Newmarket Era , August 25, 1899, p. 5

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V 4 AIVCJiA tfrflfw vnr Ha sentimental and J Kim TORONTO J NEWMARKET BRANCH J General Banking Business Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT Sterling arid American Drafts bought sold CoUoqCooi promptly lo a J MEDICAL tin Dp Alfred Dr rout if a a Dr opposite Main lo to y and to touue PAINTING una JO years Id all branches of lbs Pull lino of samples of Id Wall Papers to and door Worth of toe Primary School Church A TRYIiOR Painting promptly neatly and In I also with a Painter and Writer Orders he at Moos Hardware Store at the residence of Mr J head or ueen Street West Bolton Praotlca Painter and House Decorator Corner fltrcut Millards Lane and MISCELLANEOUS Halo St Sundries and Fancy Goods to Loan At per cent ttrauelans farm and village property by Davidson Commissioner taking affidavits J and Heal c Office Hopkins Block Mount Albert Money to Loan At Five per on farm Security by David for taking Affidavits Heal tat Agent Conveyancer Jaer vf Lloenaeo Also Agent for too following or London and Liverpool Montreal Mutual in for the Confederation Life Association To ronto Old Registry Office Corner of Main and Lot Streets FOB THE Brantford Red Bird Call and see Samples at Carriage Repository Also a few secondhand stock THE AND liTOCK EIGHT Also agent for the Manufacturers Life In- The beat inducement to younff to en Text Lord for us wo are glad of the brought upon them great calamity Seventy years before the Hook of Ezra opens of Israel had been carried away by the Assyrians and Judah by tho Chaldeans Tbo former never return ed to their former homo What be came of these tribes in unknown forgot the seventy sad year of exile in Babylon The rejoic ing was great whon tho Jews returned to own city but they wept when they behold its desolation Ezra was a man of piety and learned in the law He edited Jewish and made additions to illus trate correct or complete them He wrote out the whole in the character He was a faithful preach er a skillful and a true reform er PRACTICAL works through human inntru- Even those like Cyrus who not of bis people can nerve him He moves upon their hearts call is for willing service Only with such is God pleased We honor work of by ready service and willing gifts If there be sacrifice now there will be compensation hereafter The chief men and the priests led way So they always ought in every reform The work of requires common people as well as ministers and dis tinguished laymen Joshua and and their associates could not have dont work without the as sistance of the unnamed members of the rank and file The return of the Jews is a type of the return of souls to the promised land of rich religious experience The tenth victim of toe railway disaster on the Canadian Atlantic at St Miss Kleen of is dead At St Me County the fine Convent of the Grey totally destroyed by The estimated at At J attempted to murder his wife He suot the woman twice and then put the weapon in bis mouth and fired Mrs may recover At Mrs Eastwood pick ed up a revolver and jokingly remark ed that going to learn to shoot she did bo the revolver went off and the bullet atruek her husband in the head His recovery ib doubtful Eng Aug 16 Marconi in his experiments with wire less telegraphy at Dover today made a complete success the message pas sing tnrough several miles of cliffs upon which Dover castle stands and twelve miles across the sea Aug The rumor that General del Pilar the moat deter mined and dashing of the Filipino commanders was seriously wounded in a recent battle now well verified He reported to be in a hospital at a town four miles east of Ban Westos Opt Aug Irvine the fouryearold eon of Mr John of this place met with a serious accident yesterday He was playing in the hay toft when he sljp- through a hole and fell to the door beneath He is now suffering from concussion of the brain Ottawa Aug The Standard Bank officials have been notified it is alleged that the mystery surrounding the robbery of on last from the Bowman lie branch has been cleared up and six men are now in Hull gaol who have been identified by the night watchman as having been seen by him in the bank on the night of the robbery pftfALM TEMPTATION ON EVERY HAND a4 Sermon for At From or mo AfBtotlon of wilb take pa prat day- yoiVbe Koep holy Sabbstb though as a off from ana those other Institution whiob pro- to imitate of ybia moral and your Immoral ioolth your and all the and good as ihfl flood that breaks from the Rook of Ages This lose morogr If so lr a tic of hoaroD temptation borer log around all and waring fladLug his la the sot of a laVcndsr Boots as tijbt as- Two hours of in a flsibiug pis conversation mads op of and and Ho belt There Ji only one counterpart to a man at thai and that Is toe frothy young woman at the watering places her oonTorsatlon made up of she has In her bead only equalled by what she has on her back useless over since she was born and to be useless until she Is she becomes an intelligent Christian We may admire music and fair faco and stop but the and and racing busIncM We ft admire tho PW J to be at of our modern watering places tongue Ave J of bunioo degradation The j ware how you mate covenants raoo not of such a- I Another temptation that honors over of impotent folk of blind halt the human The Bible Intimates the watering la that of baneful that a man Is bettor than a sheep and I I literature Almost every one starting he Is better than a horse though for the summer takes some reading mat- Flour Manitoba BEST Hungarian Pat of all Timothy Clover Carrot end Turnip of BEST VARIETIES LIME and Ontario J Cor Main and Huron IN BIBLE Bag Weaving Isaac wishes life public ho has moved to House on Water