Newmarket Era, 30 Jun 1899, p. 3

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Weeks IibGQl WHAT IB ON IN At the it to have only one meeting la of months of and Aag the Tues day Members make a note of Firemens Excursion The Fire Brigade have to run their to Niagara Fall to early pan of Angus by to Torun- to Final arrangements will bo shortly It is to be a anion with Aurora Fire Brigade Pulled Up Stakes After doing a lively business for about two neighborhood nearly crazy the bumdram of Mario and a few more lonce by a hurdygurdy the Merry -Go- look ire departure lor on Tuesday morning Garden Party The Presbyterian Garden Party will take place on Mr Lawn Hi on evening next Hand in attendance to ground inoludiog cente and toe cream Come and have a Unit Gospel Temperance Templars oondaoted the meeting lam afternoon Mr Walter occupied the and Miss at the organ Mr Neil gavctt reading Mr Richard Willi a hong and Mrs Ellis Hughes an The T I provide the pro- grau for next Sunday Excursion The Methodist Sunday Sehool of New- market will hold its Excursion on Wednesday tbe of July to Centre Park Toronto A Train will leave the depot about a arriving at Toronto about a quarter to nine oclock returning will the same place at Ferry tickets to Centre Island Park are good to go and come at any time in day For two years has visited tbiu beautiful aummor and its ac commodations and attractions no surpass all other places within easy that it wad unanimous choice of the school to return again thie season tickets will beat the low for the round trip and no doubt many people will be glad of opportunity of visiting their friends in city tinder such favorable conditions low fare and nearly ten hours in Toron to Police Court On Saturday evening last before Magis trates Wood cook and Lloyd one Emanuel of Holland Landing was charged under of Criminal Code with wilfully destroying and tearing down a fence belonging to whose property adjoins that of Grant evi dence showed that these owners bad not been Hying peaceably for years and that while Grant had under agreement given the sole right to the land oyer which the fence in question was erected he bad resented giving said right and tbe manner la which eaid fence was destroyed was sufficient to convict him After-bear- the various questions of law argued by the opposing lawyers in the case the ac cused was fined and costs or days in jail Mr C of Newmarket appeared on behalf of the Air while Mr Lennox of Aurora defended the In the case of the borse taken out of the Royal Hotel stables an effort was made to settle the matter by payment of account and costs but as the money was not forth coming tbe man John Sanderson was com- muted for trial a I ft fltWy Lieut Mocks farewell from Newmarket Corya op Dominion Day Big day at Point Band com petition games and sports Boating Big crowd going Church A large congregation assembled Sun day evening to hear the farewell of the pastor Rev S His address was very tender and sympathetic and con tained good advice founded on the words of Paul to the Corinthians Finally brethren farewell Be perfect be of good com fort be one mind live in peace the God of love and peace shall be with you After a sojourn of three years so far as be knows he leaves the with out one jar Io pastoral relationship he will never be forgotten having baptised persons attended marriages and read the service no less than times The Review last Sunday was conducted by Mr and Superintendent It was interspersed with Kindergarten songs by the Primary Class duett by the Misses Thompson Ante solo by Mr J Cole and singing by tbe school In connection the presentation to Herbert a beautiful bible for bringing the largest number el new to the dur ing the year by Key a touching parting address There was a good attendance of scholars and a few visitors The new minister Rev end hie family arrived in Wednesday and were given a vary reception at the Parsonage by a Commit- tee and many members of the congrega tion The villi preach next morning and evening QnpoaJJp-ket- Open day extraction Take a Spin Out to tho Garden Party on Tuesday night Bicycles will be without charge A Manitoba Wedding A very piotnreaqoe wedding was solemn- lead at Manitoba on Jane at the residence of Mr Clarke Rev Mr Floy ot parties Martha Elliott of Man formerly of Out and sister of Mrs Henry and Mr John A of Man formerly ot Paisley bride was attired in a figured lustre with cream silk lace orange blos