Newmarket Era, 3 Nov 1899, p. 5

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f J i j- THE ERA FRIDAY NOV IT XT r ill CAPITAL head International Sunday Softool Manager Nov Neb Ml Prosper I pray thco thy soryant this day a young Jew though to the King in the Persian palace was deeply in the of Judea and having mot two of bis countrymen who had just from ho enquired about THE FIRST CHILL BRAMCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT HATES A I S S I their Receiving a sad account of condition ho was led to weep and mourn and besought God by earnest prayor for the sake of His covenant to help and land PRACTICAL God bears and answers prayer Wo should be willing to help God answer our prayor God was bettor than asking for ho moved King to speak first God docs many things for us of which wo have no conception Do you bring your troubles to God You should Wo show true faith in God by per- sistant prayor was a greater work than creation I clt a breath athwart the air It Mopped mo like flrot far not of For la to dark I know a Shape wna Ah I then I knew tho year stealing on That Bummer for And yet it abort dawn And June war only that the April In Good Health Promised by AT AM fltcrllnK and American Draft sold Collection Dromptly to Manager MEDICAL Dp flrat door South Of IOBl to am G fa lately occupied by Campbell Ischuria Man Ciiurob Slain St Newmarket to am to Dp Office and Hoar Church of England MISCELLANEOUS MPs Simpson Main fli Druffglata and Fancy of and Violin Tuner of and all BUlhif Instruments p Olivep of Mualo Ohio and THEORY to At percent on flratotapa farm alto on policies by for taking J and ileal Estate Agent o Agent for the following rollablo London and Globe Union Standard Mutual Block Mount Albert fl Wo the undersigned do agree to refund the money on a fivo of Dr Wills English Pills if after using threofourtbs of contents of bottle thoy do not roliovo Constipation and Headache Wo al so warrant that four bottles will per manently euro most obstinate ease of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay Wills English Pills are used Druggist Newmarket Ont J Phm Druggist Ont Pharmacy Main St The little lambs And capered through May Are prisoned spending their last earthly- bourn Penned In a reeking shambles far away The little birds beyond my Hatched In the bending apple branch low nave gone and left long ago to rill Their pretty In Mexico The swallows fear of And la barn cried for more Now In alarm the colony has To twitter on a frostiest shore The that thro In sunny way Fluttered from bud to bud from no war to Who loafed and fonrd all summer Is today A broken dead thing on a burdock leaf I frit a chilling breath Stealing athwart the balmy evening air It chilled me like the far note of death For In that dark I knew a was there ELECTRICAL COOKiHG- A THE CHILOSS MIND- Into Provincial depart ment has received information believe to bo conclusive regard ing John who disappeared mysteriously from He was seen at Dorset and was enquiring for a camp near by The description corresponds with that of to minor do- tails It Letting Look the childs mind by show ing from to time all of life Take him to day to and lot him see how pictures made next week to factories to learn la bor and afterward to a brickyard and an Ironfoundry not forgetting claims of great churches and mo numents upon an elevating educa tion The alternation of city and country Is a delightful stimulant When travel is possible we should give the child glimpses of mountains and sights of the sea and let him become acquainted with mountain eers and fishermen even as he ought in town to know something of ways and thoughts of the workmen so that ho may to feel sympa thy with all sorts of people and un derstand the merit of labor Actual experience of this kind is worth in finitely more than the thcoriing in schoolbooks It is not particularly Interesting to a to read that he should he to all the poo- pic who supply him with his daily comforts to the farmer the baker the manufacturer the builder Hut when he sees how grain grows and Is converted into flour how furniture is wrought from blocks of wood and threads woven into cloth the whole history of the objects about him la revealed different parts of life become connected anil ho a of the thread of harmony that runs through it all And he has a mo ment of satisfaction coming through a feeling of kinship with the world which is mom useful than gratitude upon principles Florence in Womans Home Companion Vague About Results There Is nothing indefinite about the kind of good health that is promised by Fames Celery Compound and that strongly vouched for by letters that come from our best Colery Compound among other blessings gives firmer and stronger norves circulation complete digestion complexion sweeter breath and more regular bod- These blessings ar always scoured by Colery Com pound when other remedies fail It is foolish and criminal to neglect daily pains and the unmistak able symptoms of dangerous diseases when it is well known that a bot tles of Celery Compound will completely banish every trouble and give a condition of health that