Newmarket Era, 7 Jul 1899, p. 2

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fidVCPtlaetpdhte waa all Wrong irtdrfroundlw AWUtttdof an Meanwhile Morion continues to Town- lv f- Co Wither Goods A Toronto Jobbing J Bros Donne for Tool iV for Halo Warren fallow Boat for F Grundy Astray A Jwt Low of J Hughes tor I Metropolitan m and I unci Crowing fl and put on and hile drag wearily along dog- days but thereW this tactics of Opposi tion that although contribute towards piling up cost of ea- are affording an opportunity to to unfounded charges and expose the of slanderous in- Considering the condi tions that beset Administration in the management of Yukon of faultlipding tho country has every reason to lc grateful for the ability and fidelity of both Mini of Interior and jerOoneral and when opportunity offers to attest its approval the country will make that attestation in a way not to le misunderstood EXCURSIONS On Wednesdays and Saturdays Richmond HilltoTorontoand Return for children JO and Toronto 40380 and pm evening from Toronto to Hill and roturn leaving p TRUNK RAILWAY to e P- CO a CO iw j ft ft Co SI MO NOTES The Manitoba roaasomblod I is thought will not over two or throe and a general provincial will fol low within a month or mi after pro rogation M SSot- S 5 4 71 A repobt comes from Ottawa and to bat mooting of Intercolonial was to bavo taken place on August at Quobeo been postponed till The not yet flzed bad a arliolo announcing Premier Hardy about to io bo br Boo of Ontario The Is in vention pure and Hod Mr Hardy flat to yea adding tbt the Mail is not my organ The House of by a majority of f declared it bad no faith in Sir br Toppers Yukon charge Daring Mr reply to a charge to a former Jaw partner Mr bad BMored coining leaaea in by Sir alleged Mr the latter floored whole Topper Combination by showing from a return already made to Parliament that the leaaea were applied for bat not rant ed Bra LETS UP I BUT BBIOnTEB AND WITH EACH ted oil at Home FRIDAY 1899 Our Society Column POINTS PLEASANTLY PABAOKAPQED over for Detroit to attend the of Mrs Brown of oar cm- tbe at Bonds Lake Harriett of Toronto was with relatives on Tonga during holidays Mr Smith ar the visiting their daughter Mrs at Kama and Mr Clifton child of Toronto are visiting a few days with his brother Bertram of Toronto is spending a month her grandmother Mrs And Hooter sr Mrs Morrow of of Mr Kb in town Wednes day evening op a visit has gone to vialt friends In Detroit and atend tbe Christian Endeavor Convention Mr and Mrs of villa wore visiting their daughter Mrs Sunday Messrs and J Young of the wero visiting at Mr on the 1st Ida Barry was of her House over Master Frank Smith and are spending holidays at Rama with their aunt Mrs Mr drove a load from Brad ford to attend Decoration Day Mr Jos Belfry of also present Mr Michael baa about recovered from bit recent severe illness aod is bank to bis old post of doty at depot Mies Gertie Miss Elsie Thompson left on Friday to spend some holidays with relatives at Hamilton Miss Miller Mies have re tamed from where were visiting accompanied by Mies Miss Minnte left mat week for a couple of months visit vith her cousins at Mr Samuel Mr Frank Stewart able to be again after quite a spell of sickness but cold and was bad again yester day Hwan Manning Cain Ed Doyle played on Thursday with Carrie against tbe letter Among the visitors In carriages at the Cemetery during we noticed Mr Alex Caldwell who has been Invalid for some years flelby of Toronto formerly of this Town pasted through here yester day for Lake to apend If you vould win you must bo friendly It a ffoman has a a right in the If you wait logei a chip off the old block ax for it It the man some men muet patronize mighty poor tailors If marriage lottery should be from the mails If women are foolish its because thoy were made to bo the companions of men- a man is unable to make a dis tinguished name for himself in any other way ho uses a hyphen If other people never made mistake we would have but little cause to pride on our abilities Anow Presbyterian at Newmarkets Leading Store Yukon k By a majority of fifty the House of Commone has rejected Sir motion respecting a royal commission to make enquiry into al leged charges of mismanagement and malfeasance of office in connection with the Yukon administration of af fairs For many long weary hours Charles endeavored to bolster up certain speculative at times indulging in insinuations that returns before the House contradicted in order to make out a case and then failed signally failed especially in his charges against the Hon Minister of the Interior Here is an illustration he charged that Hon Mr was concerned in granting dredging leases on various rivers in the Yukon Territory in which he had a secret