Newmarket Era, 3 Nov 1899, p. 6

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-L- a V 1 m NEWMARKET ft FRIDAY V 3 it IK8P0H0KNTB TO J KESWICK member of Christian to a Fowl in future Watch out for bill giving full particulars UNION STREET MoOloud was visiting with Miller MiraM Miller has returned from Mr I A was visiting at the homo of hot last week of the East bury S8 Association would to blank filled up and returned to him at once by various school SUTTON Mr is an stono hennery Ladles of on Thanksgiving day sustain their reputation for providing an excellent table also an program Proceeds Wo boon Informed that about a of net was placed in the Lake in neighborhood of Port Bolster and taken up it con tained 1400 pounds offish Is it any wonder that scarce What people would like to know is next coming off Who was in buggy that was driving up and down street so muoh last Sunday night What is reason tho trustees will not allow a concert in after has improved bo latoly Mayfwwkr MOUNT PLEASANT Our pulpit was filled very acceptably on Sunday last by the Mr Lust evening about forty invited guests spent a very enjoyable at Mr Hamiltons jr musio Messrs Vino Smith and Moulds was highly appro- Owing to bad roads and die agrooablo weather tho Choir were not all tho last two Sundays Quito a number from hero attend hold at Mr Minors on Thursday Mr Lander spont Bun day with Mr Prod Glover Mr Duncan J Hamilton was guest of Mr Jos Davison last Sunday Mr Fred was a guest at Mr John Hamiltons last Sunday ft YP8OE still keeps up its in threat and good is being done Boll Hamilton of this place led meeting at on day last brought up some good ideas Miss Curtis leads tho meeting hero on Aid of this aro doing a business They met at Mr John last week Mr Han Johnston was in ho City a load of pork last week Mr is pushing the hay fork business Miss of Virginia is visit ing friends bore The homo sorviccs wero hold last and Monday in Methodist morning A P Draco choso for his text I go to a for you which was ably handled mass mooting of children and young pooplo in the was very Mr doaerves groat credit for the way he spoko in evening on and Doors enter tainment on Monday evening was a grand success Mr Gilpin of ably filled tho office of chair man lecturo given by Mr was well rendered in every particular flubjcot being Key of courage wore by ladies Proceeds BALDWIN BREEZES Joseph Foster our blacksmith has at last got his house in perfect repair having latoly finished clapboard- log Thero two gangs of bound for from this section Win Crittenden Crittenden Henry Rao and J comprise No Co The says I- would not enter on my list of friends tho man who needlessly sets foot upon worm Now a good many professed christians who take great pleasure in slaying innocent deer Is it right I think not Why the preachers do it perhaps some will observe Oh yes but those that do so dont count for I observe that our Parliamentary reps Messrs and Davis been visiting the local fairs A good idea Why they so very popular Simply cause theyre go affable and sociable with most humble of their constituents Quito a certain Dr and of North York A elector Jim poor but honest was strolling through hub one day and spied the Dr with somo big bugs Goodday Dr says Jim No no tice was taken of his greeting May be didnt hear mo soliloquized Jim by hell hear me next time So repassing the Dr he shouted at the top of his voice Good day Dr No response next election Jim I polled his voto for the opposition can- farmers in this Section busy getting in their roots COLLEGE Several from around hero tak en in annual deer hunt and wo hope bring home full number I have oft proper method of putting down cement floor ing Mix gravel and cement in right proportions then wet to ram to a solid mass top dressing the same Homo just wheel in gravel it down and plaster tho cement on top a plan I wouldnt for and it to stand I dont how much Portland cement you put on that way It wont Wo understand Mr J Merry weather of has the contract of building tho Queens Hotel The Joker had his mouth fixed for the fowl suppor at Virginia but got left A man drove from near Vroomington after him to help put in a cement floor Your readers would naturally think I had the cement on the brain but if provorb i true every good has his mind on his trade For a nice cosy barn go and Mr Raos Jokor and his pal Mr Danivl Dumont Menar put floor under Mr Jacob Smith will soon his barn complete He is at present putting in a cement