guar antees a long and happy life Every man or woman whoso ner vous strength is overtaxed or whose lifo is a busy and full of mental worries will soon feel the invigorating and vitalizing effects of one or two bottles of natures health giver and bis or health improve after the first of this greatest of ail reme dies Electricity Is making its way into kitchen through parlor and diningroom says The Cosmopolitan For some time it has used for heating of flvooclock kettle eliminating dangers which always incurred an alcohol lamp fa used A- tea kettle coffee pot or chafing dish may bo adjusted to tho nearest lamp in a wired for electric lighting experience cook knows that there dishes which are never seen in their perfection ten feet from fire that cooked them People who have passed their youth in tho coun try grow peevish over the way years deteriorated tho flavor of some simple early favorite of table Electrical appliances have some thing to bring back the old condi tions Griddle cakes baked on a steel griddle electrically heated to tho exact temperature lightly brush ed with oil are a crisp delight as they flipped from griddle to plate But this appliance can bo used with the illuminating cur rent It requires an extra attach ment as that current Is too weak This is generally put In at leg of Up to this time electricity has been used almost ex clusively by woman who makes a fad of experimental cooking and the has her electric kitchen fitted up like a small laboratory far from tho domain of the family cuisine The whole paraphernalia might fit Into a tiled closet almost anywhere so hooded and ventilated that no odor escapes into the surrounding rooms In one of the apartment houses In New York dainty electric kitchens have been fitted up where tho tenants have asked for them although the apartments not designed for housekeeping origin ally wj Our Tailoring Department is in full swing and no wonder we are very busy We are selling NOBBY ALLWOOL TWEED SUITS at The Stock in other Departments is Complete The Leading House Sharon iA 1 m I Indians Shot Chief THE METRIC SYSTEM AFTER A COLD DRIVE a tea- spoonful or PainKiller mixed with a glass of hot water ana sugar will be found a better than Avoid substitutes there is but one Killer Perry Davia Money to Loan At Five per on Firstclass form Security by commissioner for taking Affidavit Real the Queen His Majesty will arrive and remain Castle five days after which he will go to for a London Oct The Berlin respondent of the Daily Mail says I All the arrangements been com- I for Emperor Williams visit to tinny People so overcrowded as and LIT OoroDli Mutual fa also Of Registry Office Corner of Main and Lot Streets Snto association visit to the Wales The Appetite of a Goat Is envied hy all poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of order All such should know that Dr Kings New Life Pills the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy gives a splendid appetite sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy Only cents at Lehmans Drug Store Manitoba Flour BEST Hungarian Patent FIELD kioduTimothy Clover Mined end Turnip of the BEST LIME Portland And Ontario J Cor Main and Huron 1 rnders arc that of stenography because twenty girls can be found for each position offered A new branch of regular stenography is that of the type writerstenographer who works by the piece visits her customers each morning takes notes and does her work upoh her own typewriter returning letters promptly for signature also does copying To business men who have not sufficient work nor office sufficient to shore with a typewriter she is valuuhle is also a valued as sistant to women who- busy with club work answering their letters copying rules and regulations and filing away their business papers Worrying you were to go into THE DUVAL TREATMENT FOR BEAUTY Consists of ten remedies for all tho Skin and sale by who Is furnished with FREE SAMPLES to give to all lady Inquirers which can also bo obtained by sending to BARKER CO Limited Cue mists Advertisers are prone to be Heat of results That is to say the new and inexperienced ones are The oldest ones know totter There is nothing more true than that it de mands time for the accomplishment of any desired object The farmer his wheat in the autumn and waits until the following June or July for a harvest Makers of wag gons buy which is not made into a complete wagon for three years Professional men study for years he- fore they force recognition of their merit Suppose you to go a completely dork room wishing it to bo light How would you set about work Would you try to scoop darkness up in buckets and carry it out at door Not at all You just open windows and shatters and let in the blessed sun light You would replace the dark ness with light it is with wor ry The only possible way to got rid of It to replace the worry of mind with nonworry attitude And this can always bo when the person Is sincere and patient In his desire to bring it about AH ho has to do is to be passive and let nature have own perfect way him I Portage Ont Oct 24 Chamberlain of the Dominion Police Ottawa and A J In dian