Newmarket Era, 20 Oct 1899, p. 6

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i j rtVvyv W i IIaT COR- WORTHY VOBECOUIfi OAK RIDGES A number of wore to Bonds Lake Sunday by two carriages and a round the lake on steam Gipsy No regard for the Metropolitan locomotive is stored in car shed at Ponds Lake waiting until tbo Company permission from Toronto Council to tboir lino with the P when it will bo put in oporation for hauling freight Oak can of a moat J carrier About the for arrival of mailcar a dog bo at bis post waiting for budget of which bo into post MOUNT ALBERT and had a fast bit on tho bridle and ran a railo on a rough road got it No damage was done Burglars into J- other night by raising a window Mm happened to bo up with She heard a down and her husband Ho fired on but made good escape who are fond of good music should have been at Methodist Church last Sunday night Tito choir sang lovely Mr is in the city this about his trial with Township A union service is to bo held in Methodist Church on Thanksgiving Day conducted by and Mr Both Jewell is very siok Mrs J Johnson is seriously HI Mrs Wesleys mother and sis ter bore from Newmarket on Sunday Miss of Toronto who is poorly is visiting her brother Mr Ramadan RICHMOND HIM J I in IP- HOLLAND LANDING The past days have been quite summer like it may continue ao for a while Mr John Murphy in Wo are sorry to dangerously ill Harvest Home Service in tho English Church was largely attended on Wednesday evening Mr of Bradford officiating congregation of Methodist Church intend having a Fowl Supper in a short time particulars later Mrs Williams and Master Frank Leslie of Place who have been visiting at Mrs past month returned on Saturday last Everyone is going to Bradford Fair it being the last one of the sea son in this vicinity Mr John Murphy jr of Toronto arrived homo on Tuesday on account of his fathers illness On Tuesday afternoon tho 10th three couples wended way to the nuptial knots tied Thompson and Miss Keefer united in wed lock at Queens- by the Rev Mr Brown Our genial barber took to himself a wife in the of Miss Lillian Rowland and Mr Nelson Rowland and Miss Morris were united in matrimony also Rev of Aurora officiating Wo wish them ail joy and happiness We hear of two weddings in near future Some one said who is it It wouldnt do to give it away Miss Anderson of Bond Head is visiting at the Misses McConnella Mr John still continues very poorly Mr is improving and hopes of his recovery are enter tained One of the old pioneer settlers of this place in the person of Mr L Johnson was calling on friends last week He is halo and hearty Ho hasten residing in the city the past year arid was attending hfa wifes funeral which took place here in the family burying ground on the Twentyfour of a lock of be longing Mr Glass wire killed by dogs on night Proctor mother of Mrs William Sanderson is ill with paralysis of the throat She formerly lived In Newmarket AURORA Mr Charles Willi under treat ment for a broken collar bono caused by falling from a trco while procuring nuts near tan nery is teing extended and strengthen- ed to permit safe passage of the Metropolitan trains Division Court will be held hero by Judge Morgan on the morning of the int and in the afternoon a Court of Revision tho voters lista against there 111 appeals will bo presided over by the samo authority Mrs left hero on Mon day for her homo in San Francisco Frank of is hero visiting her sister Mrs A J Mr Norman Terry left last week to accept a situation in Toronto Wo wish him success Wo were pleased to see Mis A Kenton so far recovered as to bo able to accompany her sister homo to New market Mr and Mis John spent Sunday at Mr A J Miss Ox toby left on Sat urday for Chicago Wo to see her with us again Miss Annie has returned homo after spending a pleasant month with friends at Miss Lizzie has returned homo to stay for a while Miss Alice Wesley has returned homo accompanied cousin Miss Griffith of Wilfred Mr Bon was a guest at Mr Phillips on Sunday Mrs J Hughes has returned homo a thrco weeks visit in To ronto A St James Church was handsomely decorated for the Thanksgiving ser vice OK They Beauties The two premium pictures for Fam ily Herald and Weekly Star readers being distributed to subscribers They are beauties One is the of Alma in colors the other is en titled Pussy Willows All yearly subscribers get both free on receipt of a years one dollar It pays to subscribe to that great paper The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is in a class of itself Canada should be proud of it THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS- A of lb of Not to United of The present var In between and of but a continuation of the rebellion which confronted which resulted In the the Philippine republic as it still In fact nearly all of many pro clamations issued by Filipinos at the breaking out of hostilities be tween Spain and