Newmarket Era, 3 Nov 1899, p. 4

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lip Great Haste is Not A Good Speed people trust to tuck to pall them through and are often disappointed Do not The Commission Ontario Government at a Cab not meeting some day ago appoint ed a Commission to gate tho Accounts of Ontario Rheumatism- I had In my limb And foot I commenced treatment with Hoods and In a abort If Out was troubled with scrofula and- Impure blood A cut on roy arm heal and after Ifaad taken bottle waa MX treat to with lie to LGJackson Best Advertising Medium York County AoventisiHO ccnlfi per lino for Drat per lino oc subsequent on araciriBD dillydally it matters composed of health With it can of Bank of Com- accomplish miracles With Angus Toronto Out it you are manager Bank of Montreal and and John tonkin of years Opposition in Assembly and in election charged improper methods of bal ance shoots and improper investments To meet charges and to prove to country that the Government has nothing to hide at any rate in re gard to theso issues order ap pointing alwvq gentlemen to commission makes it their duty to in vestigate and report first as to methods of bookkeeping employed in department second as to wheth er statements made by tho Treas ury are as full and as usually made by largo financial concerns third as to tho correctness of the annual balance submitted to Parliament fourth as to tin character of investments of Government fifth is to asset and liabilities of province The presentation to Legislature of report Commission in charg ed to prepare will be a revelation not only to Province but especial ly to members of Assembly who occupy scats on left of Mr Speaker contention of tho Gov ernment in regard to issues has been so vehemently assailed and per sistently denied by the Opposition that Premier and his colleag ues to refer the same to an unprejudiced and capable commission composed of men of admitted finan cial standing and reputation and thus authoritatively sot these contcntionsat rest The country will be glad to ob serve this aggressive action on part of the new Ministry It shows that they have the courage of their convictions that mean business and are conscious of being in the right paints ft of Transvaal trouble Paul la assassin of Dutch Africa Ho has destroyed Independence of Transvaal end Blftto Ho has called Into united Booth Ho baa painted map rod flguro of when that blood will main lily voldta and almost widely red ink wllloovor of goographlca pen rivjiilMoTajicUMO Inched flCO Advurtlecmouta unaccoinpanlod with until forbid and will ho chnngod once month if deal ted For ohangoa of toner than onoo month composition must bo paid for at regular rate for contract bo by noon on Special Low for to Kent Articles and Found A reading will bo Inserted free for any Church or Society whore Dlahedor when no admission fooorcollootlon la taken fifty will bo charged for a notice No to thla rule J Barrister Notary Public c Main to Loan 00 good Farm t Bollcltor Solicitor for Township of King From a wo In a position to that reports from northern sections of this by Warden that plentiful this season Judging from demand for to it looks as If hunters for this kind of game would bo numerous than year The opened on Wed nesday Wo understand Warden has completed arrangements with thooxprcos companies for account number of door ship ped by Tub Canadian Parmer to respecting Hon A who than weeks ago was of this Province but la now out of llfo through declining health It pays Province of Ontario of party can look 00 the retiring statesman as man whoso has boon distinguished for honor cleanness and capacity retires with a and to use his own pathetic words with less of worlds goods than when ho first entered hie to the It no secret that Mr leaves of offtoo far from burdened with an overflow of wealth but much tho rovorac ho who over the groat la obliged to an inferior in service of very Government him not an answer and a melancholy to cruel and malignant that ho w8 partner and from men who did no know him This is the Time making Old Things It- has that man who is admitted free to an entertainment or anything is al ways individual who does big gest kicking This looks to us like an insinuation that newspaper men got free tickets to and consequently kickers It is as as to Bay that because a man to a on a complimentary or press ho should swallow every thing without a protest That in short he has been bribed to keep si lence He must wink at wrongdoing ho did have to pay an entrance fee like other people I Aa a of faot newspaper men give value for their press than do people who pay in cash The former gives notices worth dollars to the affair and thon a couple of twentyfive cent tickets flung at thorn grudgingly often than one would fling a to a dog For this courtesy the is to humble pie say nice things