Newmarket Era, 23 Jun 1899, p. 6

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L AWAKE RELIABLE TO Barrio baseball nine played ft friendly with Sutton I 8t Queen conveyed the play er to Jacksons Point where driven to Sutton and hospitably entertained by the homo teair dinger a moat game played which resulted in a victory for by tubs to VIRGINIA largo barn on Tuesday Mi erecting a good sized buggy The Davie had a now silo built on their farm on Wednesday The many friends of Mr Davis rear of the will regret to learn that he baa been to hie bed fur past two or three months He is very feeble and is not likely to last than three or four lfceeks i BALDWIN Everybody scums to want kindH of weaker Some want rain some want it cloudy very fine Some it hot Homo it cool some it the variable The clerk of the weather in everybody mxftuiW r I- The of the Metho dist Church will hoid their annual garden party on Mr lawn on next tJio A program of sport for afternoon enters is wending ver variable weather tainmont fot the evening is in courxe of preparation A will boa feature of the entertainment Them will bo a base ball match in commencing at twoen the Island Indians and Virginia boys Thin will bo an game On the pro gram tea will lie solo by Mr Hoidgu Clara other recitations by Mint of and others and a Iort and spicy by Rev Dr of All cordially invited MUTUAL CORNERS Wesley Church School in tend their PicNo at Wilcox lake on Wednesday of this The Maccbee parade a decided success The church would not hold them all After the service Was oyer the different OrdeVs marched to the Town at where the best suppers provided that was over set up before a meeting Mr Fred Wilson ami Mr Bert of the Golden Lion were here oyer Mr Edward of St was calling on friends of this place on afternoon Herbert Lee will bis farewell sermon next morn Detective A vary pretty house wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr Win Dove lino of King on Wednesday when his youngest daughter united in marriage to Mr Proctor The ceremony was perform ed by Robinson At the bridal party entered tlio b enough to drawing rooni to lie strains of Men- profane language welding inarch played by Miss Ellis of KlineUrjc Die bride was handsomely gowned in white Seems that windmills ore liable tobe struck by the electric fluid John Howardn was struck on Wednesday afternoon Will gluttons has been struck twice and no doubt Jacob Smiths was struck as it was the most prominent object on the barn recently burn ad News from Mr Frank Crittenden there is abundance of work at high wages in Wash Territory Good servant girls command per month The family well pleased with their new home Geo son of Mr- V ir- ginia passed a exam recent ly in his third year Col lctfe a thirty dollar scholar- ship His maw thinks she a lv Out- of our ladies Ill not make public her name proudly declaies has the very best boy in Can His name is Master Ivan Tom- Mr teacher is working hard preparing a class foi- the entrance exams He works The Camp was a success notwithstanding the weather end ed a drizzle not a The tent was last week Geo lias already taken for a great quantity of raspberries The other growers in this section not up to date Mr Donald Chapman is making some very desirable im provements around the village which meet with our hearty approval hogs belonging to a rich man iug vice- versa The Hell road is well deserving of its name at present The rough cob ble stones with which it is covered in make a Church was honored and a visit gonial President of and Association of to the era Mr expects to return from the Genaral Assembly Meetings and on from How Wood niay become Gold In the early part of in thePreBhyterianOhuroh last Sunday two believers and the infant daughter of Mr and Mrs MoFarlnnd were baptized into Christ by Rev M The rain storm prevented other parents from haying their child ren dedicated to the Rev Mf Bottorlll is in attendance on the Meetings the General As sembly at Hamilton He to occupy the pulpit on Sunday next and preaoh from Beloved and About men attended Mr barn raising on Tuesday of last week and everything to gether without a bitch Mr Buttle of Udora superintended the job The barn is feet on a stone foundation Tea was provided for the whole neighborhood LAST The Northern Hotel stables are burnt to tho ground The Are was started in the hay at west end of stable so that wind