tho United States announced that treaty made With Filipino leaders known ok treaty of had not been fulfilled leaders of that rebellion wore absolved from any agreement they had made with Spanish and that they were call ed upon to up arms In behalf of the Filipino people against Spain a nil as allies of Americans And so it is Unit present rebel lion in but a legacy United States by Spain A history of that rebellion and the establishment of the republic la not unin teresting Ah far back as 1810 Spain had given the native Filipinos a teste of that political liberty which after ward cost the mother country ho dearly This came as a result of the first bill over passed In which was In January Under this law deputies chos en by the people were assembled Madrid from all of the Spanish colo nies From time to time until political privilege were denied Inlanders arid It was not until that they secured another op portunity for any voice In eminent At that time an assembly of reformists was convened Mani la by authority of the revolutionary government which had deposed Isabella the establishment of assembly was but a farce as all reforms voted for the colony wore subject to ratification by govern ment at Madrid of the pre valence of monastic Influence the re forms voted at Manila all failed of ratification at Madrid and so were carried Into effect and the assembly soon ceased to exist monastic influence that had practically killed the assembly kept growing stronger each year until the patient native would bear the indignities inflicted upon him by the friars who weru the real gov ernors of colony no longer and on the of August the that had so long been aim- Prompt Service to Orders Bent in ewma Newmarket Delivery Govern Satire Town Grocery Our ib one that us to make Low Prices to our customers and always give them Fresh Goods Two things worthy of your consideration lbs Baking Sugar for Wo a riico Yellow Sugar on hand now bars Soap for White Star Soap lb bar Fresh Ground Coffee 23c at per bottle Standard Jtickles 15o NewSalmon Maplo Horseshoe Brand 15c New Tea picking Selections that will please the most discriminating house keepers your favorite in Formosa Oolong Japan Tender Young Hyson and India Ceylon pungent and richly flavored Customers who already used our Now Tea say it is ahead of all past records Extra Fine Currants per Butter Sweet and choice lb Prints Cheese Rich and Yellow McLarens Imperial Cream in lb jars Pink Salmon special at Lord perfect for cooking and baking Boneless Codfish fresh print Bacon ideal for breakfast lb sliced lb Freeh Sausage Salt Bacon Nice Largo Cranberries quart Large Sweet Oranges dozen liflrgo Lemons do2 Large Bananas doz Largo Solid Cabbages and Cooking Applet windfalls peck Choice Apples hand picked and peck Cocoas and Nourishing to tho body delicious to Bulk Cocoa fresh 30c Cowans Cocoa lb tins each Cowans Rock Chocolate lb bar 10c Cowans Un8weetoned Chocolate lb bar 10c Unsweetened Chocolate bar Extracts have the strength We have what you want in different flavorings Price i Supplies To make work light and labor pleasant Silver Dust 1 lb package Household in bottles Laundry Starch good 7c Boston Laundry Celluloid Starch lb Yellow Hard Laundry Soap per bar Ideal Blueing 4 squares An odd lot of Good Brooms o clear out at and The Best Paste Stove polish Humbug Candy 20 Cents Pound Choeolates Fesh 20 Cents Pound A young man named John Gor don a market gardener was found in the western suburbs of Winnipeg THAT HACKING COUGH is a warning not to bo lightly treat ed cures vrtth absolute certainty all recent and colds Take It in time Manufactured by tho pro prietors of Perry Davis Jackson has issued a writ against Grand Trunk Hail- way for damages Sparks from an engine are alleged to fire to bis barns in York township Children Cry for tl a The farmers in this section arc hustling in their roots this fine weather also report apple somewhat tedious haying to go all over a tree for so little fruit Wo notice the unusual supply of beechnuts this year has a tendency to make tho small boys late getting home from school and speaking of beech nuts reminds us of olden times when our forefathers used to fatten their swine with them But that is almost a thing of past now they herded in a comfortable pen and fed grain and sometimes wasting more than they eat This evil has recently been overcome by those who have adopted patent feeding trough They report a vory large sav ing of feed besides increasing the capacity of an ordinary pig pen more than half Mr disposed of two pen outfits a few days ago at the Brampton Fair while others who refitting their pens decided to use his fixtures air E Bellinger and wife of Toron to were guests at W G Proctors on Sabbath last Mr Bellinger who formerly was the employ of late Jos Stokes here has been ab sent about twenty years He is now manager for the Weir Specialty Co of Toronto Mr Jesse and son Burton gone