Newmarket Era, 3 Nov 1899, p. 2

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I J J t- j i ft mi Overcoat Worth Knowing Montgomery Loader in and Quality Beat Quality Grocery November Halo Davison Co Exact Fit Card Geo Co Servant Wanted Mr Cow Wanted Silver Tenders for Lloyd Special Cut in Prices J Millard Co i Toronto to Cars TIME North Toronto Leave New market SO am am BO am pm pm pm pm pm am am 16 am pm pm pm pm Return Fare either way 125 LETS UP I BUT GROWS AND BRIGHTER WITH EACH ISSUE 1 The Pointed ail FRIDAY NOV Punishing Election frauds i Tub Church has two publications Kings jOwn They printed in Toronto and and well Tup Parry Bound North Star hay enter ed upon year publication and gives evidence of growing better and bright- or years and It Is champion of Parry Bound inter cats and Is Join touch for develop ment of that part Ontario Tub Toronto Star Monday observes The County now that new court houeo being up looking out for a profitable- of old street building On attention of Warden Woodcock being called to announcement ho replied I have never board anything of It Guess ho a fooler THE N All mum KGVV3 jS their opinion ptxcloofj In OurSoeiety Column PERSONAL POINTS The Colum bia Hon Mr Molnnls at Ottawa on a visit and possibly for purpose of a unknown to public For many ycara ho represented tho Pacific in Canadian Benito previous to becoming Lieut Bo far a appears on Hon Gentleman is in Eastern Canada on a holiday trip couple of weeks ago on authority of a gentleman whoso of information was trustworthy wo that of and frauds as re- in courts since last Pro- elections in duo courao ho and now stops have been taken accordingly The Ontario under its now Premier is showing activity in meeting the desires of Province electoral purity It has been semi announced that proceedings will be taken against all persons ro- ported for corrupt practises not only at recent byeelections but other eleo- trials following the late general elections as tho statutes provide v Our readers will remember that the Late Premier in his farewell ad dress to the of South Brant expressed strong condemnation of elec tion frauds and emphatically declar ed that any person tampering with the purity of elections was an enemy of the Liberal Party It is a source of much satisfaction to the political supporters and friends of the Ross Government to know that Hon A Hardys late colleagues who now form a major part of the present Cabinet share in this opinion of the exPremier and are promptly acting in accordance that conviction In the West Elgin case man Bole who was re ported by the Judges for personating a deputy returning officer has been dismissed from the appointments all cancelled and pro ceedings taken for a full and complete judicial investigation into alleged elec toral frauds not only in West Elgin but likewise in South Ontario and North Waterloo We understand the Commission will be charged to dp work thoroughly and no doubt heads will fall into the basket on both sides the political fence for it must not be forgotten as the Star says that the judicial investigation will em brace the doings of the Conservatives as well as Liberals in all the Ridings named So mote it be this week at Toronto Assizes now on Mr a sharp to legal for causing irritating and delays in tho business before court Ho hie by observing reten tion of juries to sail the convenience of is unheard of in any place but To- a taxation to of the district of York was well doeorvad and it la to bo hoped will have a salutary telephone will soon make another in business of commercial and life and place this men is of communication within range of smal well largo operating concona A Co offers Toronto moon lower rates private now paid to the Co and also offer to turn over to the city treasury ton per of it for its street privileges for polua etc Their offer means per month for private residence almost on oh alt less for business than now paid In a short letter to Toronto Star states there not one word of truth in statement of the Ottawa Citixen that gave orders that the British flag was not to be over the Parliament buildings on the day that the Ottawa soldiers were leaving for the Trans vaal He further adds that the elate- the Ottawa Cttittn a malicious Invention from beginning to ending and that he was away when the volunteers left the now floor its a bad break At a Liberal convention in Wei lington held at on Wednesday last Mr Hugh