1 THE yr P Butts and Overcoats A Go Clothing Priced Montgomery Book Starr Gem Ponies for Jackson l i Metropolitan Electric Co i to Oars if TIME TABLE Leave Toronto heave Newmarket rSOnm am I Pm pm pm pm iV Return Fare cither way 125 am am II 16 am CO Pm pm pm IS pm pm She UP I UT AND WITH Pointed OCT 1 Oar Society POINTS PLEASAKTY Important Announcement Pyemic of Ontario A On Tuesday owing to illhealth Hon A S Hardy resigned hie position as Premier of Ontario and Attorney- General and also as a member of the Legislative Assembly resignation has been accepted by Hie Honor IiieutOov and the Hon Ross has been sworn in as Premier and assumed duties of Mr Stratton will bo called to cabinet to fill The Liberals of the Province will deeply regret the causo of Mr Hardys retirement after years of faithful service as a Minister of Crown but will be glad know that his man tle has fallen upon such worthy shoul ders as Hon man of sterling integrity and wonder ful oratorical ability as well as a vig- worker Conservatives of West York met in Weston and again nominated Mr John for Assembly A gathering was held at on Monday when ad were delivered by Premier Hon Hon Fielding Hon John and others main theme of At was splendid progress that has been made by the country daring the last three years Now that the limited express to the Coast has been withdrawn it la to be hoped that the of on Sunday will be cancelled The service In the Metho dist so disturbed laet Sabbath that the pastor was obliged to wait in the middle of a sentence till a train stopped whistling The feeling of the is entirely against cars and they should be stopped by of Parlia ment Mr J Pollock is moving to Town fromQaoonsviltti Mrs Shane mother of Mrs here on a visit from Toronto Miss Eva Is spending week with her sister in Toronto Mrs Forsyth of was visiting at Methodist over Warden Woodcock attended Fair down in lst week Mrs J and danghto Rone visiting with friends in this Hon Win postmaster In Town Wednesday on hie way to Fair Mr and Mr Foster spend ing Thanksgiving holidays at Mr Timothy Wilkin of Barrio Is spending a few days with her brother Mr Nelson filephona Whitchurch Mrs of York Co U East Toronto this week on temperance work Hughes of Toronto ret mod homo on alter spending a week at Mr Mr Jaokeon loft for on Monday to spend a few days J will return homo with him Mrs Geo spending a days with slater Mr trancj at Vandorf who Is in poor health Mies Winnie Belfry of was guest of Mrs while call ing on numerous friends in Town tho past week Mr to Thomas to tsko ohargo of Class till Christmas and not tho as in laet Issuo Mrs of Toronto who spent weeks her fathers Mr W Brodle and Mr who was hero two weeks loft for home Saturday I of San sister Audrey of Sharon who oyer on a visit during the pant three left for on Mon day who has been in ell summer was visiting his mother aooupleof days this week prior to return to his studies at Hall To- rooto Mrs Scott of Toronto spent last Sunday with her sisters the Misses Trent Farm and Miss Trent Is visiting in tho for some time with her sitters Mrs Stafford and little daughter who have been visiting at her fathers Mr J Grcon for the past three weeks will prob ably leave for their home In Toronto to morrow Mrs Cody and Mrs Hughes gave glowing accounts of the Convention In East Toronto at the Union Meeting here on Tuesday and also of the hospitality of people Mr Burke who drives one of the NewmarketSoda Water wagons and was taken very tick with Bronchitis at ham Fair is getting around and hopes to go on the road next week Hon J Davis Secretary had made all arrangements to attend the Qaeensville Show on Wednesday but ow ing to important public he was unable to attend a fact Mr very much regretted towns vilaacbutwecn rind North Toronto giving on of eight cms way dally between said And Who tat one of conditions In the Charter of tho Metropolitan My Co is that tlio Co shall freight over its road and In this Town other muniolpolitlca through which It pass- may got fall boncfltof condition it is necessary that tho Metro- Co should bo allowed to make necessary connection with Trunk lino railways at North Toronto and other points lit it that it is highly that the connection between tho Metropolitan