to the city preparatory to opening an office in the interests of a Western mining company The special meetings here been somewhat impeded by the in clemency of the weather and farmers anxious to make most of fair weather Mr Murray responded on Monday morning vith his gun to a cali from your Cor to rescue a chicken that Mr Reynard was carrying off he how ever returned with of the fur to satisfy us that ho is not a bad At bale of the late Henry White Estate on Monday his son James purchased the farm Mr M is woodshed and kitchen to his house and Proctor an addition to his shop in earnest J he re bels had planned to tragedy for which they had preparing or so long a time with a general slaughter of Spaniards In Moulla but a woman who knew hi the plot confessed her knowledge to one of the only an hour before appointed lime and it was frus trated At the lime of the breaking out of tins rebellion pain hud in the Is lands not more than troops reenforced by a- questionable native contingent of about Of Spanish troops not more than Wcro in Manila but this force was SUfltcicnt to inflict a severe pun ishment upon the leaders of the re bellion In Manila among which were many of the best of the native fami lies In fact it did not take an in terest in the rebellion to endanger ones liberty Nearly all of the na tives and Chinese who vere not di rect tools of either the or the Spanish government and was worth confiscating were in dan ger of if not death at the hands of the church or the governor general While the rebellion raged fiercely all around Maoila it grew to great er proportions in province than elsewhere In province tint rebel was establish ed at Si lu and it was here that first came into promin ence Here he taught the village da tive school and because of his posi tion had considerable influence throughout the surrounding terri tory Eleven days after the out break of the rebellion he issued a proclamation on his own account began rallying a force of natives around him This proclamation while the first issued by the rebels did not slate the objects of the re bellion It was not October 1890 that any definite purpose was an nounced by the rebel leaders Then the republic was established by proclamation During this time fame and influence of had spread rapidly but it was still not sufficient for him to secure the presidency of the new republic and Andreas Bonifacio was chosen president by the leaders of the rebel lion But a few months later died and succeeded him as the rebel leader a position which he has retained ever since While the struggle lasted for a year and a half the rebels never won any decisive battle but by a system of guerilla warfare kept the territory around Manila continually harassed The Spam- captain general was able to secure from Spain troops to garrison entire affected territory mn being the greatest number of soldiers the home government could send him of the continued drain causad by Cuban rebellion and was glad to secure peace on any terms which would assure Spanish peace treaty between the Span ish and rebels signed on December and In it Spain following reforms The banishment or the disbanding of the religious order Philippine re presentation the the same of Justice for the for the Spaniard unity laws between Philippine ana fioala the native to shard offices of the Philippine civil administration rearrangement of the property of the friars and of taxes In favor of the natives recog nition of the individual rights of the natives With liberty of public meet ing and of the press and a general amnesty There were deposited by pesetas in Bank of Hongkong ostensibly not for his private use but the interest of which was to be devoted to the education of Filipino youths in Europe and the principal to be devoted to the pur chase of arms provided failed to fulfill the treaty obligations- It is needless to say that Spain did not fulfill her treaty obligations THE NORMAL WOMAN Exact the cultiva tion beauty according to fa mous artists and sculptors is a ques tion of proportion merely and Since this In so of women Will be surprised to see how nearly conform to physical perfection by finding a striking be tween the sculptors ideal mid their Girl Wanted KIderly person preferred Apply to Israel Queen Now mar Good Cook At once per month Hotel Newmarket Girl For general work Wages 910 per month KAVAHAGH Industrial Home AH parties indebted to Cemetery Co for lots or lobs to pay the tamo not later Nov Order of the Hoard J J PEAU80N Treasurer Secretary Astray own forms these proportions do not agree In the majority of eases the figure has been marred by injudi cious treatment tight small shoes lack of proper exercise etc Let the length of the laad bo what it will a womans height should be seven and a half times its length or ten times the length of her face or times he length of her hand or six and a half times the length of her foot or with arms outstretch ed