and that he bus I hut Celebrated lowa Co With all he lute improvement to date that he Is prepared to Work In flag Carpet weaving see Bond your Early OLD NEWSPAPERS For at Era Office per lbs lb la of CbliiM jOrat It Hey J who for ton years has been a colporteur of the a inert- fllblo Society In northern China has returned to the United States In bis last report to the society he says since the presentation copy of the went to the our depository has been visited almost the aun They the Emperor observes WorsDip that he a lonely place to pray to and that be Is thus engaged no one dares disturb him Sometime ago purchased through our large number of Scriptural books and we near be with wmeol the stories of the patriarchs and with an Illustrated Ufa of which bo baa ordered to be bound In and to be put in place in the library He has applied to oar store for copies of books treating of the between the Catholic and Too for SlttD to There are waiting for moving of the water He said Outside the of was a watering place popu lar resort for Invalids To there is a dry basin of rook which ahows that there have boon a pool there foot long feet wide and deep This pool waa surrounded by or or bathing houses whore the patients the time thoy Wore to step into So far as concerned It most have boon a and a Long on a a Leamington and a Brighton combined medical and Tradition Buys that at a certain season of the year an of tho government who would go down to and pour It name bottling quality that people would and gut tbu medication But I pre fer plain statement of that at a an angel came down and stirred up or troubled the water then people and That angel of that stirred up toe watering place had bis counter part in the angel of who In our day steps Into the mineral waters of Congress or Sharon or Springs or Into the salt sea at Capo May and Variant where multitudes who aro worn out with commercial and professional auzlotlea as well as those who aroafQlob- with and diseases go are by thousands bletiaed am scattered all up down our country at a season of the year rail trains laden with and on their way to mountains and the lakes and the Multi tudes of our are away for a absence The city heats ere pursuing the people with and fear of long bull a of sumptuous hotels are a with The antlers of rattle under shot of sports men the trout fatal snap at the hook of sportsmen who toss spotted brilliants into game basket the baton of the orchestra louder taps stand on hotel green and American life has put on festal array and the rumbling of tonpln alloy and the of she Ivory halls on the green billiard tables and the jolt ing of the barroom and ex plosive uncorking of champagne bot tles and the whirl ami the rustlo of the ballroom dance and the olatterlng of the race courses and other signs of social dissipation attest that the season for the great American watering places In full play and drum and clapping wake the echoes of the mountains am that fagged out American life or most part ha an opportunity to rest and that nerves raced and destroyed will find a I believe In watering places bey for active service many who were worn out trouble or overwork They are national restora- lira Let not commercial firm begrudge the clerk or employer tne journey man or church its pastor a season of inoccupation Luther used to sport with bis children Edmund Burke used to caress his favorite Thomas Chal mers In the dark hours of the churchs disruption played for recreation- so I was told by bis own duughtoand busy Christ said to tbe busy apostle Come ye apart awhile into the desert and rest yourselves And I have observed that they who do not bow to rest do not know how to work I have to declare this truth today that some of our fashionable watering places are the temporal and eternal of a multitude that no man can number and amid congratulations of this sea son and the prospeota of the departure of many of you for the country I must utter a warning plain earnest and unmistak able first temptation that Is apt to hover in direction is to leave your piety at home You Will seed the dog and oat and canary bird to be well cared for somewhere else but the temptation will bo to leave your religion In the room with the blinds down and tha doors bolted and then you will come back in the autumn to find that It starred and suffocated lying stretched on rug stark dead Is no surplus of piety at the watering places I never knew any one to grow very rapidly in grace at Mountain House or Sharon Springs Falls of Montmor ency It is generally the that the Sabbath Is more of a carousal than any other day and there are Sunday walks and Sunday and Sunday excur sions deacons and ministers of religion who aro entirely at home some times when the Sabbath dawns on them at Niagara Falls or the Mountains take a day to themselves If they go to the It la apt to be a par and the discourse Instead of being a plain talk about the soul is apt to lx What is colled a sermon that Is some discourse picked out of the effusion of the year ax tbe one most adapted to admiration and in those robes from the way ladies hold their fens- you know that they are not so Impressed with heat as with plcturesquenesa of half ditwlosed features Four puny in the organ loft and a tune- that nobody knows and worshippers worth of diamonds bo the right baud drop into the poor box and then the benedic tion Is pronounced and the farce la end ed toughest thing I aver tried to do was to be good at a watering place The air is bewitched With tha the dean and Christians who in three or weeks in a place novo tarries rents made fa their Christian robe they bad to keep it until Christmas to get ft like Jobs stallion neck be clothed with thunder Horse races In tint were under the bun of Christian people and In