floor Mr John is a host in himself in put ting tasty dosigns on his work Again this will bo barn of this vicinity Jokkiu The Salvation Army MOUNT ALBERT Thiovoi operating again Geo token out of his boggy on Sunday night he was at church meat stolen from his buggy on Satur day night it was under hotel shed and had his laun dry removed from his rig in place Ah yet is nothing defin ite as la who the guilty persons are but should it bo proven highest punishment law allows should ho out It is time potty thriving was Mrs presented hus band with a fine baby girl Gibson is horn laying out the cemetery Ho understands his Rowland and wife gone to Pickering for fow days boys wore out in full swing on Tuesday night removing gates and tapping on window panes Quarterly Meeting in Methodist Church next Sunday morning con ducted by Rev K RELTJAVEH AY The regular mooting will bo hold at on Nov at A good programme is being provided by of that department Wo would like all interested in tho good work come and encourage us by your presence press Edmund Kennedy King town- ship died this month leaving in outstanding Onohalf of this is given to Mary Kennedy to Catherine to Han- Poland girls the balance to- bo divided among these three A good general fifood refer- MR3 j Frosh Must bo Will price for cor that good rich rallk good Clover Hay NOW ON JSTOg a a The of One or Hardship While on Duty Ben Bryan Was Stricken a fluppoaod Incur able Disease and Forced to Relin quish Work Ho Ha Now Re covered His Health- From the flews The life of a Army work er vory far from being a sinecure Their dutioB are not only arduous but they are called upon by re gulations of Army to conduct out- ofdoor at ail seasons and in all kinds of weather This being the it is little wonder that health of these selfsacrificing workers fre quently gives way Bon Bryan whoso home is at Ont is well known through former con nection with the Armv having stationed at such important points as The OfcfcQTjua Contingent A a few torn I SILVER general Good plain cook family month Part st DAVISON w4l For Bale fe memorial of Draper was preached in Methodist Church at on Sunday by the Rev Mr Brown The parents have the heartfelt sympathy of community HOLLAND LANDING i HallowEve off rather quiet in this place no depredations of any account haying been performed Mrs J A Berlin of Ynee Miss formerly of Comers was calling on friends on Tuesday last the city on jury this week Mr Stephenson had a cow killed on the Yonge at crossing on Thursday last Several other cows narrowly escaped at the same time Mr John Stephenson of this place and Miss Milne of Queensville were united in the holy bonds matrimony on Tuesday afternoon Rev A Brown performing the ceremony Wo all wish them much joy and happiness Mr Barker of Toronto moved into the residence of the late Joseph John this Mr Elliott has to the 2nd Mr J of spent Monday last in our village Miss Nellie Howard of Toronto spent Friday last at her home here The Anniversary will bo held in the Methodist Church here on Sunday Nov service at am and All aro cordially invited to attend- Rev Dewey of Aurora is expected to be present and several other minister On tho of the a fowl supper will be hold in Mr Taylors Hall in connection with church proceeds to be utiliz ed for tho extension repairs which have been made to- tho church past year Mr left this week for Island where he in tends to reside in the future Mr Morton of lias been vibiting with friends here the past Cattaraugus Mr Wellington Morton has pur chased the lot Baldwin and is removing there where he will have an implement agency There is much around here at present- not necessarily bo- cause of so many owls being about but because of so many inquisitive bodies wanting to know who do you mean in various sketches Do not trust him gentle lady though his voice bo low and sweet Heed not he who kneels before thee gently pleading at thy feet Trust not hes fooling thee If a good many silly girls had those words dingdonged into their ears day by day theyd be sparod ft great deal of misery and vain regrets The number of illegitimate waifs in the country is a blot on the fair name of Miss Canada Sir Wilfrid closed his tour at Smiths Falls on Saturday where despite a heavy rainstorm an audience of in a tf An old time custom on Queen St and a very nice custom it was for the intimate lady friends to take Saturday pm for visiting amongst one another All would go to one neighbors house one afternoon and so