about affair and keep his mouth shut or his paper shut about tho things that not so nice The way is for newspaper men to regular advertising rates for their notices and buy their tickets the same as other people By doing they will place in a position whore they can with absolute independence and give ex pression to their sentiments without fear or favor On a Fiends Recommendation to Cook Tho vulgar boil the learned roast he had lived until now he would know thoro are twenty other ways of cooking Marion nor land tolls them all in the volume of Cooking Hints fourth of Bits of Common fierios can obtain these books and The Weekly which has been for over years and is now Canadas leading family newspaper from now to January 1 for one dollar arid Marion latest work Bits of Common Sense in four volumes Bent free postage INQenSOLUSTAlTM to Division Court Newmar ket Ontario p vr taunt Cameron fto Toronto Estates carefully managed and collections promptly made Money to loan at OyriOB8axtonaBlocicMainBtHowmarcct 1 Barristers Conveyancer a o South of Poet Of- floe Aurora also boat on and Court Solicitors for J it Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora to at Dunn o I fanning Arcade King St Toronto Barrister Reformer Block to Loan PAINTING fV The leading Painter miner and Paper Hanger years experience In all branches of tho Hue of of latest In Papers Aak to sec them 2nd door North of Primary School Church Street Ac Done promptly neatly and In order at tain also associated a Painter and Sign Writer Orders can bo loft at Hardware or at the residence of Mr J head of Street West Newmarket fit PaperHanger ant House Tim Toronto Telegram says of Hon Mr Roes Tho now Premier evidently baa head fall of new and if energy and hard work will keep him in power ha will remain leader of Government Tub Chatham to remark Hardys will not do On tario Of any good Our retains a vivid recollection of how change of Premiership worked down at Ottawa when Sir Charles Tapper Bat succeeded Sir Mackenzie Tub report of of Farmers Institutes for Ontario been published It states that attend ance at meetings daring the season of 169859 at 119402 a very considerable in over the proceeding season For approaching year of no than meetings are announced to be held In dosing his report Mr Institute Superintendent takes to thank local officials for tho able assistance they have rendered him in planting the Farmers Institutes of Ontario on a sound where they are acknowledged by every other Province of Dominion and nearly every State in American Union to bo a practical progressive and model system of agricultural education Diamond one the True and Unfailing Agents In of women will bo coloring dresses skirts jackets coats pants shawls wool yarns and carpet rags The dying operation is an import ant one and demands great care The point is to secure the right dyes colors that are pure bright and last to washing aud suulight Diamond Dyes tho only guar anteed dyes on earth possess all the grand qualities that make perfect and true colors Diamond Dyes have such a universal sale that unscrupulous dealers make efforts to imitate them If you would be successful In dyeing avoid all crude imitations Promptly refuse all dyes recommended by deal ers to be as good as Diamond The Diamond Dyes are best in the world and all dealers are aware of the fact A Santiago Mrs- Uses Dr for the Heart and Receives Instant Lasting Relief Relief Is what Wants and Gets when Dr for the Heart is Used I was for a long time a great suf ferer from heart trouble I had pal pitation and smothering accompanied by great and painful spasms I got very little relief from remedies and doctors failed to give me real bene fit A friond of mine bad used Dr Agnows for the heart and it had been a great relief to her I pro cured a bottle and it has proved a great to me I think it a great heart cure and heartily recom mend it to all sufferers Mrs Bishop Street Toronto Sold by E Lehman Bont- Pharmacy Newmarket the Mont Oct Govern or Smith has received a letter of in quiry from Secretary of State John Hay concerning vagabond Indians who now overrun this state which leads him to believe that the government contemplates sending the Indians back to Canada where they belong took a prominent part in the rebellion and since that time have been roaming from place to place Sidneys Clogged Many Victims of Diabetes Dropsy and Urinary Troubles Have Been sav ed by the Timely ofSou American Kidney Core The kidneys are natures filters expelling from body all impurities If tho kidney aro out of the whole system becomes impaired and disease follows as sure as fato Bright disease diabetes dropsy and distress ing urinary troubles infect fourfifths of the race It need not bo for South American Kidney is a power in dispelling all tendency to seating of disease It has cured cases that have been long