Newmarket Era, 7 Jul 1899, p. 8

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I i vr v I L iM A Constipation Headache Biliousness Heartburn Indigestion Dizziness Indicate that your liver is out of order beat to rouse the and core H these Ills Is found la Hoods Pills safe Gold by All mucins dealers id Bail Canada HEAD TORONTO paid op Capital Total nearly 0O0O000O A Drttrichuf Hunk BRADFORD ffhoro are received of and up wards and Inter oat mid rates Discounting Farmers Notes And Jit LOWEST For further Information apply to Ursa ford- ARE YOU INSURED ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISH 1826- Total in force over J NOVEL INVENTION HAS THIS Will In the Plant fa fcvrj Two I- over by death and Matured over 2800000 Investments io Canada Deposit at Ottawa for security of Canadian Policyholders over Profits paid policyholders lives of Females Insured without extra premium Children over 10 years of age written at Special Ramsay Manager J Balfour Hunter Chief Agent Ontario GEO HUNT District Inspector J A AR8Dt- word our copyrighted Purity and Strength when for efl on our goods It marks hem their and Plant protects you Inferior goods Look for It Spray no mineral or Parle Sure to all life Harmless to vck tatioa Canadas only reliable spray Sheep Dip Dip Is a preparation lor the cure of eradication of vcroiln in Rod cuttle It IB and its work no or by Horse Wash for prepared IP pecu liar to and for ridding them or all in sect and verinlu It baa a effect brightens the pelt and puts In a healthy per can Pig Wash Pig la all eases or skin of swine for licet and vermin generally Keeps the sktn In healthy condition en aures a healthy appearance lo animal market Hen House And Poultry Powder lieu House Spray and Poultry Pow der destroy vermin peculiar to the feathered stock on fowls or In Act as a and purifying atmosphere Used liberally prevcu roup kindred diseases theae goods from WJluot wan for Wo Invite -AND- are invited to Improve their holiday by A few training during July will teacher while will qualify any un- graduate to nil a mercantile position Bnj Oct J To lull toaj by TK2 fiECOflO Tho Department of of United has atop acquiring the right to UN Tory Invention nowly by a In tor It la a kind of nut Is designed ftw a certain kind of that boon bltberto For azoraple ooitvrUanoo In front of a fltalk of just and a of it hour for six months being at a peculiar film rib bon on which these are rocoraed Is put Into ft lantern of wrt and run on at the rate of 80 a thus giving to In flvo a view on aoroon of a corn plant growing out of earth putting forth and exhibiting the ears and finally It la by exports Idea may be so employed a to great educational value almost obviously for the utilization of method one may Imagine It applied to the of growth of any kind of for example bo soon In few minutes to through alt stages of Its development until length flvo after the vino has sprouted it Is and ready to bo con voyed from tho patch by the nocturnal and Anchor new stylo of In an open space attach to It n and It an every two from beginning to the end of result will bo a ribbon of and in In a will an op portunity to behold all succeeding phenomena of the your At first I ho ground will bo scon with snow will vanish as first vegetation makes its appearance trees will put forth loaves with visible rapidity in sight of tbo audience and when at lust they fall and landscape has assumed Its former aspect white mantle of Frost will be spread again over land One of tho most interesting of ths photographs made up to date with this novel apparatus represents an apple tree which is In a few twinklings to display Its now foliage put forth buds and blossoms and ripen fruit notable Is a of a snapshots of were every minute from sunrise to sunset of a day the ribbon Is run off at the rate of photos a one the flower turn on Its stem steadily always keeping Its face toward the solar orb It should be mentioned by the way that the views do not jump about in the way that Is bo but are perfectly stationary owing to the fact snap registers perfectly with the one preceding and following In tbo vlow of the exports this invention Is applicable In a varloty of ways not hitherto tried For It 1b earnestly desired to know something more than la understood at present re garding the flight of not only because Information would have from a viewpoint but for the reason that It might give help In solving the problem of human in the atmosphere At present comparatively little is known on this subject simply insects in general flap their wings so rapidly that no observer any notion of the mechanical details of the perform ance- For example it Is altogether out of the question to follow with tto ere the movements of wings of a bee or a dragon fly which very likely attain vibrations or more a minute Howover this now records the almost In conceivably rapid beats of these wlrtjs and reduced by the apparatus to one- twentieth of the normal of flaps exhibit to the spectator the manner in the flying apparatus Is utilized Since man has existed he has been anxious to fly Imagine If gifted with sufficient Intelligence to be ambitious would envy the powers of locomotion of the dog or the horse How natural It is then that the human ani mal restricted to crawling about on the bottom of of gases that is called the atmosphere should be eager to emu late At same time ho is obliged to realize that Insects solve the problem of flight in ways much more varied those adopted by birds and so it seems obvious that he ought to con sult thorn with special cure for this Important subject In odo of these new style photographs a bumblebee Is advancing toward