interest to A if J A and A Cameron two of whom were former law partners of the Hon Minister The was a grave one and if true to have de manded Mr Hiltons retirement from the Government It is true that and Cameron had made application for dredging leases and this led Sir to jump to the conclusion tbat Grit Ministers were equally eepUie to weakness as Tor Mini- slew and that said leases had been granted But what are the facts Why at the very time was making these untruthful tieas a retern was before the House No and copies beer placed ok the desk of each setting that the application of Messrs and Cameron had refustd It only took a little over two for Hon Mr to demolish the fabric that Tapper the younger wasted tho best part of a day in before Mr gv through he made Jert publicly on I is home from Holt for the Mrs Roes Lot St visiting in the city this week Banker Hoes family spent Sunday at Roachs Point Mr of Ailiston in oo Sunday Mias Mamie Perkins is home from To ronto for holidays Mre Thompson of Toronto is vis iting Id town Miss Nettie is home from or vacation Mr Fred Lloyd is home from for part of his vacation The Missee from the on a months visit Maud Hunter spent over Sunday with her aunt at Mr A aod family Sunday a Roach Ioihl Mr Donald Sutherland of Toronto was borne over Sunday Mr Mania and family Day at city the city vwitiug with Mr and from opens tbe Mr J Cane and family have gone to Penetang for Mr Walt and daughter of Toronto were here on the 1st Mr C has accepted a situa tion as assistant at the depot Mr Ed Banders of visited friends in Town on the holiday A lot of Newmarket people spent the 1st on the shore of Lake Mr Geo Smith of Smith Bros spent Sunday at bis home in Miss Annie of Toronto over Sunday in town with friends Alice and Gertie Hughes spent the holiday friends at Aurora Maggie Brown of Toronto spent the lei in Newmarket with old friends Linda of Jamaica is spend ing her vacation at Mr Benjamin Codys Mias Penrose with her brother Mr were visiting in Town this Mr Ones returned from Preston Sprlaas feeling wonderfully im proved Mr and Stooffer ef eon Mr A Gertie of the of Smith over Sunday Mr Gilbert of days arid at MrV Arthur of Toronto Thursday evening of week in Town ani an the or found the next two months Constable Savage spent a couple of days at investigating the hotel fire It looks as though somebody was going to get into trouble there following from theeity spent Do minion Day in Newmarket Howard Frank Howard Fred Dennis Fred Curry a Missionary from Japan with hie wife who are to again In the to be at the Friends Meeting House Botsford st on Sunday next Carl of grandson of Mr who took in the lest week dropped off here on his way home on Tuesday evening for a row days His father went on to Son for a trip Mrs and her two children also her sister Miss Ella Gallagher were visiting over Sunday at their mothers Mrs Gallagher Prospect Ave Ernie and Roes are going to remain a couple of weeks with their grandmother- Mr Hughes assistant at the depot here end second son of Mr merchant of this Town was sud denly with hemorrhage of the lang on Thnreday evening of last week and had quite a a couple of days but is now improving The following were here on Monday attending the funeral of Mr Chaw- wife of the Ameri can and Alex from London Mr and Mrs and Mies of Toronto Dr and two daughters from Gait Mr J poBtmaster at City and formerly of Aurora has our thanks for a batch of Klondike papers It is in City where newspapers are appreciated The price of ell of them Is a year or for a single copy Tbe four times the size of tbe Nugget Mr of brother of were the holidays with their ancle end aunt Mr and Mrs Brown Main Matter re turned and Mr went to spend the remainder of his holi days with Ms Messrs and John Thompson at the following from Mondays GUbe A warm welcome given on Saturday evening if the Mat thews the new pastor at The M a prayer meeting is qrhlch earnest were for sue- In building tbe aa well ae- the of Rev J Morris wee leaving Davenport to take charge of the Richmond street Matthews created a very favorable end bad kind tbioga the if ifler roeetr ladled terved and cream wH tbe other coffee enjoyable evening lie pastor pas- don B will coat A now hall was at Port Perry on Tuesday last aged years of drowned while boating Norman Clark a Brandon farmer drowned while bathing Later reports of the floods in Tex as say over a hundred lives were lost Leo aged 16 was drowned in River near Brace- bridge on Sunday Charles Shaw years fell out of a boat at Pic ton and drowned on The Dominion Government decided to materially increase the poll tax on Chinese but will not place any embargo upon Japanese Mr D J Connor train at Stratford has been promot ed to the position of trainmaster for the northern district of the Grand factory