A ft A PR A imY 0riTAXi aBucocKiyfliN President BANK REST MOO ILL General Hunger NEWMARKET BRANCH Business A Banking T11ANBACT3D nterestAllowed on Deposit AT JUTES DRAFTS ISSUED AT AM and and American Drafts sold promptly to MEDICAL Dp fllffed Office drat Port live to i3aud6iHiita CI Dr Main a A HOURS lO p TAINTING The 1nlntof anger Ji experience all branches or Full designs In Wall Papers soo them 2nd door North of the Primary School Church Hired A TRYLiOR tirntalDfft Paper Ac Done promptly neatly and In x- hid with a Pointer and Sign Writer Orders can be left at Hardware ti at the residence of Mr J Green of Weal Nowinarkul Bolton Practical Painter Paper- Han g or House Decorator Corner Millards and MISCELLANEOUS Ws Simpson Main to Loan Alb per coot on farm and village property by Davidson for taking afBdavlte J Conveyancer and Steal Estate Agent io Agent for following reliable Insurance Liverpool and London Norwich j Hid bind Mutual and Also for the Ufa Assur ance Co and Northern Life Co Office Hopkins Block Mount Albert Money to Loan At Five per cent on Firstlass Farm Security by David Com oner for taking Ileal Ks- Agent Conveyancer of Marriage Licensee Also Agent for bo following of London nd Liverpool England Montreal District Mutual In ISM also for the Confederation Life Association To- Old Office Corner of Main jnd Lot AGENCY Red Bird Coll and see Bamplea at Carriage a In THE AND IS JUST Also agent for Manufacturers Life The beet Inducement to young meu ROBERTSON- Manitoba Floor Hung BEST Patent totem Soboi iiessoa his heart that ho would not- define one of boat of the old vas a states man at a foreign court ho was a man of prayer him from his youth upward He was and taken to Babylon but he never forgot the home of his early nor Jehovah and his people The book ho wrote is partly historical as is seen in the first six chapters and is partly prophetical ok is scon in the chapters SUOOeSTlONS Be true to God and thou wilt bo true to thyself Ho who has favor with will have favor with man Not always at once but in the course of time to him who asks Wis dom Jias in piety Our lesKofi tolls of the groat temp tation which came to Daniel at the beginning of his courtly career of his resistance of excellent re sults It is presented to us as a temper ance lesson and very fittingly ab stinence from poisonous liquors aud temperance in use of healthful food are forcibly taught by this event and also that steady which must be the foundation of all temper ance worthy of consideration and which can only Iks developed in per fection in persons who have strong faith in the living Lct us learn from this story to ex ercise unwavering fait in this us victorious in all strife of life AND HAND TO THEMOUTrV A FUNNEL THE VOICES ONLY EVIL iin Wont of and am in Only to BUM of individual Tjm8 A Card We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Headache We also warrant that four bottles will perma nently cure the moat obstinate case of Satisfaction or no pay when Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Y Druggist Newmarket Ont Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Summer aids to Feminine Beauty Cuoumber peelings boiled in water will be found good the skin A slice of may be robbed on the face instead of soap Lemon juice will remove sunburn Dill- water is as good for the complexion as rosewater though it the skin paler water is famous for its cooling properties as is also lavender- water Do not forget when drying the face after washing to rub upward toward the nose This will prevent wrinkles and will help to smooth out to a great extent the crease alongside the nose Use neither hot nor cold water ex clusively for bathing A good rule to follow is a hot bath at night and a cold one in morning but be sure to take a bath daily if you wish to keep your skin in good condition Do not wear tight shoes if you de sire a graceful carriage woman walk comfortably or well in shoes that are too email for her feet Do not wear too small gloves Avoid tight lacing and any form of dressing which compresses any organ of the body Ladies Home Journal Morton a young son of James Reeve of Dumfries was badly by a runaway cole at Ayr FIELD SEEDS of all kind Clover Mantel Carrot and Turnip Seeds of the BEST AND DEMENTS Portland and Ontario J Cor Main and Huron Rag Weaving Isaac wlafees to Inform tbe public be baa moved Co House on find be still that Celebrated Iowa Co Loom with to do Bent Work In Bag Carpet Call and Send your raw in Early 3mW By the caving in of a gravel pit at Brampton Joseph was kil led Working flight and Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr Kings JSfew Life Pills Every pill is a sugar- coated globule of health that weakness into strength to energy brainfag into mental pow Theyre wondertul in up the health Only 25c per box Sold by E Lehman Druggist AGENTS menu greatest naval I Life and f the worlds the f friend and admirer of the est and beat over BOW paart Inches nearly 10 halftone t rat tons Only Enormous demand free of a lifetime Mr Thompson of the of King held a large barnraising on Monday The Methodist of will run their excursion to Jacksons Point on July I For Infants and Children tftuto fcta July thin morning the text Roman I au Fall of envy rnur- Ho mid Paul hero roll of and tao puts In midst of this roll those persona known In all and and places as whisperers are to called they gcnamllv speak in a way their hand to the flldo of their mouth as a funnel to Information from wandering Into the wrong ar They speak softly not have look of force or ore powered with spirit of but they to escape conse quences of defamation If ono hears but the person whispered unto anil the be arraigned be can the whole thing for whisperers