Newmarket Era, 7 Jul 1899, p. 3

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Weeks VilAT ON IN A ABOUT TOWN Forma At seaaoo of the year a Rood many change place school teachers In now ones School Boards will find it to to have a proper agreeiraat Printed forms coo be bad at Eil office at a email charge Solvation Anmy on Sunday fait The were well attended and very White will be welcomed to Newmarket on Sunday July Lieut will be on as bis orders wero late last week Chflation Chawoh Labi morning preach ed a very appropriate sermon from be text The cup that my father hath Riven shall I nut drink it At close sacrament administered Next Weeks will give New Methods of Bible Biudy This will be of special intcreat to at Royal Hotel on Produce Very fair market Urn Friday but did ft- main in town very Eggs started at 1 lo but the ruling price wan per sold at hot few commanded He a bag and noose lxirruB to Strawberries at hi made first apotttrance and I ho beat sold at 96c a porta at JJome grown cherries sold at a pail Who Loud is made about way Hi been between the Town Line and Holland Landing of keeping up the macadam or least patting on good to till road bed it been repaired with and hence in future that of a road that has had a good reputation for over half a century will be as bad to travel a any common sideline Thin never have been allowed by the Dp Dentist Bakery every day extraction Open I f Yarded for wife and case was called for day An accused did not appear a warrant wt for a no I R Bod Cat- Mr the North end botchers met with a bad on Mon day morning He was cleaving scorns meat with his right band and holding It with left- He the length of tendon holding bis thumb as well as an artery wore severed Modi- aid was and tbe injury pro perly attended to bat feared that from this tinge forth his thumb will be stiff Brushes Curling use at Lehmans Drag Public Board A special meeting of the Trustees took place en Wednesday evening Mr and Messrs Manning Pretty Scott and A couple of small accounts were passed for grass seed and fixing Primary School pomp The was fast rooted to have agreements with all the teachers to expire annually on the June also to for a of the Model at a salary of per duties to commence Sept Try Witch Hazel Cream for Tan and burn a bottle sup- The Specialty The is about for tbe new building and the have got down to work on the foundation Quarry stone arriving from by the car load A large quantity of lumber and lim ber also tbe and work will be pushed forward rapidly now A new platform has built to facili tate loading and nnloadioR cars Between and HO steel case with roll er shelving another consignment for the new City Hall at Toronto will out in a day or two They are and durable as well as ornamental Tuesday Mr Geo who has been running a jointer for several months bad tbe end taken one finger will lay him off for several weeks Completely Exhausted At three oclock last Sunday morning a young man named vViloier Williams left bis borne in on his bicycle to ride to Newmarket On the way op ho was and rode for over two boors oat of hie way Be then bad to retrace bis track it was ten oclock in the morning when he arrived at industrial Home He was tired and and the temptation to drink from fountain was more than be could stand He drank and remounted but hardly got to Eng lish Charon Cemetery when be became dizzy end fell off his wheel He laid for some time thinking be would be able to proceed Going home from church Mr Lewis saw that be was still there he very kindly drove him to his cousins Mr J where medtcsl assistance was procured The man was completely exhausted He proceeded home by train on Wednesday Buy your Paris Green At Lehmans Drag Store 18c a pound The Cheese At Harris Cheese Market last week boxes of cheese were offered and all sold from to Three buyer were present Newmarket factory sold cheese at and on way home from Mr the ener getic salesman contracted for cheese at to be Imported direct to England The reputation of Newmarket cheese Is be coming so established that we would not be surprised to bear Borne the en tire output would be sold for foreign iarket la bending that Way and it would pay patrons to watch quality and purity of milk to that end Arch Smith Esq Inspector Id for feotories and Creamer ies visited Newmarket on Monday lbs of ml that mora ins Some of it was found to be low in batter fat and ope of patrons acknow ledged patting Jo bis milk was fined and