would aid the flames in quick and total de struction The Are was noticed about Friday Had it not been for Mrs who lives across the street and gave warning the in- Christian Church Conference our village Sufldftyeyonlrig Alfred stable tearing off a lot of shingles a all to and family werejwjlay from- home at Ernes the next neigh bors received a shock Mr Eli baby has been sick this week Law is in attendance many friends of John Esq will ho sorry to hear that ho is at present was rather a small attendance at the Chriatian Endeavor meeting on Sunday evening owing to the thunder Mr John gave an address Mrs is to introduce the subject next Sun day evening The following officers have been elected for the next term President Silas Vice Pros Marritt Secretary Mr Win Terry Cor Mrs Morton Treasurer Ira Morton Gospel Temperance Meeting on Monday evening was very interesting Mr Colpitis gave excellent address The anuual Excursion of the Kes wick and Sutton West Methodist is billed for the of July They are going to Orillia this year has a beautiful park where excursion ists have the privilege of This is the annual excursion in succession that the Methodist here has run either jointly with some other school or alone They are look ing for a successful excursion as usual as fare for the round nip v only 30 cents children under any school go free A number from here attended the at FOR SALE t j Beat on St and very- Rettldonao T lot to tho lit King Well Con of Oil watted good ad other good Ooomile from Newmarket Terra reason able For further particular apply to FREE We are now ready to supply you with Pure Paris Greeny Hellebore Insect Powder Fly Paper Sticky Mats Poison Little Hen and Women and have been Into a Socage book and the MB- FROM TO A magazlDe for children two to ten year or We want the names and addressee of mothers of children of above ages and for allot of names we will send the magazine o you for ONE YEAR Little Men and Women Co Troy Decoration Jay WEDNESDAY JULY 5 1899 AT THE We Sell Our Goods at Prices as LOW as the LOWEST and Guarantee the Quality LEHMAN DRUG STORE We mail goods to any address 9 I scarcely need remark that Father Cantillona picnic at Virginia was an enormous success it always is In satin entrain with veiland car- the baseball name Baldwin won from a i j v a large of white Coulter as maid of honor the combine by a score of 13 to In the bike con white silk The groom was ably as- test Will Cameron won what may by aisled by Mr Wellington Dove The courtesy be termed a Silver Cup The wedding were numerous and innumerable pretty girls of Father utseful them was a sewing congregation won the ad- machine given by her brother and sis- miration of all beholders Several weeks ago a was a number from this section took in the Incursion on Wednesday last to Parry Sound this week Miss here criticising lxuseball and scoring lovers of tne game Complaint was laid before His wor ship the Owl by the boys who got of Toronto with her mother Miss Now I not Brandon of Toronto with Mr to ll1 people Clinton Stokes of observed that the mastenlighten- Mr and Mrs of those foremost in Mr and Mrs Pearson of lelic Canada Great Newmarket Mr Mm Win Burl- Germany Rome and of Greece Its said that while the m nion wos tic delivered tue speakers I he Foresters we little boy were enjoying a game of ball on the lawn at home ed some weeks ago has been post poned till the 2nd of July The brethren will meet at the Hall here at pm and march to the Methodist church Quite a number took iu the last week and report a good time What might have proved a serious affair happened at the Klondike saw mill here on Friday last when a little pin holding the governors on the en gine gave way and allowed the en gine to go on the Before it could be stopped the engine wan almost de- molished One piece of fragment penetrated the lxiler another struck the larger engine temporarily disab ling it but with the exception of some slight bruises no one was hurt We are pleased to report that Miss Maggie Spink who has been under treattent of a specialist in Toronto for past two weeks Is progressing favorably Mr and Wesley White of Farm were visiting in the village on Sabbath last Some ill disposed person had the audacity to scald Mr dog4 Jumbo last week He being inoffensive dog and a favorite makes one eel like hunting to Mrs Prod the Como over and see new mil ler J as