Newmarket Era, 3 Nov 1899, p. 1

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the Era gives more home news every week than any two other papers in York combined and is acknowledged to Be the Leading County Paper V I fc YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER PA i mo the to know to and freely according to conscience ail liborty No paper sent outside of North York in advance No Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Nov 3 126 per annum if paid in advance T V VK FALL AND WINTER is to be a In the Sale of Stoves and Furnaces Last from Sept 1 to Oct we sold stoves This Season in same period our record book shows Stoves and Furnaces Sold Our aim is to handle only goods we can recommend to be FirstClass in every respect we can sell you a New Cook Stove for HARDWARE PAINTS ETC REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE Transvaal British Successes General Symons and Commandant Botha filled 0 The Struggle Centering abound and Items Respecting Canadian Contingent for the Transvaal It is ordered that Mr A bandmaster of Col will have all white rifle the Rifles at will helmets dyed a dark coffee color on lead the band that accompanies tbe board Sardinian A small black Canadian contingent or dark green puggaree will also bo authoritative worn on the statement issued this afternoon Sam Hughes of the formally denying the rumors of intend- will go to the Transvaal FrancoRussian intervention in the not as an officer of Canadian Transvaal war and declaring that but as an officer attached to a France has no ground and no desiro regiment of the Imperial army fluc intervention at present the Dublin Fusiliers Military orders further state that a grant of 80 towards defraying expen ses of outfit will be allowed each nurse and pay to the amount of will bo advanced Orders as regards pay for officers of the special service force will apply to Captain O3borno of th Hamilton Field Battery The pay to the nurses follows able services Boers wore en General William Bonn trenched strongly seven miles north- NEWMARKET Price is not everything Quality and Price go band in hand with us AND If you will in Bank each month what wo save you in price you will never be Broke See our Fall and Winter Dry Goods See our Fresh Family Groceries See our Boots and Shoes Which we make a specialty of SASKATCHEWAN AND INDIAN BUFFALO ROBES BUY BE SATISFIED COME AGAIN DENTAL rf rf A I Block opposite Methodist Church Vitalised Air for Satisfaction Guaranteed Dp P Dentist will be at the office of Dr W Porter Brad ford every MARRIAGE Near Sight ot coun them after wj from the October severe lighting in which armour- Af- war summary of yesterday is as trains appear to have vaiu- I- Dixon reserve of 1 i a l 1 cer3 W accompany the Canadian who commanded British in the ward and the British brilliantly cam- contingent as recorder battle of and was wounded the enemy s position without A representative of the Young Mens during the light is dead ions loss It is said that the Boers Christian will also General Yules retirement from Glen- twice unfairly used a white the contingent and Dundee was successfully car- Botha who was among the killed was- out bis whole force arriving at a member of tho and a fa- j vu last night in good condi- mous Dutch fighter He distinguish- Montreal Oct It is stated on tion himself as a marksman at I good authority that it is the intention White now assumes when the NinetyFourth of authorities that the transport command of the combined forces British regiment was mowed down- Sardinian with the Canadian ltoinforcements are reaching Lady- He afterwards defended a farm house gent for South Africa will cross the smith from against the British When he Mir- Atlantic and proceed via the Suez Boors shelling Mafeking rendered the farm was its destination This step is which atill holds out All is well at foud with five wounds and was bath- taken in view of he fact that the Kimborloy in blood we around to Cape of Good Tho admits very heavy losses at the of Elands Col in command at defeated a small force of Cape Oct Evening Oflioial reports from dat ed Tuesday state that Col Scott Tur ner with men proceeded north ward to Farm whore they unsaddled their horses At oclock a party of Boers was seen on the right flank and was quickly scattered Col Scott Turner opening fire on them and several of the were to fall enemy moved to a sand heap and opened fire on the British which was returned Commandant Botha and many Boors were killed Tho British loss was three killed and wounded The engagement was a brilliant sue- cess for the British forces Pretoria Oct General Jour bert reports that Gen com manding the Free State and forces had an engagement yesterday with British forces at It started at and lasted seven hours Nine burghers were wounded and sis were killed All the British retired to London- Oct The War Office has received a telegram from Gen White dated Thursday piying a list of the captured officers of Hussars etc as cabled to the Asso ciated yesterday explaining that he did not have the list until Gen Yules forces arrived today and add- ing that he understood they were all alive but prisoners London Oct Orders were issued today for an G Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Office Newmarket issued at private rcBldcrco if w K r J A Agent for Fire Life Money to Loan in tercet at Current Kates At Newmarket Slightly nearsighted today More so tomorrow Progress of near sight is the forerunner of blindness The smallest amount of near sight should not be neglected Examination free GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson Co Jewelry Store NEWMARKET and that Russia is likely placed in the same position adding that Germany the only power directly concerned in tho matter THE QUEENS SPEECH The special session of the British Parliament adjourned on the The Queen8 Speech delivered at the prorogation is as follows My Lords and Gentlemen I am happy to be able to release you of the duties which have been imposed upon you by the exigencies of public service I congratulate you on the brilliant qualities which have been displayed by the brave regiments upon whom the task of the invasion of my South African colonic has been laid In doing so I cannot but express my profound sorrow that bo many gallant officers and soldiers should have fallen in the performance of their duty Gentlemen of the House of Com mons I acknowledge with gratitudi the liberal provisions you have made to defray the expenses of the military operations in South Africa My Lords and gentlemen I trust that the Divine blessing may rest up on your efforts and those of ray gal lant array to restore peace and good government to that portion of my em pire and to vindicate the honor of this country Map of Showing important Centura Cape Town Oct According to further advices from the additional five removed their killed and wound of between Nov 18 w made Mr Cape Town Oct and watched the fight a despatch received here from Pretoria townspeople women in the engagement between the Brit- i