last day opened ahull we know what has booh of evil pictorials and unbecoming art galleries Despoil mans Imagination and a mero carcass and American cities In which low theatres sometimes hung long Hues of Actors and In stylo insulting to all propriety a broad path to death for multi tudes of Hut so all other arts boon at times suborned of evil How has music been bedraggled Is tnero any place low down In dissoluteness that into it has not been carried Davids harp Handera organ and piano and Hulls violin and flu to which though named after bo In significant a thing as Sicilian col which has seven spots on side like holes yet for of years has bad an exalted mission Architec ture born In heart of him who worlds under Its arches and across what bacchanalian revelries been enacted It Is not any of these arts that led into captivity a poor world this would If It not for what my text calls pleas ant pictures I refer to your memory and mluo when I ask It your knowledge of the Holy Scriptures has not been mightily augmented by or in tho old family Bible which father and mother read out of and laid on tho tablo In old homestead when you were boys and girls The scenes which wo all carry In our minds not got from the Bible typology but from ploturca To prove tho truth of It in my own case other day I took up tho old family Bible which I Inherited Sum enough what I carried in my mind of Jacob ladder was exactly Bible engravings of Jacobs ladder and o with Samson carrying off tho gates of Gaza restoring the son massacre of the innocents Chrlsc bless ing little children crucifixion and the lust judgment My Idea nil these is that of the old Bible engravings which I scanned before I could read a word That is true with ninetenths of you If could a win open the door of your foreheads I would And that you are walking picture galleries The great intelligence abroad about Blblo did not come from the general of book tor the majority of the people read it but little if they read it at nil but all the boon put before the masses and not printers ink but art must tho credit of tho achievement First painters pencil for tho few and then engravers plate or woodcut or millions on millions What overwhelming commentary on the What re enforcement for patri archs prophets and Christ what distributions of Scriptural knowledge of all notions in the paintings and engrav ings therefrom of Bunt Chris In Paul Magdalen Washing the Feet of Christ Raphaels Michael the Dragon of tho Michael Plague of Fiery Serpents Tintorettos Flight Into Egypt Rubens Bcont From tbo Cross Leonardo Da Vincis Last Supper Queen Bellinis Madonnn at Milan Last Judgment and hundreds of miles of pictures if they were put In line Illustrating displaying dramatizing until tho Scrip turea are not today so much on paper as on canvas not so in Ink as all colors of spectrum In forth from Germany came a child that was to eclipse In speed and anything and everything that bad ever seen since first color appeared on the at the creation Paul Gustavo At of ago he published marvelous lithographs of his own Sayingnothing of what ho did for Miltons Paradise ration The An Babylon torn In all and a olrooit supornatoml afflatus that make Ho throb and brain rrcl and tears uteri and the cheeks blanch with things and eternity and dead I actually staggered down stops Of the tendon Art Gallery power at Obrlst Profess you to bo man or woman and no divine mission In art and you no obligation either in thanks to God or man It la no more the word of God whon put before in printers Ink than by skillful laying or on metal through or corrosion What a lesion Id morals was presented by the painter In his two Tho and by Xhoinn Colos j rvifrii Vnea IrjJ will let nin out epitaph men death was abate ment of a of granite tot king and to stDbarnss a seraph Oh man of large wenUh Instead of loading to whim of others your commemoration and taj1ioIogy to bo at going to and fro at of Others bulla down In the heart of our great or whero you live on Immense reading room or a free musical or a free art gal lery the niches for ana walls abloom with an J foil of nations and Jc3on of courage for the disheartened and rest for tho weary and for dead and years from now you will no wielding In this world for good How much better than white marble tbut chills you if you nut your hand on it whon you touch it In engravings of Voyago of Human J the cemetery would be a monument In and tfco Course of and colore in eyes in living poswa- by Tumors God in slon In which under the to be except In ex- cuptlonA means poverty and neglect fed jxwrly housed poorly appreciated When I hear a man is a palntvr I have two feelings of admiration for the greatness of his soul and tho other of commiseration for needs of his body But so it has boon in all deportments of work Homo of the mightiest teen hardly bestead Oliver Goldsmith had such a big patch on tho bin left breast that when ho went anywhere ho kept his hat In his hand closely pressed over tho patch worldrenowned Bishop had a salary of it Painters