a flower in the foreground Her flight In reality Is enormously rapid but In the moving picture It Is reduced in speed so that she sseme to be arriving at a vary leisurely gait One has an opportunity to observe slow flaps her wings as she approaches the goal a luscious blossom from which she Intends to sip the honey One may even take note of the varying shape of her wings as she remains for an instant still in the air advances or goes up or down Picture notes like those of Immense usefulness to the student of mechanical flight It seems so obvious that there must be iorn9 means by whloh man can fly and why should not the of an insect which this kind of work so well afford valuable suggestions Behind blur of a wings- undoubtedly is con cealed a vast fund of information but the main difficulty in photographing In of course lies In getting the high speed required for the shutters is something extraordinary but It Is hardly greater than is required for regist ering the movements of ft horses hoofs hoof horse running at a one- forty gait- moves at the rate of ISO feet Inches ft than as fast as an ordinary railway train As already suggested the methods of flying adopted by various of in- sects differ very and- so It is take for example the com- mon housefly It moves its wings at the rate of a second when going trouble in photographing 1 wore no for itk erratic course and direction of the latter actual speed of the fly trough the air comparatively slow an aporttffos battery Up to be arrange tegoiherj extreme rapidity wofat it is- JwIIowUj of a obtoiiiodsAtUfttotorllyi though so high a rate Is hot re quired To produce this of lolly Is the beings moved by making and breaking of current The problem to get as accurate a the wing of a moving as is been obtained Of the foot of a horse running at a gait- Now wing Of a about a quarter of an and thus Its path of travel Is half an in length or an In the round trip Given y orations to the second wing travorsef only In time as already stated and so the to bo observed and registered well within the record ing power of the apparatus described Of may bo peculiarities In Insect flight especially to record Just as the wing feather of birds according to Professor have an Independent motion of own turning edgewise In and so reducing friction with the latter This discovery has brought out fuel unknown that birds wing are with a system of tendons which give to too animal voluntary over Its primary feathers If us suggested the flight method of a bug is more than that of ft bird study of It throw valuable Ignt upon the proulom of bnman Points on tbls subject also may perhaps bo furnished by humming bird whose style of flying nearly bios that of an insect so so Indeed that a tomatoworm caterpillar looks most exactly llkou hummingbird when it hovers before a flowor at twilight It hat been that tho wings of a hummingbird vibrate ordinarily of flaps minute Its heart being of uniiHuul lo order to supply requlalto blood for such vigorous ex ercise Souiutlmej hummingbirds are chased by bumblebees but readily escape from the comparatively slowmoving In sects leaving them far behind actual speed of these feathered creature Is less than observer might bo in clined to suspect appearing to the eye greater than It la just as a small puffing tug seems to move faster than though In truth it docs not do so It has boon that the new style of or here described might be em loved to great advantage for certain educational pur poses For example a ribbon Whose pic tures would be to a screen could be mado to show In a brief time transformation of a caterpillar Into a moth or of a tadpole Into a frog In same manner alow performance of a in sheddlnx Its skin might be ex hibited It is very cosy to apply the to thin form of camera and so It would be possible to study on a great scale growth and propagation of boo- terla the flow of blood In tbe arteries of a small animal or any number of other phenomena suitable for tho purpose Women get used to sick- They come to consider fllde-achedrogKing- bearing- down and as port and parcel of their womanhood They get used to being half dead all the time They forget that they ever were anything else if they dont have to go to bed and stay there dont try to get well Ninetenth of all the women is due to some derangement or disease of the organs distinctly feminine All such sickness can be cured is cured every day by DR PIERCES FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION Weak Women Strung And Sick Women Well It acta directly on the organs affected and is at the same time a general tonic for the whole system It cures female complaint right In the privacy of home It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning examinations and local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors and so abhorrent to every modest woman J of Washington Co writes For five years ray wife la from I decided to Medical Discovery and am now 9 fiappj almost female weakness September I try Dr pierce Medical Discovery Favorite Prescription I am now a nappy man whereas thought for four years thai I would be left tbls unfriendly world without a companion Dr Pierce medicines are truly worth a thousand times the money they and every suffering woman the world should try ihem THE CHIEF END OF PREACHING It Chief Its Charles eleven years of was drowned while boating Fifteen or twenty buildings were burned at entailing a loss of The Bell Organ Piano Co Goelpb have received an order for organs from England Stephen Hill farmer fractured his skull through being thrown from buggy in Paris Out Fifteen persons are reported to have been drowned in a boating at