Newmarket Era, 3 Nov 1899, p. 8

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t 5 c v My mm ha When your bead and feel bilious consti pated out of luno stomach and no appetite just boy a of And ft from 1 bo surprised at how easily tboy their work euro your headache and biliousness rouao lb and make you fool happy again iocoto A TORONTO a a up Capital Fund nearly A of Bank la established at BRADFORD Whoro reccivo of and up Wo make a of Discounting Farmers Notes And Halo Notes LOWEST RATES further Information apply to JOHN KMilOTT Agent YOU INSURED the WHAT AND COR- TO i It IB said that number of farmers in this Township whoso farina ho locates to form food and shelter for game putting up no- ticca forbidding town and city sports men ill whoso interests framed from trespassing on their promises Can any person thorn On Sunday next special anniversary services will bo hold in Presby terian Church 11th Con of King when Haakon of St Pauls Toronto will occupy sacred desk both morning and evening at usual hours A largo attend ance is anticipated ia not running yet be tween this placo and King City Bonds Lake Aurora Newmarket or any other point Maybe first car will bo sent through the Town ship on to old distribute gifts to the taxpay ers Now that harvest is over people will soon begin to talk municipal election Oof Toronto hotter It is estimated chat not loss than 150000 people viewed the of Canadian contingent on Wednesday of lost week as they marched from the armories to Un ion Station lino of inarch through various street was about miles long A reception to Lady Aberdeen by local Council of Women at residence of Lady Thompson last Friday It was an event The appropriation of for home mission work of Toronto of the Methodist Church lias been devoted by tho Missionary Committee very largely to the mission fields of Muskokaj and Parry Hound Ontario Game imwn hunting season baa in this province and from inquiries made frequently days it quite evident that many not familiar with the provisions the game laws Below will bo found a condensed re port of game laws i Quail CIobo 16th and- October and quail may bo sold until Oo6 No Wild Turkeys shall bo hunted taken or killed Grouse Pheasants Partridges Shall not be hunted taken or killed between Deo 16 and Sep 16 May not bo until Sept 1000 Woodcock Shall pot be hunted taken or Killed between 16th Deo and Sept and may not bo sold Very recently a bust of tho Dr until Sept 1000 JK ASSURANCE GO ESTABLISHED Total Assurance in force over over John tho founder of the medi cal schools of Upper Canada now tho Province of Ontario was placed in tho museum of tho Normal School in this city In addition to his eminence as a medical practitioner and surgeon Snipe Rail Golden Shall not bo hunted taken or killed between Deo and No snipe may bo so d until Sept 1900 Swans or not bo hunt ed taken or killed between 1st May Dr was a wellknown figure in and the Sept Annual Revenue over Claims paid by death and Matured Endowments over Investments in Canada Deposit at Ottawa for security of Canadian Policyholders over profits paid policyholders lives of Females Insured without extra premium Children years of ago written at Speoial Rates Ramsay Manager J Balfour Scoretary ivf Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario GEO HUNT District Inspector J A Agent MOUNT ALBERT A short time Ago tho directors of tho public Library held a meeting to consider question of another of books etc After due con sideration it was revolved to add another worth of books to the library The remuneration of tho was fixed at per annum It was further decided to call a public mooting on Friday evening Nov 3rd to consider advisability of estab lishing a reading and recreation room for benefit of our young men All interested in this project are earnestly invited to ho present Mr Henry has pur chased house and lot in Zephyr formerly belonging to tho estate of Mr Mr Frank Cook had the misfortune to run prong of a hayfork into his wrist while repairing it a couple of weeks ago and ia still partially dis abled from work The corner stone of the new Hart- man church was taken out recently and replaced by the official one con taining the usual records etc Mr performed ceremony in an impressive and dignified man ner Horry to report that Mr Jew ell still continues very ill his condi tion being most serious Children Cry for political life in the immediately proceeding rebellion of J P who resided in this city for many years and well known to numerous fanners of York County died in Barrio on the His remains will brought here for interment Deceased was the founder of St Society in Toronto A young man mancd one day Inst week flopped on a football which was being used in a game on a vacant lot at foot of Yonge at and fell violonlly to the ground breaking his hi Two house burglaries were commit ted in the city while the occupants were out