arc not the only who have endured the Jack of appreciation Let men of wealth take under their patronage the suffering men of art They lift no complaint- no strike for higher wages But witha keenness of nervous organization almost always characterizes genius theso artists suffer mora than any one but can realize needs to bo a concerted effort for the suffering artists of America not sentimental discourse about what we to artists but contracts that will give them a livelihood for I am in sym pathy with Christian farmer who was very busy gathering his fall apples and some one asked him to pmy for a poor family the father of which had broken his leg the busy farmer said I cannot stop now to pray hut you can go down Into the cellar and get corned beef and butter and eggs and potatoes that is all I can do now Artists may Wish for our prayers but want practical help from men who can give thorn work You have heard scores of sermons for all other kinds of suffering men women but we need sermons that make pleas for the suffering men and women of- American art Their work Is more true to nature and life than some of the masterpieces that have become Immortal on tho other sldo of the sea but it is the fashion of American to mention foreign artists and to know or nothing about our own Copley and Allston and and and the affluent fling out of their windows and into the back yard valueless daub3 on canvas and call In these splendid but unrewarded men and tell them to adorn your walls not only with that which shall please the taste but enlarge the minds and Improve morals and the souls of those who gaze upon them AU American cities need great galleries of art not only open an nually for fewdays on exhibition but which shall stand open all the year round and from early morning until oclock at night and free to all who come and go What a preparation for the wear and tear of the day a five minutes look In morning at some picture that will open a door into some larger realm than that In our population dally drudges Or what a good the half hour of artistic opportunity on way home In the evening from exhaustion that demands recuperation for mind and soul as well as body Who Will do for the where you live Corcoran did for Washington and what others have done for Philadelphia and Boston New Men of wealth If you ire too modest to build and endow such place during your lifetime why not go to your Iron safe and take out your last Will and testament and make a codicil that shall build for the city of your resi dence a throne for American Take Mine of that money that would otherwise your children and build an art gal lery that shall associate your name fer- not- only with great masters of painting who are gone but with masters who are trying to Jive and win tho lore of tens on attention of the world no tnouand who unable up the book of books monarch flne lbolr of literature the Bible your benefaction build own and not ft to the whim of others Some of sleeping in Greenwood no at all or crumbling would bo glowing and warm and looked at by strolling group- with cata logue In on Hie January night when where body sleeps is all under tower of was hung with dented shields of battle but you oh man of wealth may have a grander tower named after you that shall be hung not with ymbds of carnage but with victories of that art which was flo long ago recognized In my text as pleasant pictures Oh the power of pictures I cannot deride as some have done Cardinal who when told that he must die took his Inst walk through art gallery of hi palace say ing Must I quit all this Look at that Titian Look at that Look at that deluge of Farewell dear pictures An day of lord hosts accord ing to thH text will pic ture I Implore all parent to see that in their households have neither in look nor newspaper nor on canvas any thing that will deprave Pictured no longer exclusive possession of the afihient There Is not a home In that has not specimens of woodcut or steel engraving If not of pointing and your whole family will feel tho moral uplifting or nothing on your or In books that will the young with scones of cruelty and wassail have only sketches by artists In elevated moods and of scenes that win product of delirium tremens Pictures are not only a strong but a universal language J he human race is divided Into almost as many languages as there are nations but the pictures may to of all tongues Volapuk many have hoped with little reason would a worldwide language but the Is a worldwide language and print ers typos have no emphasis compared With it Wo ray that children are fond of pictures but notice any man when he takes up a book you will that the first thing that he looks at is the pictures Have only those in your house that appeal to engraving has sometimes decided on eternal destiny Under the title of fine arts there come hero from France a class of pictures which elaborate argu ment has tried to prove irreproachable hey would disgrace a barroom and they need to be confiscated Your children will carry the picture