Newmarket Era, 15 Sep 1899, p. 2

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A tLMie Fart Grocery Opening Co Far raptonw Fair Oar MoDourrH Wanted A Fftim for Vim C Farm for Mrs Vornon Miss Clayton Notice Annie Cowan Socket Lwi- A K Boom toBrtiftw trie By Co Toronto to flw opened wiiu way CARS pur day TIME TABLE Worth Toronto Newmarket am 11 am IS pm lb pm am am pm 40 p in Return Fare either way 125 LETS UP I BUT it OUTER AND Printed NOTES The Exhibition number of that journal Farming la a beuiy Tub Ontario have called a Convention at lomor row to bring oat candidate to contest the Hiding at the At the West Elgin Liberal Convention bold a on Tuesday last Mr Donald was chosen the petty candidate for ib- vactnoy in the Legisla ture ISO were at the Coo- into the cause of death of several valuable cattle at the Industrial Fair hue proven bat no contagions disease existed Experts report that death in each case bad been caused by too mo oh forcing tain manipulation of the adder with the view to improve it appearance Tricks in all trades ours The breeders it Is thought were trying to play sharp The Dreyfus trial is at last concluded to general anticipation on a finding of five to two of his Judges he is found guilty and sentenced to ten years imprisonment The leading press of Great Britain Germany and America express astonishment at the finding of the court And deolare the decision an outrage We have not followed up the trial close enough sneak personally of the case judg ing from the character And standing of both the public men and of Britain And the United States who the re sult an outrage it would appear there most have been a miscarriage of jostles Ink Drops Newmarket Fair Opene Tuesday Three this year Wednesday it 8ohool Childrens Day Military Concert Wednesday night Dont the Hippodrome Have you made your entries returned last week after spending her holidays in Manitoba Mr Lester Norton of Toronto was csUinu on old friends yesterday He is grandson of the late Doctor and took a up to his old homo on the trolley Mr Thompson of Holt was in town on Monday last saying goodbye to his many friends previous to bis departure on Tuesday for Indian Head by Mr Hill of Queens- Daring Beturday la Postmaster- General clock spent part of the day in Town Large cambers of his constituents and personal friends were glad of the op portunity for a friendly handshake and social greeting Mr Mnlock has been spending some days at his oonntry farm- Ids on Tonga St near tbis town but left this week to give personal attention to in the western part of the He expects however taws by tomorrow to Attend a meeting of the Cabinet In the Afternoon or on Monday next as be convened by the Premier AURORA v Mr John a retired fermerof Tuesday of Deceased quiet manner bad made friends with the widow iily to token over by fevi lire who boa foyer- for ftow and was hi out inViO iuH Mr Walter l heme on Sunday of fluWMUanislfs row Mil Mori Is of Is the now milliner at Miss milliner Is Again is in Oibawa this weok to at a wedding Mr went down to the oily on jury Tuesday morning Mrs and mother from vitltlng Bolton Mrs and the twins vltitlng in the over Sunday f Miss May Gray has returned to Brant ford after spending throe months at home Miss Barry of New market is visiting relatives at the eon House Mrs J Millard entertained several friends on Friday evening of lait woek at Mr Thompson of Lima Ohio has been the past woek with his Dr Mr Ernest Miller was home from Mfobiiten a few days last week to visit his mother Mrs JR Miller Mrs Frank Smaller here from Da- having decided to reside in the death of her boeband Mr and Mrs had a few friends in to tea on ihe occasion of their wedding anniversary last Mr A Terry is expected home tbis week after spending six weeks with son Rev Alfred Terry at Mrs Enoo Evans of Peter who baa been viritlng friends in Newmarket and surroouding left- for home on Monday Mr and Mrs Watson took a cruise around Lakes and obi week remaining with over Sunday Mrs of who has been visiting at Ml Albert for a few was in Town on Saturday calling on friends leaving for home Minn of Dutton accompanied her brother to Newmarket for a weeks visit on reinro from home where be spent a short vacation Mr J Barry of Toronto whose visit hero was mentioned last week is with a banking firm and not bakers The error wat made by one of our oompositore Three weeks ago Mrs Eli Armitsge taken down with a severe attack of which left so weak that still Many anx ious are for recovery Postmaster has sent an other batch of Klondike newspapers Competition and the opening of comxnnni- cation has wonderfully improved their appearance bat tbe price remains the same a copy Mrs Eli Vernon of Toronto and Mrs of Toronto Junction spent Wednes day in town with friends While here Mrs Vernon lost a bill of her