trenches watching curr ish under Col and the Boers at Rhodes Drift six Boers were killed cheerful and gives dinner and four were made prisoners I J- luxune9 Durban Oct Martial law FINAL ORDERS Hope is very stormy especially during next month and it is thought to save time by taking the route through the Suez The Sardinian sailed for Quebec at noon CANADIAN CONTINGENT INSURED The insurance of 1000000 which the Government is placing the Canadian contingent is for twelve months from day of sailing sub ject to renewal will ive Fire Insurance Agent taw Farm and Isolated Properly Shop When you Buy a NEW BUGGY You not only want the latest style but you waul one that will stand tho racket That fa the kind you will Hod at SHOP North End of Main St Newmarket They handmade at of wclMcasoned material guaranteed to wear better than machine work and at equally low prices Over In been declared throughout Natal nt A transport has arrived with a bat Oct orders to the relative or all who die talion of the Rifle Brigade issued contain further while absent no matter from what J j With regard to the western frontier u TO it is reported that President re centlv visited a force of2000 Boers en- camped 10 miles south of The war is having its natural effect in Cape Colony Everything is at famine prices and horseflesh is at a tremendous premium London Oct A special des patch from Natal Oct says Nine hundred and eighty oners arrived here this They include Captains Dorey and tt- i London Oct During the mo lull in the fighting in Natal comes news from the western border which temporarily shifts the scene of chief interest to Brit force at The sharp struggle there appears to have been the result of a sortie with the view of breaking the cordon surrounding the place The British apparently five hundred strong met seven hundred I Boers and to the official OP KIMIJERLEY A correspondent who has visited all the threatened towns on the between the British possessions and the Boer states writes as follows miles from Town and about south of on the railway i3 well known as the centre the diamond industry possessing the great mines known as and Do Boers and bring practically the controlling centra for the diamond industry of the world At census its pOa was about of whom than one half were whites- It has a number of hotels well as a hospital and a sanatorium a public library containing one of the best col lections of books in South Africa a club a masonic temple a park with cricket and football fields Anglican Catholic churches trams cabs and a couple of daily newspapers A short distance away is p cally a suburb with a population of 10000 half whites around the of Pan and At the diamond mines and Boers offices would offer an irresist ible temptation to the Boers but not withstanding the action of the Cape Government in recalling the simple in the volunteer force there Kimberley will doubtless prove a hard nut for the Boers to crack Its de fenders art North Lancashires volun teers and engineers about in all with guns and Maxims the debris heaps fend trenches connected with the mines afford foitifications made Oct The mystery of the Eighteenth Hussars is finally in the official report from Gen- era White and there is no doubt now that too far in pur- nit of the Boers after the battle of filencoe and were captured entire The captured force numbers ficera with Col commanding and ICO men Cape Town Oct 28 Sir Alfred Mil Governor of Cape Colony and P- Premier have is sued a proclamation to the Orange Free State asserting that a portion of Capo now State territory Alfrea proclamation warns all British subjects of the Col ony of their duty to the Queen London Oct According to a special despatch from Capo Town re ceived of dissensions at capital of the Orange Free State have reached Cape Town It is said a on foot to de pose President install Mr as President Lalyouith Pet gradually closing around They have mounted two big guns at Tinta from the British carnj An attack is expected Oct It is of ficially aunounced that the British troops who left on Friday to meet the enemy returned yesterday after a slight brush the Boera retiring on Elands Laagte Disquieting ru mors are current regarding the Um- voti country but the reports say that all is quiet there Natal Oct p m Everything has remained quiet here today and the water supply is being renewed A number of resident civilians have been ordered to leave the under penalty of arrest Lieut of the Gordon High landers who was wounded at Elands in the arm is improving after amputation of the member London Oct Whites force is now known to have been strengthened by regulars and local levies from Pietermaritzburg un til it includes fully men with additional battalions moving up from the coast The censorship has been screwed up to the highest tension in the last three days but the object of the British reconnoissance in force from Ladysmith is readily explained by military writers for todays Lon don papers It was an attempt to draw the Boer force which had twice attacked into another engage ment before it could be heavily from the under Gen White had not suc ceeded in his purpose Saturday and while the War Oifice was suspected of suppressing some important despatches the situation in Natal was unchanged Town Oct The follow- official data are made public re garding the fighting near Dundee The Boer during Fridays a week ao engagement at Talani Hill are estimated at killed and wound ed According to the latest reports from Cape Town Gen has joined hands with the Free State forces and there has been some our post fighting- PRETORIA THB BOER CAPITAL Pretoria and Johannesburg are the principal cities of Transvaal Pretoria the capital hat a population about and by with the Portuguese seaport on bay A also Pretoria to Johannesburg the great mining city of the and railroad travere- and Natal President has arrived at coe Farmers in the neighborhood of have their farms and stock at the mercy of the Boers and are congregated in the town ImkeSuperuop Winnipeg Oct Hon ton in his speech on the railway question last said ThoGov- ernment could grant running powers to other roads and also control rates on the Ontario and Rainy River Railroad Some people thought it should be built as a Government road but that would cost the Government 10000000 Some people said the 11000 a mile paid the Crows Nest Pass road would build the whole road but the books of the showed it had cost per mile in hard cash A Government line to Lake Superior would cost the present line 1000000 and had as absolute control of the rates now as if they owned line Besides if they owned the line they would the coat of carrying the mails which bo done at no cost to the Government Why should they waste for no purpose That money expended in bonuses would build the Rockies build St Andrews locks and improve the torways to the sea When this was put in this way no one would expect Government to do a thing so insane as building the line to Supe rior children Cry for CASTOR I A

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