Newmarket Era, 4 Aug 1899, p. 7

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I CHINA ALL AUG 1899 A of of Seta bought at a Snap Price era can the Dinner Hats printed 2 your choice regular acta A Snap to Bute printed colors your choice 140 reg ular Weeks ON IN A ABOUT Mr Win Intends tc numerous patrons and baa a now separator It arrived on Wed a dandylooking Look out for some tall work now Cones Factory old and part of the old dry kilo at the the have boon cleared away end the are at work on the foundation of tho new Dry Kiln The firm intend to their bnlld- operation along aa fast as the man who was no badly cut in bead work again on Monday after laid up for on weeks yard room la gelling pretty up again with from Nearly care have beon unloaded bore the let of July and still com BOOTSSHdES The Deal Value we have had Very neat and lateal Want of room prevents carrying a large stock but it complete and our prices are right GROCERIES Bartons Baking Powdor in quart jars regular for Half Price to dear Prunes finest quality lb now for Fine Quality of lb Excelsior Coffee is the Best Try it host a months ago Mr of Zephyr and oat finger the out healed and anything it ho in laying out a The out ref to heal with and a Blood poisoning bad in and amputation of the end of the Soger This dono and the woaod refused to heal At length it decided to extract tho finger entirely and after patiently and waiting for healing It final ly decided that amputation of the hand would be to save the patients life Accordingly Or Wesley of act by Dr Wesley of Albert performed operation here on Monday and Air is feeling aa well can be expected Industrial Home Co Friday ltt the York County Com- paid a visit to the Home to ascertain bow many peraona were being oared for who had been there for and who under ordinary woald now be in jail county thinks that Ontario Gov ernment should be allowed something for the keep of these indigents inasmuch If the had not the Home the Gov ernment woald have to provide for matter will be referred to the neat Co Council meeting Board of Audit mot on Tuesday and passed amounting to The of eight acres land from Mr Harry Graham for to increase water supply waa completed and the Com missioners decided to enclose the property wilha The winters of now being teamed to the Home 120 tone- a a no yeryqod mooting Sunday Salvation Array Captain chair laid tfoffaU fijt GooalcUrafelq congregational Log- Interspersed with by Mr Geo GreoDBldes Oliver and Ire charge of the Meeting bath when iheaobjebiof will be initeh up besides singing etc cor Invited Serenade Every member of Band turned out Friday evening and the on Primary Grounds greatly ap predated Judging from tbe assembled The fall program given announoed The Band is making great progress under McDonald and reflects credit upon the Or Saturday night of this week instead of Friday night Citizens Band will give their openair on the Methodist church lawn They expect to be assisted by Messrs Prod and Bert of Toronto formerly of Newmar ket Band Following will be the pro gram March Stare and Stripes Overture Caliph of Bagdad Happy Memories Goetz Serenade Sweetly Dreaming Royal Salute J OrJ Home Selection Borgia Donizetti Lao Ho tat Song Coons Best Girl Ripley TwoStop Op Street Morse next R A SMITH The Leading Grocer Main Timothy Sts School Childrens Eyes Supply Their Intellect Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department Atkpsor Atkinson A Co Store NEWMARKET Sudden Death A young man named Lloyd Howard son of late Stephen Howard of Bond Head well known and connected with a large oirole of relatives in this neighborhood died very suddenly at last Mon day night from peritonitis Deceased was about years of age and a very popular clerk in the Standard Bank of On Wednesday of week be wheeled to in the afternoon to aee a lacrosse match He returned to by train in oompaay with Mr Geo Smith of IbEa and some ladies Next day Lloyd was taken and went to bed Nothing serious anticipated till Son- day when word was sent to bis mother at Aurora but she was viniting in Bond Head His sister however went at once and with him till his death but hie mother and other of the fam ily did not arrive till after the vital hud titd The remains were interred Newmarket Cemetery on Wednesday after noon by man sorrowing friends It seems at range to mortal man that ao promising a life should be so suddenly cat off Brief lets meeting of Town Monday Council meets at next Wednesday Town dag is flying at halfmart this week on account of the death of our member Sir Edgar Slavery in the Empire abol ished years ago last Tuesday Tomorrow is the last day for to make of deaths by contagions dis eases during July in Newmarket and Aurora Wednesday The work of rear of lawyer Widdfttelds property i a lot of labor will look line when com pitted You dont know what a good are misaing if omit reading sermon in the every week one Jest week was specialty good AH the masons in town are after the Warden for hie white pants Engineer pot the domes- for booses on St on Wednesday Mrs Haines and Mrs Wood A lot of Newmarket people wheeled out to the Garden Party on Taesday and report a good time The Office Specialty Co is getting io an en moat sopply Mr Thos McDonald putting a new roof on hie residence Mr J Hughes is