Newmarket Era, 20 Oct 1899, p. 1

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gives more news every week than any other papers in North York combined audits acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper i J YORK INTELLIGENCER AND Give mo liberty to know to and freely according to conscience above all other liberty ADVERTISER No paper Bent outside of North York unlets paid in advance No CopioB Newmarket Ont Friday Oct 20 TXT Its yet doubtful whether Will Win International Yachting Championship there is no doubt about the fact that The Grand Jewel Stove The Confidence of the Public also the Welcome Pearl Ranges They are winning every time See sample at G A HARDWARE PAINT A T NEWMARKET Prico is not everything Quality and Price go hand in hand with us AND If you will in Bank each month what we save you in price you will never be Broke See our Fall and Winter Dry Goods See our Fresh Family Groceries See our Boots and Shoes Which wo make a specialty of BUFFALO ROBES BUY BE SATISFIED COME AGAIN SASKATCHEWAN AND INDIA a J DENTAL A I Dentist Post Office opposite the Methodist Vitalized Kit tor Painless Extracting Satisfaction Guaranteed P Dentist OrilHa will be at the office of Dr Porter Brad ford every Monday MARRIAGE LICENSES by man Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES I Slightly nearsighted today More so tomorrow Progress of near sight is the forerunner of blindness The smallest amount of near sightshouldnotbe neglected Examination free At the Era Newmarket Papers issued at private residence I INSURANCE J R Agent for Vive and Money to an interest at Current Kates At the GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson Co Store NEWMARKET If you Buggy than anybody else has a slick Cutler or best Ho ben Id the country call on r wmmpiHbD or any kind of a I have big some small some sound some cripple fast alow quiet some some nice and some very homely ones and they are all lor sale R Ramsay Insurance Agent Low on Farm and Town Property Weaving t Lundy wishes to Inform the public House on that ho hat Celebrated Iowa Co Loom with all Improvements to date and that he la prepared to do Best Work In Hag Carpet Hodges Tin fihop Newmarket flee Bend The Old Home Klf Of a dear old homo and a dear old farm aprlog Is kissing the And their blossomed foam And a neat In tbo eaves And Is with tie golden atara And tho robin fIs1ios his And An is sinking to O dear old farm and the dear old home And birds singing over each noat But the ranger there and loved roam To and North and the West its plume And the wind low In the pints And garden is with And the bumming bird swing in the vines meadows are green and clover is sweet And the rill is singing its song Rut I in vain for the of your foot And the voices I heard so long P HI HIT dear old farm and tho dear old homo And the graves where my dear ones rest And tho wanderers over tho wide world roam To East and North and the West Sehomberg Fait most successful Fair ever held by tho King Township Agricultural Society closed hero Friday overling Never in the of the oldest resident were there so many people in village before fully people coming from all parts of North York and the neighboring County of Sim- coo to see the Exhibition and tho horse racing In all departments the exhibits were good and the directors are congratulating themselves on the gate receipts The speeding were keenly contested the winners in the various events as follows Threeyearold trot or pace Texas Pirate owned by William 1 Gertie owned by J Shav er Toronto Skip owned Ellison Open trot or pace Annie Gold owned by Mr Barnes Toronto 1 Birdie J owned by Brad ford Jett owned by Mr Jackson Toronto Best time 221 Marion owned by Ed Jackson Thornhill Tom Hamilton owned by J owned by J Beamish Best time trot William Smiths Lulu T Elliotts Chimes Little Fred Best time In goasyouplease raco William horse took first and Mr Thompsons horse second Terms 125 per annum I 100 if paid in adyanc fobbed the A startling incident of which Mr John Oliver of Philadelphia was the subject is narrated by him as follows I was in a most dreadful condition My skin was almost yellow eyes sunk en tongued coated pain continually in back and sides no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day Three physicians had given me up Fortun ately a friend advised trying Electric Bitters and to my great joy and sur prise the first bottle made a decided improvement I continued their use for throe weeks and now am a well man I know they saved my life and robbed the grave of another victim No one should fail to try them guaranteed at Lehmans Drug Store President will not at tempt to mediate between Great Brit ain and Transvaal and blacksmiths of the shops at Winnipeg to the number of about one hundred went out on strike in sympathy with the striking machinists To Deaf A rich lady of her Deafness and in the Head by Dr Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums has sent 1000 to hie institute so that deaf people unable to procure them may them free Apply to Department Q The Institute Eighth Ave New York USA ExcitiQg War News Volunteers are to Go to Front LONDON En Oct 13 The chief war interest has been transferred to the western border of the Transvaal around where Col Baden- Powells command has been isolated since Thursday it being impossible to communicate with the town either by tail way or telegraph The Boers started their campaign with a characteristic and successful piece of guerilla work On Oct 12 they intercepted an armoured train running between Vryburg and Mafe