fe- WW par te it 1 si V HALL AUG 1899 A couple of of1inner Seta bought at a Soap Our can the Seta printed your regular seta A Snap yd Toilet Sets printed pieces several your choice reg ular WHAT IB ON IK The at both Sunday and vlocs are largely increased Ex- sermons Jest Sunday the duet by Mr sod Mis Focsier evening beautiful Board met on Wed net- day when the statement of Finance Committee an encourag ing id ibe funds pastors was fixed at A com- mittco was appointed to report at next meeting a plan to id years The pastor was granted of or wo Board ilJl Sept op Poll Two more op before Warden on tor adulterating milk to Newmarket Cheese Factory One was fined other caso ad journed for a weak It about tin that patrons found oat there is do profit watering milk seat to tbia la to repealed requests for more the forth another electric lights nlrir a fence on near Root Pollocks rails into shreds and also another fence on the farm whore Walter burning a considerable portion Mr Minor from States who is Waiting at Baldwin under the parental roof was about here now ac quaintances with great Mr Fred Taylor Union Street has taken the tendency of Dry- BOOTS SHOES The Heat Value we have had Very neat and the latest styles Want of room prevents us carrying a large atoob but it ib complete and our are right GROCERIES Bartons Baking Powder in quart regular 25c for Half Price to clear Prunes finest quality reg lb now a lbs for Fine Quality of Figs lb Excelsior Coffee is the Best Try it A SMITH The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts KK KK DMKJ The Leading Specialists of America YEARS III DETROIT CUR VrECURE EMISSIONS Nothing can be more to or men than the oixbUy ice a Kj train of jg for married of am Ufa and social Mo matter whether canted by evil habits in youth natural w or our of unfit a man for Ufa and No matter natural or Method Treatment will core you NO CURE- NO PAY Header you need help abuie later may pave weakened may hers you are till cured Gar Method will cure you You run no riri CURED You feeble Irritable and You become forgetful morose and and wrinkled form and reveal tbe Ho matter bow your may be or how may have had it our will it The wormy veins return to their normal condition and MM revive proper r meat orpin all drains or locoes and I poa No but a euro asiureo i NO WO TON CURES GUARANTEED treat and JBE fiEMr eKJ ke chahgk3r KENNEDY SHELBY STREET I The reports the Boards of Examiner in with high and bold in July bave considered by Educational Council sod reaolla were last Friday marks of candi dates will bo tiont within tot days to the principals of high or school No marks will be or given to by the department oates of will be sent to principal and inspectors about 1st of September Unsuccessful candidates should not ap peal until thoy consulted high their Appeals to be entertained must be made to lbs Minister the of the certificates awarded for examination of Form can didates should observe the following Part I implies that a Form Part I has been awarded tbe candidate having obtained per on total as well as passing in Matriculation implies that a Part I matriculation certificate covering gram mar arithmetic history and physics has beer awarded Matriculation implies that a Part I matriculation certificate gram mar arithmetic and history has been This together with that for matriculation no qualify ing value for either junior leaving or senior leaving standing as they represent examinations in not obtained the required total of per In case of certain candidates whose names appear under matriculation and who are eligible to write under the pro of former regulations It will be to furnish evidence dale and centre of previous examination that they are entitled to this privilege before certificates will be awarded Passed under tbsr Form III or implies an examination in the pre scribed either under the present or former regulations The certificates issued will indicate more definitely the character of examination passed Candidate awarded these certificates obtained SO per oent on the total besides passing in subject- implies the has bean awarded a certificate of Part of junior matriculation or has obtained pass standing Id some of junior has no value as qualifying for teachers non professional standing Part under Form IV implies that candidate passed in the required either under tbe present or the for regulations per on ths total having been obtained The certificate is sued will indicate more definitely the char acter of the examination Honors in matriculation will to Booh candidates as submit proof of and forward their certificates to the department for endorsation Following are students in this locality Newmarket P Hodge Thompson Terry Aurora Bond Baker Dicker B Graham Hewitt Chas N Ken nedy A Lloyd Lloyd Mo- Norman P With honors A B it Newmarket Part I A A Bennett Crahe CrannE Davie J For- ster L A P A Geo McDonald J Robertson A Williams A Willie Matriculation 4 Brown Evans E Mac- V R Sutherland V Part I Baldwin Colwell W Cherry Hill Johnston A Love E A McMillan Rutherford Richardson Webster Matriculation in NewmarketPassed A French Jackson May Rogers Passed in Latin A Passed in Chemistry Aurora Passed Crowley Humphrey Johnston J honors J m Andrews E at Newmarket we wore favored with a visit by two officials on Tuesday Mr of the Northern Division and Mr Arthur White They wore met by Mayor and general condition disoutaod on the promisee gentlemen after wards walhod down the track to Works and discussed the matter with Mr the Toronto manager who was here that day for the same purpose The officials promised to send the Com panys Surveyor here and probabilities are that soother switch will be built at the depot and the switch extended largely increased freight traffic liero demands attention Of all the