Newmarket Era, 25 Aug 1899, p. 6

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HO will bo in Mi vftfikpris just oast of our village and the following evenings rfjfljnduoted by JVioo on at a p Everybody welcome Mr W vinitod Hill on Mr and MM at visiting at Mr Jesse A daring took iTbuniay visited Mr and took one of hi farm horses Ititi they went to wood shop and thej and stole tools next they visited Mr Spaldings tailor shop and took suits of clothes then they went to the station and residence and ransacked tbo place They got nothing but some jewelry belonging to Mrs Charlotte McKay daughter of Mr Bedford and strewed the con tents of the trunk all over the station Then they took to the railroad their clothes and left their old ones on the track They also ransacked Dr J Forests stable took their i Mr shouting You cant and all Mr Parks the new painter at Mr J arrived Monday The repair and painting which w to the 8 Room has greatly improved the vices will likely on the just UNION STREET What has of be Crow We would like to hear from him again as he is a jolly good fellow Mr Will Huntley took in the ex to the on Tuesday Wo are sorry to loose him Mr A Toronto is spending a few days at bis Mr P Mrs of Toronto visited Miss Dunham last week Mr and Mrs G Richardson and daughter fjave been visiting at grandpas and also their Berts Mrs Miss Clara DoGuerre of Nebraska was renewing old ac quaintances in this vicinity last week Miss Ballard of spent bis vacation at Mr Smiths Miss Mar Draper of Willow Dale took tea with Miss Ethel and Mil ler one evening last week Misa C Eves of was visiting a Mrs Watsons last week Peach sooials and Ice Cream par ties are the of the evening During the excessive hot weather of last week many in this section felt the suns rays most too powerful for endurance Mr John Dunham fell from tho binder while reaping from the effects of the heat He was pick ed up and carried to the whore with the proper remedies applied he recovered in a few days Ignis Miss Fogg of Chicago has returned after enjoying a pleasant visit to Canadian relatives Mrs A Brown wife of the Methodist minister is at present visit ing relatives in Edward Co and to bo gone till the 1st of September She has the children with her Mr Brown is batching at home Mr Deverell returned to the city on Saturday after spending some time about and visiting friends and relatives His daughter Miss Florence ex pects to return to the city about lBt September to attend Collegiate Mr Power and Miss teacher of the school have returned to their labors the country schools having responded on Monday last Mr A still goes on crutches from the effects of the fall at the recent fire Mr dauguter from the city with her children is visiting her par ents her Rev Mr Colpitis a summer resi dent at Orchard the pulpit of the Methodist Church here last morning and preached a very earnest sermon from Job XL 18 Id Especially beautiful and touobing was the tender illustration of the little child just learning to walk with outstretched hand to its mother Just bo are we to stretch forth our hands to Our Heavenly Father our hearts being prepared and inqnity being cast far from As is the heart of the pure and full of faith to ita parent so must our hearts be to God Miss Deverillnd Miss Morton are studying velvet and landscape painting with Mr Pollock in Queensville There are others who should embrace the opportunity while they have the chance Little Johnnie Fogg was telling bis pa one day that he had finished harvesting oats He had cut shocked in all in one day using Nigger to his little wagon to draw them What farmer can beat that the while constable Steeper sleeping as snug a bug in a rug The railroad constable was up tho day after but has done as yet We think that the burglars would not have got off so had Mr Savage been aftor While Mr Johnny Hjpkins was at the sawmill of Woodcock his hoi bos took fright and run away They had a regular Mrs Keller was taken seriously ill on Sunday night Wo are sorry to relate the instant of Mrs mother of Mr Geo at tin ripe old ago of yearn Tin funeral wax largely at- by her many friends and rel atives The two Misupx loft Tuesday morning to take their iu tho city Mii Nixon arrived here on Sat urday night to take charge the Junior School which started in full bloom Monday Miss M is teacher A wedding is booked for the near future Mr Mason and wife took a fide across the lake to make an extended visit to her parents Miss Porter is suffering from Mr is visiting this week at Mr Thirske Mr Davison is at attend ing hie brothers funeral Our boys are practising hard for the match on with Newmarket Juniors Mr J Rosamond is home from Pres ton Springs Mr VV has threshing this already 0 Spain Is returned home and wilt repair hie house at his earliest Mr Smart who has been suffering With consumption stooe last spring on Wednesday of last week Mr George Arnold Is putting up house on new farm in this neigh It will make quite an im provement