Newmarket Era, 17 Nov 1899, p. 8

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fcY a a f r THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NOV r tor etc ta to a cold or break up a worthy JOOT confidence Parol Vegetable they am bo taken by children delicate women Price at all medicine or by mall l Hood A Co around the HEAD TORONTO up Fund Total nearly A Branch of this Wank established at BRADFORD arc received of end Interest paid thereon current rate raako a or Discounting Farmers Notes And Halo Notes LOWEST RATES For further Informal Ion apply 10 JOHN The EMULSION The EMULSION I best and palatable preparation of with the delicate la prescribed by leading of Canada la a marvellous flesh producer and We you an appetite SI per Deaaroyouretl DAVIS Augeniilnc CO Limited Montreal in Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity a beautiful eye glass artistically fatted is a facial ornament WHAT WIDEAWAKE AND COR- WOHTUV TO Too fate for fast HOLT Mr John Hogg is recovering from is talk of having pur church open again Mr J Thompson who has very is around again Wo arc sorry loose Mr Glover who has moved to Landing Mr of has mov ed on his farm also Mr Watt of in our neighborhood Quito a of- our young men vlmtcd Pino Orchard on Sunday Last Sunday was Childrens Day in our Presbyterian Church church won nicely decorated with flowers and children appropriate pastor spoke on the Twentieth Century Fund Methodist quarterly was held hero last Sunday The attend was large appoint ments being well represented The special meeting weeks ago to continued thin week perhaps longer A deep interest has taken in these meetings the in fluence of which is extending through out the neighborhood We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson Store NEWMARKET f- USSHE NERVOUS- WEAK DISEASED MEN NO CURENO TUB NEW METHOD with K K will cart forever any form of nlood or It of 80 Starr In of WE CURE SYPHILIS This terrible Blood Poison tl tenor of mankind yields to our NEW of etc you have tores In the mouth or tongue in core throat or the sore falling i etc you the of this Poison We solicit most obstinate cases and chllfrDKe tho I world a taii we accept for treatment and cannot cure our treatment the heal tha hair again the akin becomes and and safe CURES GUARANTEED q4 middle bare their vigor and vitality by early later ttc No the our And to a normal condi tion Ambition life and and a fUD Kvery caw treated no euroall our wonder ful succor No natter yon consult can to toaccomj what wo claim 250000 CURED firmer uiie K I and Diseases CONSULTATION If unable to call for for HOME IKennedk Con Ati DETROIT MICH ALBERT on Thursday evening frm Pilot Mound Mr J family of fcil ft few here with relative wilt enter- hi the hall on Friday Deo nave the of Miss el outioo of Seven hundred left Van- to China on Friday Senator of Hamilton left to Ontario Govern ment will amou to about The Presbyterian church at Bob caygeon was totally destroyed by fire laat Sunday morning- English Spavin Liniment all soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from Blood Spavin Splints Ring Bone Sore and Swollen Throat Coughs etc by use Of Warranted moat wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold by BUT A HOLLAND DISPUTES RIGHT TO SELL THE mXpIAN Mf Irwin delivered a very able dis course laBt Sunday to a very large con gregation Mrs of and son visited with her mother Mrs Watson this week Misses Vina and Maggie wore appointed delegates to at tend Jo bo hold at Newmarket on Nov and 17 Mr Bert Thompson of Chicago is guest of her grandmother Mrs Redman a number of young folks met jit of Welter last Wednesday and spent a few hours in social intercourse old of King has to her long home Mrs Jane Chamberlain died at the home of her son Chamberlain 10th conces sion on Friday last Mrs Chamber lain who was in her year had a resident of King for a great many years Children Cry for CA I A AURORA yinda Thorn by ft That Thar LoV Chldin tuspeot mill show Worship hut BY THE Mow t The will of lato John Lawrence lias been filed for probate It dispones of an estate of of which 4- is money secured by mortage is property and is in real estate The latter consists pi property in Toronto on Salem ana street 2500 No- Ave lands in York town ships house and lota in Aurora property in Weston 1500 The will directs that bo invested for the benefit of Mrs Franklin gets Samuel Bernard Lawrence and John Lawrence each The- residue of is to he held in trUstahd the interest to be equally divided between two sons and daughter Miss Minnie Lawrence We arc pleased to notice that at the recent scholarship examinations of the Metropolitan School of music Toronto Miss Minnie daughter of Rev Mr of Methodist church circuit who resides in this town won piano scholarship and her younger sister Miss Ethel M won a vocal scholarship Secretary of tho school in notifying the ladies said This is the first time in my experi ence of about ten years in