Guthrie chosen aa the party nominee to contest the Hiding for the Do minion at next general election Mr Guthrie is aaid to be an exceptionally strong candidate is a native of City and Is a member of the legal firm of Watt Guthrie Before adjourned resolutions were passed confidence In the present Liber al Governments at Toronto and Ottawa and also of regret at Hon Mr Hardys re tirement School MUMS ORDEE FOR OCT In the month of July last were issued by the AttorneyGeneral of Ontario to the County Crown Attorney at Whitby for proaeoutiona of all per sona reported for bribery by the Judges who presided at the two election trials in Booth Ontario whioh resulted In the un seating of both Mr Calder Con- tentative and Hon John Liber at During the past week application was made at Hall for summonses ac cordingly Mr has been retained to act with the County Grown Attorney at Whitby in prosecuting the several persona reported for bribery in both the above election trials SHARON SCHOOL Class Etta Stephenson Joe Charlie Ill Morrison Violet Curtis Jr Ill Edna Trent Edgar Annie Curtis Frank Tate Lena Evelyn Roy Vernon Arthur Lillian Maud Jr II Eugene Nellie ley George Amy II Lulu Rose Vera Mor rison Emma Jr Bella Bert Leonard Curtis Frank Sarah Saw don Br I Edna Saunders Frank Mc- KriUt4 Ruth Haines Edith I Milton Allie on Ezra Morrison Gordon If Teacher August and Alex aimer were by Judge Hardy at Brunt- ford to four years for cattlestealing Provincial fiunday School at Gait was one of ever held by the Association Both P and Marion Lawrence recognized as the boat men on the American continent were present and nearly delegates reg istered The cessions were characterized by a feeling of unity and spiritual power and an overflow meeting had to be held on the second evening Between four and five hundred the teach ing of the lesson at am by Mr Jacobs and It a real treat The pledges were about in excess of last year and the Executive propose to put an other man in the field to Mr Day the general secretary They hope to com the organization of every coun ty and township in Ontario before the new century begins to the utterance of Charles Tapper and Hon J Israel there is precious little difference be tween their patriotism Sir that to tax Canada part in the wars of the British Empire would lead to disaster to the Colony and disruption of the Empire yet be did not object to sending a as a itM gift Hon Mr has not gone far as to say that It Canada were to Impose a tax to contribute towards the army and navy it would mean the disruption of the Em pire but he does affirm that if Canada bo should have representation in the of the Empire and until such representation is granted Mr says Canada should not make a precedent of sending of the contingent which sailed in Sardinian this week Mr Walter poorly Mr Albert Hendry again Mr wont to to off Mabel a Hal loween party on Tuesday night won six firsts and four seconds on Work at Bradford Fair Me6sraBert Cano and woro op at tho on Wednesday Var Mr and Church of Eng land clergyman of calling on in town yestorday Mr John Richards Insurance Inspect or was of Mr while in town on Wednesday of Delhi whom mot at the Gait Convention desired to bo to frlenda Bradford Clara of apont days in town last weok guest of Miss Alice Pool Wilfrid Cane and J left on Mon day for the shores of tho Georgian Bay on a deer hunt Mrs Cane Co President and BCody local President of the W attended at this week Two poems from tho pen of Mr George Fox ot Lindsay formerly edi tor of Newmarket have been re ceived but are crowded out till our next Issue Mr J E Grand formerly Manager of the Ontario Bank here accompanied by his wife and daughter spent over Sunday with friends in town Miss Blakely of Toronto Miss Rich ardson of Newmarket and Miss Winnie Belfry of wero viaiiingthe Misses at Chestnut Villa Bradford last week Mr Wright formerly of New- market has gone to Red Deer to try the for a few weeks for tho benefit of He baa been poorly all summer We are requested by Mr Geo eon to atate that he had no opportunity to undergo an examination re the Canadian contingent tor Africa as the ranks were foil before arrival Toronto Bradford Witness Mr and Mrs F Mr and Mrs A Smith Lloyd Jamoa Belfry Barry and Walter all of were among the vial tor a at our Fall Fair last week Mr Rodney Graham from Pleas ant Mioh spent over with Mr Frank It years since he iloft here and he is now in the employ the Government