Newmarket Era, 7 Jul 1899, p. 7

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y CHINA HALL JULY 1899 A couple of Crates of Sots at a Snap Price- Our custom ers can have the benefit Saw printed colore your choice regular nets A Snap id Toilet Sots printed pieces several colors your choice reg ular GO Weeks is L Gospel IhVCbfijlUn to provide program The to walk In Toronto on next and the at Toron to Junction Harvest Tools- In great variety Cheap at Jammed While Roods at box of book fell Goo Thompsons log and ft bo badly that ho baa bum laid all the week to Something Good Mies Gertie Look who baa won a repu tation as Kindergarten la train ing the of St at the Hall for a on Monday evening the It will be worth going to Ink Drops New potatoes and green now are ripening Not bo as plentiful as year Next Wednesday is glorious at Sharon Sat- Court here next Wednesday Button on the 14th 00 in the Wednesday Era till lor POINT BOOTS SHOES Tho Best Valuo we have had Vory and latest styles Want of room prevents us carrying a large stock but it is complete and our prices are right Bartons Baking Powder in quart jars regular 2Cc for Half Price to clear Prunes finest quality lb now lbs for Fine Quality of Figs lb Excelsior Coffee is the Best Try it a A SMITH The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts Touun Council Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor Cane end Council lors Robertson Road house Hughes and Smith The Co Clerk asked for for Co Purposes and for Indus trial Home Following bills passed Pay Sheet No 21 OH do Pharmacy 700 Poet printing P day at Power House 00 Bridget Gallagher grant 12 Thos Hunter carting 1 do watering streets 34 assistance at Power House 00 The account of Jackson was referred to the Printing Com to report on The matter of a Stand Pipe at the North End referred to the Com Three tenders were received for sewer pipe but no order was given pending the action of the By Co coming up the street Council adjourned of this village held a Garden Party the beautiful lawn of Maple Villa the of Leonard oh Saturday last Rev J J pastor conducted a program consisting of by Miss Howard singing by the family of and reoitatlons by Mies Florence Wood and Mrs Patterson addresses by Rove Hand Robinson A very enjoyable evening was spent by all present The Mass Meeting was postponed from June the on account of rain was held on Monday last The crowd was considerably smaller than usual no doubt owing to the postponement In other re- spelts however the meeting was a great success local clergy gave brief and helpful addresses Rev Dewey by his singing and speak ing captivated the audience His suojeofc was Business for God with illustration welltimed and logical forceful reasoning he made his subject clear to those present In the evening Dr J J McLaren of Toronto gave a lecture on the sub ject Latest Developments in work He dwelt at length upon the Home Department the Primary work and the work of Lesson Committee as well as giving us an amusing con trast of S S work today and what it was Borne years ago His address contained many items of interest and profit Bongs were rendered by the White Bros of and Miss Agnew of The Bolton Brass Band furnished music for the day The chair was ably filled by the President Rev of Lloydtown Mrs Wood of this village is now confined to the house We wish her speedy recovery Krai Rochester oyer lilt home titvrruy the weather and Thursday even Jog per to Big Bat quite a Hue every way The niusic Orches tra which many on- joyed th on the boat and this Inn- which has been built- at Big Bay Point tote year in connection with the Robinson Bouse The May has another moon light booked for the near future Mr Willie Young wheeled from the City last Friday and the 1st at his home Mr of Toronto and his brother wen the guests of Mm Tillett over Sunday Mr Beverley of New- market was around here last week on business and spent over Sunday at the Lawrence House Rev Dr Young held service at Mr Hastings Sunday afternoon a good number being present Bona eh Re r- Rose Ada Stanley Herbert Ill Garfield Oldham Ida Oldham Toole Oldham and Jrvin Hunter equal Br Willie Grose Norman Crone and Lyman Rose equal Roe Crone Jr Fred Grose Lillian Toole and Laura Cook II Brooks Lewis Frank Int Grant Oldham Roy Graham Pt II Simmeraon Wes ley Longhurst Present every day Laura Cooke May Cooke Lillian Ida Old ham Eva Harrison Annie Powell Roe Crone Toole Willie Grose Fred Lyman Rose No of scholars on roll Average attendance E Jordan Teacher LEADING COLLEGE CORNERS Oar Toronto better He who has his sight best knows its value Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might have prevented it Examination free Satisfaction guaranteed L Atkinsori GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson Co Jwlry NEWMARKET KNOWLS Retail PROVISION STORE Two doom North Main I Supply Twice a Week of Turk Lard Cured