By Co and Canadian Pacific Co at North Toronto should bo made necessary authority should bo granted for purpose thus giving all points on tho ne of Metro- Co direct connection with both tho leading railways of this country That and Is hereby luatuot- to deliver a copy of this resolution to Hon for Konh York at Ottawa Carried The of putting an all- night incandescent light at By crossing on Timothy street was dis cussed and finally left with the to report thoroon Anderson reported that the cost of putting water service into residence of Mrs Millard would not bo less than 60 and asks tho to allow Council after some discussion con sidered that it would bo a bad prece dent rule laid down is that whore tho will not produce 12 cent on outlay the extension must bo by individual and BO for this bad been strictly adhered to Clerk reported that Joe Mil lard wanted a rate for a tap in hiB pasture field to Council was of the opinion that only just way of in caso is by motor Mayor Cane thought a small meter could be got for about Anderson reported that the sidewalk on Cotter street was in bad repair and Win Gray wanted an ex tension bis residence Council of the opinion that the sidewalk would coat more than all the taxes from property in years hut tho Com instructed to report thereon Chief Anderson on behalf of Fire Brigade asked for two pairs of rubber boots a two rubber coats for use of Fire A Light Committee was instructed to enquire into necess ity of the request and report at next meeting The Chief was also instruct ed to sec that oil rubber coats and boots are left with tho reels Council adjourned at p Toronto better A heavy storm of snow and sleet is reported in- the Northwest Territo ries last Friday Fire broke out in the Livingstone block at early Tuesday morning and destroyed both it and the Dart Block Ten or twelve business establishments were burned out Tbe World on Tuesday paid a tribute to PostmasterGenerals Yukon Policy that be expected from that quarter an article describing the ex perience of Mr Parker of Toronto in the Klondike it says Another thing that he said people here wrong aoont was the impression that tbe postal to Dawson was bad He received nearly letters while he in the territory and they came to him every second week through a mail servloe that considered nearly perfect Ho said that the complaints made were due more than anything else to insufficiently ad dressed letters and Postmaster has a bale of such letters and does not Know whose property they are There Is absolutely no truth in story published in Conservative orgsns at To ronto about a split in the Dominion on of differences of opinion in respect a Canadian contingent to the Transvaal Tbe further rumor given that Hon Mr bad threatened to resign in- case the Govern- decided to send a contingent to South Africa he emphatically denies Ths at tempt of the Afflif to Import party politics Into the question displays the than the patriot and does not meet public approval to the Mother not confined to any one party In this Dominion The Government has decided to told an investigation into the loss of Scotsman Col Oct 17 For than a week a snowstorm of un precedented severity for this time of year has been rasing in the mount- tains surrounding it fit Council Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor and Council lors Robertson villo Hughes and Smith Following bills passed Somerville services as Con stable two nights of the Fair Vaccum Oil Co supplies Canadian Gen Co re pairs to arc lamps Canadian Gen Elec Co sup plies Mrs cleaning Council Chamber Geo wood for Fire Hall Town Hall 26 charity for Cane and pons wood for 4985 Roche and Co hardware for RB Expense of Indigents to Gen Hospital Freight on Engine Repairs freight on mineral wool to be charged to contractor Bell Telephone Co conversa tions Bell Telephone Co rent Pay Sheet Road Bridge stone on roads Pay Sheet Road Bridge Gor- at repairs 16 Fire Light mov ing Telephone line 06 Johnston drawing coal Codling drawing 4 The Metropolitan Co sent a communication stating that the line would be completed through the Town early next Spring The Chairman of the Fire Light Com reported verbally that theNorthy Co had withdrawn their account of for use of pump Moved