Newmarket Era, 3 Nov 1899, p. 3

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t j- -i- I il T Keeks Local WHAT IS OH ft Complimentary In its of Bradford Fair Witness nock Band a place fa the Grand and and fa of i it Saturday Nov fa data that Opt Toronto Optical Par- lore II King St West will bo at tons The Profits Shored to 200 now namea to Its list dawn of and tho pro- willing to a effort Any subscriber who will obtain a hew and forward will pay for both for and of will bo fro Hero la your to got North Yorks popular family paper a vory low figure will hold next Sunday Feast and Fel lowship at am Preaching at hour Subject A groat worker a great work and a great design A fiorvico and of Lords will follow pastor will lako for his subject In ho Manliness Special music by tho choir at both at Sunday School Jaat Soles This our crowning year for celling Jackets for nearly knows wo liavo tho boat and north of To ronto Improvements The now portico at tho to tho Central Hotel Klrkpatriok is undergoing paire Now roof on Mr Joseph house The of Mr Thompson Victoria Avenue being re paired now Boiler at Works was put into position last week and tho masons been over since Monday it in Mr Hunter la superintending job which la expected to bo finished tomorrow An other addition wilt be built in front of boiler pfee Wat Wo learn that reader of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal la this week receiving a colored of Bo nth Africa To possess of maps when reading war despatches is essential to intelligently appreciate tho po- of It is also announced that at of tho war a revise map of Africa will be issued by the Family Herald and Weekly Mar for its A com parison of tho two will show Greet Brit ains gains by thopresont war It certain ly pays- these times to be on subscrip tion of that great paper In addition to map subscriber receives on of bis subscription the two beautiful Battle of Alma and Pussy Willows A Ministerial Association has been comprising the of New market Aurora and surrounding country Monthly meetings ara to be bold alternate ly at Newmarket and Aurora The first meeting organization was held in the parlor of Methodist Church here on Monday afternoon last Rev Amos the President elect the chair and Key Geo Dewey acted as Secretary After preliminary matters were dis posed of and a resolution passed that the ministers of Bradford and Richmond Hill be invited to join the Association the chairman gave a very instructive and much appreoiated paper on The preach ing for the day It should be instructive scriptural authoritative and brought down to the comprehension of the common peo ple An animated discussion followed in which Revs Dewey Brown Black and meter took part The next meeting will be held In the Methodist Church Aurora on Monday Nov 27tb at 230 York Billionaires Only a few people reading advertisements of bankers and brokers saying that money could be made through speculation realize that the richest men in America have com menced life in a humble way and have made their fortune through stockexohange speculations Men like Jay Gould who worked as a dry clerk in a small town at a week up to twentieth year and com- operate with email saying of in Wall Street left at his death millions of dollars Russell who worked aa a grocery boy at per mid whose present estimated at millions of dollars still operating the market although years of age and are thousands of others who are enjoy ing all the luxuries life can offer which is due to their in speculations To the shrewd speculator the op portunities are open today aa to in the past The smallest lot which can be bought and sold is shares on margin making dollars Anybody interested to how specula tions are conducted can get Information and market letter free of charge upon ap plication by letter to George A Co Bankers and Brokers Consolidated Ex change Broadway New York R Pointer This Is a treat for war Everybody is studying geography of Africa School should give special lessons on that part of globe children would bo of great assist ance to parents In watching the Transvaal War and valua of study would bo apparont to Clubbing Rnton Weekly lor Era and Montreal for Ere and Common Sense vols Era and Weekly Mail I Era and Montreal Star pictures and prize guess 1 Era and Farmers Bun Era and Daily World Era and Toadies Journal Toronto 40 Balance of to new subscribers Last Monday night was missionary mooting and a good attendance was pros- Mrs read a splendid pa per and pastor an Inspiring Halfyearly reports woro read showing tho Society to bo in a healthy condition There held from May to Oot with an overage attendance of 80 Tho total now 49 The rccoipts during period for Missionary Fund wore and on hand In general fund Is Tissue Paper And a lot of in this week at Hughes Not Here All tho Western towns discarding wooden sidewalks and patting in walks an business effect Tho small Town of with a population of about has already put down feet of feet a per foot and Gait have pavements on principal streets Milton Is putting down some this year at cents per square foot spring electric railway in to bo laid tho length of Main It would bo a fitting timo to make a perman ent job both sides of the road from Tim othy to Boteford and would not only bo a good investment considering tho and of plank walk but would give a business tone to the town that would bo invigorating and in keeping with our growing industries It to bo hoped that the Counoil will not this matter over without consider ation THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NOV v v Tennyson Club This literary club will Hz next Tuesday evening of Mrs Prospect All who intend to requested to be perusal opening it it will bo decided what will bo read In future Mr Coombs will tako charge the Jog noit Tuesday at oclock prompt which will bo Ode on death of of Welling- one hour All Interested In Inyitcd to attend Presbyterian Church was a largo at childrens last Sunday morning address by