Newmarket Era, 25 Aug 1899, p. 2

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iocs Castor 10 Days Jobbing Fruits- Davison Co Quality mot Lehman J tie Smith Table Metropolitan A Central Business College Track Of Time NN Suits- J McLaughlin Lost Metropolitan Electric By Co Toronto to pur with iCHRS Time Toronto am pm 40 pm Attn 16 am pm Return Fare cither way 125 BUT AND WITH Printed allotHome FRIDAY AUG Oar Toronto better Monday was very good A statute was placed on front St James church on Monday I The Eaton Co have commenced tearing down old buildings on the north of their factory propping a for an extension to their build ings It Simpson and Co completed work of their new addition and pushing the work comple tion very rapidly Owing to the oppressive heat on Saturday afternoon the boats did a rushing business old Court is at last dc- and tho building though not finished yet is the scene of much business now The Princess Theatre will have same largo crowds this year as during fair last year as Stock Company is still with now people to lo host in Now York and London and all Mr and most popular favorite as a leading actor Toronto has over welcomed Our Society Column POINTS ILKKHJiThV Within pant ten days a large of counterfeit dollar American bills have boon put in cir culation in city in country in attendance at the fair had better refuse all American if tboy dont want to bo viotimiod During past week young ladies entered the community of Sisters of Joseph religious ceremony in connection with was conducted by his Grace Arch- bishop OConnor Up to the present no trace has boon discovered of worth of diamonds stolon recently from Mra Cox while a guest at hotel on th Island The ia sup posed to have entered bedroom while Mrs was asleep A couple of disorderly houses raided by tho police last week and several arrests made Mr J Rosa was first man to pay taxes in Torontos now ball One evening last week an indigna tion was hold in Ward No to censure certain Alderman for of streets It was a hot time but no results as the crowd was about equally divided High Constable has been notified of tho theft of a bay maro from J as of Mount Albert Tho animal is six years old and has white feet which last unshod County Parish Steeper has case in hand The Library Board has got on its high horse because City Board of Control does not feel disposed to make the grants the Library Board demand This led to investigation it was found so Aid Lynn said that only per cent of the grants went for books and newspapers but went for salaries E in the Crown Lands Department at the Parliament Buildings was found dead in his Tuesday morning Heart failure A good deal of interest is being taken in yacht races out from the Island On Tuesday tho Genesee of Chicago won race by minute and seconds Next day only ahead It estimated that 5500 people took in the excursion to Winnipeg on 1 Tuesday Twelve specials of harvest including cars of baggage parsed over Northern of the to North Bay a York county farmer for an injunction to restrain the Independent Order of from selling the agricultural implements on his farm was refused at Oegoode Hall on Saturday Tho Foresters have a mortgage on his property the interest not having been paid On time they proceeded against him and secured judgement Saturday was the hottest day that has been felt in Toronto this year The thermometer registered 93 Sun day was nearly as bad announced that definite ar rangements have been made by which MajorGeneral Hutton and Bishop of Niagara will officiate at the- opening of the Industrial next week A man named jump ed on the van of a manufacturing firm for a ride to see the finish of the big boat race and when a short distance from the Woodbine team became frightened and was thrown out the wheels of the van parsing over his thigh and crushing it lie was sent to General Hospital visitors Mr J has to tho oily to a situation Mrs was calling Aurora on Tuesday Mrs Flanagan is Improving and ftblo to bo out of Mtea of Is visiting friends in Town Mr Buffalo was visiting old friends last wcok Mrs John Millard has after a wcok at London Ont Mica Nora of Richmond Hill viAiiiug Hernia in Town Wo to learn that Mr has been poorly again Mra Rogers and daughter of Aurora calling in Town on Tues day Mies Edith Robertson visiting in Barrio and her brother Jeffrey in the city Mrs and Miss Smith re turned after spending two at ville Mra Emma who has boon visit in Pickering Juno baa to Town Mrs Jos of Fort William paid a viait last week to her sister Mra J Jay returned a with friends in Smiths Falls and Ottawa Mr Miller of Toronto was guest of at the Methodist Par Friday Mr Win A of Toronto has boon visiting at Mr Martins several days this Mrs and two children from Perth three days set week with Mies Myrtle Millard Mra Harry Willis of Toronto who baa boon visiting hero for or wcoka left for home Friday night Forrest of Mt Albert guest her cousin Mies Allan Park Aye a days last week Mr of Toronto Junc tion representing the Imperial Piano Co was in town this weak Miaa Sarah of Port Huron spent a few week with her friend Henry Wright of Second St Mra Henry Wright of Second Street spent Saturday and Sunday with her Lottie Mortimer Water St Mra Hughes and are spending a few days at Lake