and stubborn and that have baffled medical skill Sold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Street Millards Lane ana AUCTIONEERS Li J Wc wised Auctioneer lor the Co of York sold on Terms reason able Farm galea attended to AtrlalsoliolUd fllmcoe Street Newmarket NEWMARKET WORKS ft IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Ordering Tub new Ministers in Ontario Gov- requiring the of the electorate viz Hon Meters titration and will prob ably be returned without opposition The says that at a meeting of the Con- aervattva of It was that no candidate be pat up against the new Minister and a deputation composed of Messrs and and Dobbin waited on Mr and In- formed him of the decision Sorely political must be dawning when a deputation from a Conservative Associa tion Is appointed to wait upon a Liberal and Inform him that all opposition to his election will be withdrawn Down In Renfrew also Mr will have a walkover Tho new Premier will bo pleated to find saoh marked approval of his choice of colleagues to Lurier Iq Ontario the Hamilton Herald Independent this to say It Is clear that way in which the Premier has met new situation caused by war and overcome tho difficulties which have arisen in connection with has not lessened admira tion with which Ontario Liberals have long regarded him And wo may add that the majority of the Conservative of this Province in spite of all the rabid and fool ish talk of the extreme Tory organs feel that with at the head of Gov ernment there Is no alarm His loyalty is all tho more reliable because It tha loyalty of Canadian first and ha knows very well that it is the interest of his country to keep to Imperial mother not lees in days of I and danger than in time of peace Manila Oct San tiago one of the wealthiest Visayans who had taken the oath of allegiance to the United States and who posed as a friend of Americans been ar rested at while other are being watched The prisoner is charged with organizing a revolution ary junta Santiago owns sugar estates throughout the Island of Ne groes It is asserted that a council of 10 and the manager of the junta met daily at Santiagos office for the pur pose of engineering an extensive scheme of collections for an insurrec tion One of Santiagos steamers was captured carrying supplies to the reb els His arrest caused rumors of an outbreak of the natives of and precautions have been taken to pro- vent trouble Messrs J and P Boyd of Hamilton propose to erect a blast furnace at Port if town gives them a free site of twenty acres and a cash bonus of THE JAPS DID IT They us with the menthol con tained in that wonderful Menthol Plaster which relieves Instantly backache headache neuralgia rheumatism and scia tica Manufactured tho Da vis Lawrence Co Thompson Manager of the Ogilvie Milling Company Winnipeg wires J Ogilvies Toron to agent Great Britain intends to feed her soldiers well Order re ceived for 5050 barrels Ogilvios Hungarian flour for the Transvaal This is a tribute to Canada Thai nought If death of- Colonel been a relief to the religious of country resignation to it has found very slight expres sion Many good persons and some deacons and of known piety mourned for him unaffectedly He was a genial kind man to his family and his and be loved by them and cordially liked also by a great number of acquaint ances The sentiment that obtained very widely twenty years ago that he an emissary of Satan chief delight was the pro gress of injudicious toward eter nal punishment has of late years v ry much died No doubt his boisterous hostility to revealed reli gion hurt him It did not take- a profound mind to see that most of his discourse on religious matters though In a way eloquent shal low and that he spent much and strength in kicking dead dogs an exercise which though amusing to his audiences and financially pro fitable to himself as a lecturer did not add to reputation as a think er or a man belief has progressed very much in th States since the days when Colonel began to combat It Few aano persona nowadays distress them selves about the fate of Infanta or about forcordination and the prospective discomfiture of per sona who the got to bo of the little company of elect It would seem as if we f generation had mere confidence theo retically In the goodness and justice of God than our grandfathers had and were readier to dismiss from our minds without scruple or intentions Imputed to Him by theologians which seem contrary to our instinctive sense of justice We satisfied that Cod Is good and In any theology which to our minds represents him as cruel we simply is some mistake obituaries of Colonel recall that his father was a Congre gational minister and that the son got his antagonism to Calvinism not by inversion but by direct Inherit ance for the father held and suffered for some of the opinions that the son