the pastor was well re ceived and tho children sang very heartily It was encouraging to boo so many of the parents present pastors talk children was grand of from Matt first kingdom of God Illustrating by three simple children familiar with let Geography Grammar pastor urged tho to their hearts to Lord while they woro young and would be a happy Thero being no in tho afternoon and seized tho oppor tunity of attending tho In evening Mr took op third of subjects on of founded on Paalms It Is a pleasant to nolo congregation is Increasing and attend ance at prayer meeting good which shows a of spirituality gmong tho people Fleece Extra value The Mr Thompson of Toronto will with Id Bnndymoroiog hooking farmers high prices for their horses lent Friday that Mr Booh Marion did not buy a slnglo hero Mr Is to bo hero tomorrow qn Loader in Price and Quality Young Club About meeting in Hall last Monday evening called for the purpose of organizing a Lit erary and Social Club Weeks was present and gave a valuable address on organization and management following officers were then elected Hon J McKay President A J ViokPres J A Secretary Treasurer Alex Douglass Tho committees on games and literature are to bo elected next Monday night and all interested are Invited to attend at tho place at oclock The officers were constituted a com mittee to enquire about suitable and con venient rooms and report at next meeting It is proposed to run a Club Boom to be open every night except Sunday Cards will be strictly prohibited Tho Commit- been looking at the old gymnasium on Timothy St and also the rooms over the Bytes block on corner of Main and Timothy streets- Regular meeting of Town Council next Monday evening North meets at Belhaven next Monday King Plowing match takes place today near The Salvation Army has apecial visitors here oh aPd Sunday A tramp did a good busi ness in Town on Tuesday Fall wheat Is getting a great Considerable grain is still coming to market wheat and oats chiefly The recent rains make the plows run easy so farmers say The Royal has added an Incan descent lamp to the front of the Pastures are looking greener this week and the rains have given people some tern water The price of Mr J Grahams latest is only not as stated last week Treasurer of the Ag Society requests all prizewinners at the late Fair bore who have not already paid to call month for the same Thsre pupils In attendance at the High School hero now Over new have arrived for Methodist Sunday School Library Snaps Radiant Home with oven Royal coal with over Coanteas dole heater straight Royal Heater coal Parlor Cook wood Cook with tank con 10 Cook Store No I Cook Stove do 300 Metropolitan By the papers ve that strong opposition la being offered against Me tropolitan Railway Co being allowed to connect with its tracks with those of Complaint was by a tion from North Toronto to Board of Works that tho Metropolitan by this con nection would bo to freight and running at the rate of milea on hour would rondur unsafe for vehi cular traffic The deputation also argued that produce now going in via would bo diverted and a bo result For ton of freight the Metropolitan carried into the it would ten tons away These arguments tho residents of tho North end of tho city desired Board of Works to consider On other hand Mr Walter the Metropolitan Co declared that the Metropolitan was an railway only and all details of construction and settled by County Engineer North Toronto had always opposed the Metropolitan and the York County Council hod compelled Co to carry freight When they by tho thoy bad agreed to the round trip to the cemetery for single faro and had always in the most reasonable manner possible The Metro politan was the pioneer railway in market They wanted to do a general freight business all along the route They wanted to get to the market and wator front They had failed to make ar rangements with Toronto Railway Co and consequently had to fall on the CPR They would rather run through down st but that would not bo granted Is was proposed to build a grain eleyator at Newmarket and load oars at that point The Board of Works Toronto appear to be divided some in favor of granting permission sought others are opposed Tho impression prevailed however that the waa behind the move seeking a line out north and everybody aaya the will win A grain elevator at New market will stir op and thie place will a great grain centre power is all generated now at Bonds Lake The boilers in the power house at were removed last week It is rumored that the Co Intends put ting a switch at or near Newmarket possibly on tno property which they purobaeed and where freight sheds may be located The waiting room here is not finished yet The front has a new coat of paint heavy rains caused the track to set tle In several places between hero and st and the men have been working on it all the week Several men were called out on Sunday Nothwltbetanding tho mist and rain Saturday afternoon the and sen ior students of the School of Practical Science enjoyed a moat Interesting excur sion over the ifne of Metropolitan Railway as the guests of Mr J Moves Superintendent and Mr Jaa E engineer A special oar was pro vided and opportunity was afforded for the examination of power plant and- equipment of road The new locomotive and the for generat ing the high potential current at Bonds Lake transmitting it into a carrot of ordinary Intensity were interest and much admiration On arriving at Newmarket party pro to Canes where they wero received- by Mayor Cane and conducted through the works new drying kilns the machinery and devices were fully ex plained On return journey a atop at made Aurora for supper at Queens Hotel after the usual toasts the health of Messrs and was proposed Cole For Winnipeg Heater Itcclf in at Hardware who desires to do bail this fall and makes a mistake if he doe not in Era is paper read by mom of family ft gives all They may papers to help editors along is ono