Meats on the Market trial will Flour ftolled Oats Corn Meal Eggs Cneese JlekleB fiftit Canned isaa Tomatoes Flouted Wieners Ram and Ac The large machinery hall on the Toronto Exposition grounds was com pletely destroyed by fire on he 29th It was supposed to have been set on fire by a passing engine on the railway Loss about cover- by insurance This oily has now a milk syndicate or milk trust in reality The syndi- take all the milk that outside dairies furnish and control three- fourths of the retail milk trade of the ciiy The zoological collection at River- dale Park is being enriched by a gift which Mr J has made o the Mr Fiavelle has ereoted just opposite the present zoo an Eng lish pheasant house and is stocking it with eight varieties of There will be sixteen birds in all im ported from England Belgium and even China and Japan The pheas ants may now he seen by visitors at the Park The 1st was generally observed as a holiday Crowds left the city in all directions three train loads going up floods the Northern Division of the IB Canadians celebrate their national holiday in a simple way by making it one of recreation instead of fulsome orations of Toronto while at- tempting to board a freight train at Paris got both feet under the wheels and his toes were crushed necessitat ing amputation On Dominion Day the street rail way carried passengers ex clusive of transfers The traffic ex ceeded that of by over passengers A Odessa that a dynamite cartridge exploded near there today while the excavation of a coal mine was in progress and that fortyfour persons were killed and twenty A letter written by Mrs appeared in last week issue No doubt many of the reader of the Eka would wish to see a reply in reference to the Gordon fire The watch in question was found on the street in front of the hotel Attached was a chain and locket There were two photos of young women in the locket one was a resident of the village The jewelry has since been claimed Ijy a young man who was absent from here that week Mr Gordon saw the watch chain and locket did not know of the photos in the locket and never circulated nor heard of such report that said photos were those of Clel land and his wifo or any of their friends No such news here Mr Gordon nor his house took no stock in spreading evil reports about his neighbors He is not a man of a jealous and conniving disposition Even the damaging reports the enemy delighted in circulating he and listened with silent contempt The letter written and acknowledged by Mrs to a married woman is in safe keeping At the proper time the content will be made known and the public will have a fair chance to weigh its merits She said there were threat in it Her memory must be defective The friends of Mr Gordon bad given him to understand that there danger They how he had been treated trying to fine him and otherwise and can any one blame him for retiring in fear but had he knowledge there was doubt but that he would have been insured Mr Gordon is a man of peace honesty and principle and he was trying to make every dollar meet its just end that is why he was not insured About the falsehoods Who report ed that the crowd at the Northern Hotel was the worse of liquor the night before the fire I Who circulat ed that a man was smoking and the firecaught from his pipe Two base Our worthy has again distinguished himself Mr J Smith intend rebuilding his barn again He did not get the full amount of insurance The cherries are ripening fat and the birds are taking their pick of the fruit Haying is an extensive crop this year very heavy The allowing of cattle and sheep to run on the highway at night is a nuis ance yoine get a mark up their back while sleeping so sound by both two and four wheeled rigs Mr Thos Hodgins has come home from the North West He tells of hardships in the rookies and his back hurt by a falling timber He in tends back after harvest The 1st passed off at Jacksons fine One never witnessed a larger With general pastimes and dancing it was a gala day for all lovers of sport Last wo court day Mr Allen Howards laru is com pleted and adds much to the appear ance of the tidy farm Borne of our front yards are show- lovely posies now The potato crop is an exceptionally good one this year For a fitting example of a scare crow just look over in Amos Critten dens corn patch Last Mondays rain laid the smother ing dust which is something like a bedbug no wings but there just the same Mr who was so seriously hurt by his horse running away with him while coming home from the Parry Sound excursion is doing nicely The Joker HO V Class Waiter Hamilton Mabel Minnie White Henry Clark Stiles Jr Draper Libbie Shaw May Hamilton Fred Barker IIILeBlie Glover May Ander son Shaw Eddie Glover Jr 1 1 James Barker Glover Phil Hamilton George White Willie Hamilton Nora Willie- Clark Allie White Walter Draper II- Harold Glover Wight Martha Everett York