costs by Warden Woodcock Mr aoJ giva a ability At close of the evening of last week the follow ing elected by ballot as representa tives of the oonfireKatlon Mr the Quarterly Hoard Mrs Geo and Messrs J McKay J J H Millard Me- and Geo The new Rev was greeted with good last Sunday and a very favorable im pression Tbe morning sermon was a model in embracing beauty loftiness and practicality Bin illustra tions were concise bis thoughts clear and easily grasped Mr also taught a claas in the S and addressed both Sooday and Junior League So far we have beard everybody delighted with both pastor and hie wife and spiritual prosperity is an ticipated Excursion to Toronto Posters are issued giving particulars of the Methodist School Excursion to Toronto and Centre Park on Wed the of A Special Train from Bradford at and stops at each station far as King also at Park dale and Wharf Toronto Ferry tickets are good for time in the day to either Centre Island Park or Point At the latter place a Champion abip match place that day between Springfield US and Toronto There is eyery accommodation for on Centre Island Park and a love ly place to picnio Train leaves Toronto at hours in tbe city thus affording a splendid opportunity for visiting friends The tickets for the trip from Newmarket and Aurora are each children From Bradford Holland Landing and King For sixteen year Methodists have bad a fine day for their annual and all have been attended with much pleasure success There is no reason why the one on ehould not be as popular as any of prede cessors Fire I Fire At ten minutes to on Tuesday morn an alarm for wae rung in from street and immediately responded toby the Water- Works in a yery satisfactory manner Chief Anderson was at Fire Hall in a jiffy ana of the tire Located at once Tbe three reel left tire ball inside of a minute Tbe fire proved to be in the kitchen of Mr J Hughes residence Prospect and considerable headway before being observed No one was in at the time hut Mrs was in the garden She bad lit coal oil stove and put the meat on for dinner She was only absent a few minutes and on returning saw the smoke pouring out of the preen door Without realizing the danger Mrs entered the and turned out the oil stove but her hand was burnt her hair singed and soma of her dotting cry of fire jast as fire whistle blew and some of neighbors were on band The lawn hose did Rood execution practically extinguishing fire before arrival of the brigade kitchen and pantry were lined with wood were nearly burnt through and everything of a coo sum able nature waft destroyed Arc Is supposed to be caused by the meat frying over causing flames to flare up and Igniting the wooden wall beside the fire was confined to the and pantry whole boose suffered with smoke and the damage it estimated be tween and covered by Everybody thoroughly convinced o tbe need of a boss reel Prospect aye the the bill was to exhaoet l Ate Wednesday a Extent be of von of in to the damguest it nearly formed at and proceeded to Cemetery by the Baud- Arriving at the the people at the the four hundred or After prayer by Elder the made a few re marks regarding the opening of the Ceme tery the promoter of the idea Co was organized in the first Board of Directors being Messrs Howard J Caldwell Sutherland E P win Smith Nelson Graham Dr Hash J J Pearson and Joe Millard with of whom all have pasted away except tbe last throe Up to the present time there have been no lees than 1382 this retting place which Is acknowledged to be the most beautiful and beat kepi Lakes being as firet speaker gave a brilliant oration There are many things said be to Inspire thought and antbutiatm coca- He the town on hav ing each a delightful epotto lav the dead a credit to Directors the caretaker and the lotowners He commended promoters of Peroration Pay and also those who perpetrated its beneficial In Hue nee on the people are many and la a strong educative force In the vicinity brings together all classes to Ho honor to our beloved deftri It brodeoa our charity enlivens our sympathies and gives as a feeling of brotherhood It quicken and refines tastes of the revived pleasant memories and creates desires to be better follow the nobis deeds of deceased friends and thus lead lives worthy of regard esteem among the living after we have departed Mayor next speaker He was pleased to that Pay had become a matter of bet sorry it was not more generally observ ed by the various