read Public At a meeting of tho Board latt Friday night it decided to purchase 30 worth of books and printing of a now dlsouesed The Secretary Is to obtain- estimates for next meeting Tbo Library mot on Monday night and another of books There aro a lot of now this year you one Examine Jewel Triple Heater at Hard heats your whole same as a fornaoo at cost- Produce waa a local demand at the market last Saturday that only got about half their usual amount Butter was and lifo Dressed ens sold all the way from 40 to pair according to size and age and liyoohick- ens from 40 to pair ducks from to pair and from to and per lb Dressed turkeys lb and live tur keys Apples por basket no bar rets offered Lota of potatoes bag tbo ruling price Peats basket Lamb 8 and by quarter A J- Pure Sulphur and Epsom Salts per lb 3c Washing Soda and Whiting per lb Icing Sugar per lb Canned Peas lbs Bright Sugar for Round Tins Finnan Sardines New Red Salmon ioc Large Bottle Mixed Pickles Choice Prunes per lb 5c Potted Ham Potted Tongue 5c Canned Tomatoes Quart Bottle Tomato Catsup 20c Nearly every line of Goods is advancing Unco use Baking Powder and you will use no other DRY GOOD Heavy Twill Grey Flannel 30inch Flannelette Crash Towelling 325 Blankets for Black Beaver Cloth Heavy Canadian Tweed Pure Wool Dress Serge Ladies Winter Vests J Ladies Black Cashmere Gloves Ladies Black Woollen Hose Mens Wool Socks Mens Wool Shirts Drawers Mens Heavy HomeMade These prices cannot last much longer 1 l Presentation On Tuesday the of wafted upon Mr Arthur Oliver who has been of tho hero and presented him with Chain aa a token of tholr appreciation of hie services An read on half of by Rev Mr Mr Oliver though completely talccn surprise- re sponded in meal pleasant manner Mr Koowlea on behalf of choir added with neat remainder of evening was very pleasantly and thoroughly enjoyable to all proa ont The gathering took place at homo of Mr Oliver Broken One of Newmarkets oldest mechanics in Mr Heury Warner had the misfortune to meet an accident last Friday which will lay him op for a numt of weeks lie to carry a box of refute from carpenter depart- at Canes on second floor to a dump on the eaat of the building and in upsetting the box in way bo lost his balance and fell over edge of the platform a distance of feet upon a rough wooden blocks The resell waa that his leg broken above the knee He b offered constantly for a few days but is now resting easier and is doing well a could be expected I always get my clothes furnishings and boots at Mont- and never fail to im prove rny appear ance I No matter how nice a figure you are you not only want good fitting clothes but also those which improve your appearance In this re- sper the statement of our worthy friend here presit is well worth your careful consideration Before you buy look through our stock THE CHEAP STORE Canes new Fan for the Dry Kiln is now in position and the connections mil be made as soon possible It is an size and are over feet of inch pipe immediately behind the fan It will be driven by a separate engine and tho air will be heated by both live and ex haust steam- It will a of weeks or to got it into running order and erect the building over It are now eight eaws running in Stave Mill and another is being construct Work has on the foundation for another new tramway about feet long on the south side of new dry kiln The item last week about the purchase of a now timber limit should read square miles instead of nine acres Our sales so far this season have been most gratifying We made extra preparations at the commencement of the season to do a big business but results are far beyond our most sanguine expectations in a word we have been astonished There is not a week but what we are in the market for new goods so that the stock is continually changing and is always fresh with Stylish New Garments This week we have just opened up a lot of some Jackets mostly all different that or point of Style and Finish eclipse anything we have yet shown We have prices to suit everyone but our specialities are to 7 You also have this ad vantage in dealing with us the comparative seclusion of our mantle room for trying on and the largest stock in this section of the country to choose from With the Mantles and Gapes we have grouped in this Dept shows Waterproofs Ladies White and Flannelette Under wear Costumes Dress Skirts Dress Underskirts Wrappers Ladies Furs etc etc Deallet to Death A and highly respected old gentleman living on near New market iho person of Alexander Robs about years of age mot with a tragical death on Wednesday evening He went out the stable to attend to chores- in band between seven and eight oclock He had only been out of the a few minutes when fata daughter opened the door and obeerved that the stable was in dames The inmates of at once rushed to burning build ing but wero unable to enter of the flames and A and cow together with all were entire ly consumed After the fire had spent it- the charted remains of tho old gentle man in the stable beside those of So far as wo could learn no Deceased waa born In Aberdeen Scotland and leaves a widow and two grownup daughters at home those who are married Mies Roes one of the teachers of the Model School here la ft daughter of gentleman Mush sympathy for the family their Hardware Teamsters Whips Twisted Blue stocks Rawhide Lash worth i our price while they last Grain Bags 175 245 dozen Get our prices on Plow Points Soles and Land Sides Stove Pipes patentadjustable length Elbows each Coal Stoves secondhand Heaters cheap Granite Wash Bowls worth to price Grand Rapid Carpet Sweepers 250 Clothes Wringers white rubber rollers 212 Hutch and Chases Syrup Linseed Turpentine Shilohs Consumption Cure Scotts Emulsion and Stedmans Teething Powders Sieedmans Soothing Powders Castoria Thomas Eclectric Oil Agnews Heart Cure Celery Compound Chases Liver Cure 35c Chases Catarrh Cure NEWMARKET ON

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