the guests of Mra Jackson Mr Ambrose Madden of Toronto after an absence from the town of years is with Mrs Gallagher this week Mra Lewis of Toronto came here to attend the wedding on Wednesday and will a few days with here Mr Edward J In Roy W Smith of Catharines In Town or this of Mr Albert Mr la looking hale and for a roan of Mra Ayr end children of Toronto ac companied by her Bitter Miss Gallagher formerly of town returned homo two weeks with Gal lagher and friends Mr and Mra have been week in Town of Rocho Mr was of our prosperous mer chants ycara Ho is now ruonlng a fruit farm a abort distanooout of Detroit and is footing wonderfully Improved health ho went Into that occupa tion Wo clip following from Port From the Hots published In Toronto dally wo learn that Miss Lillian Bruole of Port has ob tained at honor Toronto University flratclaaa in French and second class honors In Gorman English Latin and Physics Mies of Mr Ira I who taught in Holland Landing for a number of Mr of Hillsdale who for merly kept Royal Hotel at la his this year On of April ho was notified by Commissioners that his llcono would only bo extended for thrco months Since has put In heavily potitiona asking that tho bo continued and Modontoondoraod the petition but still to change thoir decision Mr complied with all requirements and no complaints boon proved against Victuallers now taken up tho and so firmly convinced they that no right to cat off a liccneo without showing just cause that thoy moving for an In High Court of to compel to grant license la a novel and will bo watched with interest Heretofore It been held that Board of Commissioners was with no appeal against their Thlcve8 entered Messrs Garland Rutherfords drug store and stole about from till iA between two trolley cars occurred a few miles north of Philadelphia Thirty persons were injured has entirely destroyed tho business portion of the City of Victor Colorado causing a loss estimated at bush fires from Indian Township of A whole concession of bush land on fire Fox a Hebrew at Hamilton on a of about at Marengo Iowa waived extradition proceedings and returned voluntarily A serious break occurred in tbo Erie Canal at on Sunday three or four days to make tho repairs and about boats will bo delayed by break p of took cramps bathing Saturday night and sank but companions grappled for him and after a groat deal of his life was saved A traction through a wooden bridge in Westminister Town ship and foil feet owner Goorgo Arthur fell with engine and injured ii We have been doing a tremendous Shoe Trade this season- sales more than double any previous year We have just completed a big purchase from an Eastern house of New Goods at about on the dollar V V At opening of the Normal School cession of in Toronto last Deputy Minister of Education Milter open advocated tho Introduction a free school system With two free high In County of the pcoplo would groan under School Taxes for of a limited class coatee the present county high districts would to bo and all the County bo taxed Hon Mr Hoes had hotter go slow along this track Mr Miller also favored of matriculation examinations Normal clasi opened with about students most whom aro ladles Toronto Auk 2 Wheat per bushel a Wheat per bushel a Wheat per bushel a per bushel a per bushel a OSS per bushel a per bushel 0S3 a 0 a 18 a a a a Here are a Few of Prices Mens Dongola Kid Gaiters r Mens Fine Buff Lace Boots Mens Fine Dongola Lace Boots Childrens Pebble Lace Boots reg i per pair sizes to at Ladies Kid Button Boots at Ladies Fine Kid Button Boots Kings make 3 at 2 I Ladies Oil Pebble Lace Boots reg price 125 at CLOTHING We muBt- make a big clearance oi the Clothing Stock week Prices But Almost in Two and as you know we never sell poor clothing 25 00 0 Potatoes per Apples 0 Wool per OH Hay per ton 10 Hoof Geese per lb W pair DuckrfporpHlr Turkeys lb oil CO a a 600 a a a oca a a Oil Pasture Fields TO LET FOR THE SEASON Mens 500 Suits reduced to 3 Mens 800 575 Mens 900 Mens 1000 Mens 350 Fine Worsted Pants at 75 Mens Very Strong Tweed Pants at Boys Fauntleroy Suits that were 350 to clear at 00 A A Few Churns Our own make best need around here on Mies Howard daughter Mr Wakefield toward Bond Head vlcltlng with Miss Myrtle Millard one day Icot week Mr A Smith and wife from Newark New Jersey are spending a week with father Mr Smith at Spruce following parties from spent Sunday In Newmarket Mr Paul West Miss Louisa Weal Mr and Mrs Radmoro of visited Bona Smith Bros photograph- era other friends in town and vicinity during the past week Mr Clarke who completed life apprenticeship at tho Eiu office left on Wednesday for situation awaited him Mr Geo Little of Detroit in Town this week on the boys We are pleased to learn thai ho has position of manacer one of the departments of a largo a lore Mr and A of Holt and family wore grouped at Smiths Gallery on Tuesday This la quite a remarkable family There in the groupe and not one of the children have a since their The father Is of English descent and the mother Irish A A has been ap pointed specialist in at Mark- ham High at a salary of per anumn McLean A will be their mathematical master at a salary of 600 Trolley and underground tele phones got up between Wind and as a result many