Inspector Indian Mr James H Wilson was in town on Wednesday and informs that Mrs Wil son met with a serious accident on Tues day evening of week She went to the in her home at Sheridan Wis consin to get the lantern for the hired man to do some chores when she a mis step and fell down cellar was badly injured and was picked far as he had heard there waa no change in her condition Mr Wilson went back to the the same evening and may re turn to Wisconsin at once should further word be unfavorable The editor and wife had the pleasure of spending last at Acton the Mr P Moore and estimable family whose residence and era an object of artistic beauty and exert an elevating influence upon the community Though Acton not a very large town it is wonderfully progressiva Since oar last visit the Corporation has put in an efficient light and we are more than aver convinced that lights give better satis faction than aro lights for the streets There are something like lights on the streets S3 candle power and on the main street they are suspended In the centre of the road yards apart producing a very pretty effect Acton has also pot down feel of walk and so well pleased are the citizens that they intend to more than double the length next year Acton is a stirring little place employing about people in the tanning and glove industries oof jrittfcf ITarrv Spencer aged CO years was found dead in bed at his hoarding in Albert St on Sunday morn ing Ho supposed to have choked io death from an of tho throat which had bothered him for years Hunting is order of day with sportsmen just now dua of dcerhuntere began last Saturday is ahead of last year Trains going north loaded with camp paraphernalia dogs etc a number of young shootists accompany of the oldtimers On Monday the Ontario tolographed to Col Otter at Que bec wishing tho Canadian Contingent a comfortable journey and a safe ro- A young man named Ed Robinson on Monday last while riding a bicycle collided with a wagon loaded with Band near of Carlton and streets and was thrown with to the pavement that his was broken Ho died while be ing conveyed the Hospital An employee of the Co named Ed Kennedy sent to the Central Prison for twelve months on a charge of robbing his A rumor prevails in Liberal circles that Hon Lyman Jones of the Mas- seyHarria Co will bo Liberal candidate in West Toronto at general elections York opened hero on Mon day last with Mr Justice on the bench and Mr J K Kerr Q Crown Following is the Grand Jury Major John A Thomas George John LFoster Donald Toronto Adam Hood Markham William Jackson West York Donald McDonald McDonald John Morgan East York David Etobicoke During the closing days of last a distinguished party of Japanese gen tlemen who are just returning from the International Commerce Congress at Philadelphia were visiting in the They visiting Ottawa and two or three western in Canada to investigate trade relations between Japin and the Dominion They travel in Van Homos private car on the The chrysanthemum show at Pavilion will on the and continue three days It will be an attractive display A bust of Hardy is be ing placed in the library at he Parlia ment buildings this week The old magazine building at the old fort which been an eyesore for a good many years was burned down Wednesday evening The fire started shortly after eight oclock and it is believed waa begun by Hal loween The building was empty sets Leadin Store WftnAflAflMflAfWAflAWWUVvwwwvwvywyvwvwyu We have made a tremendous purchase of Boots and Rubbers These goods came to us at a discount of from twentyfive to forty per cent They go on sale Saturday Nov and you may save nearly half by com- ing here for your foot wear that day On Saturday morning we place on sale Mens Fine Overcoatsthe very best goods and newest styles in the market Here is a list ask to see these lines Mens Fine Beaver Overcoats value at Mens Extra Fine Beaver Overcoats in Black or Navy newest style good trimmings at Mens Extra Heavy all Wool Ulsters tweed lined all sizes from to price Saturday 550 Mens Finest Kersey Dress Overcoats you would pay tailor for one as good Saturday The editors visit to last wee doubly Interesting lei6use of billeted the horns Mr A teacher for yews in Institute Mrs at- tended Burns private In New market end was a friend ef Mrs J E We had the ore of meeting Mr Ambrose son of Mr Peter of who has also been on the Institute Teaching Staff for six or seven years