som and white slippers and looked arming The bridesmaid Miss Emily sister of the groom was dressed in a pretty oream cashmere costume The groom assisted by Mr J of Ninette formerly of The bride was the of many handsome presents which is an evidence of her After usual goodwishes and congra tulations the guests repaired to the dining- room where ample justice was done to the repast that was provided remainder of the was spent in zenith of their delight when the newly married left for their home at La vale Baseball A meeting of the local waa held last Monday night at the Central Hotel for the purpose of organizing a base ball dob for the season It was well at tended and enthusiastic The following officers were elected Hon President Mayor Cane President John VicePresident J McKay Eddie Doyle Captain Howard Manager George Heine Bert Committee Colin Gamble and J It was decided to adopt the following uniform Fawn knickers and shirt mar- roon stockings in crimson letters aorosssbirt front fawn cap two crimson stripes Club every night from to A subscription will be taken up Town to aid in expenses All ball players and those interested in baseball are given a cordial invitation to the Agricultural Park to watch the boys practice hope this new of sport will receive liberal support from all admirers Challenges have been to surronnd- teams and a game will soon be arrang ed There is plenty of material tor a good ball team here and there is no that ordinary support Newmarket cannot be as sucoesdfol in baseball as she has been in hockey and lacrosse Dont Miss The Presbyterian Garden Party next Tuesday evening Everybody invited 1 R Report Mr Cox the Oil Expert from Brentford who made a geological survey of country and around Newmarket last week reports as follows I found traces of oil and also very strong deposits of gas In the shallow for Medina stratum at four or five hundred feet below surface and al so in the Trenton above the granite about 1200 feet from surface in you ought to get very large gas This discovery of oil and gas would boom your Town developed better than anything in sight at present and in my judgment all the mineral pro- duots you under your field of any great value Why not develop these products when are within your reach by forming a Syndicate of your own citizens and con- the same for the benefit of your own have the golden oppor tunity within your reach In my opinion if you put in one test well on the farm of George Williams where I have set the stake you will get in large quantities and it will not cost you mnoh to pipe the same for If yon get the gas there you get it on many town lots and farms near your town In this respect your Town has been favored by nature above of your neighboring towns as there seems to be more deposits near Newmarket than be tween Newmarket and Toronto- If you make the first test your Town will get boom You ought to start your Company or Syndicate at once so as to get the well down while the weather is warm as con tractors will work in warm weather I will be willing to give you good ad vice at any time also protect your Co- or Syndicate to the beat my ability for a reasonable fee also assist you io procure a and contractor and we that the is pat down properly so as to pro- toot the An effort will be made to a food in for slaking a and if the deposit onnd ai as autiolpM- be ho difficulty- to X i of the York mot on Monday up be tho Parry paying a balance to the fioolety of This would been considers had for the strike on the road Produce There was not a large market last Saturday Butter sold at 12c per lb and eggs almost at per Homegrown boxes for a quarter and gooseberries per On account of being a holiday the market will bo held today Friday Toronto and local buyers will be present as Christian Church Last Sunday Childrens Day and was prettily decorated for the The Superintendent Mr Williams took charge by the pastor The program consisted princi pally of singing aod recitations by the supported by a good orchestra Tho was crowded and by request the program was repeated In the evening Sneak Thief Between last Saturday night and Sun day morning somebody entered the hack door was left unlocked in the deoceofMr and down cellar stole three loaves of bread and a roast of beef done so 9 quietly that neither Mr nor Mrs eon heard a sound This should be a warn- to others to see that their premises are spcure on retiring to rest A Serious boss About weeks ago a cow