laying for a certain dog Coming Main street Wednesday evening it jo him and tore his Lawyer Robertson added a verandah to south side of hie residence Sweater of Vaagban ape Sunday Miss V of Aurora is on Vacation t Mr and guests of last of St was voting Sunday Sir and Mrs and family of Toronto arc visiting at Mr GLBNVILLE Garden Party hold on the Churoh grounds on Tuesday evening was a great success As was expected it was ope of beat parties had for a long time The New- market Band was present in full force and gave abundance of music which was much appreciated The ladies dessrye credit for the well filled tables which looked tempting enough for all and to spare The grounds were well lighted and the gross proceeds amount ed to nearly Mr is again making ex tensive alterations in his mill He has removed the old wheel and is putting in a in turbine wheel also giving mill a complete overhauling and when finished will be one of the host equipped mills around these parts Mr A Lloyd had the misfortune to have two of bis fingers badly smash ed laat week Also Mr Henry Brown while working around his binder had one hand lacerated by getting it into the the making a sudden jerk blast all Harvest will soon full The fall wheat in thin vicinity cut now In weeks there was a blight error made It should have read Mr J Winch bought the instead of Mrs J Winch near Richmond Hill Mr A of is visiting Mr- I Gilpin also Mr Gilpin of Toronto Mr and Mr E Draper attended the of their Ida Barber A to Mr J Hogg at Brampton on Wednesday Mr Draper accompanied them from Toronto Mrs Earl of Toronto ia Mrs this week Miss Minnie of Gilford visiting at Mrs Williams for a few days A few from here attended tha Moonlight Excursion to Bay on Tuesday evening last Si ORCHARD BEACH visiting Again hum of thresher is heard in The crops promising Wilson last week at Orchard Beach Rev Mr wife and family of Miss also Miss Josie Mann ing of Lindsay Mre Elliott and son of Woodstock are visiting at Mr Irwins Mrs J spent last week at St Add Miss A Wesley is visiting friends at We notice the scythe had no marcy on the beautiful shrubs in the church yard Mrs J Wilson of Toronto is visit- j her slater Mrs A Mr and T Thorpe of Sunday at Mr T Mrs J Hughes spent Sunday at Newmarket Rev Mr Franoomb spent at Wait and daughter of Chi cago are visiting at her fathers Mr Our leading store looks grand its new coat Miss Lizzie and Rose spent last week at Island Mr Pence of Virginia US spent Friday last with bis aunt Miss Sarah Lundy North York License Commissioners met at the Mansion last Friday afternoon when a deputation from Sutton led by Rev Mr Brace waited on the Board with reference to the number of licenses granted in Sutton In April last licenses of the three hotels were extended for three monthe pending action with reference to population of the village The Do minion census of shows a popu lation of leas than but three licenses have been renewed from year to year without objection until this year when objection was taken that the population did not warrant three licenses It was then proposed that a new census should be taken under a bylaw of the Village Council- This was objected to illegal A bylaw however was passed on the J ply directing a new under which the population waa returned as sufficient for tbe issue of three licenses J Seosion of the License Act provides that the population which is to the number of licenses shall be according to the last Domin ion census except where the Commis sioners are of opinion that owing to a large increase of population since such ctDsu8 an increased number of licensed taverns is required and so certify and the Municipal Council mem- 1 memorialize the LieutenantGovernor for an increase then the GoVernorin THE LEADING E STORE We have a Complete Stock of Screen Doors and Windows in all sizes Oil Stoves Ice Cream Freezers Sprayers Rubber Hose Lawn Mowers and all kinds of TOOLS Also PARIS BARREL DASH CHURNS CREAMERS MILK CANS BICYCLES AID BICYCLE J A ALLAN CO dealers in Shelf and Hardware Stoves and Tinware i A threshing machine engine ex ploded near Big Prairie Mich five men were killed and two severely in jured An electric light wire fell upon the P telegraph line at Brant- ford and burned out all the wires east to Toronto The barns of a farm owned by Henry and occupied by David near Markbam were burned on Tuesday Loss Chicago III July Ten thou sand men were thrown out of em ployment and work was stopped on buildings in the course of erection in Chicago during the strike of union of Cook County Wholesale Retail PROVISION STORE Two doors North A Ffesh Supply a Week of Bacon Hams The an Meats on today A trial will con- jAlM Floor Rolled Corn Meal Potatoes Ball Canoed Corn Tomatoes PioRled Feet flam and Honey Soap o Orders filled on ha iwticjs I Fire Brigades Newmarket and Aurora hold a Union Excursion to Niagara and next Wednesday No more falling time for a holiday could be selected It warm enoaifb to thoroughly enjoy the breezes of Lake On tario and a days anting pats life into a working man Everybody enjoye looking at greatest natural wonder on American continent and who see it appreciate it the most If r no other reason than tact that is the Fire men it should be generally patronized by oar citizens It is a yolon teer Brigade and they