Agent at Lac Soul in town with three Indians in their custody Two of- the Indians are charged with shooting chief last winter at Cat Lake about 350 miles north east of and will be tried at Winni peg Assizes The story told by the two prisoners is essentially as follows The chief of the Cat Lake Indians called a or insane ordered the pris oners to shoots him A council of the tribe was called and they discussed the matter for two days whon they ar rived at tho conclusion that the chiefs orders would have to bo obeyed The Jay down in his wigwam and indicated with his hand whore they were to shoot him Dead wood was heaped upon his body and a fire kept going for two days thereby according to the belief of the Indians thorough ly destroying the evil spirit of their chief The matter was reported to Mr but as the Cat Lake tribe are nontreaty Indians special legislation was passed last July to cover the case Constable Chamber lain went to Lie where Mr and two guides joined him and they made the seventeen hundred miles journey in twenty days The arret of the two Indians was effected without trouble and when seen yesterday smoking their pipes they appeared to rather enjoy their captivity The Third Indian was brought along as a witness Two of them had never seen a railroad or train before and only one of them had ever seen horses or cows it Doing Don Id Canada to Intro due It By using a HighGrade Flour we still intend to turn out A Dyspepsia Cure REMOVAL JOSHUA Grasp All and Lose AH Many people are bo Intent on all that they lose strength of appetite di gestion health Fortunately however these may be restored by taking Hoods has put many a- business man on the road to success by giving him good digestion strong nerves and a clear It does the thing for weak and tired women HOODS PILLS cure head ache indigestion Ex-vice- President Liohtenheim of be has vJaSSSSi fended Vilto Marie Bank larger promisee opposite Toronto Jobbing nas been commuted for trial on House kino of charge of having made a false and Boots and Shoes deceptive statement to the Government TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Quinine iiUiirtii Another revolution has arrived Everybody knows gloss is made in part of melted sand other day an Anderson manufac turer in passing through his shops noticed a globe on an arc light break and a piece of the gloss hit ting on a carbon instantly melted Hero was an idea He built a vat with sides and bottom composed of carbons and forced sand through it result exceeded bis expectations Ho made glass in as many seconds as ho had made In hours before It is bound to clean out the old methods trt Cnr A new street car system is pos sible For three months street cars have been run for fourteen miles on a road known as tho surface- contact system and it has given no difficulty car gets an impulse every few foot as It strikes a contact point underneath connection between ear and motor is by a magnetized bar and special switch car carries thirtysix passongora Electricians are watching the opera of this road five Reliable and corned by the Delicate is Dip Von Stans Pineapple Tablets Let the worst dyspepsia eat a pine apple a day for six months and so greatly would his health improve he would look like and feel like a new person The reason is plain The pineapple holds a generous supply of vegetable pepsin next to the juices of the stomach is the greatest digestive known Very few people cun obtain the daily pineapple but everyone can get Dr Von Stans Pine apple Tablets whioh are mainly com posed of this precious fruit juice They are eaten as candy are as harm less as and always give sat isfaction They cure all digestive troubles Box of Tablets cents Two Grand Trunk freight trains collided at Port Hope on the The engines and about twenty cars were smashed Fireman William Bowler was probably fatally wound ed and Driver Ed Miller of East Toronto was seriously scalded adoption of the metric system by Great Britain cannot be much longer delayed Means have been taken In tho United Kingdom to ac custom the people to the system and we are glad to see that the Minister of Inland has made a start in introducing it into Canada says The Toronto World Neither the Un ited nor Canada will bo likely to adopt the metric system until Great Britain makes the change When that occurs Canada and the United States will fall in line and metric system will then be uni versal throughout the civilized world The new notation is being forced upon us Todays despatches tell us that France is short in her wheat crop so many million hectolitres The Continental sprinter and cyclist makes his record in kilometres Our ther mometers are graded by millimetres business man is compelled to convert hectolitres Into bushels be fore ho understands the significance of the shortage In the French crop The sporting man must know the re lation between a kilometre and a mile before ho can compare the re cords of American and European athletes Even if the metric system Is not to be officially adopted for time it should bo taught la the schools and popularized among busi ness men The fact that the system Is used by all