on and enjoy social chat and strengthening chords of friendship Not for gossip In those days wero Mrs Geo Mrs Doan Mrs Wilson Mrs and Jerry Gra ham Mrs etc all now at rest in the kirkyard Our deerhunters skedaddled for Muskoka What yer snickering about ladies Hey Oh yes the egg packer at our market Its a daisy Thero is an old saying that ab sence makes the heart grow fonder of tother fellow One of our young ladies evidently decided to embrace present opportunities That Klondy ker go to Jericho for all cares Mrs is still shelved with injured limb The slightest movement causes excruciating agony is erecting a large stable on his lot Nathan Thomas builder Big large market on Monday four buyers and upwards of fifty rigs thero from EG Brook and away beyant Sutton Hows that for high I Tub Owl The Sardinian with the Canadian South African contingent on board sailed from Quebec shortly after oclock Monday afternoon Montreal Toronto Kingston and in Canada and at Schenectady Troy and other points in the United States While on duty he attacked by a socalled disease but having been restored to health through the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills a representative of the Alexandria News thought it worth while to procure from his own lips a statement of bis illness and recovery He found Mr Bryan at work a healthy robust man bis appearance giving no indications of his recent suf- forings The story of his illness and subse quent cure by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills reads like a miracle and is given in his own words as follows While stationed at in July 1897 was attacker with what the doctors called Chronio Spinal The symptoms somewhat similar to those a pleuratic attack but were anied by spasms which when the pain became too severe rendered me uncon scious The length of these sciouB spells as they advanc ed After spending four months in the Kingston General Hospital and on the Salvation farm Toronto I re gained some of my former strength and returned to my work second attack occurred when I was stationed at Schenectady in October 1898 and was more severe than- the first The symptons of the second were very similar to those proceeding the first the only apparent difference being that they more severe and the effects were of longer duration Owing to the precarious state my health I was compelled to resign my position after the second attack and return to my homo While there a friend advised mo to try Dr Williams Pink and I began us ing them in March I used only a dozen boxes and am once more enjoying perfeot health I feel that I am perfectly well and can oheer- fully say that J attribute my present state of health to tho produced by Williams Pink Pills Mrs Bryan has also used tho pills and was benefitted very thereby Par Em Canada is truly making history and the raising of a Canadian regi ment for South Africa marks another advance in Canada which in the near future will be an aid rather than a birr- to Empire In the matter of volunteers for ser vice the Capital City was not for sho contributed seventy and many had to be refused Wo are justly our soldier boys for they are as fine and noble looking lot of men as have left any home to go forth to facb the deadly realities of grim war But the send off the boys is almost beyond belief Last will bo a day long to be remembered by every citioti of Ottawa It was without doubt the most exciting in cident in Citys history About thernon were drawn up on Square in the midst of a vast of spectators Judging from the interest that so earn estly showed would think that each person had a friend in the con tingent The Mayor and City Aldermen presented the boys with an address and in gold The Minister of Militia then spoke a few parting words to the brave fellows I verily believe that there was not a dry eye in the whole of that vast assemblage and when Mayor Payment called for three cheers for the they were given in no uncertain way for the crowd cheer ed with a heart The march to the station was more like a welcome to the victorious than a goodbye to those just departing The procession was headed by the Veterans men who have helped to fight for the Queen and Country next came the boys who are going forth to aid the armies of the empire while in their came the Public School Cadets the Hope of Cana da youths who will be ready to fight for Greater Britain in time to come as escort were the members of tho G Foot Guards Dragoons and the Field Battery