which two members of the same family carried off full scholarships simultaneously and certainly you may be congratulated Wo aro also pleased to learn that the same young ladies won scholarships at tho Toronto College of Music under Mr Torrington The young ladies will attend the MetropolitanSchool of Music CASTOR I A Out Im lira ili l in- Jack re porter and He hud hung around the ces for job until had uein re- quested on Ho ho decided to move oil to Dee Moines a writer in San Hut to got there quest I on put on his thinking cap and result was two hours later he found himself a train conductor standing by his seat Ticket said conductor hero conductor said Jack easily my names Rogers and Im a reporter on The Moines Air Blast Im broke and Im In a hurry to get hack home with good big scoop You Jet me ride and the di ce 1 it up with you See Well said the conductor I guess thatll do all right road feels friendly towards The Air Blast In fact the editor is In the back coach Come along and Ill intro duce you If he youre all right it goes Jack was knocked all in a heap at the turn things had taken but he had nothing to do but follow conductor They halted in front of a man in back coach and the con ductor id Mr this Is Mr Rogers He says hes a reporter on your pa per and wants the to pay for his transportation when he gets to Bee Moines How do you do Mr Rogers said the editor pleasantly extend ing his hand Glad to see you Sit down here with me The conductor didnt wait for any more but wont off Well this is nice of you Jack too astonished and embar rassed to talk straight Of course Im not on your paper but Im and yarned to the conductor hoping to get a job and square it up later Oh thats all right my boy said the other Neither am I on the paper Im riding on the editors pass- Chicago TimesHerald tcftcMtttfcaKssatf Ask your physician this ques tion is the one great remedy for consumption He will answer Cpdliver oil Nine out of ten will answer the same way Yet when persons have consumption they loathe all fatty foods yet fat is neces sary for their recovery and they take plain cod- liver oil The plain oil turbs the stomach and takes away the appetite The dis agreeable fishy odor and taste make it almost unen durable What is to be done This question was ans wered when first made Infanta and Children PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee We fait Any one tendinis sketch of will promptly receive our opinion free The patentability of fame Row to Patent upon Mcured through us for at our taken out through ua receive wkhoutcXarijeln so illustrated end widely circulated Journal consulted by Manufacturers and Seadfof copy Addrcsa J Attorneys A i 4 Si If Babbie Out Nov Word has hecp Received hereof a sad shooting Lake and two othei farm- era towards the deer hunt ing grounds with their loaded rides in rig with them While the rifles were feeing shifted a little of them was discharged ball passing through Martins head boring a largo hole in his Ho fell buggy and died two afterwards never having regained v of CodLiver Oil with Hypo- phosphites Although that was nearly twentyfive years ago yet it stands alone to day the one great remedy for all affections of the throat and lungs The and been taken away the oil itself has bun partly and the sen- to it rarely Not one in ten can take and digest the plain oil Nine out of ten an take and gest it it so many cases of early consumption Even in advanced cases it brings comfort and greatly prolongs life- j til Toronto When Germany bought tht Caro line Inlands from Spain alter dlsnotroua war with tho States it bought a lawsuit as well for the group variously known as David or Freewill Islands have for coulurles been bono of contention and group con sists of five small rocky laics distinctive feature being the numer ous hikes which cover much of surface of the land He almost on tho equator in longitude de grees en s J of Greenwich and on the cast of the passage They were In by lurd and an early Butch navigator also platted them Hoi laud has always claimed the group for reason also for their proximity to Dutch New Guinea lying but miles oil of latter while arc miles from the group the nearest of the Spanish possessions ajuj miles from tho Philippine Islands As neither Spain nor Holland has done anything to Improve is lands- they remain in about the state as they were when discovered They originally peopled by the Papuans the same race that Inhab its New Guinea arc about inches hi height black gentle in dis position wear no clothing and eat meat raw because until of late fire was unknown to them They ware considerably advanced In intelligence however building houses In regular order and having such tools as their mode of living and the climate made necessary for their comfort Fre quently their homes were built In tho branches of large trees but more of ten upon piles sunk In lakes where whole villages built The native population been driven in to interior by the