belonging to Mr Miller was pasturing on Oak Street and tied by a chain A dog be longing to Mr came along and worried cow The animal tried to run away from the dog was tripped by the chain and fell to ground dislocating its joint Notwithstanding that services veterinary were secured cow gradu ally became weaker and finally died on Tuesday which quit a serious to Mr Miller It is with much pleasure we an tbe legal firm of Lennox Morgan have decided to keep open their Newmarket office the unavoidable absence through illness of Mr Morgan in England- On and after next the 3rd of July and until Mr Morgan returns their Newmarket office will be charge of Mr Harold Macbin Mr is a young of considerable ability experience having spent some six yeare in actual practice in Western Ontario and Toronto and is therefore fully capable of handling all business that may be entrust ed to him We may mention that Mr stood first in tbe honor list of his year at the recent law examinations at Os- goode Hall Toronto Owing to the utter impossibility of seeing their clients person ally Messrs Lennox Morgan take this opportunity of advising them of re opening of their Newmarket and at same time express the hope that their clients may continue to give their patron age to Mr the firms new repre sentative- Mr Lennox will continue to visit Newmarket every Saturday Orange Blossoms the residence and grounds of Mies Days Gnr- was tbe scene of great activity as numerous guests arrived shortly before high noon to witness her marriage to Mr A H of this town on Wednesday nuptial knot was tied on the lawn under canvas and as the bridal party made their exit from the house Mrs J Mc Kay played the wedding march Wesley uncle of the bride gave her away Rev Mathews conducting the cere- The bride looked perfectly charming dressed in white corded silk with pearl trimming bridal veil and orange carrying a bouquet of roses and fern The brides maid was Miss Marsh of Richmond Hill niece of the and was attired in cream organdie also carrying a beautiful bouquet of crimson roses Little Mies Knight of Falls also a niece the bridegroom was maid of honor Dr A Webb of Newmarket assisted the groom- Ae as the happy couple were pro nounced man and wife they received the of between and guests after the wedding breakfast was served in a most elaborate style in the spaoloua by Webb of Toronto The caterer provided everything from the linen to the wedding cake a most satis- factory manner the floral decorations were handsome and the menu excellent The and beautiful presents testified to the popularity of the bride Owing to the rain causing delay the happy couple did not leave till the next day on their weddlng tour which will occupy three four weeks embracing following points Toronto down the pt Lawrence through the Thousand arid perhaps back at North BayBurKs Falls around Georgian Bay Lake Huron to Detroit and back home by way of Niagara Palls- Following were the from a dis tance Mr J and son of villeMrs Harry Krifght Mrs Walter and daughter and Master Wee of Burka Falls Mr and- Mrs aid Mrs ifco Hoqae has been- nicely refitted and pro serin fifr large plate inirroj walls floor is folly Jit With incandescent S Sad Word was hero op Wednesday of the death of Mrs nee Miss formerly Or event occurred at Fori Logan the The bereaved will hays sympathy of many friends here- A a f a a is J- t Thanks editor and desire to Geo Newmarket and Mr Frank of King for their generosity Both parties last week left of strawberries at the of floe and all bands declare were tbe largest and cleanest that they have lasted for a whole year We will not forget the donors and If opportunity oc curs will be delighted to do a good turn Social At close of the regular business last Friday evening the Royal Templars held an Social in honor of Matthews An address was read by Past Councillor J Green the high esteem in which he is held by the members order and thanking him for the great assistance be rendered the Coon- oil during hie residence in Newmarket As a token of their esteem the Rev gentleman was presented with the Life of in two volumes handsomely Mr Matthews was taken completely by sur prise and a very nine address expressed for the spirit of ad dress and of having been of service in tbe temperance cause After the presentation refreshments were served and a very social time was en joyed High There are candidates writing Entrance and P Leaving Exams at Newmarket this week On