have always shown themselves ready to risk their lives to save property There fa no householder in town bat sleeps sounder because be or she knows that on an alarm of fire the men are al ways ready to respond It it hoped that the show their appreciation of their noble efforts by a genua attendance at the Tickets may bo had on Tuesday evening at following places The Firs Hall Blnna Store and Furniture Rooms order to give everybody a chance to take in Excursion ihe Mayors of New market and Aurora a Civic Holiday will be a oclock and on- Wednesday morning so that all will bo awake in time to catch train leaves A storm washed out the Erie track Saturday night near a freight was derailed and a westbound train crashed in to he wreck about midnight killing the engineer and firemen and injuring about thirty persons Frank Reynolds an aeronaut aged years met his death at Find- lay Lake near Dunkirk He made an in a baloon and dropped with a parachute into Lake Erie and was drowned before help could reach him St Thomas July Mrs John died at the family resi dence Lambeth on Friday the result of an occurred on Wed nesday Mrs was driv ing a horse attached to a hay- press was walking behind the arm of the press when in- some manner bolt in the drawbar slipped from its place and the arm flew back with ter rific force striking Mrs In the abdomen July The final game of the eastern of the A was played here yester day between and he twelve and resulted in a- win for by goals to This the undefeated of district have won all the scoring to a record possibly tremendous high wind all day Sunday lashed the waters of Cooks Bay into a foam and prevented any one who might be inclined to do any boating from launching on its billowy crest icecream parlor has great patronage Mr Frank Webb proving himself not only an efficient caterer but a popular manager Nearly attended the Ser vice and bible class at Zephyr Villa on Sunday evening Mrs Howell of Toronto conducted the lesson with much ability Mr of New market has consented to take charge next evening Mr A Davidson and famly have secured Mr Dicksons cabin for the remainder of season Lunge fishing has been much bet ter two Mr of Keswick eleven Mr of Aurora baa over lunge this season The Oliver Binns and families of Newmarket are all here now and the shore is wearing its holiday appearance Dr Workman of Toronto was a guest at Col Lloyds cottage over Sun day Mr Herb of Montreal is spending ten days at his brothers camp Miss vocalist of Toron to is a guest at for a few days Mrs and four child ren are spending a month at Zephyr Villa Mr- David Hughes of Toronto was a guest of Mr Amos Wilson over Sunday Mrs Marshall of siBter of Mrs Watson is spending at few days Farthest North camp The family from Toronto Bradford and Toronto are rusticating at Mr cottage at Orchard Beaton week Mr and Mrs of Toronto are spending a couple of weeks at Zephyr Council may authorize a new census to be taken under the authority of a bylaw of the municipality A further provision ia then made under this section that Where since the Do minion census a census has taken in any under the authority of the Council having juris diction limit may be the same in the case of a census taken under this section for the purposes of this Act The temperance deputation claimed that under the License Act the bylaw authorizing the census was illegal as having been passed without the authority of the LieutenantGov ernor Mr of the License- holders Association argued on behalf of the three applicants that the by law did not require the authority of the LieutenantGovernor and was sufficient under the cited After consideration the board granted the three licenses for the balance of license year granted a license for wine and beer only Joseph Martins office at Vancouver was blown open and and some papers stolen Mr Martin asserts that the papers were in bis political affairs and hints that a political enemy got them gem of New York died Saturday while- at camp Point 111 July Thayer of Niles Mich fell feet and was instantly killed day His wedding of SAVE MONEY By buying Early at Tailor Shop a of Beiges r Also a Choice Lot of Fine Tweeds for OVERCOATS arid PANTS I J for to any team in taken last Every Yard of SUMMER DRESS GOODS To be Cleared SEE OUR REDUCED PRICES r TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE The Massey- Harris Co Are the Largest Makers of Implements Under the British Flag Their machines are the world over Over Biadera and Mowers have been ordered and shipped to for harvest of which apeka loud for the Oyer CaDadiao workmen are Hrria Binder or feel cot i Sharp Mowers from or rear or Drills hoe or shoe feel cat CoIHvaUrslO teeth Tedders New all I Disk or Also for Ibe Tolleo PeaHarvester sod ibe Brentford for Power Maple Leaf Iron Brass Cylinder the Toronto Grain and Seed Cleaner and Grader Mill Plain or Traction Peerless Monitor Glover Hollers Road Bain or Verity Plows and A Full Stock of kept always on Hani B SMITH Agent Market Square Newmarket The Laws Of the Land Do not protect yon from Speotscle Vendors Protect yonrseU by only and optical department in At Your Service We make No Charge for Your Eyes Spring FOB A Summer Suit i Light NEW GPODS Splendid Value Call See Pi Post

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