Than again we took tea with Mr and Mrs Root Alex ander and son It is almost years since Mr Alexander moved from to take the of Gait School position Alls the same as he did for nearly the same pe riod in Newmarket Many were the en the eld school boy a and he to be remembered to sll old friends We also met Mr Fred Bond eon of Mrs KBond the to Miner here for many years who is curving on a very drag Editor Hunt of the and also editor Jeffrey the carder showed ns every courtesy Gait an enterprising and progressive Town with many iron manufactories all of whom with the exception of one firm extended to visitors a hearty welcome Hoot Council Meeting of Council held this day AH members present Com from A Stewart re ce dar Mainprise re Valuation P Gibson re surveys of North Toronto re Metropolitan J Elmer re gravel Bylaw re appointment of Sanitary Inspectors amended by adding the name of John as Inspector Bylaw to prevent the de posit of Filth and matter on any of the Roadways of this township as provided for by Chap Seo subBoo of Patties violating said ByLaw are liable upon conviction to a penalty of from to and a reward is offer ed of for information as will secure the conviction of the persons so offending Payments ordered as follows Geo re sheep valua tion SI P Gibson re Crown Land of Side roads between lots and Con ana P Gibson extra services re above Survey and re water way on 00 On motion Cost of Crown Laud Survey was levied on lota and of and pro rata as to acreage ByLaw passed re election of Muni cipal Councillors for 1000 fixing follows Nomination in Temperance Hall Sharon on Friday Deo at pm Polling on Jan 1st 1900 to pm in following places 1 Murrays Shop An gus Williams Sharon Temp Hall Morris Shop DROA House Holt Town Hall Albert Geo House Lot 29 Con J Council adjourned to meet Deo 15 in Sharon A writ been issued for in vacated by Mr resignation MA The Khedive of Egypt whose salary is a year complains that the sum is not sufficient to meet his household expenses and he will have to dismiss of his wives Barrie electors have also voted to dissolve the partnership with and Legislature will probably be asked to undo the recent act amalga mating the two municipalities The London papers comment with the greatest satisfaction upon the suggestion from Canada regarding the sending of a second regiment to South Africa It town on Oct to Mr and Mrs J Herman a daughter TEivma In Holt on Oct to Mr and Mrs Goo TravIeB a eon Powell At the parsonage 40 River St Toronto to Rev and Mrs Powell formerly of ft daughter Joseph exM P former Liberal member for South is seriously ill The offices of the Canadian Brew ing Company Montreal were entered in a daring manner by six or seven armed men who gagged the watch man blow open two safes and got a- way with about in cash and caused much damage to the premises is caUed after the wife of Sir Harry Smith formerly com manding general in South Africa She was a Spanish girl to whom the general gave protection when he was a subaltern in the Peninsular War and subsequently married him is named after her hus band -IN- Intension Tables AND Parlor Suites THIS MONTH Call and See Prices Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket Smalming A Register Nov 15 will have an extensive and sale of stock implements on lot in the East Credit Oct next on sums over except for hogs and roots Sale at one oclock sharp Auct The Altai Milxx As by Rev Brown on Mr John Stephenson of Holland Landing to Miss Caroline Milne of The Tomb In town on the of October Elizabeth infant Mr and Mrs George days Rosa Accidentally horned to death Nov 1st Alex Roes of in his year Ross In town on Eliza daugh- of Ross Prospect and of Mrs W years a Deceased had been poorly ever since she had the grippe a year ago and laid op past or six weeks The funer al was held at the residence on Monday afternoon by A MacGiUivray and interment at Newmarket Cemetery Q By buying your Suits at Tailor A full stock of Black and Blue Serges Also a Choice Lot of Fine Tweeds for OVERCOATS and J f I Main All Orders wiU receive Careful Prompt Attention Nov l0 per bushel 070 a W7S per bushel 071 ct Goose pec bushel a Barter per bushel a on Oata per bushel 31 a bushel a Rye per bushel a 017 a 019 Butter roll per lb a tees per bag- a Apples per a 1 000 a Wool per lb a CO a IS a a 00 Beef fore SCO a SCO a OUT Chickens per pair a Duck per pair MO a 90 on 4

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