during tho volunteer parado last week The case in which the Lords Day Alliance prosecuted a Yonge druggist for selling icecream soda on Sunday was fought out in the po lice court Friday and Magistrate imposed a fine of and costs which will be appealed Rev Dr Potts atatea that ho has received up to date subscriptions of towards tho century fund of tho Methodist Church T AURORA A The Leading Specialists of America Years In Detroit of young and troubled with have a smart ing small twisting culling alight in commencing weak organs symptoms dcbllitythey have Jou culling or tearing oil It NEW METHOD fcbwrba issue It can never pain no no by our Tho nerves are and manhood GLEET of young nd middleaged are hiving thtlr sexual vigor and litycooli Dually tapped br widis- frequently rf the came of symptoms General Fail ing Poor Mem- cry at limes fitQarting Byes with dark circles Lack Ambition Varicocele etc and may be cause Dont consult family they no experience In dont allow to experiment on you Oar NEW METHOD IU m euro you Joltra a case e accept for Irealment fcnd CURES GUARANTEED We treat and core EMISSIONS Af POT row NT Kennedys Kergan Cor Ave and Shelby St DETROIT MIOH BROS Bud Bummer of Orders for and iJeiiiooBtraUooa promptly attended to rectory corner wain and Huron Mrs John of Malic who has been spending tlie past month or so with friends here returned home last Monday Mr A Yule attended the Convention at Gait last week Mr of Toronto has taken the position in the Ontario hero made vacant by the resig nation of Mr Harold who has joined the Canadian contingent for South Africa During his stay hero he secured many warm friends by his strict attention to business and genial manners During Saturday and Monday last the following deerhunting parties left for a hunt in Ontarios wilds To Point au north of Parry Messrs John Davis A A Millard W J Brown Holder Floury and Dr Steven son The following go to Foots Bay Moon River district Messrs Geo Pollock J as Buckle J as Buck Barnes Fox and Fox while Dr J Rutherford John Ira Lloyd and go to the old hunting ground north of Miss Rheba Lemon is quite ill with rheumatism She lias been confined to the house for the past four week fire at Bracebridge on Sunday morning the Oct The Cabinet chamber at tho Par liament Buildings at Toronto is being renovated Kingston Dot Oct 27 Senator Sullivan is seriously ill having been confined to his bed for past week Creek battlefield near Hamilton where the American invad ers were routed in 1818 waa opened as a public park Saturday Oct The North Bruce conven tion which was to bave been held here today has been postponed to November The newspaper a law book for indolent a sermon for the thoughtless and a library for poor It may stimulate the most indifferent it may instruct most profound but it can not bo published for nothing Why women do not need to be shaved is clearly explained by the Chicago which says How wondrously nature has ordain ed all things forbidding hair on wo mans face to grow for no barber could ever shave her no matter what hip skill because her tongue would never let her dimple chin be still You have used all sorts of cough reme dies but it does not yield it is too deep seated It may wear itself out in time but it is more liable to produce la grippe pneumonia or a seri ous throat affection You need something that will give you strength and build up the body SCOTT Duck of all kinds and all other water fowl Shall not bo hunted tak- on or killed between loth- day of and first day of Sept Hares Shall not bo hunted taken or killed botweon the 16th Dec and tho Beaver Otter Shall not bo taken or killed before Nov 1st Muskrat season between May 1st and January 1st Deer elk reindeer or Caribou Shall not bo bunted taken killed between 16th day of and the 1st day of November the following your but no Moose Elk or Caribou may be bunted before November 1st Only two deer may bo taken in one- season by one person No shall hunt pursue kill wound or capture any deer in the wa ters of any river or lake within limits of Province of Ontario or immediately after leavjng such waters and any person carrying a rifle or shot gun and stationed in a canoo punt or boat of any kind at or near any placo where hunted deer are like ly to season shall prima facia be deem ed to bo engaged in hunting or pur suing deer within the meaning of this suction All residents of Ontario must ob tain licenses to kill deer the license to be signed by the Chief Fish and Warden countersigned by the Provincial Secretary or his deputy The is to be for one season only and is to coat the sum of two dollars The license will be issued upon ap plication to any Fish and Game War den and must be produced when call ed any person in authority The license shall have two shipping tags attached and no common carrier shall or transport any deer without one of the tags being attach ed No owner of any hound