We understand the trustees have a lady teaoher from Aurora We hope the matter is settled for a while Miss Thompson is spending a few days with her aunt in Newmar ket Baseball is having a rest just now The Wideawakes think are the boys There is a great rush to the West jus now We hope all who go will do well and come back rich loo cream is all the go theso hot evenings Miss Emma Jordan spent Sunday with Miss Hogg Delita who has been spending her holidays with her sister in Pine Orchard has returned home Mr Thompson is on bis farm again after quite a long of carpentering on the sixth The Hall are visiting friends here people lefthe pa 5uos3ay on the J The Committee of the decided that must and make good of street distqrbed by laying the track The first funeral town over the eleotrjo took place on Saturday when a speolal oar conveyed the body of Mrs Sanderson and the mourning friends to the interment at Richmond Hill On f Tuesday laai there to the Greatest Annual EipbiWon ana In Fair not only that Canada but knows Periodical Fairs like the Worlds Fair of course run ahead of that of Toronto bat there is no Exposition or Fair to the World that annually that covers a greater scope attracts more people or furnishes more instruction and entertainment than the one that will be held in the Capitol of Ontario ORCHARD BEACH I from the to September Last year three hundred thousand people paid for admission to Canadas A most delightful concert was Great Exhibition a fact that has to on Lawn last the Directors to make increased night which was especially illuminat for the purpose and looked very pretty Squire Jackson occupied the effort to please the crowds Not only has the amount to be distributed to prizes been raised to upwards of and also gave a good reading but more money will be paid Beautiful were rendered by Miss for attractions both amusing and to- xorkeof Newmarket the latter including wireless and Miss Dale of Toronto also duetts telegraphy wireless telephoning by and Miss Oliver and proved X Ray experiments effect of the Dale Bros of Toronto as well as singing by and Abe felt of Perth Master Harry Storm gun cotton explosions in deep water conducted by Royal Engineers life saying from shipwrecked vessels fire lA Winner From the Start Our Cider Vinegar a superior quality strength excellent for purpose gives a nice flavor and do- for table ii not cut ting to the palate try per gallon Always in stook the Best Brand White Vinegar a gallon Beat give Beat Results to your labor Try Cod lb prints each Mixed Canned 18o Oor Para par Fresh Minca Meat package economy A Good Variety Freeh The Choicest Canada Produces At the Right Prices for Friday and Saturday Just What You Want Good Fruit Jars Our Jars are all quality of heavy glass All sizes in Wine Imperial measure Fresh Whole and Ground Spices CRAWFORD LOMBARD PLUMS GREEN GAGE PLUGS PEACHES APPLES MELONS GRAPES BANANAS of Chicago added very materially to drills by professional firemen mining the program by five elocutionary machinery in operation latest which were rendered with mark- 1 trie developments buttermaking corn ed ability and received with much ap- petitions different processes of Miss Wright of who mechanical inventions etc was the originator of the Concert The entries live stock every gave a very interesting account of the branch horses cattle sheep swine Leper Mission in India which is en- 1 and poultry are in excess of all other undenominational purely be- years In short there is not a de- and supported only by voiun in which Toronto Exhibi ts contributions It is now will not this year run ahead of years since its establishment and cartsB the record The dogs will number lor many people in its sixty homes I BOO as against last year With Best of Chicago and Mr Edgar grand dual military spectacle rep- DAVISON CO Found At Saturday ft or money Owner can nave by proving and paying a Apply at office Jackson accompanied singers on the organ Fully 160 people HOLtANlA BALDWIN BREEZES On Monday Cottage the residence of came nearly being destroyed by fire A Spark from the chimney set fire to the roof and was blasting vigorously discovered By asiatance of neighbors it was extinguished A very high wind was blowing at the time and had the house been burned Heines mill and outbuildings would probably have suffered Mr Elijah Morton and family of St Thomas arrived here on Friday eyening Mr Morton left for the NorthWestern district on Tuesday Ari i where he expects to eventually make flna in his home Mr Tomilson left for the on Tuesday hit ultimate relenting battles of Itoilo and the musical ride of the LOST between ine or Mr and Mr J A St a Blue with laree Will finder leave- It at the Post greatly oblige present and was after oclock Dragoons beautiful fireworks effects when the National Anthem closed the performances by an army of the clever- program Before separating a cordial est entertainers money can secure vote of thanks was moved by Col on every hand great