Newmarket Era, 20 Oct 1899, p. 3

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vkTr lews WHAT ON IN A ABOUT TOWH Trolley Return Toronto from Wednes day to Saturday only ia bow many arc travelling on road Shooting annual match of 4 York will ho hold on Mr Farm near Aurora on Thanksgiving A good and Interest manifested No doubt will bo a good turnout of morning of pulpit hero Geo preached ajinlvoreary at morning and congregation good and good Over added to Thanksgiving fund driving Into Town on Tuesday morning and Mr to a fluddon atop of a light wagon off- front went and box dropped No particu lar damage- hut was a little awkward for tho part of the day Broken Last week Mrs David Lloyd wont to city to her visit taking with her Pa night child nearly four of ago foil out of bed and Ha Mr Town waa down over and lad doing aa aa can bo but will not allow him to bo brought homo for daye after tho Commencement in the Town on of will be of moat popular of program an of and delight and being almost entirely composed of local talent it will draw a crowded house proceeds will bo devoted towards replenishing tho High School Library The full progiam will bo found in another column of todays issue and from manner in Principal and assistants aro for occasion wo sure it will bo pre sented In a very creditablo As tho admission is only loo you cannot af ford to miss it A few seats will bo at plan at Convention for the North York Sun day School Convention to bo held it New market on the and of next month will be sent to Township today and should reach every school in tho Riding by Sunday of Oct which will give for ap pointment of and necessary pre parations program an excellent and Normal Work is a very prominent feature The Executive has been fortunate in se curing of several able speakers as well as a number of local and there is every probability of a most pleas ant and profitable Convention Metropolitan has promised a special service to Aurora at the close of the Convention both evenings Parents Teachers A cotemporary tells the story of a wo man who took her girl to a new school this fall and there found it interest ing to note conduct of other mothers who were there on similar thus the mornings experience One woman met the teacher with indif ference spoke with her briefly and turned away Another greeted the same teaoher with cordial sympathy and frankly spoke to her of her childs shortcomings that in attention or carelessly prepared lessons might be excused thus showing an earnest desire In co operation in a mntual work Another examined the arrange ments for ventilation and enquired wheth er tho drinking- was filtered One wonders how many children who began school after the holidays were accompanied by intelligent and sympathetic mothers or indeed were accompanied at all Unfor tunately only a small per cent of parentp aro known to teachers Open crowd down Town last night to hear the Rand Concert was delightful the will permit of another jet Band under Mr leadership Is a credit to Town Sent Doom On Friday last Albert of Whit- who was committed for trial by Messrs Woodcock ana Jackson days ago was tried before Judge Mo- foand guilty on of stealing an iron and logging Good mooting lat Sunday under of Royal Mrs Cane in the chair and Mies Lash organist Recita tions by ankle and liar I and reading by Mrs Jones and excellent address by Miss Palmer Open meeting Sunday by Police Count In of Bowser on Saturday night tho bench virtually dis missed case Hold go to pay to wbloh ho advanced for in repairing boat is to boatbaok to ho found it and question of ownership is to bo by civil court Inspector Anderson has laid an informa tion against three parties at North for disorderly conduct on Tuesday after noon will Investigate charge on Saturday night of Days Last Friday night wo had a of old- illumination The of at Light Station not of were obliged to use wax candles having diepooed of their coal oil lamps after installing light It was a forceful reminder of light of other daye and tho Incon veniences formor generation labored under Fortunately wero completed by noon on Saturday and everything was In fair working order for tho important night of week for the merchants Cones Factory Tho now dry kiln la about com pleted so for as the and carpenter work is concerned A car load of new ma chinery engine fan and heaters for tho now kiln arrived on Tuesday and will bo put into operation as soon aa possible Mr J baa been laid up since a weok ago last Monday on of a piece of glass flying Into his whilo A young man named Henry got the end of his thumb badly jam med last week by a board kicking off saw but it is hoped that amputation will not be necessary Improvements tho residence of Mr Leh man is greatly improved by the removal of front fence and grading tho Mr J is tearing down the front of his residence and adding about 1G feet the whole width of his house which will make four more rooms Mr R is making quite a change in his enlarging west and north windows building a veranda with a balcony and adding a gotbioto roof Alderman Somerville will commence next week to the foundation of hie livery and make extensive repairs It Tells You Your home paper tolls you when to go to church to county and council and when to send your child to school says an eminent divine It you who is dead who is married who is sick who Is bom and many other things you like to know It attention to enter prise and advocates best of of law and order in the town It records the marriage of your daughter the death of your son and the illness of your wife free of It seta forth the advantages and attractions of your town invites im migration