things in thin land private gecrefcdry of Hon J Davis away on a visit to epwdln bie holidays All railways throughout Ohio Illinois Indiana and Michigan will return tickets at one fare to To ronto curing the Industrial Fair and special excursions at less ban one fare will also be ran from different points in New York and Pennsylvania Manager Hill it will be tbe greatest Fair on earth Some changes have taken places in offices of departments at Par THE LEADING is a kind nurse Whoop- buildings recent ing cough is spreading and older occupied by the Superintendent are falling victims in this vicinity Neglected Children are now in the buckwheat is on j cterb3 Proyifioial and the air a department We have a Complex Stock of Screen Doors and Windows in ail ive to Public A meeting took place last Moo- day evening Present Messrs Pretty and Boon A deputation from Town Council was heard In reference to scouring a on the Public Grounds on tor Hose for Fire and for a Poll Booth lor Ward Finance Committee presented their estimates of and expenditures for current year and recommended a levy for school purposes Report On motion it was decided that whole Board meet on Model School Grounds on Friday evening of this week to the question of site for Hose Reel House A communication was placed on fyle to supply slate blackboards for 2ic per foot Accounts for advertising for teacher and were passed The salary of the Caretaker was increas ed SI per month and oiling of tbe floors a year added to hie duties with out extra motion the resignation of Mr was not accepted at present and the Secretary was to write him re- guesting withdrawal of bis resignation Board adjourned For some a good deal of adverse has been made concerning expenditure of the Public School Board and it is worthy of remark that tbe levy this year is less than last year and less than the year before The Board lb certainly to be congratulated on this an nouncement Tbe old fence on the South and East sides of the Model School Grounds bae been removed and a new it being erected The pickets will be continued along Timothy street and a tight board fence feet high run the rear of the grounds Dentist AURORA Competition runs here especi ally in the wool business case of Hurt v Phillips shows Farmer Chris Kennedy bad a load of wool both and Phillips were dead anxious to obtain Doth it ap peared by the evidence given before Magistrates and Lloyd had spoken to the vendor and bad in addition paid him the of the goods but by some mistake wool got into the warehouse of Phillips The latter refused to part with goods and hence the magisterial en quiry which ended by a decision al lowing the value of the wool accompanied by a rider that both bed seemingly attempted to play on other The Methodists have been the first to avail of the new electric road for excursion purposes and will run four cars to Park on Fri day It is generally understood tbat the Council has ordered a large quantity of plank but the safety of pedestrians demands that prompt attention be paid to many of tbe sidewalks The old at the is assuming a changed aspect with its new coating of brand new white brioks The west bound Imperial limited on the which left Montreal on Monday collided with an eastboun tea train just west of Sudbury and the engineer on the Imperial limited was and several others injured Aug A terrific thunder visited this town early this morning Many trees were blown down and in some parts much hail fell Mr Misoampbellejbouse near Brentwood was light- Tbecutresit passed the then the kitchen floor ipto the dining room where left the carpet a Here te car pot ripped up and the legs bed shattered so badly that Strange to say the hoy in the bed house odor The are working with might and for fear of jetting the Ah the summer vacation in to a close our teachers all will resume work Miss if Newmarket is visit ing at Mr for a short All the nice young there dont teem to know how to their cap Mr P in under going improvement- summer kitchen two verandas A big time at Orchard last Saturday night so nay young folks who A cool wave oassed this way last Sunday The solemn truth backbiters are still on by the skin of their teeth and false teeth that True friendship should take its and reign supreme Very unfortunate Mi who became lame a horse do like wise One day while hobbling around giving the horse a thorough inspection it gave him the heels in the shoulder thus laming again He is getting along nicely and is able to be around Would I were an assistant scribe near Bunker Hill I would flip around and fix up tasty items a there are lots of em around there Corn in just below the average Its a caution how such of swallows gather in certain vicinities As you go along St you can see rows of em perched on the tele graph wires If the Electric line is extended this way Ill guarantee some will get their muscular tissues jarred Coon hunting will soon be in order Well it is needed There are a variety of coons existing In a fortnight the Free Methodist Conference begins and steps will be considered to keep the present pastor Rev Mr Minor another year His flock all admires the comical way he has of hitting and crities who are almost persuaded but still they tarry That article in weeks Eha con cerning pasturing on the high way was commendable and needs at tention It is very annoying especi ally in and near two church yards when the gate is left ajar as a re spectably dressed person cant tie hie horse in the dark without getting the shine cut off his boots Dame Rumor has it that a new marriage licence shop is going to be opened here Wandering couples will be made happy on short notice Tbh Joker It is stated that the pig- after a thorough cleaning is now being restocked by Govern Over pigs were placed in pens this week The Morality Department