Alex Traviss Martin Stiles Jr II Winfred Stiles Lillian Johnston Rose Wilfred Linetead Pt II Mary Barker Crit tenden Jr Shaw Stuart Moulds Ernest Glover I Nettie Anderson Gertie Hamilton Walter Alex Hamilton Fletcher Verne York Tab Myrtle Draper Joe Manuel Vanderburgh Ethel Shaw Morley Hamilton Ross Glover Vera Linetead Wight I Tab Norman Anderson Donald Phillips Richard Ross Stiles Ella Vanderburgh Present every day Walter Hamil ton May Anderson Nora Everett York Stiles Allan Shaw Nettie Anderson Walter Lin- stead Verne York Vera Joe Vanderburgh Vanderburgh We have a Complete Stock of Doors and Windows in all sizes Oil Stoves Ice Cream Freezers Sprayers Rubber Hose Lawn Mowers and kinds of GARDEN TOOLS Also PARIS GREEN DASH CHURNS CREAMERS MILK CANS mum All BICYCLE J A ALLAN dealers io Shelf and Heavy Hardware Stoves and Tinware CO The DAVISON GROCERY That Sells Fruits 2000 Boxes Strawberries on sale for Friday mowing 1 Canning Factories are buying high prices will prevail The Best Preserving Berries The Largest Quantity for Large Ripe Bananas for Holiday Trade a dozen ALSO Nice Large Peaches Large Solid Tomatoes dozen lb ed Four desperados held the barroom near against all comers They bad lots and two revolvers and eaid they would settle- when the keg ran out were arrested by ToDgbe fie i Orders filUdohiktti out were Klondike Seattle Was July The steam- have ar rayed from bringing one third of a in treasure Seven steamers with a large amount of gold duet sailed from Dawson on June 14 bound for St Michael The value of the gold dust has been estimated as high as The largest clean on any one claim was No Eldorado the Becond largest was on Stanleys claims claim took out half a million No above on Bonanza cleaned up a half a million Swift water Bills claims on Eldorado turned one 000 On June 17 first miners reached Dawson from Cape Nome confirming the news of big gold strikes in the new diggings They tell of pans being taken out ranging in- value to Four men on Evil Creek took out in four days On Snow Creek was taken out in four days On California Creek took out a worth On March Charley Barrows cabin on the Sunset was entered and it is said in gold stolen Barrows was with his throat out With a razor miners who found the body organized a search party to hunt the murderer whom they found on the way to Nome City He was a German who went to the Kotzebue Sound Ho confessed that he murder ed Barrows for his gold dust the miners further ceremony tree The HamburgAmerica landed German at HaiiTax on Sunday They will go to the Northwest Three steamers up to date have landed about Galioians at Halifax The incurred by the United States in waging war aijainst Cuba and the am to the iTho Steel and Iron To this figure roust Companys stock Canada largo increase io civic has been tho amount to At the close of Mrs Clellands let ter she referred to charity Mr Gor don was strongly opposed to charitable offerings and expressed his wishes 1 to bis friends but they listened not and went their way His friends knowing that the hand of a demon stabbed him at tho dead of night and property to evap orate in smoke nobly tendered their generosity The til lien that commit ted the deed riot be by fertile imagioatiens as Mrs terms inflamed by glittering visions both day and night for the Burning of the ho the morning of June Hi acting 8 NO Annie Ernest Vernon Gordon Lambert Promotion to Etta Step henson Jr Charlie Joseph Peter- man To III Violet Curtis Morrison Jr III Walker Somerville To Jr III Annie CurtiB Edgar Frank Tate II Arthur Dean Annie Gib- To II Boy Vernon Evelyn Rut- ledge Lillian Doane Jr Eugene Kitely George Peterman Charlie Osman Amy To Jr II Nellie Wesley To Sr Pt II Vera Morrison Lulu Emma Smith Pt Bella Doane Frank man Gatba Bert Jr Pt Sarah Leon ard Curtis Edna Sanders Frank I Ruth Haines Edith Wernham Eddie Jr I Milton Teacher Just Arrived Tin Canned for 7c Tin Choice lbs for Choice Currants lb Selected Cleaned Currants ready for use lb keep Granulated Sugar for Preserving gew HOUSE Friday Saturday Only the kind for Our July Sale and the bank robbers who broke jail and were captured in New Brunswick were brought there on Thursday and incarcerated again The barns of George Patterson Port Hope were destroyed by fire Two horses were consumed The lose is A tramp gets the blame for starting Che blaze Now On Summer Goods Must Go TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE spirit soul be in arid drtadte horrors and terrors of a future MM A large number here spent Dominion Day at Jacksons Tomorrow hands will start to clean up bid site a new hotel Flour per I Wheat per ON see CO it Mi Buckwheat Oat per Wol per per Pork per Beef per yti Chickens per w per ton a a a a a a a a a a a a F 1 ti and on ir Oil a DM a a JStt is w a a POST OFFICE FLOW SEED ttie most s SEiEO HOUSES SCOTTS i j A i

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