Fetch along a grist Anyone that rubs up against domine on his bike will be surprised Hes very speedy The other Sunday evening he came through at the speed of the Flying Dutchman Sutton has on her holiday garb awaiting the summer visitor It looks lovely which loveliness is farther en hanced by- her scores of pretty Perry Crittenden lost his best cow through an accident last week Mrs Nelson discovered a monster mud turtle one day last week It was too large to capture so she civilized it with an axe It con tained seventy eggs Thunder storms are the rule not the exception these Very severe one Sunday eve Mrs Young Aunt Keswick is visiting her niece Mrs Miss Laura Horner Sutton Was also last week heboid with a lisi Wednesday I up Jane houses too fe7i be twotig barn rtisjngs soon John of the hotel would have been smothered in their peaceful slumbers Mr Samuel manager of High Noon and Willie Gordon were the first to go to tho stables The stallion was in the first box stall near to tho entrance door and through a brave aod heroic act Ainsworth d his pet by throwing a blanket over the head Willie was not so successful as he had farther to go He was driven back by the extreme heat and smoke nearly exhausted Both horses were burnt At this time the flames were bursting down from above in front of the animals Hay grain and harness were consumed In a short of time the Homes reached the hotel and it was impossible for any one to gain access to the kitchen and the ifvoms above so nothing there wan saved Some of the furniture etc in the front rooms above and be low were carried out and badly dam aged Mr Gordon only a short time before got In a large supply of beer liquors case goods and cigars and all were destroyed No person connected with the house had been in the hay loft oclock noon the day be fore Two reliable men were last in the stable at 15 minutes to pm fixing up the horses for the night From the above the public will readily see that it was a straight case of in- Mr Gordons loss is estimated at about No in surance Mr farmer own ed the hotel We hear he held on the buildings Mr Gordons friends know how shamefully he has been treated and scandalized without any cause whatever and are urging him to rebuild They have kindly of fered him any assistance that may be required Sunday crowds were in the village to see the ruins and ex pressed their views in strong and plain language The store south kept by Mis and near the hotel was in great danger but through the noble exertions of the crowd it was saved All the goods had to moved and worse still some of property was stolen Her loss stolen and damaged amounted to about The east end of the village had to be closely The wind was high and fair for a fire bugs action Several places were on fire from the effects of flying shingles but were speedily put out Mrs Grahams Weigh Scales were badly damaged Mr Imple ments were saved Mr Thos Brown photographer lost worth of goods Mr James Uxbridge- In surance agent spent a few days hero looking up risks He met with quite a success Mr Glide was experimenting with a bicycle and had the top of his finger taken off The hail storm on Sunday evening destroyed property belonging to Mr to the amountof Phillips pathmasteri Is improving Victoria streets evening the Rfev Mr Okepreachied an sermon and very suitably directed in and spoiled the whole effect of his well delivered Alter church his particular utterance wis criticised by church members and other y r reported that a Erected the old site X Cemetery Procession will ituve HALL at p ok by The BRIMSON CARRIAGE WORKS 7 dtPect r Brougham last week The delegates from this church were Elijah Prosser and Winch Rev Mr Brown preached an excel lent sermon in the Methodist on Sunday inoruing to a full house Next Sunday morning Mr Web ber is to preach his farewell sermon A full house is looked for Miss Lottie Deacon of Toronto is visiting friends and relatives here week Mr John has his new ce ment barn basement completed It has been built under the personal supervision of the agent for the Cement Mr King and is a very fine wall They expect to raise the new barn next week differ orders of Town all interested are Invited to attend The Mayor and resident Clergy been Invited to deliver appropriate Secretary J A BASTED Chairman Grounds Com JACKSON President Girl Wetted work per KAVANAGM Industrial Home 12 1 WANTED A la ml