and is the first to welcome new comers Yet in spite of all these benefits some the homo paper is not half good the city paper that has no interest in their business or success The home paper like the home church too often neglected by those who are benefitted by it ymjft potnl The wellknown form otUrBraUu the will not bo soon on our market any more Ho died last week from received runaway and was buried on Saturday at King City with a Ponds Chief Anderson laid an information be Warden on Monday morn- log against two young men for conduot on Saturday night They at acknowledged offence fined each and Regular meeting in Tempera Hall on Friday evening at oclock AH tote of the Lhurier Government most cordially Invited to bo present bo for at the of which each is ex pooled to speak on political subject Tho question for at meeting will and It Is hoped that young men particularly will bo pro tout and informed by this means on political day Dont Boys Cigarettes In law it la just as bad to glvo a boy un der of ago olgarottcs as it Is to soil thorn to htm Wm farm band who works near Creek learned that Saturday morning and information cost him Tho Magistrate said that wan lowest Ono ho could according to law Co requested constables to summon every person had learned of selling or giving cigarettes to boy Clubbing Era and Weekly Globe lor 81C0 Era and Montreal Witness for Era and Common Sense vols Era and Weekly Mail Era and Montreal Star including and prize guess Era and Farmers Sun 146 Era and Ladies Journal Toronto 1 Balance of 1800 free to new received for Mineral at and Bradford all now that sired cars rati up to Block A large attoodanoe at Iho Donne Sale on Toesday notwithstanding the wet weather but not half the stuff was cold All the best furniture carpets wore loft for an adjourned sals property was not sold Wadding The following clipping from Mail be of special Interest to many of our readers Avery pretty wedding was solemnized at 7 oclock last In Perth Methodist ohurch Toronto Junction when Helena Jean Hopper of Toronto was in Morton of Ottawa was doooratod by a beautiful of flow ers and other floral decorations Rev Hill of Methodist Tabernacle Toronto performed Tho bride looked In white Swiss mus lin trimmed with lace and white satin ribbon rosettes and carried a bou quet of roses was attended by Miss Maud Sharpo sister of groom and Mies sister of while of the groom was the maid of honor Tho groom was sop- ported by Mr William J of Brant- ford After a very dainty supper was served at residence of brides mother Mr Mrs SHarpo will In future reside at Ottawa after a short honeymoon In tho Eastern States tN Thanksgiving Day Union in tho Friends Meeting at am Sermon by T S Weeks A and Mo- Mies Palmer to assist in service Good attendance anticipated Mass In St Johns churoh at am Morning prayers at oclock In St Pauls Church Office at am on Thanks giving Pay Bradford Fair today and Friday Con cert tonight fl Pleasing Promotion We clip the following from the A very enjoyable us well as profitable day was spent on Saturday last by Mr and staff of Peterborough branch of Metropolitan Life Insurance Co being in att at the annual con vention held by the company at Ottawa at which some four hundred of Cana dian representatives were present A not able feature of the occasion was the pro motion of Mr J Kavanagh formerly of the Collegiate staff here and son- inlaw of Mr Shortly to the position of superintendent of St John district Mr Kavanaghs many friends in town will be pleaded to learn of his succeas Mr is a Sharon boy and Miss assistant in Newmarket PO lb his Sale Register Oct Mr will have a sale of implements and household furnitoro on promiBcs at Holland Landing till next on suras over at ono sharp Tuesday Oot Mr Peter Brown will an extensive and unreserved sale stock implements on lot con King one mite from Kettleby Credit till next Oct on sums over MO except for hay hogs poultry and roots or 8 per cent off for cash at one Anct Men Faiicv Stripe Wool Shirts and Drawes Mens Scotch Shetland Shirts and Drawers sold regularly at for Mens Fine Fleeced ined Shirts and Drawers Mens Fine Pure Wool Fleeced Lined Shirts and Drawers Mens Pure Scotch Wool Shirts and Drawers Extra Large Size 50c and 60c Men s Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers weight ounces These Goods were all bought for Spot Cash long before the advance in price Once Baking Powder and you will use no other CORNER Are still doing the largest Business in Clothing and Boots and Shoes in Newmarket and everyone knows that have the most uptodate Mens Furnishings in the County Our stock of Boys and Mens Underwear is complete and the prices are right Mens Tweed Suits from to Mens Underwear from 50c to Mens from- Mens Hats from to Mens Long Boots from to 350 Ladies Boots from to Change of Time A new Time Table on the went into effect on Sunday- The following Is the time the trains due at Newmarket Going South am 1260 pm and p Going North am pm and Freight been very active the At care have been shipped out and carp been brought to The exports include cars of train two care of enow from the Specialty Works cats of from Canes Factory care of to Montreal for the old country cars of horses 1 car of flour to Qoebeo 1 mixed oar of cattle and imports in clude care of for Canes Factory cars of quarry atone for building pur poses care of machinery cara of general freight The now siding la progressing a good deal of work be yet Thanksgiving Big crowd In Town last Saturday The Market Square was filled with loads of po tatoes apples live chickens and carcasses of mutton lamb and pork Tremendous crush in the Market building