afterward possessed with ouch profuse rhetorical greatest compliment that was ever paid to Colonel power as an assailant of dogmatic religion was when tho Christian deavorers some years ago made a concerted effort to compass his con version by prayer The most effect snuhilhat he received was doubt less when in a Presidential conven tion in recent years he was sent out on the platform to speak and the convention refused to hear him The newspapers spook of the ex treme distress of his immediate fa mily at his death That indicates of course how great If he was beloved but It suggests also that to persona reared careful seclusion from all religious belief death may naturally bo a overwhelming incident than to those whose training has it a habit of mind to think of death a passage from one sphere of to another Harpers Weekly HUNYONGUARftNTEE Assertions to A Horse ale DO will cur cues of la Ms Curt ears ill thtt will ear per li of all of Montr trouble Ml Ca rina Curt wlU CTft to miller Cera will Mad of la a few tint bit Cold Out wTO break up toy fern cold 3d on Ust ricedlea At all a If aflik lie at It absolute TWO SOWN LOSS On Street Desirably Situated near old Woollen Factory For Bale on Terms Apply to Real Agent Sale or To Son acres Lot In 2nd Con of Scott cleared Well watered and good buildings TITOS Zephyr fi to Soil or Scat Line of bury a from Newmarket depot Young bearing orchard of Good market farm Apply to Newmarket Somo For or to Rent Brick house stone stable domestic water bathroom and good garden and all modern conveniences Grand situation for scenery ELI ARM1TAGE Newmarket Fov or So in the rear of the 3rd conceealon of For Fur ther particulars apply to KNOWLES Newmarket Farm to Bent lot In con 6 of North Well watered good buildings good orchard and 15 acres of fall JOHN Sutton West PO FOE 2 piim There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Leh man who spate no paipsto secure the beat of everything in their lfoe for their many customers now have the agency for Dr Kings New Discovery which surely Con sumption Coughs and This is the wonderful remedy that is now producing so much excitement all over the country by its startling cures It absolutely cures Asthma Bronchitis Nausea and all affections of Throat Chest and Lungs Yon can teat it before buying by call ing at the above Drug Store and get a trial bottle free or regular size for and Guaranteed to or price refunded A farm residence near was burned to the ground on Sunday morning the Got pooled the doctors told Hamilton of West Jefferson O after suffering from Rectal Fistula lie would die unless a costly operation was performed hut he cured himself with five of Arnica Halve tho surest Pile cure on Earth and the best Salve in tho World cents a box Sold by Wilrnot Mi- man Druggist was a bright mathematical scholar and pretty and when she rat tled at the stamp window and laid down a dollar bill the handsome young clerk with a blue necktie on the inside was all attention Theres a dollar she said give me four times as many twos aa ones and the rest in threes I beg your pardon he stammer ed She repeated her request Certainly he said and began tc lay out stamps He worked at it ten minutes with out success she waited patiently the meantime He wasnt busy with anyone else and she didnt seem to mind watch ing him calculate so she gave him an other five minutes Then a customer came in Just keep the dollar she said sweetly and Ill come around in the morning and get the stamps in the proper proportions He thought she was becoming sar castic and turned to wait on the next but when he looked again for girl of the mathematical turn she was gone That evening he visited the news paper offices for and advice and the next day when she called he swore there wasnt a stamp in the office Now why did the clerk lie Detroit Free English Spavin Liniment re moves all hard soft or calloused Lamps and Blemishes from horses Blood Spavin Splints Ring Bone Sweeney Stifles Sprains Sore and Swollen Throat Coughs etc Save by use of one bottle Warranted the moat wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold by Lehman Druggist A large meeting of Man Liberals was addressed by Hon Clif ford and others last Friday An address was read speaking in very high terms of Mr Sit tons administra tion of his department SIDES SORE FROM A HACK ING COUGH Take It will cure you quickly no matter how bad the cold En dorsed by thousands of Canadi ans Sold throughout the land Manufactured by the proprietors of Perry Davie A man been arrested in Chi cago on a charge of bigamy and ad mits having fortytwo wives ENGLISH LITERATURE For Infanta and Children Joys A Dimpled Dot in Her Arms and Body Without PainHeres a Case of Mother Cured of Tormenting Piles by Dr Ointment After baby was born I suffered great torment from piles Nothing gave me any lasting relief or benefit