at a siding forty south of and by the use of artillery wrecked and then captur ed it Fifteen of the British were kill ed and almost the whole captur ed Two light pounder guns which were being sent to Colonel Baden- on the train were captured Though oldfashioned they may from their mobility very useful The good fortune of the Boers in striking the train when they were on it hints at their possession of good informa tion The fact that another train having on board women and children refugees from was due to pass about time of the disaster led to the surmise that this was the train that had been derailed Late telegrams however announced that this train had passed Boer camps and arrived at in safety the wrecked train being the one travelling in the other direction with the guns as stated Oct At Brighton this evening a public meeting was held under auspices of South Af rican Association in support of the Government The hall was crowded over persons being present in consequence of the report that Mr Kipling would speak The chairman Lard Talbot at the outset read following letter from Kipling I see tho papers have gerf- credited mo with the intention of speaking at your meeting but as I pointed out when the association did me the honor to invito me public speaking is entirely out of my way I need not say I am entirely in sym pathy with the object of the mooting and realize countrys obligations at this crisis to support Her Majestys Government unreservedly Their de mand I take it to be is for equal rights for all white men from Capo formed in open council representing every interest in land These things are good and desirable and I recognize that it is the duty of each one of according to his abilities to work together for their attainments LosDOS Oct Details are at hand regarding the destruction of an armoured train at siding Tneso show that Captain wh was in command of the train was warned that the Boers held the line He replied that he was bound to proceed On pan a few miles further train dashed into a culvert that had been blown up by Boers who were ly ing in wait for the train The Boer artillery immediately opened fire and a desperate onesided fight appears to ensued lasting four hours The precise details are uncertain It is re ported that the Boers lost heavily but there is no means of verifying this Two miles of rails were torn up London Oct The following official despatch has been received from Cape Town The engine driver and one native escaped from the arm ored train The former was in the hand He reports that was slightly wounded and that the party in train whose number he doe3 not know was cap tured by the Ho believes that the prisoners were unharmed The armored train thit was sent to from with the two 7pounders has returned to in safety having transferred the guns from the train No battle occurred at Ladysmith on Friday Sir George White made a demonstration with a considerable force towards Van Pass and some of tho other gaps in the mount ains but no fight occurred Canadian Soldiers of the Queen Ottawa Oct 13 Government of Canada will over a military con tingent to Transvaal Tho Cabi net spent some time at both yester days and todays sitting in discussing certain minor details necessaty to the proper rounding off of plans of the Government but principle that the contingent should he sent was never a matter of debate The Min isters decided this afternoon to carry to tho Zambesi their aim the j nut an arrangement which had been of an oligarchy and then vindication a new add regenerate Transvaal governed under equal laws into the army in Africa a contingent composed of a number of units of 125 men each and certain officers tho highest to bo major ho that the units may on arrival bo consolidated with iho Imperial officers The movement is to be entirely a volunteer one The number of officers and men de termined on is which is a much larger number than that supplied by any other colony of Empire The Militia Department which has all its plans in shape will immediately pro vide arms and equipment for the ne cessary forces Tho comanding officers of various corps throughout Can ada will be asked to obtain the names of volunteers to bo forwarded to the Minister of Militia Only men in the very best physical condition will be accepted and preference will be given to good marksmen It is expected for reasons that chiefly un- men will form the contingent will bo made by the Canadian Government for the equip ment of the contingent as above stated and for the transportation of the foiceito a point of debarkation in South Africa On arrival in South Africa the contingent will be received into the Imperial army and will come under the Imperial array regulations The enrolment will commence at once Every part of the arrangements will be pressed forward with all pos sible speed and it is expected that in accordance with the understanding with the Imperial Government the contingent will sail from Canada for South Africa before the 30th MajorGeneral who is at Calgary and Otter have both been summoned to the capital The Allan line steamer Siberian has been chartered to convey the contin gent to South Africa Ottawa Oct Arrangements for the mobilization of the Canadian Transvaal contingent are proceeding rapidly and it will not be more- than ten days at the outside before the thousand Canadians shall have been fully equipped and armed The following militia order was is sued yesterday Headquarters Otta wa 1 His Excellency the Governor- General in Council having been pleas ed to approve of the despatch of