four bands filled the air with patriotic airs The streets were one mass of hu manitytraffic and streetcars vera forced to stop It seemed as the whole of Ottawa had turned out to honor the The enthusiasm and patriotism of the were at fever heat when suddenly the bands started martial strains of The Soldiers of the Queen The was too much for tho and every joined in the chorus Oh its the Soldiers of the Queen my Whove been my Whove Been my In the fight for Englands glory lads When had to show them what we mean And when we weve always And when they how its done Well point to every one Of Englands Soldiers of the Very few of the could get in to the station Many were the sad goodbyes and farewells All too soon the time came for the parting and the train slowly pulled out The bands up Auld Lang Syne but the was liter ally buried by the and hurrahs of the multitude It is estimated that the num bered from twenty to twenty five thousand Truly it a royal send off but when Boys come back and we sincerely hope that all of them will this magnificent Bend off will pale before the that they will receive J Grey Pony vory free and driver JOHN Eagle Newmarket Lamb Astray Came upon a ram Owner Is requested to prove property pay charges and take It Baldwin mm for Scaled lendtrb will be up to received by un- Boot Friday of Nov for SO of Stone eui tabic for breaking for Macadamizing purposes PartteH tendering II state price per and quantity they can furnish tender accepted Order DAVID LLOYD Town Clerk TORONTO JO An Exact Fit It la seldom you find two men of exact ly the came proportions To get an ex act fit It to clothes made for the Individual After our tailoring there la no doubt about the satisfaction of your suit Peculiarities of flKure fitted so exactly to remove the evidence of them figured fitted to beat display beauty my Tailor is If you want Rubber Goods Atomizers Fountain Syringes Bulb Syringes Hot Water Bottle or Combination Fountain Syringe Go to Lehmans Drue Store Wholesale Retail wisp Two North Furniture Store Main St Newmarket If you want a Good Sponge or Chamois at a Low Price Go to Leumans Store If you want a Patent Medicine that has its virtue still retained A Fresh Supply Twice a Week of Park Co8 Famous Bacon Hams Ac The beat Mildest Cured Meats on the Market today A trial will con vince von Floor Rolled Oats Corn Meal Go to Lehman Butter Eggs Cueese Potatoes Pickles Bait Canned Corn peas Tomatoes Pickled Pisa Feet flam and Tongue Honey c If you want anything in Perfume or Articles you can be sure of tho Best at Lehmans Store IsacouiDOD name but when you the stamp Brow on the bottom of a photograph Is a guarantee of permanency and excellence PICTURE FRAMES of all kinds at Cheapest Metropolitan Station Newmarket For Sale at a Bargain Span of Shetland Ponies Cart Cutter Robe Saddle Complete Outfit in good condition Will Bell separately if so de sired JACKSON If you have a Prescription to be filled have it filled by using Pure Drugs the Drug gist always haa Pure Drugs If it is a Comb or Brush you are looking for Lehman the Druggist has a Good Assortment Orders filled on the shortest notice The undersigned having stocked his pond at with Trout the are hereby against trespassing on the without special pet mission on pain of prosecution K1TTO Era any other for home news did For general wortc Wages per month Indust Rome Cools Wanted At once per month A EVAN Royal Hotel evnuatkct Bankers and GEO Co- Stock Exchange Bldg Broadway New York hots of bo made through speculation with posit of 3000 dollars upward lor 3 per I cent margin upward on the Stock Exchange Town All kinds of Teaming done on Short Notice and on Reasonable Terms DAVID Cor Main Ontario PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music Pupils receiving primary Instruction here have stood highest In after examination FOR SALE The greatest fortunes through speculations In Cotton have been made Wheat or If you Interested to know how specu lations are conducted notify us and we will information and market letter freo of charge Usual commission charged for executing orders and bonds quotations furnished on application for purchase sale and exchange Lessons in Painting J Ari Graduate of Ontario Cor Timothy Main OLD NaWSgASEBS For sale at the per tblo lots over A GOOD CARTERS OUTFIT Apply to demise Join Seed Store YEARS EXPERIENCE Traok C i pro cXrge la the Scientific A rir of looms jit four oh- Li v

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