from finger to finger exactly as she does from head to toe proportions for a perfect woman should be five feet four inches weight pounds bust inches waist inches hips inches thigh inches calf inches ankle inches hands inches feat inches distance between the temples should be the exact length of the face the arras should be three times the length of the head and tho shoulders should be two heads width Beautiful eyes are wide open with heavy lashes and delicately penciled eyebrows Beautiful cars set close to the head and must be small and delicately shaped perfect hand need not bo small it must be in pro portion to ones height but It must be well shaped with gradually taper ing fingers and curved nails The per fect foot has a high Instep This is the possession of hut few women be cause of their badly fitting shoes A beautiful neck and shoulders are prizes which every young woman possess if she is willing to pay the price rules for their culti vation are simple by wearing loose clothing so that ones movements may be free and by wearing shoes With by taking plenty of sleep daily baths plenty of exorcise fresh air night and day simple nourishing food a course of gymnastic exercise to insure uniform development The normal woman should reach the perfection of her beauty at the age of and it is the normal wo man who alone Is beautiful Mrs Mary Easton In American Queen Worry About What salaries tire paid in different business callings is a question often asked by young men and one which seems to enter into their delibera tions as a qualifying factor as to whether they shall enter certain trades or professions I never could quite pee the point of this nor reason for it What are the salaries which paid to others to you or to me They signify nothing If the highest salary paid to the foremost man in a certain profession is 000 a year what docs it prove or There is no obstacle to ones else going into that- same pro fession and earning Tho first in going into business is to find out not which special line is moat profitable but which lino you are most Interested in and are best fitted for Then drive ahead and the salary will take care of itself When a young man thinks too much of nls salary it is pretty good proof that ha Is not of very superior make Abi lity command income But you must with not tons of dressed poultry was shipped from P elation at Out to Vancouver 0 Strayed from in the 3rd Con of East during the past summer j Heller Yearn Old Dehorned White on bead spotted legs Pterin in left ear Any leading to recovery will be suit- ably rewarded j for sale Leicester Ram JOHN TORONTI If you want Rubber Goods Atomizers Fountain Syringes Bulb Hot Water Bottle or Combination Fountain Syringe Go to Lehmans Store If you wont a Good Sponge or Chamois at a Lov Go to Lehmans Drug Store If you want a Medicine that has its virtue still retained Go to Lehmans Store This beautiful pocket knife with two blades will be given to any young lady for giving away her friends twentyfive books These books are not to be sold out given free to friends Write us a postcard with and we will send you books postpaid ST JOHN SOAP CO ST Lawrence St Montreal If you want anything in Perfume or Toilet Articles you can be sure of Beat at Lehmans Drug Store Wholesale Retail Two North Furniture If you have a Prescription Main St Newmarket to be filled have it filled by using Pure Drugs Lehman the Drug- A Supply ftist always has Pure Drugs Cos Bacon Hams Lard Ao The beat and Cured Meats on the today A trial will con vince If it is a Comb or Brush you are looking for Lehman Druggist has a Good Assortment Also Rolled Oats Corn Meal Butter Potatoes Salt Canned Corn Peas Tomatoes Pickled Pigs Feet Ham and Honey Soap o GRAHAM PhotoGallery Thats what we get out of the new fall mat Jala ihe perfection Of fit and the height of aljle You bad the choice great a variety of suitings have no trouble Orders filled on the notice PATENTS GUARANTEED Our lee returned if we Any one sending sketch and description of any Invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of Bow to Obtain a patent seat upon request Patents secured through us advertised for at our expense taken out through receive without charge la The record an illustrated and widely circulated Journal consulted by Manufacturer and Investors Bend for sample copy FREE Address VICTOR J A CO Attorney Renovated Premises New Scenery Latest Effects Finest Work A CALL SOLICITED Graham JONES OLD STAND CO EXP EXPERIENCE In getting suited the trouble bo to decide to many what suits you beat of Trousers from up Bulls from up Overcoats from up my JOSHUA desires to Inform the public that be has bis to larger premises opposite Jobbing House All kinds of Boots and and all Repairing Neatly and promptly to AH our work is of your MAR Dtaionfi Ac i rent feuarm acforccuricjrtteMs jfftiwicati A caUUoa of any any Jos

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