Large mar ket and the produce moved off rapidly Prices were Inclined to go up Eggs sold high 17o and butter 19o Dress ed from CO to per pair Dressed geese from to per lb Dress ed turkeya and per lb Live from 30 to per pair Lamb and by the Potatoes and Apples from to per barrel Yellow from to each Citrons from to each Cabbage Co each or for Squash and About head of young were sold by auction at prices ranging from to each There was not as big a market on day as was anticipated Eggs readily at and butter and 19o turkeve sold from to per lb pair and pair were plentiful and told as low as On Dentist Serious Charge Last Saturday a man named Freeman hired a rig at livery to drive to He was to be back by four oclock on Sunday afternoon but not turning up at pm Mr became uneasy and drove dowo to Aurora Here be heard that this rig was seen in and he had a warrant issued for the arrest of the young man on the of stealing the Freeman arrested in Aurora on Monday by Constable Savage but he on the way to Newmarket to return the rig Warden Woodcock held an investigation on Mon day evening but Freeman did not account very satisfactorily for the absence of the and the case adjourned for a week to see If it could be found Ae Freeman could not give any bail Constable Savage took him down to Gov Greens castle on Tuesday morning Mr Savage while in found the missing robe in a pawnshop and was informed an advance of had been made on it Freeman will be tried in Toronto on Monday Carter Smith upset a load of goods In front of Dr residence one afternoon last week but fortunately there was noth ing broken Chief Anderson got a telegram on Satur day to look out for a horse and boggy stolen at Court in Newmarket next Wednesday and In Sutton on the A nightbloomer second time this sea son at The Bowery last evening The telephone line to the Home In good working order again The Executive of the Newmarket Bible Society meets on Friday evening Bell In the Hall on Wednesday night under auspices of Library The Directors of the Cheese Faotory came to no definite on Saturday re garding the putting in of a butter plant Messrs Allan sent a load of marble to on Two cars of machinery for the have arrived Be Ready Physio should be thrown to dogs but there are certain household rem edies and first aids to the injured that should always be ready for use Marion explains just what they are inane first place of four volumes Health Topics presented to each sub3oriber who takes advan tage of clubbing offer for 1900 of The Weekly which has been for over years and is now Canadas leading family newspaper from now till January for and Mar ion latest book Bits of Common feonse four volumes Bent free postage prepaid See Bra club bing rates Columbia the York Oct In a glorious wholesale breeze over a windward and course of 30 miles the Yan kee defender Columbia today scored against the Shamrock the first of the 1809 series for the Americas Cup It was a magnificent race skillfully sail and decisively won by 10 and 8 sec The seven yacht race flukes have cost those who went to see them about according to esti mates printed this morning The Now York Yacht Club which has the financial management of the races has so far paid out 21000 New York Oct 17 With every condition favorable for a successful contest the second of the international yacht races of the Americans Cup re sulted in a hollow victory for the Col umbia the Shamrock meeting with an unfortunate accident just after the start effectually putting her out of the race This gives the defender two of three races necessary for a win and the prospects are that the will not be lifted this year at least although the Shamrock crew are not very believing they will yet win out Take a look at our Fall Caps Our Groceries are always Fresh MONTGOMERY Baking Powder pound The York County Departmental Store THE CHEAP STORE Atkinson a boy of sixteen years lost his life in a wheat bin at A little boy named grant was kill ed at Paisley by a falling upon his neck Oct 14 Masked robbers held up the fast transcontinental mail train of the Northwe3tern Railroad shortly before midnight between Maple Park and Kalb shot at the engineer ran away with the engine and blow open the express car and safe It is estimated that they secured in cash When you Buy a 1 la You not only want latest style but want that will the racket the kind you will find at shop of Main fit They are handmade all heat of material to wear belter than machine work and at low Over 111 If you dont see our Stock you certainly will not be doing justice to yourself Be advised and do not buy from the first store you happen into he round of the Clothing Stores and we will be perfectly satisfied with results Do not be led astray by an alleged reduction in your favor This is Jew business and as you know Jews get the most they can Our rule is to get the least we can and one price to all rich men or poor are alike to ns Stick to your own judgment You have the Largest Stock in North York to choose from here and guaranteed the Best Value anywhere j DIPT XXX White Wine Vinegar gal Pure Black Pepper lb Pure Jamaica Ginger lb Pure Pickling Spice lb Horseshoe Salmon Haddies round tins oval tins Surprise Soap 4c Eclipse Soap 4c Comfort Soap 4c Richards Pure Soap Bath Bricks 4c Lye 5 7 9 tin Rolled Oats lbs for PATENT Hutch and 20c Castoria Pierces Golden Medical Discovery Burdock Blood Bitters Hoods Sarsaparilla D L Liver Pills Dodds Kidney Pills Thomas Eclectric Oil Chases Catarrh Cure Shilohs Consumption Cure Chases Linseed and Turpentine Wells Richardsons Butter Color and Diamond Dyes 1 NEWMARKET ONT

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