by Mr Robertson and sec onded by Mr Whertdt the Metropolitan Hallway Co has made direct connection with the Town of having run its line of rail- way up street and through the Jaws Jew is not a of the peace of any country Even Trill concede that Ho is not a loafer ho la not a sot ho not noisy ho Is not a brawler nor a rioter he is not quarrelsome In statistics of crime his presence Is conspicuously rare in all countries With murder and other crimes of vio lence ho has but to do ho la a stranger to the hangman In police courts daily long roll of as saults and drunk and disorder lies his name seldom appears That the Jewish homo la a home In the truest sense is a fact which no one will dispute Tho family la knitted together by the strongest affections its members show each other every day due respect and reverence for tho elders la an Inviolate law of the house The Jew Is not a burden on the charities of the nor of city these could cease from their functions without affecting him When he enough he works when ho Is Incapacitated his own people take caro of him And not in a poor and stingy way but with a fine and large benevolence His race Is entitled to be called most be nevolent of all the races of men A Jewish beggar Is not impossible perhaps such a thing may exist but there ore few men that can say they have seen that spectacle The Jew has been staged In many uncompli mentary forms but so far as I know no dramatist has him the Injus tice to stage him as a beggar When ever a Jew has real need to beg hid people save from the necessity of doing it The charitable institu tions of the Jews are supported by Jewish money and amply The Jew make no noise about it It Is done quietly they do nag and pester and harass us for contributions they give us and set us an exam pie an example which we have not found ourselves able to follow- Mark Twain Harpers Magazine At a recent mooting of Garden ers and Florists Society date of annual show was changed from 18th to tho 15th of November The exhibition will bo in tho Pavilion Sunday October has been chosen as date for tho autumn church parade of city garrison Armstrong Black will preach the ser mon at Hall At a tiro which broke out late last Thursday night eight horses belong ing to Burns Co at foot of Bathurst at wero money loss is estimated at Mr J A a railroad contractor at Clancys on Saturday morning Only hour ill heart failuro The Public games on Satur day had to bo about oclock on account of tho rain English cricketers had a pretty easy thing with the Canadians at as thoy have had everywhere else They won by an innings and runs Tho total for tho Canadians second inning was 174 for tho Eng lishmen for wickets Josoph J villo loft an of 20952 con sisting of money secured by mortgages stocks book arid notes 2140 The two neices Polly and Ward get each and all residue is loft to tho widow Mrs Mary Brown Lennox of Aurora issued a writ at Osgoodo Hall on Monday on behalf of Campbell of Whit church latter wants a decree dissolving his partnership with Thos Ryan in a threshing engine and ma chine and an injunction restraining Ryan from interfering in any way with business or accounts printing pressmens union other than those engaged in print- of daily papers wont out on strike on Monday morning for an tncrcaso of wages from to per week of hours The employers offered or arbitration About men went but but if tho strike lasts any time it will involve at least printers and bookbinders John McCabe for shooting with in tent to do bodily harm was sent to penitentiary for years A subcommittee of Allocation Committee hold a conference Tuesday with the representatives of tho York County Council to settle question of of maintaining tho latter quarters in now City Hall At a previous meeting tho city offered to pay per cent of expenses if the county would pay the other 25 per cent The offer however being considered was refused and Warden Woodcock said that the county was willing to pay per cent but no more Judge Tuesday after noon dismissed with costs a line fence case between Samuel and Jeremiah Brooks of Whitchurch claimed he had possession of the land in dispute worth about for tho past years but last spring Brooks moved the fence and took in an acre and