telephones were burned out and all the lines but one to and Detroit rendered useless County Judge Wilkinson had a narrow escape from death by asphyaxi- in his chambers at last Wednesday The tubing of his gas lamp way and although he was working at his desk he did not notice the smell He was found in the evon- in an condition catch was made at Lake Erie by Eminie Huff the nine- yearold daughter of Huff farmer She made a fishing line from a piece of clothesline and succeeded in catch ing a sturgeon Mr with whom she was staying landed tho fish for her When dressed the sturgeon weighed 110 lbs aha feet inches Monday night an electric storm occurred in the vioinity of Kingston At Kingston Mills four buildings two barns an ice house and piggery own er Daniel and Philip were set on fire by a bolt of lightning and con sumed In the barns all of this seasons crops and part of last years together with wagons harness etc entailing a loss of with an in surance of In East on tho to Mr end Mra Cain a daughter Witwa In town on to Mr end Mre Ed Willis a eon At Mount Albert Aug to Mr and Mrs Geo Graham a eon In Kottleby on the Inst wife of John of a con The Alton At the residence of the brides mother on by Rev Stewart of Maple Rev I Stewart of Manitoba to Miss A Fore tor of Newmarket IjlKboh At the home of the on the 22nd Mr Geo Ianeon of Albert to Nellie daughter of Air Albert taker Newmarket Rev Dewey of Aurora officiating Pure Table Linen inches wide special at Roller Towelling good weight 5 yards for 25c Grey Cotton a thousand yards this week at 5c White Counterpanes extra large reg 125 at 95c Cotton Cashmere per yard Dark Prints inches wide at Dark Shaker Flannell reg at Ladies Blouses that were at 47c Mens Cotton Underwear that was 40c at We do the Leading and certainly the Biggest Dry trade in Newmarket and depend upon it you will serye your own interest by examining our Goods F iiA vine heading Furniture Undertaking Blouse Tomb Bailey In Toronto suddenly of summer on Aug 23rd eon of and Laura Bailey and nephew of Cha of Town aged months Interment at Newmarket Cemetery this afternoon on arrival of train a a In West Liberty Iowa on 2nd wife Edward Ran- formerly of Pine Orohftrd mother of Mra Daniel Mala St North Orders wit receive Careful Attention the Dining One wants an economical outfit Of If you want and tnre for bio apartment we can soli yon bat for the majority this le not the case Therefore we are now telling the finest offering of dining sets ever shown The values are unparalleled Litest Styles in Opposite Royal Hotel market A U With the summer half over we are looking around for room to put the new arrivals of Fall Goods ffhe Way to make room is to push out the Warm Weather Goods Orders aad the way for you to judge of values ia to come and examine the floods We cannot eay how long goods will here aa the price we have put upon them should make them go in double quick time In IB very Departmenttile Prices Have Been Mercilessly Clipped Just opened out Pieces Flannelette inches wide New Patterns at yard Spring Roller Blinds complete with pullji for Black Figured Skirts just opened out at Mens Cotton Underwear at 15c regular price 25f Mens Underwear at price 100 pair Cotton Socks at a pair Mens at each CLOTHING- All Summer Weight Goods must be sold Mens Black and Grey Luster Coats for Mens Bicycle Suits for regular price Mens good strong Tweed Suits price MensLight Weight allwool 8uits price Mens Black Worsted for 085 price 10 Mens Black Worsted Pants well made a pair tegular price pair Mens Good Strong Tweed Pants at pair Boys Suits sizes 22 to for price Bargains in pair of Ladies Oxfords at 76o a pair regular prioe 1 and a pair Ladies Dongola pat tip Buttoned and Laced Boots Misses Buff at a pair reg price Mens Kid Boots laced Or gaiters for Mens Buff Laced Boots Mens Canvas Shoes at per pair Combined with the low price wo sell goods at get Extra Quality Money back if not satisfied pieces of Check Ginghams and Shirtings at a yd fast colors Colored Sateens at 6Jc yd price pieces Wool Finish Cloth double fold at per yard 1000 yards of Colored and White Muslins all one price at per yard yards of Prints good patterns at per yard pieces of Print inches wide at a yard price 12Jc Apron Ginghams inches wide fancy borders at Extra Sheeting two yards wide at 15o a yard yards good Heavy Moleskin at 12Jo a yard Dress Goods black Figured Lustres inches wide at 20o per yard 10 pieces Colored Dress Goods at a yard regular price 80o per yard Fanoy stripe Skirting a yard regular price Cream Nuns Veiling at per yard pairs Ladies Corsets odd lines regular 76c and all at one 40c a pair Ladies Blouces at price and doz Ladies a piece doz Ladies Vests naif sleeves at 10c each doz Ladies Misses and Childrens Cotton Hose at a pair yards Silk Ribbons at yard regular price 10 in Ladies Parasols 72inch Table Linen at per yard regular price per yard inch Bieaohed Table Linen 40c regular price Lace Curtains 2 yards long at 19c a pair Lace Curtains yards long at a pair Large size Colored Table Covers at reg ular Our Grocery Department ysttu ttVSSk on all kinds of Pure Spices for the pickling season White Wine and Cider Vinegars at the lowest prices Fruit Jars dozen AURORA

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