of their fathers house with them clear on to tho grave and that marble pillar will take through eternity Furthermore let all reformer and all school teachers and nil Christian workers realize that would bo effective for good they must make pic If not by chalk on blackboards or kindergarten designs or by pencil on canvas then by words Arguments are soon forgotten but pictures whether in language or In colors are what produce stronger effects Christ was always tell what a thing was like and his ser mon on the mount was a great gallery beginning with a sketch of a on a hill that cannot be hid and ending with a tempest beating against two houses one on the rock and other on sand The parable of prodigal son picture of the power who went forth to tow a picture parable of the unmerciful servant a pic ture parable of the tn virgins a pic ture parable of the a picture The world wants pictures and the appetite begins with child who con sents to go early to If mother will sit beside him and rehearse a story which Is only a picture When we ee how much has been accomplished In secular directions by pictured Shakespeares tragedies a pic ture Victor Hugos writings all pictures John and Tennysons and Longfellows works all pictures not enlist as far as passible for our churches and schools and reformatory work and evangelistic endeavor the power of thought that can be put into Word pictures If not pictures In color Yea Why not all young men draw for on paper with pen or pencil their coming career of virtue if they prefer that of vie If they prefer that After making the picture pot It on the wall or paste It on the leaf of some favorite book that you may have It before yon I rend of a man who bad been executed for murder and the jailer found after ward a picture mudo on the wall of the ceil by the assassins own hand a picture of a flight of staiM On the lowest step he had Written Disobedience to par ents on the- second bhath break ing on the third Drunkenness and gambling on the fourth Murder and on fifth and top step A gal lows If tbnt man had made that picture ho took first step he never Would have taken any of them Oh man make another picture a bright picture an evangelical picture and I will help you make it I suggest six steps for this flight On the first step write words A nature changed by the Ghost and washed In the blood of the Lamb on the second step Indus try and good companionship on the third step A Christian home with a family altar on the fourth step Kver widening usefulness on the fifth step A glorious departure from this world on the sixth step Heaven heaven hea ven I Write It three times and let the letters of the one word be made up of tinners second of coronets and the third of thrones Promise me that you will do that and I will promise to meet you on the sixth step If the Lord will through his pardoning grace bring mo there too Tho Creation- of Trial of Abrahams Faith The Burial of Sarah Joseph Sold by His Tho Serpent Boar and if Tommy Paw what is a peshcistf Mr Ho wno prefers both Indianapolis Journal Mil As similating ihcFoodflndRegula- Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes and neither nor Mineral Not otic w 1 signatures OF A perfect Remedy lion Sour StomachDiarrhoea Worms Convulsions and Loss of Sieep Simile Signat of NEW YORK IS ON THE r COPT OF WRAPPER OP BOTTLE OF I Is pat op la It It not la Vov to tell thai It Joit and MP yea get CA8T0fiIi of famous Iroquois Model 3 ii Bicycle will to cold at each one- third their rest V Cyclo Work falcelbc- their Here too we have entire it a on Che and com- dollar With It WO uoVWi Model to at To advertise our wo have concluded to toll these at just what us end make tbe Marvelous offer of a Model Vlitltlltjlat J tkiuvi1 ntjCJ I ir a crown we for the l lo If you find Offer if to discount lo full with WE HAVE BICYCLES it AGENTS In town to represent us earned their bicycle last year ft this year we offer wheels and cash done for us also FREE of wheel to aents Write for liberal proposition Wo arc known every where as the greatest in the world and arc per fectly reliable we refer to any bank or business house In Chicago to any press company and to our customers everywhere TUB J MEAD COMPANY III iltad rtltatU arA at art tarpaou By using a HighGrade Flour we still intend to turn out FIRSTCLASS BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry always on hand Wedding Cakes a Specialty Fresh Groceries Always in Stock Proprietor -OXO- Note I take this opportunity to thank the many customers for their past patronage and ask a continuance of their favors Are Fresh this week Right Value w Dress Goods y Our German Prints are a marvel for quality and price Our Ladies Blouses are pronounced just the thing Our Lawns Muslins and Cretonnes will suit you Ladies and Misses Hosiery cannot be beat Our Stock of J Kings Footwear is complete We can please you Our Clothing is the best North Toronto Our Furnishings are all new this week t See Our Paints and Oils A RON

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