mineral Lloyd and seconded by Mr Arthur vegetable and floral trotting to Miss Wright and all those pacing running and hurdling races who had so willingly contributed to and bicvcle contests everything pos- evenings enjoyment The will be covered and more enter- for the Mission was gratifying provided that can be absorb- A concert was given evening on board a flotilla of ten boats tied together They drifted from Orchard Beach to the front of in a single day Host Council r This IS the record of Perry Davis Perry Davis arid is now estimated that the bodies viotimB of the recent ho in Porto have been buried persons were injured by the storm and that people are still visaing Mr and Mrs Lloyd left on Satur day for a weeks visit with friends in and Miss Kate Murphy of Toronto home on a vacation Miss of Toronto her cousin Miss Several of the villagers spent Sun day last at Morton Park Emanuel Grant lias sweet corn feet in height with to ears on each stalk also odd or corn 12 feet 9 inches high with ears on it and pros pects of maturing Some of the ears are ten feet from the ground The above corn all grown on sandy loam Last but not least Mr Grant two ewes which produced lambs inside of a year and raised them all If any person can beat this let us hear from him Mr John Andrews of Bond Head was visiting friends here on Sunday last Mr Geo Morton and Peter Shields took in the sion to the falls on Tuesday last The cucumber harvest is near a close On account of the dry weath er the cutes do not mature con sequently they are no good for pick ling It is to be hopecl shower will come to start the growing again Mrs J Goodwin who has been visiting in the city returned home on Saturday last A new painter has started Here and he is busy now putting the finish ing touches on a carriage We are sorry to hear that Mrs Morris who has been ill for some time is very low and slight- hopes- of her recovery Mr Morris of Mich arrived on Tuesday last Also Mrs John of Severn Bridge daughter of Mrs Morris Miss Chapman who has been visit ing in the past two weeks returned home on Saturday last Mr Luck left on Thursday for Winnipeg where he will in all proba bility reside in the future We wish him every The English church undergoing repairs The chancel is being peredand church which when finished will be a great im provement Mr John Davison and Smith spent a few days this week at the John Tah who has been ill for some time is some better destination probably being British Columbia Charlie was popular about here aud will be great ly missed We wish him abundant success The honey crop about here is re ported to bo almost an entire failure Some person a very Aug 19 and S Songs were sung in- lerspersed with suitable recitations by present Master Harry Storm air was Communications received from coming asking for a loan re building new School House T perfectly still and the music over the water was charming A delightful entertainment was given in cottage on Tues day evening were present and a program of songB was interspersed by splendid selections from Master Harry Storm It was the last nigbt for the American visitors in camp and a fine Our Motto QUALITY FIRST PRICE SECOND THE A Electric CaVs and the Exhibition SinlthS Gallery are the prin cipal till ruction of ihv Town Call hi ltnr it SmiTHBROS Gallery Two door South of House Newmarket covetous disposition Kueakwl away Prof with John Alexanders big citron over Cotton and woolen goods have gone up from to 15- per dent at the mills in Ontario V j b presume they mistook it for a water melon Sunday apparently was the warm est day of the season Its well it was Sunday as it was too blessed hot to work People are watching their gardens closely Those who watch the closest have the most stolen Ive got suspicions aroused Two of our young ladies are display ing very engaging rings on their hands Draw your own conclusions drawn mine James miller has left here having secured a fine mill at Co We would recommend the ladies to bring their produce to Baldwin to market on Mondays Several buyers and good cash prices Gum Swamp will shortly lose one of its oldest and most highly respect ed residents Mr Joel Thompson has leased his farm to Robert Small wood and has purchased a large property in Scott near firownhill to which he will remove this fall Jos Miller the mason leaves for on Thursday Free Metb corn Perhaps you never saw any Not much different only a little better than any other Rev Minor didnt brag but just quietly cut a stalk of common field corn not ensilage eleven feet eight inches above the ground and placed it off exhibition at store Aug Trot out tall corn Next Mrs and Mrs Samuel drove to Markham last week andreturned like the children of Is rael loaded with the fruits plums and grapes of the land There is said to be a woman resi dent in locality who seems to look through green goggles at her old man a sort of second hand partner She has a mania for jumping in the pond when she gets in a passion