our day tbe same Institution has up under fictitious names And It la called a summer meeting almost suggestive of positive exercise tor It Is a book out of the library or off the bookstand or bought of tbe boy hawking books through thenars really believe Is more pestiferous trash read among the intelligent classes In July and August than In all other ton months of year Men and women And is called an agricultural fair J who at home would not be satisfied with suggcotivo of everything that Is a book teat as not really sensible I find lag In the art of farming but under sitting on hotel or the trees deceptive titles the same cheat- reading index of which would mended an spring an health of a grcftt- many people in annual to J some mineral but take log and same betting and the same drunkonncia and the same vagabondage the that were to be found under the old horse racing ays- tern knew a man yet who could to tbe ploanures of the turf fur a long reach of time and not be but tered In morals book up their spanking team and put on snorting cup and light their take the rains and dash down on the rood to per dition great day at Saratoga and Brighton and Cope May and all the other waterlog places Is toe day of the races The hotels are thronged kind of equipage taken up at an almost fabulous price and there are many respectable people mingling with jockeys and gambler arid libertines and foul mouthed men and flashy women The bartender stirs up the brandy smash Tbe bets run greenhorns sup posing all Is fair put In their money soon enough to lose It ibre weeks be fore the race taken place the struggle is and the man In the secret know on steed to bet money roeu on the horses around long ago arranged win Leaning stand or from carriages are men and women absorbed In the of bono and and mettle that they make a grand harvest for the pickpockets who carry off pocket- books and the Men look ing on see only a Hiring of horse with thBlr rider Hying around the ring But there la many a man on the stand whose honor and domestic happiness and fortune White mane while foot white flunk- are In ring racing with and with fraud and with profanity and block foot black flank Neck and nook go the leaders In that moral White horse of honor black of ruin- Death says I will bet on the black Spectator says I will bet on tbe horse white horse of honor a little way ahead The horse of ruin Satan mounted all tbe time gaining on biro Spectator breathless They put on the dig In the spurs There They are past the stand Sure Just as I expected black horse of ruin has woo the race and the galleries of darkness I and the devils in to pick up their wagers Ah my friends have nothing to do wltb horse racing dissipa tions this summer Long ago Government got through looking to the turf for dragoon and the light cavalry horse They found out that the turf depreciates the stock and it worse yet for men Thomas Hughes the member of Parlia ment and the author known all the world over bearing that a new turf enterprise waa being started In this country wrote a letter In he said Heaven help yon then for of all the cankers of our old there ia nothing In this country approaching In unblushing meanness in rascality hold ing Its head high to belauded insti tution of the British turf Another famous sportsman writes How manr fine domains have been shared among those hosts of rapacious sharks during tho last years and unless the system be altered how many more are doomed to fall Into the same gulf I With bull fights of Spain and the bear baitings of pit may the Lord God annihilate tbs infamous and horse racing of England and America I go further and speak of another temptation that hovers over the watering place and that la the temptation to sac rifice physical strength The modern just like this of the text was intended to phy sical health and yet bow many from the watering places their health absolutely destroyed City simpletons boasting of having imbibed SO glasses of Congress water Kami- lies accustomed to go to bed at oclock at night gossiping until or oclock In tha morning Dyspeptics usu ally cautious about their jiealth mingling Ice creams and lemon and lob ster salads and until the gaatrlo juices lift up all their voices of lamenta tion and protest Delicate women and brainless men danolng themselves Into vertigo and catalepsy Thousands of men and women back from our watering places In the autumn with the foundations laid for ailments that will lost them all their life long Another temptation hovering around the watering place Is the formation of hasty alliances The places are responsible for more of tbe domeetlo of nearly all other things combined Soci ety Is so there that no sure judg ment of character can be formed They who form companionship amid such cir cumstances go into a lottery where there are blanks to one prise In the severe tug of life you want more than glitter an not a ballroom where the decide the step bow and prance and graceful swing of long train can make up for strong common sense might as well go painted of a summer regatta to find war vessels at to go among the spray of summer watering place to find character that can stand the Mat of the great struggle of human life If there Is any man in tbe community who Elites my contempt and who ought to the contempt of every map and woman It la the handed soft headed dude who perfumed until air actually aloVi spends hla summer la make them blush If they knew that yon knew what the book was Oh say you must have Intelligent recrca- Ye There is no that you take along to a watering place Hamil tons or some ponderous discourse on the eternal decrees of Fara days Philosophy There are many easy books that are good might well say I propose now to give a little rest to TOT digestive organs ana