are always liars I Some people w because are hoarse from a cold or because thoy wish to convey useful Information- with out disturbing other but the creatures photographed by apostle In my give utterance from sinister and depraved motive and sometimes yon con only bear sibilant sound as the letter drops from the Into the listen ing the brief hiss of the serpent as projects Its venom Whisperers tiro feminine With a tendency to majority on the side of those who ore filled the lords of creation Whisperer at window of bank end are heard In all counting rooms well as In and at meetings of and managers are the worst foes of responsible for Innumerable they of the world driving cart through every community and I hold up for your holy anathema and execration whimperers From the frequency with wbloh speaks of them under different tltltu I that he must bavo no what from pres ence was wy that made him perhaps the target of their and besides thai he was a per in bis down Into the sixties Indeed nil the way through and some having lulled In their connu bial designs upon him the little mlislon- ary was put under the raking Are of the whisperers Ho was no doubt a rare morsel for their and he cannot keep his patlenou any longer and ho lays hold of these miscreants of the tongue and gives them a very hard tes ting down in my text among the scoundrelly and the murderous murder debate malignity whis perer f be law of libel makes quick an A stout grip of open slander IS I should In plain way calling you by name you with fraud or theft or murder or tomorrow morning I might have peremptory documents served on me and I would bare to pay In dollars and for the damage I had done your character But these creature spoken of In my text are so small that they escape the fine tooth comb of the law They go on and they go on escap ing the judges and the juries and the penitentiaries district attorney can not And them the sheriff cannot find them the grand jury cannot find them Shut them off from one route of perfidy and they start on another You cannot by the force of moral sentiment persuade them to deals You might as well read the Ten Commandments to a flock of crows expecting them to retreat under force of moral sentiment They are to bo found these whisperers I think their paradise Is a country village of about or people where everybody knows everybody but they also are to be found in large quantities In all our They have a prying disposition They look Into the basement windows at the taoles of neighbors andean toll just What have morning and night to eat ibey can see as for through a key hole as other people can see with a door wide open They can hear conversation on the opposite side of the room Indeed the world to them is a whispering gal lery They put the Worst con struction on everything Borne morning a wife descends into the street her eyes damp with tears ana that Is a stimulus to the tattler and is enough to set up a business for three or four weeks I guess that husband and wife dont live happily together I won der If he hasnt been abusing It outrageous He ought to be disciplined He ought to be brought up before the church Ill go right over to my neigh bors and Ill let them know about this matter She rushes in all out of breath to a neighbors house and says Oh Mrs have you heard the dreadful newst Why our neighbor poor thing came down off the steps in a flood of tears That brute of a husband has been abasing her Welt its just as I expected I saw him the other afternoon very smil ing and very gracious to some one who smiles bock and thought then I would just go to and tell him he had go home and look after his wife and family wbo probably at that very time were upstairs crying their eyes out Oh Mr do have your husband go over and put an end Co this trouble Its simply that our iorhood should be disturbed in The fact Is that one man or woman set on fire of whole neighborhood does pot great brain requisite Is that the woman have a sraoU family or no family at all because if she have a large family then she have- to slay at home and look after them It Is very she be single have no at all and to all the secrets of the time A woman family imN W poof Whisperer- is astonish In how pother up know every thing that happens There are hood news but for thrown Out of thp yard they Whon there Is a now la the news papers time to go abroad On the day when there are four or of letters la a divorce cose smys of and reads and reads and reads No for her that day but toward night may find time to run out a little and see whether there are nay now developments docs not hove to keep sharp lookout for his evil dominion In that neighborhood Ho has let out to her the whole contract She husbands and wives Into a quarrel and brothers and sisters Into antagonism nod she dis gusts pastor with the and the Hook pastor and she makes neighbors vho before yero kindly dis posed toward each other and critical so one of neighbors posses by in a the hiss through teeth and soy we could all keep carriages if we paid our debts When two or three whimperers got to gether stir a of trouble wbtoh makes me think of three witches of around a boiling caldron In a dark cave Double double toll trouble Fire burn and caldron bubble Fillet of a fenny snake In he bake to newt and toe to frog Wool of bat and tongue of dog Adders fork and blind worms sting log and owlets wing For a of powerful trouble a boll both boll and bubble double toll and trouble Fire burn and caldron bubble of dragon tooth of wolf Witches mummy maw and gulf Of tho ravlnd salt shark Make the gruel thick and stark Add thereto a timers For of our caldron Double double toll and trouble Fire burn and caldron bubble Cool It with a baboon blood Then charm