organizations of town The citizens do feel a in the Cemetery be congratulated the Directors on the improvements which they were continually making also the careful and obliging Mr W and the energetic caretaker Mr Charles also deserve praise not only for their efforts in connec tion with Decoration Pay so many keep their nicely clipped and decor- the whole through so that grounds an attraction to visit- ore well as oureelves Rev A was then duoed and made a neat address He re ferred to the that years ago this very day the first interment was made in this quiet and beautiful reeling place and dwelt upon great changes that place in that of time The observance of Decoration Pay a nice Occasionally at waste of money for beautiful flowers that leek graves of loved ones but he reminded the audience of the words of when a similar complaint was made about the waste of precious ointment Those who thus complain know of the tree spirit of love But be not people pay all their dead Show a kind and loving spirit to the living all the relationships of life we will have no regrets when our kindred are taken fiyim us Elder briefly referred tu a time for seriouB thought A who delivered an excellent ad- dreaa here last Decoration Pay is now numbered with thedtadof he made referenco Tbe the remainder of bis time J J Pearson Esq was then been Treasurer of the Company ever since its organization He referred to eelection of site and was to know that hi so generally His one regret that in tbo organization no provlaion was made for ibepermanentcareof lots were paid for the land the fence cost and other improvements have been made to the extent of been spent In oar and general expenses making total of An endowment of 925 per lot would ensure permanent itaro he urged Jotowners the of making this provision for the future announcement was made that one man who how the endowed Iota were oared for bad deposited that day Benediction by Rev Mr and God Save the Queen by the Baud brought the interesting a hymns and sacred selections by tbe Band interspersed the several speak ere were very appropriate well render- credit upon the Bind The matte at a dietanoe as it was wafted the atmosphere was de lightful The shower gave a to the Cem etery and it wailooittpfE nott Wax and entered largely into the floral offerings and there was scarcely a grave without Some were pro fusely covered of a of flowers pa he graves i of eight while of twelve of the eppropHfte banner eWbegttie Endowed plots that are cared for the she here on gave the v thowe that Decoration iaj It of the people and ha a become an TheBaadand ffvwp5il- f at Shoo cattles friend best thing known to keep flics from horses and cattle Sold only at A Think A frleod sends following criticism by a newspaper manager very noway paper from that slang is found newspapers and has the appearance of a progrcsiive and uptodate journal Home Trade Mineral Water Soda Water and all kinds of Bummer Prinks ask for Burke Bros manufacture The Soda Water Works is having a big run this summer abowa that their goods arc satisfactory Large are reported at Poiot and Chassis Dominion The Best Yet Our friends favored wih flno weather for tbeir Garden Party on Tuesday evening end it was attended by big The grounds of Mr Silas St wero prettily decor ated and the tables well provided New market Bund waB to with pleasure well the pianoforte the Net proceeds about Chin Cut On WednrBdav afternoon as Mr was Mr A Smiths pony from the stable to pastcretbe aotmal jerked out of bis hand and he thrown on he road who force that be became Word was seat to the grocery nod he carried at to drag store bad revived before and a bid oat on his chin appeared to be the only injury AT SPECIALLY PRICES White Puck White Pique and New Laces Embroideries Just audits Large Bottle Pickles Washing Soda per lb Whiting per lb Sardines Choice Red Salmon Sample List of Prices 9c Potted Ham or Tongue lc Finnan Haddie Round Tin lc Dome Black Lead Epsom Salts per lb Royal Salad Pressing 10c English Breakfast Coffee pep lb to 10c 3c 15c W A BRUNTON corner store July j 3rd July Party Though was cool the Garden Party at Rectory Thursday evening of last week was quite a The Town Band outside sad also assisted io the se lection inside of and other refreshments together with music and dancing away tbe time and it was after eleven before tbe party broke up For Two Weeks Only aiaiaiiaiiaiaiavaianaiair V We will sell any pair of Ladies at Qot Price