of the Western Paper Company of Chicago waa bum a large number of men and women employees were hurt by jump ing from the windows The P land sales in for June top the record They aggre gated acres realizing For the same month last year the sales amounted to acres realizing 60000 Katie MoLean aged nine strayed from her home at on Satur day into a water tank near by When her body was found it covered with earth into the tank after she was drowned The and of J A Mather New Lowell waB broken in to some loose in the till was taken also a few and the bur glar rigged themselves out in com plete new clothing William Windsor years old and married was looking at a revolver id a shop when the weapon was difloharged The bullet in his stomaoh Doctors do not expect to recover STOCKTAKING SALE We take Stock on July 14th and must have the Stock Greatly Reduced We Quote You these Prices for this week Staples Check Ginghams Fast Colors J yards Extra Heavy Cotton ihe regular price this week by the web Extra Large White Quilts regular 125 at 95 64 inch half bleached Table Linen reg 50c this week worth per pair Snaps in Blouses j LOT I Fine Muslin and Gingham Blouses reg this week at LOT 2 65 Beautiful Blouses worth 1 each this week at LOT 3 Your choice of any Blouse in stock at 00 5 Bath Towels Three The Oo JaaoSStb at the residence of the brides father by J J Mr late of Newmarket to Mary eon of Tomb At on June Mrs Jane aged yeare the 6th of Whit- char on the nit Peter aged years months days 49 Interred at Cemetery Newmarket At Bradford on let Maria relict of the late M P Empey In her year took from the resi dence of her wninlaw on Monday to Newmarket Cemetery At Field Detroit on the mat wife of Mr Brown and second daughter of Mr David Evans of Union St East Mens Navy Serge Suits at Mens Solid Tweed Suits regular 5 all sizes Mens Good Tweed Suits this week Mens Fine Clay Worsted Coat and Vest made in newest Cutaway Style with Extra Fine Striked Pants regular price of this Suit is 1275 at Mens Good Wool Tweed Pants this week at Boys Stylish Suits price was 350 this week Mens Bicycle Suits price was 550 this week Mens Mens Standard Screw Solei Solid Buff Lace Boots at 25 Mens Fine Dongola Lace Books Mens Box Calf Boots tegular 250 this week Boys Strong School Boots special this week I H MADDOCK 50 Pasture Fields TO LET FOR THE SEASON A Few Blanehfopd Churns Oar own make best used here on sale- The Cradle At Everaley on Jons 26th We of Mr- William Ferguson of a daughter Lewis At on the to Mr and Charles Lewis a son on wife of a daughter King on July to Mr and Mr John Morning a son Oo Sunday June the wife of Mr Melville Borden line King of a sod Reading Furniture and Undertaking House J Main Newmarket All OrderswIU receive Careful and Toronto f Wheat per bushel A White per a Wheat per a a Oats per bushel a Rye per bushel GO a Eggsperdos a per lb Apples per nit per lb i i lb per pair on tee a a rt a on a a a woe a mi on Methodist Ho pas- W W Mid J BRIMSONS CARRIAGE WORKS 7 Street kct The proprietor this opportunity of sincerely thanking bis numerous for their very liberal patronage in the past and hopes by Square Honest Dealing To merit their trade Id the In the early part of the season I did not place my orders for vehicles as soon as I should have done with that Old Reliable Firm The Carriage Co Of Oahawa whom I have tbe of representing iu ibis section After years experience in their goods only conclusion I can arrive at is that this Co are leading in ihe carriage trade They right Their first resolve was to make but reliable work they have adhered to it re- salt is hat ihe trade know thoroughly well that a vehicle of any kind made the Mo- Co is standard goods for Canada ip quality durability and in every particular There are statements made like the following We can furnish you with a rig equally as good as McLaughlins for leas money These statements should be taken great caution as many have sadly disappointed and financially rained by experimenting with inferior vehicles There is Nothing to be Compared with the McLaughlin Make Any order placed with now can be filled promptly Samples and choose from can be seen at my Show Rooms Inspection and comparison a continuance of your favors I am yours sincerely NB Repairing in all its branches attended to with neatness and dispatch now outs to invited r the pining room One wants an Of if yon riah and heavy tore for this apartment we can salt too hat for majority not the case Therefore we are now selling the finest dining room aetaer The unparalleled in OpposiW Hotel REMOV Lundys Tailor Shop Ib removed to premises of fiROGERi Leave your Order J GALLERY CLOSED 1st of September WHEN Premises will be Enlarged and Renovated I New Sfcetiery Etd OLD STAND

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