Can adian volunteers formed into eight companies of infantry for active ser vice in South Africa it is hereby noti fied that 1000 volunteers will be ac cepted and that their enrolment has been authorised at the places mention ed below upon the following condi tions viz a Service under army act for six months with liability of extension to one year Rations clothing and equipment bo provided free Pay at rate laid down in militia regulations for the perman ent corps from attestation until date of disembarkation in South Africa from which date pay will be at British rates Standard height 5 feet in ches with 34 inches chest measure ment Age not less than nor more than The following are the places of enrolment Victoria Van couver Winnipeg London Toronto Ottawa Montreal Quebec St John and Halifax arrived at through communication with Imperial authorities The quires from firms Home Government agreed to receive I States Bismarcks Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health Indomitable will and tremen dous energy are not found where Stomach Liver Kidneys and Bowels are out of order If you want qualities and the success they bring use Dr Kings New Life Pills They every power of brain and body Only cents at Lehmans Drugstore 2 Montreal Oct Tho Canadi an Pacific Railway Company it is re ported has placed orders for some or new locomotives with several of tho leading locomotive manufacturers in the United States This is the first order for locomotives that Canadian Pacific has placed out side Canada for many years All the machinists in tho employ of the com from Fort William to tho Paci fic are out on strike because offi cers of the company refused to their labor union The conduct of the men in going out on strike has induced the company to depart from its policy in the past of turning out its own locomotives in Canada With exception of its repair shop3 it id understood that the company will close alt its locomotive shops and in future locomotives it re in the United County The annual convention of the York County Womens Christian Temper- Union was held in East Toronto on Thursday and Friday of last week There was a large representation of delegates from all parts of ttie county The ding report showed that the organization was pro gressing and that new unions bad been at Keswick Thornhill East Toronto and The Treasurers report shows 182 received and expended Mrs of showed that in her report through the influence of the ladies many churohea had adopted the of wine for sacramental purposes A grand meeting of the child ren was addressed Mrs Moore of Eglington whose line of thought went in direction of Gods care and pu rity of life Mrs Cody of Newmarket likewise addressed the children her theme being Shining in the Dark Corners or the Power of Example During the first afternoon Mis3 sang The Good Shepherd and after refreshments were served in the basement of the church an even ing session was held by resident ministers and Mrs ford Dominion president of the C Mr Howell contributed with a cornet solo Miss Flossie Taylor sang very acceptably and Mr J Sander son of Hill and the combin ation choirs of the Methodist and Churches sang very ap propriate selections SECOND DAY Reports of the officerswere present- after which the election of officers took place resulting as follows President Mrs Cane Newmarket vice president Mrs Sutton corresponding secretary Mis3 Wiley Richmond Hill recording secretary Mrs Irwin treas urer Mrs Abbott Toronto Junction Superintendents of were appointed as follows Evangel listic Department Mrs Cody New market Flower Mission Mrs David- sou East Toronto Franchise Prosser Keswick Fair Mrs Irwin Weston Juvenile Mrs Winch Bel- haven Lumbermen Mrs Rao Sutton Narcotics Mrs Derry Rica- Hill Purity in Literature and Pres3 RaMroada Mra Rutherford Toronto Junction Temperance Rev Keam Thornhill Society Purity Mrs Flint Parlor Meetings Mrs Proslor Rich- Hill Curfew Mrs McCnlloch East Toronto Lords Day Observ ance Miss Hughes Systematic Giv ing Mrs Unfermented Wine Mrs Gilchrist Toronto Juno- tion Mothers Meeting Lowe- Newmarket Journal Miss Roach Eglington Indians Sutton The late superintendents of these departments gave their reports and most of the day was taken up in upon hem At the close several resolutions were passed the moat important being the following Wboreasthe people of the Dominion in the recent plebiscite vote endorsed the principle of prohibi tion by a substantial vote resolved that this convention expresses its strong dissatisfaction- at the failure of the Dominion Government to take steps to give effect to the voto of the people as expressed at the polls also that it records its full sympathy with the principles embodied in the resolu tions adopted by the Dominion Alli ance at his annual meeting in July last Other resolutions were passed urg ing cooperation with other temperance societies in combating the evils of in- temperances and asking those who had votes in municipal elections to them only for those persons to temperance Absolution to form leagues in public schools was also adopted Are grand but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy Arnica Salve cures them also Old Running and Fever Sores Ulcers Felons Corns Warts Cuts Bruises Burns Scalds Chapped Hands Chilblains Best cure on earth Drives out Pains and Aches Only a box Cure guaranteed Sold by W E Lehman Druggists I Herbert with two com panions jumped from a moving freight train near Brighton was killed and the others more or less hurt

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