threequarters A A AA SAW t r Newmarket WWVftWWVWVW I Good Buying makes Easy Its because we buy in the best markets of the world for spot cash that we are in a position to discount the prices of competitors In many lines we are the heaviest buyers in North York and when large buying and spot cash go hand in hand the buyer can almost make his own terms PURCHASE FOR CASH Ladies and Childrens Jackets and Ulsters sample goods and clearing lines bought for spot cash at very little more than- 50 cents on the dollar only Girls Fancy Tweed Ulsters price 6 your choice 3 8 only Ladies Fine Black Frieze Jackets reg 4 your choice 290 All sizes in Fine Black Beaver Jackets worth up to 700 your choice 500 Ladies Handsome Curl Jackets worth up to io your choice 790 fe teit always CLOTHINGS In this department we have no competition not even a close second Enormous cash purchases a extremely close figures have made it possible for us to sell clothing to our customers at less than some merchants would pay the dealers for them See the Mens Suits made of all Wool Tweeds in neat patterns well lined perfect fitting goods at See our Stylish serviceable Suit at 750 See our big range of fine Suits at 1000 See our fine Beaver Overcoats at Extra Fine Black Beaver lined with best Farmer Satin Mohair sleeve lining per fect fitting Stylish Coats worth 15 our See our Boys Suits from 150 to 600 See our Boys Overcoats from 2 to 6 Mens Pea Jackets reg 5 special at 375 Pasture fields TO LET FOR THE SEASON A Few Oar own make the best need around here sale A young child of Mr of killed by falling into a well Lance of Grand Valley aged thirteen was killed by falling out of a tree Children Cry for AST to Pop Sale at a Bargain Span of Shetland Poniee Burv Cart Robe Harness Saddle Complete Outfit in good condition Will aell ponieB separately if so de sired JACKSON The At Holt on Friday lost Mr and Mrs Hopkins a bod At Holt on Saturday Inst to Mr and Mrs Frank a bod Bokp In Aurora on the Inst to Mr and Mrs Bond a sod At the Inst the wife of Mr George Newton a eon Ik town on the loet to Mr and Mrs Geo a daughter SPECIAL BALE OF Just What the Farmer Wants Hot A woman In Germany a hat that cost her was anxious to buy a bat but had nothing with her except a lot ticket merchant Accepted It In of and a few later It drew the great prize woman tried to in dues the to share tbe but he consented to share to ex of The total length of the streets boulevard bridges quays and thoroughfares of Paris generally set down at about of Looks something like the Page but Is much stronger I have accepted the agency for this fence and am prepared to sell the out fit to do their own fencing or will contract to put up fence by the rod Sample may be seen on Lot 2nd con of Is which nearly are planted with J Newmarket PO A GOOD CARTERS OUTFIT Apply to fittest Seed EVERYDAY WILL BE BARGAIN DAY DURING OCTOBER Gall and See Prices Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket The Altar At Holland Landing Oct by Rev A Brown Mr George Thompson to Sydney daughter of Mr Jacob RoLiavt At Trinity church Aurora on the by Horace Incumbent Mr William Morris to Mil a Lily A land both of Holland Landing At Trinity church Aurora on tbe met by Rev Horace Mr Holland to Mies Charlotte Morris both of Holland Landing On October at St Johns Charch Weston by the Rev Rich daughter of J to Mr J editor and proprie tor of Weston Tints Tomb At Suonidale Simcoe County on the George aged years Deceased waa born In Ireland and for some years resided in King KEEP no Kino of pain on EXTERNAL THAT WILL HOT HE LOOKOUT FOR IMITATIONS SUB STITUTES THE GENUINE BOTTLE THE NAME PERRY Q By buying your Suite Early at Tailor Shop A stock of and Blue Serges Also a Choice Lot Fine Tweeds for J Main Newmarket will receive Careful and Prompt Attention I OVERCOATS and PANTS Toronto and A SPECIALTY Oct Flour per barrel w White per bushel a Oct Rod Wheat per bushel CO a CO White Wheat per a Buckwheat Wheat per a per Barley per a 0j bushel per bushel a CO bushel Pea per bushel a Ry a j a Butter roll per lb Butter per lb IB w BbeepaWna Wool per id a per ton CO a W a CO a lb flCO a SCO per pair a a 05 Tuey a 0 Bran per e till OH 05 CO 0 on on 0 w a CO si a CO a A a is w a a a a a a a a a a a a a a