I horse i or years old reliable color but be a good driver Address FAMILY Eha New market The proprietor takes ibis opportunity of sincerely thanking numerous tor very liberal patronage in the past and hopes by Square Honest Dealing To merit their trade to the future Id the early part of the Beaaon did not place my orders for vehicles as soon as I sbonld have done with that Old Reliable Firm- The Carriage Co Of whom I have bad honor of this section After years experience in selling their the only I can arrive at that this Co are to car lege trade They commenced right Their first resolve was to make nothing but good reliable work aw they have adhered 10 it Tbe re sult ia that trade know thoroughly well that a vehicle of any kind Mc Laughlin Co is standard Roods for Canada in durability and uptodate in every particular There ate statements made like We can with a rig as as for lei money statements should be taken as many persons and financially ruined by experimenting with inferior vehicles There is Nothing to be Compared with the McLaughlin Make- Any order placed with me now filled promptly Sampled and new cms to choose from can be at my Show Rooms Inspection and invited continuance of yoor favors I am yours Repairing in all iu attended to with neatness MOUNT PLEASANT Mr and Mrs J attended Wardens Excursion to Niagara last week is visiting at Ml David Wights Mr and Miss Turner of Zephyr were guests of Miss Bella Hamil ton last Sunday Messrs J Johnston and P were visiting at Mr John Hamilton b last Sunday Quite a number from this place at tended Excursion on Mon day Miss Glover is borne again Miss Annie Hamilton is visiting in the city Posy It pays to advertise in the Era atlvertlsemcnts or ROACHS POINT will open an lee Parlor and Room and be ready for be public May Ice Cream constantly on band Served Promptly s Wanted To Drive genera work Apply Newmarket For Sale A good strong buggy one cutter In good condition and slnglo harness Apply to Sutton West On near the Cemetery A Halter rosy have the came by proving pro perty and paying zpenBee Stray Dogs Came upon Lot con at Sharon Juno Fox Terrier Dogs male have them by proving property paying expenses laki away KITELBx LOST The South End Attraction Is SMITH BEOS show ease It con tains some of the finest photos to he found in Canada Everybody stops and looks at it Dont be afraid to drop inside and look around as it will cost you no thing and you will be paid the same attention as a cus tomer Have a look at their enlarged work INFORMATION OF THE DAVISON GROCERY More comfortable for shopping in hot weather cannot be The store is bright airy and very cool Shoppers whether purchasing or not are always welcome to step in and rest themselves Oar prompt delivery relieves yoa carrying all parcels and always a pleasure to orders left to oar care Choice Dairy Butter cooled by Spring Water ice per lb Seasonable Goods Large Pineapples at Beardsleya Strawberries of Excellent Quality Smoked Chipped Dried Beef reasonable at Devilled Meats- Lemons Choice Large 16c Ham Tongue Turkey die Bananas extra large stock Mince Meat fresh package at Davisons English Relish for salads etc Fresh Fruit Sugar lbs for Pink Salmon per tin 10 Another Big Lot of Roll Bacon Ham And Bologna Sausage to sell at cis Davisons Ja Mocha Java Coffee with richness of aroma J the Bra office AUCTION SALE Real Estate Adjoining or Newmarket Tho Directors of Newmarket Cemetery Op seU by Public a known as of Mr Albert the Terms- I CENTRAL Consider when Buying Clothes with you Bave Money we hate ih9 largest Stock woolens to Bait from which are up- 9i very Thing made therefor ran no and fTOobleto per The MasseyHarris Co Are the Largest Makers of Farm Under the British Flag 0ver WO0O Mowew hare been ordered to European Countries for the harvest of which epetka load for Oyer Canadian workmen are given employment in manufacturing the Binaew5 or feet cat t Tiger Mowers front or rear or jUrUlfboeor W n CaJTaraio teeth Tedders all or df ska a mA and the W Iron with Cylinder the Toronto Grain and Cleaner and Grader Panning Mill MM or generator Monitor Clover HuUere Marine Stone the Bain or Verity A WilkJoaon A Pali Stock or Agent Market Newmarket Road East on the of Mar site Information iUdJus to IU bo rewarded A- to ir people dlffereat at they are odd think roomy arejuat the Now

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