Instead of eating heavy meat and vegetables I will for a little while take lighter food a little strychnine nod a few grains of rats bane Literary poison In August la as bad as literary in December that Do not let the frogs a corrupt printing press into your Saratoga trunk or White Mountain valise there not good books that are easy to road book entertaining travel books of congenial history book of pure fun books of poetry ringing with merry canto book of new engraving books that will rest the mind as well purify the heart and elevate the whole life There will not be an hour between this and your death when you can afford to read a book lacking In moral principle temptation hovering nil around Oar watering places Is Intoxicating borer- I am told It mure and for women to drink I care nut how well a woman may If she ha taken enough of wine to flush her check and put a on her eye she is drunk She may be hand ed Into a eoOG carriage and have dia monds enough to astound the la She may Be a graduate of young ladles and the daughter of some man in danger of being nominated for the Presidency Is drunk You may have a larger vocabu lary than I hove and yon may say In regard to her she is convivial or she is merry or she Is festive or Is exhilarated but youcannut with all your garhind of verbiage cover up the plain fact It Is an old fashioned case of drunk Now the watering place are full of to men woman to tipple At the of the tenpln or billiard gain they tipple At the of the tlnplu Seated on tbe piazza cooling themselves off they tipple The tinged glosses around bright straws and tipple First they take light wines aa call them but light are heavy enough to debase the appetite There la not a very long between champagne at a bottle and whisky at cents a glass Satan has three or four grades down whloh he bikes men to destruction One man he takes up and through one apree pitches him into eternal darkness That Is a rare case Very seldom indeed you And a man who will be such a fool as that take another man to a grade to a descent at an angle about like the Pennsylvania coat shoot or tbe Mount Washington rail track and shove him off But this very rare When a man goes down to destruction Satan brings him to a plane It is almost a level The depression Is so alight that you con hard ly ace It man does not actually that he is on the grade and It tip only little toward a little And the first- mile it Is claret and the second mile It Is sherry and the third mile it Is punch and the fourth mile la aid and the fifth mile It la whisky and the mile it is brandy and then it gets steeper and steeper and until It is Impossible to stop not upon the wine when It la red when It its color in cup when itself aright At the last it like a serpent and like an adder Whether you tarry at home whloh will be quite safe and perhaps quite as or go into the country arm yourself against temptation The grace of God Is the only shelter In or There are watering places accessible to all of us You cannot open a took of the without finding out some soph watering place Ins open for sin and an- cleanness Wells of salvation Streams from A flood struck of the rock by Fountain in the wilder ness discovered by Water to drink and water to bathe In river of God full of water- Water of if a man drink be never thirst Wells of water in the valley of Baca Living fountains of water A para river of water as clear as crystal from under throne of God These are watering places accessible to all of us We do not have a laborious pocking up before we Start only throwing away of our transgressions No expensive hotel bills to It la without money and with out price- No long and dusty travel before we get there It la only one step away TEACHERS OF BUSINESS Building For Business This college ia for particular purpose of teach ing young men aod women studies are of real importance to them in active duties of life The college owned by leading business men in Toronto and the teachers are experts in business teaching Secure a thorough business knowing of bookkeeping steno graphy or typewriting and you are fitted to meet riuire- of business in a manner your friend ignorant of these subjects cannot do Handsome calendar beautifully and bow business men owe their success to ihe teaching of this college will give you particulars of our of study and and useful and helpful hints asking if you mention paper Students can college at any time British American Business College M C A Cor Toronto Chartered A ccouninm Principal i REASONS Our Trade 4FOLD The new are what The prices art you want right Call and See H The Leading House Sharon G Fffi NOT ANOTHER Just as Good I Made in Styles Sizes and Prices No Note No Letter No 6 Cap There is not a business man using the Shannon File that would be without them after finding howconvenient they are Lawyers and Ministers find them just The Ladies would not them if they knew how handy they are to keep accounts and Every well regulated household should have them The Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited Factory Newmarket and Bay Toronto Notre Dame St Montreal abakflspsan marry day la long A very valiant trencherman Pressed In a little brief authority use doth breed a In a man It a wise father that own Xho den for purpose God made him let him for a man Virtu la ft goodness never fearful The course of trua Iot old run smooth- Jbe fashion out ttora apparel than HOME BAKERY By using a HighGrade Flour we still intend to turn out FIRSTCLASS BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry always on band Wedding Cakes a Specialty Fresh Groceries Always in Stock ALBERT Proprietor Note take ibis opportunity thank many for their patronage and a continuance of their favors

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