or other dog known by the owner to be accus tomed to pursue deer shall permit any such hound or other dog to run at large in any locality where deer are usually found during the period from the fifteenth day of November to the first day of November in the following year under a penalty on conviction of not more than nor than for each offence Any person harbor ing claiming to be the owner of any such hound shall be deemed the own er thereof Any party has authority to shoot dogs running at large during the close season ficsh health Nearly all stele people flesh and Pierces Medi cal Discovery wonderful rapidity But It does not make fat it will not increase the weight of corpulent people It gives the substantial healthy muscular tis sue that la accom panied by strength and vitality Ism thankful to aay I am feeling en tirely well once more writes Mri Hannah j of Raccoon Laurel Co Ky in a memorable tetter to Dr R V Pierce of Buf falo When I wrote first was very badly and the reason I want this published because think ft may induce some poor suffering one fo try Dr Pierces medicines and well But I can only you a email Idea of how was with what doctors pronounced indirection and womb trouble I had been troubled with my stomach for four and with womb trouble about thir teen years or since my first baby was born When wrote to Dr Here X had such terrible misery could not tell how I was suffering SomeUmes felt that I would rather die than live My stomach all out of order and I belch nearly the time nothing ate agreed with me sick at my stomach half the time my shoulders ached my sides hurt my leg and arms ached and I was tired and sick all over My bowels were either too loose ot bound up all the time have taken nail seven bottles or THE GREATEST American ducator NO HOME CAN AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT IT an cdocMloa happy cation a man best in life The and beat way to and Irrespective of is by having the beat current reading In the house It tl The Newspaper and one that all Men Women and- Children to Bead is LESLIES WEEKLY Dr Pierce Golden Medical Discovery and St Ion also I folio book called five of favorite Prescription alto followed the advice I found In the Woman and Her Diseases Now doctor X doctor so thankful wrote you and for your kind ad rice- You were to kind to write rae and not charge me anything for consultation When commenced taking your medicine I weighed one hundred and four now I weigh one hundred and sixteen and I am gaining all the lime constipation is also present Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets ahould be taken They never fail they never gripe Medi cine dealers tell Dr Pierces It tolls of contemporaneous events and illustrates It with most artistic pictures He who reads it every week learns to recognize countenances noblest men and women in and private life the appearance of tho world moat places and the of historic interest LESLIES WEEKLY feep on lbr reread and then to file away for reference It is read by more families of cnl- I tore and refinomeot among the masses than any other paper of In tbe world It is the greatest beat most attractive and cheapest of all American By arrangement we have made with the publishers we to offer both LESLIES WEEKLY THE NEWMARKET ERA or one full year for This oSfep is good until January it cease to be available mm 9 mm Do you think of vripv Children Cry for will do this when everything else fails There is no doubt about it It nourishes strengthens builds up and makes the body strong and healthy not only to throw off this hard cough but to fortify the system against further attacKs If you are run down or emaciated you should certainly take this deal wishing food medicine ill SCOTT Spains Greatest Need r Mr P Olivia of Barcelona Spain ppends his winters at Weak nerves had caused severe in the back of his head On us Bitters Americas great est Blood and Nerve Remedy all pain soon left him He says this grand medicine is what his country- needs All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble purifies the blood tones up the stomach strengthens the nerves puts vim vigor and new life into every muscle nerve and organ of the body If weak tired or ailing you need it Every bottle only cents Sold by E Lehman Druggist Desired Are you the social editor asked the large lady who seemed to fill the room No madam said the ono ad dressed I am only the court report er Really I am surprised But perhaps you will do Your paper in its account of the affair at my house that floral decorations I lent beauty to scene I wish you would have your paper state the floral beauty not lent Everything was paid for Ill Hi i The ball Is over In lighted only by a taper and the flames that flicker on hearth the belle of evening recalls her triumphs She has wheeled the easy chair of firelight and its fitful fleams reveal her In tbo white ball that la scarcely