and of flourishing big butcher knives I may observe she is careful not to jump in whore the water is deep jumping after and dragging her out she should be left awhile to soak the nonsense out of Geo Chapman and Geo have returned to their schools after assist ing their friends with their harvest- fire in Hamilton on Sun day morning ir and never saw a spot he was so charmed with as tbis summer resort Prof Best and Master Harry Storm of Chicago also Mr and Airs Will Oliver of Place have been spending a week or so at the Oliver Cottage Mr and Mrs Angus Williams and Miss Millie Howard were guests of Col Lloyd over Sunday A party of about people com prising the Piayter field Lawyer and Bailiff and Wilson families spent last Friday at Saints Best Mr Walk of Toronto has been a guest at holm for the past ten days the property of Mr P Morton has changed hands Mr Boyd of Roachs Point is the new proprietor and he takes possession next week We understand he in tends to continue the boardinghouse business The excursion to last Satur day was well patronized by the camp ers A bus load of the occupants at Mr Olivers Cottage took a ride to sons Point on Monday for the day Four boy a swam from Davisons Store to Roachs Point one day last week Walter Jackson got in ahead Wayling bill re work on road machine Amos Hale sheep claim A Binns bill re hardware bill re bridge irons Thirsk bill re building and material for Culvert I M bill re lum ber A Jones bill re as collector Petition reed from Trivett and others asking to have cattle pre vented from running at large on road Diy Con The Reeve introduced a bylaw re loan to of Bylaw regularly passed and adopted granting a Loan from School of at five per cent repayable in five equal annual payments The Reeve introduced a bylaw to levy taxes for year Bylaw regularly passed The rates levied are as follows County rate mills on Gen school rate 2 do Township rate 1710 do School section rates are as follows E Ring 910 of a mill do 110 You wane Good Drugs We want Good Customers we dear together Special This Week and CHAMOIS COMBS Prices Astonishing The of Time W Pagan Man had to shoot of his horses as they had contracted that incurable disease glan ders reply is said to be alto gether unsatisfactory to the Colonial Office and the Transvaal situation looks more warlike do 4 do do do do do do do 11 do 12 do 18 do do II If It it it if ws A SCHOOL Which receive Call for Women for office positions within the Confidence of Business Men The Toronto was bus favored nee July fifttb and oettalnlj enjoys that People the Influence or a reputable cannot do better than to attend tbis College reasonable Results good opens Sept Bight regular teacbort Proper t inent Write for Principal 1 r i 2 110 Whit Brown Hill C Separates On motion Jos A Collins pointed Pound Keeper The appointment of Collector was deferred until meeting of Council The Clerk was instructed to notify James Wright to open the natural water course now obstructed opposite the culvert Con Lot The following were ordered to be made Amos Hale A Binns Way- ling I lumber re Sidewalks 10665 I lumber re Con lumber re Sharon sidewalks W re dog destroyed found worrying sheep In re of petition from residents in 1 Con Council consider ed required as by Chap 207 sees provision is made preventing the running at large of all animals within half a mile of level grade Railway Counoil adjourned to meet on Sat at am PAikKaiKBpurwaU sorts of cuts bruises burns and -strains- Taken Internally it cures diarrhesa dysentery Avoid substitutes there is but one Perry and I J i 1 It Is Not Too Late For you to leave your order for one those Nobby Suits at the CENTRAL MOB SHOP Call our and exanfine as goods speak for themselves and Overcoatings In- All Varieties R McLaughlin School Eyes Supply Their Intellect Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair in school or success in business If so handicapped of children for glasses is a special feature of our Department r AtWnsoii GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Jewelry i I ati cbDging of Diode of Graci d Btylfi and cotafortableMby you a aeftt la tbe beat and tbe price low one Made to wear to give act loo coy Tailor A Auction Sale HOUSE and FIVE Of LAND Town Under from there be offered for sale by public auc tion Saturday Sept the of the late Edward on Eagle adjoining the la a two story cast building In repair Tb- the very beat and nicely young fruit trees In full bearing Tola will for an Ideal home with all the advauiagc of a Town Rale on the at p will be offered for sale Id hi vVl to of per cent at to make Shi within and balance can be apply to and LLOYD Solicitor for AUK 1SW barrel White Wheat per bushel a a OOQ Bed Wheat Goose Wheat per bushel 00 Buckwheat Barley per Peaaper Bye itt Bethel Better roll per lb per wool per lb Hay per SCO a Porkperoirt J a lb m a pair a per pair a Turkey per CO flW per torj a a a a a a a a a a a a a on

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