is firm and good telegraph from- their would only change Shakespeare In this that where be puts the word Witch I should pat the word whis perer Ah what a cauldron Did you ever got a taste of it I have more re spect for the poor waif of the street that goes down under the gaslight with no horns and no Cud for she deceives no one as to what she than have for these hags of respectable society who cover their tiger claws with a fine shawl and bolt the bell of their heart with a diamond breastpin The work of masculine whisperers Is seen In the embarrassment of busi ness Now I suppose there are hundreds of men here who at some time have in business trouble I will undertake to say that nine out of ten it was the of some whisperers work The whisperer uttered some suspicion Id re gard to your credit You sold your horse because you had no use for them and the whisperer Bald Sold hi horse and carriage because bo had to sell them The fact he sold bis horse and carriage shows he la going down In One of your friends gets embarrassed and you are a little involved wltb him The whisperer says I wonder If be stand under all this pressure I think he Is going down I think he will have to give up Yon borrow money out of a bank and the director whisper outside about It and after awhile the gets fairly started and It leaps from one whisperers lips to another whisperers lips until the people you owe want money and want it right away and the business circles you like a pock of and though you had assets four times more than were neces sary to meet your liabilities crash went everything Whisperers Oh how much business men buve suffered Sometimes In the circles of clergymen We discuss why It Is that a great many merchants do not go to church I will tell you why they do not go to church By the time Saturday eight comes they are worn out with the annoys noes of business life They have bad enough meanness practiced upon them to Set their whole nervous system a twitch Rather than he defamation of good names it seems to me it would be almost as honorable and useful if you just took a box of matches In your pocket and a razor in your hand and go through the streets and see how many bouses you can burn down and how many throats you can cut That is not a much worse busi ness The destruction of a name is than the destruction of his life A woman came In confessional to a priest and told him that she bad been slandering her neighbors The priest promised her absolution on condition of her performing a penance He gave her a thistle top and You can take that thistle and scatter the aU over the Held She went and did so and came book Now eald the priest gather up all those seeds She said I cant Ab he said I know you cant Neither can you gather up the evil words you spoke about your neighbors AH good men and all good women have sometimes bad detractors after them John Wesleys wife whimpered about him whispered all over England kept on whispering about that manas good a man as ever lived and kept on whispering until the connubial relation was dissolved Jesus Christ bad these whisperers after- him and they film with drinking too much and keeping bad com pany A wine bibber and the friend of publicans and sinners You take the best man that ever lived and put a detec tive on bis track for ten years watching he goes and when be comes and with a determination to every thing and think he goes here for a bod purpose and for a bad purpose With that of destroying him at the end ten years he will be held despicable in the of a great many people it is an outrageous thing to despoil a man character how much worse If to damage- womane reputationf Yet that erll grow from century to century it is all done by A sus picion started The who gets hold of states the as a proven fact and many a good woman as honorable a your wife or your mother pas out of all kindly associations hud- whispered into the grove Some people there- Bo bell but if there no bell such a of womanly character It fa high that sotqu philanthropist built one Put there a place establish ed and what- time they will have when all the get- down there- to parting not for the comfortable you inlgbt suppose would be glad to get In -region- where thoy W ftU bad what opportunities for exploitation by these On earth to despoil tboJr neighbors sometlmee bad to He about tbem but down they can say wont things possible about their neighbor and tell the truth of wbiflercrs of stopping their gabble about diabolical neighbors only long enough to go up to the iron pate and at some from theiartb What Ib fho lost gossip In the on earth where w used to live Now how lire we to war against this curses community on First by to listen to or believe a court of lend for a lurf decent com- ID unities have for a law that you bold people Innocent until they proved lit only person vtQT9 than tho wfifcpprer that Is the man or who without pro- The trouble you hold the sock While they fill St he receiver Of the stolen goods Is lad as the thief writer hat a and a man who the slander ought both to be bunged the tongue the other by the car and I him you bear something had your not over and ask It whether true and cutter It and spread You might as well go to and a patient and carry him all throagh the community people if they really thought It a of smallpox That would be very bad for the patient and the neighbors Do not retail slanders Do not make yourself tbo of warts and the of and the for street gutters and the holder or staked for a dog fight Can It be thai you an man that an Immortal woman can find no better business than to become a gutter Inspector at your family table allow no detraction Teach your children to speak well of others thuro the difference between a bee