Monday and Tuesday pupils in Form I writs for promotion Wednesday and Thursday Form IX and candidates for Commercial Certificates will write On Friday of next week III and will write for promotion and the exam will for a week The done by Newmarket High School in the shows that the staff is and For maoy years the stood high in Depart- mental Examinations tbe success in Jun ior Matriculation being spec ially marked per cent- having passed in the laBt three veers A record has been prepared of the candidates who have pass- 1896 and copies of which can be obtained from Principal Dickson With such gratifying results it is an assur ance to intending High School pupils Newmarket elands among the high est the Province in its capabilities and very desirable institution to attend School will reopen on the of Sept when classes will be organized for 1st 2nd and 3rd Form work This is a specialty of Newmarket to undertake everything hut to do well what it does BOUSING Begin the inch Print c for Metric Satin Latest American Cambric regular 5c for French Sateen Fancy Blouse Patterns were now Ladies Blouses our line for3 do for 50 do do for I 75 regular Fancy Plaid Dress Goods regular for Ladies Fine Black Cotton Hose fast color for Mens Whipcord Shirts fb 50c Mens Flannelette Shirts for Special Values in Lace Curtains Art Muslin Cretonnes and Art Sateens Lower than our neighbors W A BRUNTON The Best Cooks Baking Powder CORNER July 3rd TCOMERYS 17th T Week Only We will sell any pair of Ladies Oxfords at Price he time ban come when reduce oar stock of bummer Shoes It don pay us hold over from year therefore we sell upwards of Pairs of Ladies from TO JULY This is the greatest chance the ladies of Newmarket and vicinity ever bad to buy shoes Just think over forty to choose from We always have the moat complete stock of in Fine Oxford lip price for IS pre Ladies Fine Don Oxford pat tip II Cloth Top 12 pal lip Torn Sole It pal tip Torn Sole self tip Turn Sole self tip Torn Sole I for for for id for for JO for 20 tip Tarn Sole re price for 20 H self tip ChoqoUtt if tip Chocolate Cloth Top l tip lip Choiolate Cloth for 20 for 75 for I This is a Genuine Clearing Sale and we have everything we advertise All goods marked in plain figures pat lip tor for r East at Sharon July The corporation staff have been improv ing the Town Line East week All delegates to the Prohibition Conven tion in Toronto on lltb will travel on the on afngle fare The new stable on the Christian premises is going up this week Mrs boose on Church street is being by Mr sad staff with a new coat The stores will not close till oolock tonight on of being a holiday The Mayor Is patting in anew furnace and entirely new system beating in bis residence woald hardly believe it the days are growing shorter Pauls Garden Party last night Chief was after a of fellows this week who got into a scrap down town last Bainrday night Garden Party next Toes- day About two went down to city to see on The roof will be on the new wing at Canes in a few more days A buyer picked up several at the Royal las Saturday A streals of light the Town from to west on Wednesday caused considerable comment by citizens Frank Vernon on the Town Line bad a raising yesterday- roadbed for railway is almost ready for the ties bb far the Town Water- Works named ran away last week and gave bis friends a great deal of anxiety He was found- on Sunday In Whit- about miles from home The bids on the North American last Saturday were not to a sale to the Health Act the last day for all to be It Is time the corporatioo was on move weeds arpg Danford Roche Co THE CHEAP STORE if I i CLOTHING rices 9 ISM Mens Suits Boys Suits Summer Clothing Odd Pants Odd Coats Odd Vests Hardware Prices Per Cent Discount Hay Rakes Hay Forks from up Snaths 54c Scythes 50c Pure Paris Green A lb Horse Pokes Manure Forks Barrel Chums Latent Improved 2 up Butter Pcintsi lb Butter Bowls Maple Creamery Cansilmproved Strainer Granite Preserving Kettles ffm up Wash Boiler Bottom No i Ice Cream Freezer- 00 Hammocks Pillow up Grocery Prices We claim to sell Groceries on the whole cheaper than any other retail store in Can- for instance lb- to lb Royal Yeast Baking Soda Washing Soda Rice Currants Corn Starch Laundry Starch Oatmeal Toilet Soap P Laundry Soap Surprise Soap Comfort Soap XXX White Wine Vinegar gal- 4c bar bar Ac bar- bar iV Cider Vinegar Extracts Flavors i omm T

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