Carnarvonshire Percy 1 0-year- old aon of J Williamson barber of Owen Sound was drowned in the River Pottawattamie vftpe U p of l T Washington wail born in County but he does not know record having boon of colored childrens births days of first memory of clinging to his mothers skirts while she for her freedom it under this instruction or that of his teachers in the colored ibbobls or both the bey evidently with a and an idea of- doing things He worked In a coot mine after he was old enough to earn hts living but bis hunger tor knowledge drove him to study whenever ana wherever he got at a book Dr John P Cowan in Christian Endeavor World tells how Booker beard of a place students worked for their education and bow he finally entered Hampton Normal Institute He arrived thero afoot and with dust faculty did not know what to think of him and doubted whether they offer northing a of victuals and a chance to himself at last they Con cluded to give room to sweep and accordingly a broom was put Into hands He floor and looked at his work It did not satisfy He wont over it a second time carefully brushing out all Inspection did not him that be hod done a perfect job He swept that room a third time and then be concluded he had done best he could Soon after one of lady teachers came in and took note of his perform ance A surrey showed her at least the floor was clean touched the walls and chairs with her white bund- kerchief 111 search of duet but If she found she did not so The next day he was admitted as a student at Hampton Institute Booker continued to use the broom and pay his wax with It when not bundl ing the hoe and to tbe same pur pose on the school farm climbing at tamo time In bis studios till be became representative man In task he undertook whether In learning or labor was as carefully finished as bis first And when in Gen Armstrong sent him in a shanty he faced and felt a ho had never felt before the helpless of his race and renolred that ho would try to some of It away of bis and bis Is now part the national history of republic to tho south of it SSHESS2S3 what- is The til There just in an old who a rather original popularity among the neighbor by whom she was spoken of a who kissed the Queen for shilling When only a year old Queen then Victoria of course was being f wheeled about the park by her nurse a troop of boardingschool girls came tripping along the walk One of Ian in the first of a series of articles on relations of tbe pastor and congregation writes of Art of Listening to a Sermon in Ladles Homo Journal all things be says the Christian preacher makes two demands and both can be justified only by the obedience of the hearer Ho Invites bis audience to become disciples and servants of To3us he assures bis fellow- men that to trust in Jesus and to follow Him Is to live If the hearer argues and debates about Jesus he can never arrive at the foots and he has not dealt fairly with the preacher Let him put the mat ter to the test and make the adventure with Jesus as did the first Christians If he does then he will be able to judge tbe preacher if not be to be silent Never has there been more futile than that of bearers who will not believe such people around the outside of the cathedral the painted glass can only be understood from the Another appeal of the Chris tian preacher Is for sacrifice and It Is his duty to magnify glory of unselfish living He asks people to do what Is hard and unattractive and them a gain Is spiritual and unseen It lies upon the hearer to verify this com mandment for himself and to find out whether serving others and not ones self does make one happier and stronger The chief end of Is after all inspiration and the man who has been set on fire is the vindication of the pul pit The of preaching is detachment and Indifference any sermon so poor and thin but It con tained more than its hearers could prac tice No sermon has failed lob sent one man away by a single thought or stirred to a single brave deed the roof of the Canadian Hotel and is from injuries to his head and neck The Btouffville Protection Society recovered a bioycle that was stolen at tbe picnic and the offender was lodged in Whitby jail During a fight between striking miners and negroes near III the negroes burned City where the miners lived James Mayor of Mus kegon Mich was shot and killed by J a disappointed officeseek also shot himself fatally Louis Bush of New York is in jail at Detroit on a charge of smug from Canada worth of diamonds that were found in bis session A strike was inaugurated at the Homestead Pa steel works which may rival the famous battle between capital and labor which was fought there seven years ago Two men were killed at Pittsburg in a street car collision on the road of the Traction Company the whose father had ome posi tion at court recognized the rovl baby and pointed It out to her companions The little prince was immediately by an admiring group and nurse bad all difficulty In the world to prevent from being hastily lifted from tbo carriage But If they could not hold the child they would at least have a and of them said Let us each have a kLA and we will each give you a nurse accepted the offer and was aeon some shillings richer Soon the adventure was about royal household and came to tbo Mrs of the Duchess of Kent the royal lnfunts mother and the ingenious serv ant was hastily summoned before her mistress whoso first Impulse was to dis miss her from the house But the Duke interfered Nurse he said you are pardoned my part I see ho harm In daughter being admired It Is only natural for she Is tbe finest baby in the land But in future I forbid yon to allow her to be kissed