of the city is prosecuting a lot of newsdeal ers selling literature Tbe cases come up to morrow A formal opening of new court house and city ball is still engaging the attention of the civic authorities A city says There is still a chance be driven to open the new city hall with an axe or a opener or this years laxrate I The late Joseph Godson of King if left an estate valued at j which is to be applied for the benefit of the widow and her three children Brooks Mt Albert has ob tained letters of administration in re gard to estate of his wife who died worth of which is in cash and the balance in real wharf at the foot of street narrrowly escaped destruction by Wednesday morning A light- ed cigar stub carelessly on the wharf is supposed to have I the Sinclair and John of I Roachs Point before Judge Morgan j Wednesday morning pleaded guilty to a charge of housebreaking having been drunk at the time the of- j fence was committed and now being penitent were allowed go on sus pended sentence and ail Also PARIS BARK HI Oil Stoves Ice Cream Freezers Sprayers Rubber Hose Lawn Mowers kinds of TOOLS DASH MILK CANS BICYCLES Jill BICYCLE J A ALLAN CO dealers in Shelf and Hardware Stovers And Tinware very Yard of SUMMER DRESS GOODS To be Cleared Allibtok Ont Aug Two Urge barns belonging to George were struck by lightning last night and they together this years crops of all last years wheat were totally destroyed Barns were insured but not contents Chatham Aug Stephens 16yearold son of Aid Geo Steph ens hardware merchant ibis oity lies at the point of death with a ballet lodg ed in his abdomen The heads of the families most interested are two of Chathams most prominent citizens The lad who did the shooting is the same age as the boy whose life hangs on a thread and says he was- firing into the lake Babbie Aug 14 The most furious thunderstorm of the season prevailed early yesterday morning Bain fell in a deluge and the wind below a per fect gale The lightning showed in a quick succession of lurid flashes and in that way for over an Several trees in town were struck and shattered and a barn on theXJewart farm in the- western suburbs also suffered from a- bolt The residence of Dr West near was struck by lightning and two of the rip mates prostrated On the farm of John Hillock cows in a pasture killed Tbe storm visited the region across the lake late dayafternoon and took the ehapoof a perfect hurricane Two lady eicurf from and Miss Bingham were paddling a nance half shore the storm- broke Their craft they but tlievbravery of Council Met at Hills Hall Aug Members all present except cillor Bills presented by A Snider yds grave Newmarket Express printing forms 1600 ft cedar 00 claims presented by A 1 lamb killed J lamb killed CO Baker do The Treasurer was ordered to pay the bills presented and done to sheep The Sureties offered by the Collect or were accepted as satisfactory Councillor Powell was acted to J make repairs Con at lot i on sideline between lots 15 and 18 and also to bridge on Con at lot 17 Councillor Clark was authorized to repair hill on Con at lot 17 was paid Lemon on account for managing Machine ByLaws were passed ordering Clerk to levy following rates County General Purpose County for Industrial Home Township General Purpose 2508 Township School 61 And several Section rates asked for by the Trustees of their re section- Council adjourned to meet at Bills Hall on tbe of September SEE OUR REDUCED PRICES JOBBING HOUSE George Brett has been arrested on the charge of an ag gravated assault upon of Saturday Ont Aug While en- gaged in drawing in peas at Bethel about from here Saturday during heavy thunderstorm John Crawford and his two grandsons War den by name were struck by light ning of the Harry Warden was killed instantly ford and the other boy are likely to recover Bbouoham Atig Daring the heavy thunderstorm which passed over here Friday John A one of our best known and highly respect ed citizens was struck by lightning arid instantly killed Mr was on way to work and took shelter Under a tree during the storm He dead soma boars before being found Porto Aug terrific wind which accbinpanie2 the recent storm destroyed the and demolished a- of or ground while the floods destroyed bridges and- houses fiaused life BBIMSONS CARRIAGE 7 Street Newmarket proprietor takes of bis for very liberal patronage ia path and by Square Honest Dealing To merit their trade in the Id the early part the I did not place my done withjthat Old Reliable Firm The Co Of have bad the honor of representing in After years experience in their goods only arrivemt that thla Co are leading the carriage trade They right Their flTet was to make bat good reliable work have iiriatly adhered to it The re sale is trade knows thoroughly well that a vehicle of any kind made by the Co is ataodard for Canada in quality durability and in every particular There are statements made Ilka the following We can you with a rig equally at good at for leas money These statements should be taken great as persons boon sadly disappointed and financially ruined by experimenting with inferior There is Nothing to be Compared with the McLaughlin Make Any order placed with me now can be filled promptly Samples and new to choose from can be seen at my Show Rooms Inspection and comparison invited Soliciting a continuance of your favors I am sincerely JOHN Repairing in all its branches attended o witb neatness and dispatch a bodies the pit of The Laws Of the Land Do not protect from Spectacle Vendors Protect yourself by consulting only resident and Opticians Our optical department At Your Service make No Charge for testing Your Eyes Sj i j McLaughlin Nert Post Office ami it is estimated that Leave Your FOR A Surnmer Suit or Light Pants fc NEW GOODS just in J SpIenrJid Value iff