and a wasp the one gathering honey the other thrusting a sting read of a family they kept they called A Slander Hook and when any slanderous words were uttered In the house anybody or detraction uttered it was all put down in this book The book wasVept For the first few Weeks there were a great many entries but after awhile there were no entries at all Detraction stopped in that household It would be a good thing to have a slander book In households Are any of you given to habit whispering about others me per- to desist Mount Taurus was a great place for eagles and cranes would fly along that way and would cackle so lour that the eagles would know of their coming and would pounce upon them and destroy thfra It Is said that the old cranes found and before they started on their Might would always have a stone their mouth so they could not cackle and then they would fly in perfect safety my friends be as wise as the old cranes and ovoid the folly of the young cranes- Do not cackle Let roe charge you friends to make right and holy use of the tongue It is loose at one end and can swing way but it fastened at the other end to the Hour of your mouth and that make you responsible for the way it vut Xanthus the philosopher told his that on the morrow he was going to nave frWmU to dine and k him to get the best thing he could find in the market The philosopher his sat down the next day at the table- They had nothing but tongue four or five courses of tongue tongue cooked In this way and tongue cooked In that way and the philosopher lost bis patience and said to his servant Pldnt I you to get the best thing In the Be said I did get the best thing In the market Isnt the tongue the organ of sociality the organ of elo quence the organ of kindness the organ of worship Then said Tomorrow I want you to get the worst thing in the And on the morrow the philos opher sat at the and there was nothing there but tongue four or Ave of tongue tongue lo this shape and umgae In that and the philos opher again lost his patience and said Didnt tell yon to get the worst thing In the market The servant replied I did for Isnt the tongue organ of the organ of defamation the organ of lying Oh my friends employ the tongue whioh God so wonderfully created as the organ of taste the organ of deglutition the organ of articulation to make others happy and in the service of God If you whisper whisper good encouragement to the fallen and hope to tee lost Ah my the time will soon come when we will all whisper The voice will be enfeebled In the last sickness and though that voice could laugh and shout and sing and halloo until the forest echoes answered It will be so feeble then we can only whisper consolation to whom we leave behind and only whisper our hope of heaven While J spent this very moment there are hundreds whispering their last utter ances Oh whon that solemn hour comes to and to me as come soon It will mayit be found that we did oar best to serve Christ and to oar comrades in the earthly struggle and that we con secrated not only our hand but our tongue to God- So that the shadows fall our dying pillow shall not be the twilight of a gathering night bat the morning twilight of an everlasting day This morning at half past oclock I looked of my window- wer very dim looked out a few after and the stars were Invisible I looked oat an hour or two afterward Not star wa to be stem What was the matter with srars Had they melted Into darkne No They bad melted Into the glorious light of a Sabbath morn or sold la Canada having Independent adjustable pressure upon loner ends or gang discs tan uniform depth Examine this Machine and compare with The Ho Cultivator ISA The vator made thai both Jim or teeth will cut fin even depth In the irround and you will see only a move able tooth set so hat the of the teeth can be regulated anil condition of soil Pressure can be regulated act differently on ever Sec tion requiring- The teeth between the of trailing behind in other UBcairies lighter This ma chine is with and seed box when rtvulrcd It has steel a wide and you will buy no other THE BEST DRILL MADE TheHooaier Needs Wo Introduction Over tOOW Drills and Sealers of The only Drill lever for malum perfect of or hoe in nil of st while motion correct to tci as every Is at depth So gro- only the beat you will be also set Hinder- lUApfr Mowers Rakes Cultivators ha oix Send lor illustrated eatioyii Co Limited Out- Canada ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET By using a HighGrade Flour inland to turn out FIRSTCLASS BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry always on hand Wedding Cakes a Specialty Fresh Groceries Always in ALBERT BOGART Proprietor lake opportunity to the many customers for their past patronage and ask a continuance of their favors Our Groceries Are Fresh this week Value Write quick The t V loan to the houses- of mad ffcr Why to Moths fir candle flame be amount of light therefore light a candle In their virion and at cannot objects the pursue the light Itself and q against the An colliery worker at upon hens egg for break dT d1soornrcdflsejsix apparently of fijx lr New Dress Goods Our German Prints area marvel for quality and Our Ladies Blouses are pronounced just the Our Lawns Muslins and Cretonnes will suit you Ladies and Misses Hosiery cannot be beat Our Stock of J D Kings Footwear is complete We can please you Our Clothing is the best North of Toronto Our Furnishings are all new this week See Our Paints and Oils H KENYON SHARON in si I Standard end Styles right sUpe best Meets ap proval ratepsyere teachers inspectors and I i i The Faclory Newmarket Ont Head Office and Bay St Toronto Notre Dame St Montreal Q raw and School Furniture r J The Era till for