pocket and its return to the office will be greatly Appreciated Rev J of ac companied by bis sister attended the funeral of their uncle on St on Tuesday He also called on a few friends in town next morning before reluming home Mr Jab Wilson of Armada Mich eld est brother of Mrs Fred gave her a very pleasant surprise a few days ago by dropping into her home This the first visit be made to Newmarket since he left years ago and he hardly recognized the place Mr Clerk of who was em ployed in a private bank here and left New market 19 years ago was town last Fri day making enquiries about our system of vVatei works He was pleased to see the progress Town had made during his a use Prof of New York the old- on the American continent who was attending the Undertakers Con vention In the last work accompanied Mr Alex Millard to Newmarket over the Friday to see the ana they were by Mr J Millard during stay town 1 i Leading Store We are now in the midst of a Big fall Business Trade is better than ever before We bound to make this store the place above all others that you will want to shop at Many reasons com bine to make this the most attractive place for you to do your buying Our salespeople are exper ienced courteous and considerate always of our customers interest You will not at any time be urged to buy what you do not want and for anything bought here we refund the money if goods not satis factory We buy all our goods in the best markets for spot cash thus enabling us to buy at exceedingly low prices and sell you reliable goods at prices that other stores cannot equal If you are not already a customer here we want your trade and rest assured that if you buy at this store you will be a gainer by it READ EVERY ITEM IN THESE PRICE LISTS Pasture Fields TO LET FOR THE SEASON A Few Churns Our own make the best used around hare on sale JOS i Tomb McLean At bis fathers Brad ford on Monday Sept aged years months and SB days Allan Martin only son of Allan and McLean CLoArKE In on st On 10th Edwin J aged years months and days G pi em wood InEast on the 26th of Aug beloved wife of Greenwood eged yeAts slid 12 months FURH1TUR J Main t prompt Dress Goods We are showing just now the best range of New Dress Mater ials that we have ever shown and prices are Below Par every time The very latest in Black rough finish figured Goods sold in Toronto at here The very best line of Suitings in the newest shades inches wide at Heavy Tweed Effects very stylish goods at Poplin Cords in new shades at Fancy figured Black Goods at 25c The newest and best in Dress Linings and trimmings 9 Boots and Shoes We doing a bigger shoe trade than has been and no won der Think of the values Ladies fine Kid button Boots special at 1 Ladies strong Pebble Lace Boots at 00 J D Kings extra fine Don- Button 225 at Mens strong Lace Boots at Mens fine very neat Lace Boots at Mens fine box calf Lace Boots a Boot for 1 95 Mens extra fine goods in make Vgnv- strong neat Labe Boots Girls strong pebble Boots- to 2 Mens Boys Clothing We are justly proud of our New Clothing Stock Every suit and every Overcoat is a Genuine Bargain Mens fine black Beaver overcoats best farmers satin lining made in newest style all sizes 585 Mens heavy extra value at 500 Mens fall weight whip cord Over coats very stylish special at 790 The best range of 1000 Overcoats in the country Every one equal to a tailor made at 16 Mens very serviceable Tweed Suits well made and lined at 375 Mens very swell double breasted Suits made of fine all wool Tweed best linings at Boys strong Tweed Suits 150 Boys Very Stylish Suits at 250 Boys three piece Suits extra value at Carpets Curtains The best value in Lace and we have ever shown Would like you to examine them Ladies Jackets We have just Fall Coats i- We have just opened a magnifi cent range of New Wall pers Nothing like them has ever been shown in Newmar ket They come at every price from cents per roll upto25Cii sure you see our stock if you have any paper hanging to do this fall Be special at opened our New and as regards Style Quality and Price they are the Best value in On tario Come and see them Fine Beaver Coats made in lat est style at Very Stylish Jackets in Fawn- Navy and Black at 500 Handsome Curl Cloth Coats that you would pay 1000 for in Toronto here at 790 Ladies very stylish Outside Skirts at 250 The material alone is worth the money Misses Jackets at Special Prices Staple Dry Goods Heavy Union Flannel nice soft quality at Very Fine Union Flannel at 14c Pure Wool Flannel at 20c Extra Heavy Flannelette Shirting at 10c Flannelette Sheeting at 10c Wide pure linen Table Damask special Unbleached Twill Sheeting extra heavy yards wide at 18c Heavy Halifax Tweed at Extra Heavy ticking Special Value in Bleached and Factory Cottons tiT

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