for less than a guinea and even that is a mere The Duchess posted a physician off to school to examine Into the health of the girls who had committed the familiarity The young women subsequently form ed a society known as The Society of the Queens Kiss and when the young princess became Queen recalled the Incident We ore they wrote the persons were seriously injured and J of your subjects from whom Your I received homage And on all v- It was not a professional athlete who made the longest running Jump on record but a college professor Mr J of College Dublin a young man who leads a very systematic life works than any of bis students and neither smokes nor drinks His strides Increase In length as his speed Increases and the last three or four measure over ten feet for by this time he is going at fyjlspeed The strike Just in front of the takeoff Is not over seven feel long for he must gather himself for the jump were to put fila jumping foot too far front of would more or lew retard his momentum When Newborn the ground he a and literally through air Just- before landing sjeems as If his feet were going to when tucks node bin and their so tondled unttlated ah Impres sion that he Is taking a Then when his and shoulders are so close to the ground that he can post- pone Inevitable no longer hi shoves his feet In front of and the momen tum of- his whole body carries for ward and prevents his back v Since April In have the first time to be married by ministers- faith without the registrars being required law thus aojriilwl that such- marriages relibas ten others more or less hurt Portable hen houses have the ad vantage of providing fresh soil for floors and runs disease among poultry particularly in close quarters is caused by their soratohing and feed ing in soil polluted by years of Iced water is preferable lo ice water iced being cooled by the ice without being brought in contact with it The Jess ice water one drinks the better water increases ones thirst that is there is a tendency desire drink inasmuch as ice water slakes the thirst for a moment but does quench itJuly Ladies Some Journal June Mr Mullen of Mullen Toronto is in this town sizing up the situation with a view to establishing a wall paper fab- here He proposes to employ at least hands pacing out a year The Council has made him an offer of a free site for building purposes free light tree for years free water power up to a certain and exemption from taxation except school- purposes- Children Cry for homage- Children it a harmless for Castor Paregoric and Syrups It contains neither Opium Morphine nor Narcotic substance It is Pleasant is thirty years use by Bullions of Mothers destroys Worms and allays Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation Castoria assimilates the Food regulates the and Bowels of Infants and Children giving healthy and natural sleep is Children PanaceaThe Mothers Friend i excellent i5Jcinc for Cm tor I to well to chilcirco- hate repeatedly old me that it to jrc- lU good effect upon their known to me A THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF A APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER Do you think of If you do write THIS SUMMER W M LIMITED NEWMARKET And get of Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ALL LITEST Artistic Effects Inside Woodwork in Largest in Canada for the mannfactore of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc BICYCLES the vyhfjkwtyiejii com f ftacobrdiJiB Von ana bcln inches a nd tubed l lso a IoVof horses iSai A TODDlWaLX fl No to People stylo or they may nincront what kind of rftf but are odd If They dont lovely important occasions addressed re peated expressions of allegiance Bui the died and with tbls old ladys death The Society of the Queens has paved from existence Talpiiun Wire For time past Parisians have had to complain of defects In the telephone Blame thrown first on the Influenza and subse quently on the disturbance caused for Metropolitan a third explanation is arrest of a gang of men who have been stealing telephone wires for- months Their occupation gave access to sewers and armed with insulated nip pers they helped themselves dally to as copper wire as could carrx away Mines emerald mines along the the Province of are owned by the Govern ment A peasant found the flnt one In in the roots of a tree that blown down- The mined on its own account until then leaaed the mines to who money on thorn because best aids lie near the surface- Those dog up from are Good In vtovr of their scarcity ought hold their f Bioti The rang of the human quits are about nine perfect tones direct or together- produce sopno direct muscles prodaov and all in named of ot ths indefinable something called expression We HighGrade and Repair all kinds on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT The MasseyHarris Co The population of rapidly of late and is OOOtre Are the Largest Makers of Farm Implements Under the British Flag Their machines are used the world oyer Over Binders and 10000 and shipped to European Countries for the harvest of speaks load for the goods Oyer Canadian workmen are given employment in mtnofsoturing the goods Binder or feet out Bakes Sharp Tiger Mowers front or or fiJlDrilla hoe or shoe feet teeth sections Tedders New all Disk or disks agent for the celebrated and the Brentford for Power and Maple I Leaf Grinders Iron Pomps with Brass Grain and Beed cleaner and Grader Fanning Mill Plain or Peerless Monitor Clover Crushers the Bain Yerilv Plows snd A Full Stock of always on Hand Agent Market Square Newmarket If you are not a subscriber to the Era V

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