civilized nations except Great Britain the United States and Canada makes it necessary that wo should acquire a practical knowledge of it But perhaps its chief virtue will bo In ridding us of the cumber some and confusing notations that exist In Great Britain and North America The adoption of the metric system would secure a muchneeded uniformity of weights and measures Englishspeaking peoples Wo have hundredweights that may mean either or pounds We have long tons and short tons Tho Canadian gallon is larger than the American gallon The British reckon wheat by quarters and wo on this continent by bushels It would be hard to devise a more cumbersome system of weights and measures than those in use by Englishspeaking countries All this lack of uniform ity among ourselves and foreign countries would disappear at once by our adopting the simple and unam biguous system that prevails in Con tinental Europe The Minister of In land Revenue has distributed a num ber of cases containing complete sets of metric weights and measures to different commercial and educational centres In Canada doing so he has had so many enquiries from Boards of Trade and business men concerning the system that he has decided to distribute additional eases among Boards of Trade uni and other Institutions BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry always on hand Wedding Cakes a Specialty Fresh Groceries Always in Stock Proprietor I take this opportunity to thank the many customers for their past patronage and ask a continuance of their favors The Buffalo AilSteel Disc Harrow This Is the only Disc Harrow made or sold in Canada having Independent adjustable pressure upon the Inner of gang disco allowing any amount of pressure to be thrown foot of flexible worked to Machine a uniform depth Examine this fully and compare with others rnrt ma ox kujok The Cultivator IB A MABVEL The only Culti vator made that both lloeo of will cut an even depth In the Examine it and you will see why The only Cultivator with a move able tooth set so that the angle of teeth can bo regulated to suit any condition of soil Pressure can be to act differently on every sec tion requiring it teeth are carried between the wheels Instead of trailing behind as In other thus securing lighter draft This ma chine Is furnished with grain and grass seed box when required It has reversible diamond steel points for the teeth wldq ting points can Examine you will buy no other THE BEST DRILL MADE The Needs No Introduction Over Drills and Seeders of our manufac ture In use in Canada only Drill made with lever for and perfect regulation of depth of hoe In all kinds of soil while team lain motion Bows absolutely correct to scale as every kernel Is deposited at a proper depth to Purchase only the beet and you will bo satisfied ft also manufacture Binders Reapers Mowers Bakes Cultivators and good as best for Illustrated catalogue Limited Canada ELMER Agents NEWMARKET ONT Gil NOT ANOTHER OLD at per over lbs lb in iablets Al druggists refund the money if it fails to cure p Groves signature is on each box of Much the tea which comes from China to Europe comes Steppes of Siberia by caravans of sledges of fifty to seventy Each sledge carries Ave bales of tea pack ed in cow akin and is drawn by one horse but live or six aro tied together and directed by driver oats for It take about to make a Cured Hales or do away with ths need for Laxative Pile are dam aging to of the stomach to say noting of the griping pains caus ed by mom Splendid for the child ren Is a box from Richardson Chemists Great St London Health World No de scribing these Cones sent by us Considerable commotion has been created in financial and official circles in Paris through an article published in Journal des from the pen of Paul in which the writer estimates the public debt at and adds It is the largest in the world and after years of peace to show the shortsightedness of our fi nancial administration The effect of this article has been widespread and at the coming convocation of the Chambers there will be numerous in terpellations on the subject The writer draws a gloomy picture of the French finances during the Exposition year He shows how for the last few years every annual budget has been 35000000f more than the proceed ing Great Britains he points out is less than that of France and as Great Britain has now of- inhabitants more than France and is in reality much richer the increase of expenditure in the is lands is no argument for an increase France l the Era with any other weekly for home news Just as Made in Styles Sizes and Prices No Note No Letter No 6 Cap There is not a business man using the Shannon File that would be without them after finding now convenient they are Lawyers and Ministers find them just as convenient The Ladies would not be without them if they knew how handy are to keep accounts and letters Every well regulated household should have Office Specialty Faotory Newmarket Ont and 124 Bay Toronto 1 Notre Montreal P Q If you are not a subscriber to the Era Send for a trial trip of months A

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