I come we must reduce our stock of It pay to over from year to year therefore we must sail upwards of Pair of Ladies Oxfords from 3rd TO 1890 This greatest chance the ladies of Newmarket and vicinity ever bad to buy shoes think over tarty dif ferent etyleB to choose from We always have most complete stock of shoes in Newmarket pairs Ladies Fine Oxford self tip re price for to IB pre Fine Don Oxford pat tin 1 It- for 18 ft N It l It It Cloth Top for pat- tip Tarn Sole for JO pat tip Tarn Sole for 1 self tip Torn Hole lor elf tip IS urn Sole I for L pre Fine Pon- pat tip Torn Hole price for self lip Chocolate self tip Cloth Top Poo pat tip Cloth self tip Chocolate pattip pat tip lb Is the price of our strictly Para Paris Green G A To the Court Mr Harold who baft opened Messrs Lennox Morgans Law here gave ua a call this week Mr has hie here and bee come to stay mentioned that an appeal would be taken to the Court against the conviction of Emanuel Grant for down a fence belonging to William This complaint was tried last week before local Magistrates war hence this ap peal Good Woodcock Keith on behalf of North York Agricultural Society apent Tuesday in city and succeeded in op tbe list of Special Prizes for coming Fair to same laflt year The met on Wednesday night decided to go on at once with remov ing the Horse Stables to the corner of grounds A portion of the Prize List also revised and will soon be ready for the printer The are rtot very good for a big apple this year Music in the air last Friday A crank piano serenaded the town lot belonging to tbe Cemetery Co to be acid by auction on Friday July The Junior will hold their annual ptomc in Mr Williams this Friday afternoon The Corporation is a moveon this week There is atill no trace of that bymn book lost and Holland Landing and advertised in tbe Era It was a and owner is for its reoovery It is reported that there were between and people at Jacksons Point on Pay Town and assistants are trimming the trees that interfere with the wires On corner of St and Park Ave a higher pole was pat In The match arranged to take place here on the 1st not materialise Mr has left an order for domestio water to be put into bis residence on Niagara It will likely today Mr Fortune the down town Vet added an appropriate appendage to his Woking football on the Fair Grounds the other evening a boy lost a law key 4bich is causing iooonyebr Mr agent about removing from offers his property for tale A boy named Wilson at had the end of a finger lakeq off yesterday mom jog at Canes Factory will ap pear week SO for 50 SO or I for for for A This is a Genuine Clearing Sale and we everything we advertise All marked in plain figures Roche THE CHEAP STORE I Co Aiia Mens Boys Summer Clothing WASHABLE Mens German Imported Twilled Gray Canton Suits Regular price 350 Odd Coats of above material Odd Vests do Odd Pants do 50 Boys Summer Suits 75 up to FREE To reduce our present Stock quickly to room for more stock we offer our entire stock of Tweed and Worsted Clothing at Manufacturers Prices We invite you to get our Prices on clothing and if it can be shown that prices are not as advertis ed we will make a Free Gift of the Clothing We make this offer to show our sincerity We are not fake advertisers never was and never will be Hardware Per Cent Cash Discount lb lb 50 a Red Cap Binder Twine Blue Ribbon do Scythes Snathes Hay Forks Paris Green pure Preservir Kettles in Granite and Tip get prices 9 50c 54C- up 1 8c lb Summer Wants Taken hap hazard from all over the Store Palm Leaf Fans for Hammocks from to 2 95 Summer Reading popular authors sev eral hundred titles to choose from 5 Croquet Sets from up Japanese Matting to yard Green and Buff Window Paper yard Mens and Boys Flat Top and Fe dora Linen Hats 40 10 Linen Caps 25 to Mens and Boys Straw Hats 5c to t do Bathing Suits Trunks to do Wool Sweaters to Ladies Plain and Fancy Straw Sailors up do Blouses Pique Linen Silk Muslins Percale Sateen etc from to Ladies Dress Skirts Linen etc from 125 to 450 Ladies and Childrens Parasols a big range to choose frojr to 3 Wash Goods in Piques Trucks i Muslins Ginghams sorts of prices and qualities Just arrived New Goods in Lawn and Cam- brie Swiss Embroideries and Insertion Valenciennes Torchon Laces and sermons Lime Fruit juice and pint bottles Raspberry Vinegar pint bottles 20 Fruit Salt 79 Abbeys Effervescent Salt Citrate of per ft

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