until I had used Dr Oint ment One application of it me almost instant relief and a few ap plications cured me Mrs Pacific Ave Toronto Sold by Lehman Bent- leys Pharmacy Newmarket fen w It is now report that LieutCol Sam Hughes will go to the Transvaal as an officer attached to a regiment of the regular army probably the Dublin Fusiliers ALWAYS HO KIND Of PAIR OR OR EXTERNAL THAT WILL NOT LOOK OUT FOB AND SUB STITUTES THE BOTTLER DEARS THE MAKE SON to 6bakpar I It U one were asked to writer whose influence upon English language and literature is greatest the answer would be Shakespeare without hesitation bo universally that dramatists power in realm of Utters known But a pcr- asked to state what writer next to Shakespeare has exerted the greatest influence upon our literature there would probably be some hesi tation before answering- and not many oven among the beat educated people would mention William that writer Yet according to the best authorities on the cub- the reformer ex erted in his translation of How Testament a greater upon our literature than any other writer except Shakespeare and noma over claim that his influence surpasses that of immortal bard It would bo Impossible to calculate extent of the influence of tho au thorized translation of the Bible upon English speech and literature To the constant reading of that book Bunyan was indebted for his stylo and for the ideas presented in his immortal allegory Hundreds of expressed their indebt edness to tho Scripture for proficien cy in tho art of composition reading and study of that book haa moulded their language to a large extent Then the speech of the com mon people has been most wonder fully influenced by Bible which the one Book known to those humblest positions In life It upon Tyndales translation of New Testament that author ized version is based The transla tors of the authorized version took chapter after chapter without any alteration whatever frota work and every chapter they materially assisted by his Dr Angus has said that the transla tion Tyndale Is the parent of authorized as he himself is the trus hero of tho English Reformation historian said peculiar genius which breathes through it the authorized version the mingled tenderness and majesty the Saxon simplicity the preterna tural grandeur unequalled the attempted improve- of modern scholars all are here and bear the of man and that man dale Boston Ideas 150 Acres St York Co of on line of Now Electric Railway Splendid Stock and Dairy Good Buildings and many natural and advantages Will sell part or all Apply to THOMAS Aurora BALI OF Farm and Properly In The Executors of the Estate of the will offer for sale by Auction at the Hewitt Hotel premises in the Town of Newmarket On 11th at the hour of oclock in the forenoon the following properties namely 1st the West acres of North Half of lot in the 2nd Concession of Whitchurch subject to a lease to Job Coatee for another year 2nd the Homestead lot No In the 2nd Concession of Whitchurch situate on 2nd the town limits Parcel No an excellent farm consisting of a good clay loam in a good of cultiva tion with House barn and outbuildings and fences all In lair condition and about acres of bush mostly hardwood Parcel No la situate outside the Cor poration limits and Is thus free from town taxation There is a large solid brick house thereon and a good frame driving and bout bearing stable also about two acres of choice apple trees mostly winter fruit just at prime for The Kingston Locomotive Works have received an order for ton more compound engines from the For particulars and conditions of sale targe posters and for further Information ap ply to George Rose and CC Webb A ecu to re Newmarket or to IW Solicitor for Executors Newmarket will Our fee returned if we fall and of any promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same How to obtain a Patent upon request patents through us advertised for sale at our expense Patents taken out through us receive notice la The an illustrated and Journal consulted by Manufacturer and Investors Bend for Address VICTOR J A CO Patent ft be by our aid THE RECORD Oct About oclock this overling while prepar ing supper Mrs wife of Mich ael ONeil an old and respected resi dent of this town dropped dead Heart disease was the immediate cause of her sudden was about years of age had been a resident of town for up ward of years and was a member of the Roman Catholic Church A and QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS 1 cuius HI The Cinidjin Remedy for all Large Bottle cents DAVIS ft Lifted Props Perry Pain Killer New Strayed from Lot In the Con of the past summer fl Old Dehorned Roan spot on head sod tpotted tegs Pig ring In left car Any Information leading to recovery ftbly rewarded Also for tale La nibs JOHN COWlliON

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