whiter than the face It An ago one of a brilliant throng her feat kept unwearied measures of the latest waltz An hour ago Yet the cheek that Is against downy cushions has Its bloom is the sparkle from eyes and the roses on her breast are drooping dying Baa holds in her band a jewel casket and slowly with admira tion lifts from their nest a string of glowing rubles laying them against bar bare white threat Fit for a princess murmurs bat what a price to pay I am to tram ple my heart underfoot forsooth and all that world my world most Is mine To be admired the observed of Is as very breath of lite to me Why do I hesitate his his millions there are no heights In the social scale that I would not dare And yet what did I read the bold gaze that followed me everywhere Not love Passion admiration it may bo love wears not gulfte of a seeding pre Ah well He wishei a handsome figure head for bis establishment I long for wealth and poslton a barter sees every day shall it be flames die out upon hearth and amid the gray ashes a single ember glows The woman shiver murmuring How cold has grown I seem to tea phantom faces on every side his face as I saw It yesterday One moment his eyes met mine as my carriage whirled by and oh in that glance Enough of this I will ring for my sleep ing draught and drink oblivion Her hand seeks the bell to rouse the sleeping maid she hesitates then lifts to lips flowers drooping on her breast Send back to me one little rose he said that I may know I csn hope Ah Robert love raj own once I thought the world well lost gazing into your earnest It seems so long ago that happy summer Do remember dear as I do that quiet country lane where the wild roses ran riot And there was garden where our mornings passed and the lake where we water- lilies I was Marion to yon never the butterfly Though you wooed not boldly I well know words yon speak and often I pictured another apd a better life when I should mv hand in yours and we go forth Into the world together But thai is past why dally with fate Sleep is not for mo night until too words that my destiny are penned Again band Is on the bell then turning she seats herself at the escritoire The trim maid who enters noiselessly in answer to the summons marvels mnoh at the carelessness of her mistress as her glance falls on a of rubles trailing Its glittering length upon the hearthrug And with the crimson roses resting above her heart the maiden writes If you do vrite U1LD1W THIS SUMMER I LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get of Doors A Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows AND ALL THE LATEST Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork Largest Factory in Canada for of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc The Canb Sons Mfg Co We construct and Repair all on short notice NEWMARKET AS J It WVHilOift YOUNG LADIES ONLY Any young lady can cam a am Watch or a Dinner Set Writing Deak or Chair etc For selling among her friends a few boxes of highly perfumed TOILET SOAP Send postcard for premium list and instructions Young ladies having order forms can fill them out and send them in ST JOHN SOAP CO LAWRENCE ST the in ventor of linotype machine is Mr William of was drowned by falling over dock in the THE D EMULSION bene fits moat those having Lung troubles with tendency to hem orrhages A few bottles taken regularly make a wonderful Made by Davis Co coroners jury found John Welsh guilty of criminal neglect in connection with the death of Mrs Mc Dowell of Anderson killed by being dragged in the gearing of a buggy EMULSION The EMULSION Is and of CoJUverOiIjit6liitwIththa EMULSION is Cscttda EMULSION a fitih tva A 1 PA VIS WIS A I CO The Ira till Jan for cash FOR SAL Several Rebuilt ENGINES ft guaranteed good as new for work Four of them can be seen at my place on Gorhain St Newmarket Call See Them or leave your order for a NEW OUTFIT to be shipped with other machinery and save freight I will make it pay you If above Engines are not sold they will be let to run on shares A THOMPSON Solid Gold 2 Best Gold Fill Gold Fill lnUV53ii Wo guarantee perfect GLOBE PTICAL Street Toronto- Write for our Interesting Help How you ira swindled Send us a rough sketch or your invention or improvement urn ten you free our opinion as to whether I is t probably patentable of rejected reierencca fumlslicd- PATENT SOLICITOUS A of folytechalc School In latent Law Water P Assoc- fWUl I ATlAkTlO DC If you want a Nicer Buggy than anybody cist a fcllck Cutter or Robe in country call on fl or kind of a I have souje big wine sound some alow some some nice and some homely and they are all for sale Weaving Lundy to Inform the public that he baa moved to Paxtona House on Water that he still hat Celebrated Iowa Co Loom with all late Itoprovemenu to and that he prepared to do Work In Carpet and see Send In-

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