more warlike nations of the who boldly navigated the Intervening dis tance In canoes The Papuans much with malaria leprosy and ft species of rlngworn that covers entire body and gives It tho appear ance of being tattooed It Is seldom that a vessel touches the islands on which no cities have ever been built When the dispute arose us to ownership between Spain and Holland both countries avoided taking actual possession on account of the dispute also for the reason that neither were success ful colonizers and there is very little known of the islands and the inhabit ants The extent of the Dutch pos session Is the same as it is through out its possessions in that part of world Sovereignty Is repre sented by a trading company which sends a vessel around occasionally to barter and show the ling It also induced the Sultan of who claims dominion to accept Dutch rule but as he is never interfered with the acceptance is only a matter of words with him The people of the group know nothing of the Sultans religion and do not re cognize him as a ruler They war ship the trees water or anything else that they imagine might injure them the moat form of re ligion They however respect the women love their children and- show reverence to their parents pjey have few weapons of war They are impulsive showing all emotions and demonstrate their pleasure laughter and jumping and arc con sidered a race superior to the Malay differ from the latter people al so in being bold while the Malay Is secretive and bashful Many of their houses are communal and they have no chiefs The history In connection with civilized countries commenced about when Germany seeing that Spain was doing nothing in the way of development of the Caro lines determined upon seizing tho latter Accordingly a German man- ofwar was sent to the islands and after cruising about for a few weeks landed some men at Yap the most important town and took posses sion The German flag was raised and friendly relations maintained with natives Spain of course objected to this action of the German Emperor and flled a strong protest diplomatic contest waged very sharp at times and it seemed as if the two countries would surely re sort to war to settle tho contro versy Germany claimed every Span ish possession except the Philippine Islands The latter country finally made a suggestion which was acced ed to by Germany which was to submit the whole question of owner ship to tho Pope whose decision should be final The decree di vided up all the Southern Pacific as soon discovery of America a similar decree had given Spain everything west of a line drawn in the Atlantic Germany got Mar shall Islands and retained the Carolines and with them Hollands claim to the latter being entirely disregarded The dividing line was drawn by Pope very close to the shore of New Guinea Neither Germany nor satisfied with the allotment and both countries have ever since grumbled over the division Holland lost no In declaring he appor tionment could not be accepted and the dispute has ever since been drag ging wearily along through diplo matic channels There has never boon any danger of between them as the negotiations nev er the acute stage and nei ther country over took actual towards increasing Its claim The change of the Spanish claim to tho hands of the Germans puts an entirely new phase upon affair live has started to push his Claim with vigor He has the color of title which the gave to which In hands of rigorous monarch by Ministers and diplomatic agents may be used to finally secure for crown the absolute possession and ownership of much desired lands The commercial valuo of the Islands can only bo conjectured as thcro Is no commerce with then at present They are snid to have a couple of harbors though not large and would good places of re fuge for German vessels on their Way to and from the Caroline and Mar shall groups As they Me near to the around the Malay they would be particularly valuable In case war as a harbor from which a fleet could sally out and de stroy Its enemies harbors could be prepared for defense at a small cost as they are surrounded by high and precipitous cliffs IMAGINARY MONEY of Calculation In Count Purely imaginary money la used In both Spain and Portugal where the complications of currency demand an Independent basis in order that the values of each indivi dual note or coin may be determined with a minimum of complication in Spain accounts are reckoned in reals vollon worth within pain 5 cents of our money each but having no ex istence as a circulating medium In Portugal calculations by reis and Ten nominally equal our penny while constitute one but neither appears as coin A bill for would bo stated as and if In actual cash might be tled by handing over fes toons and 1 but in practice it would probably be paid In paper bearing the necessary number of reis Gibraltar real is a purely Ima ginary coin used only for accounting and worth in theory about while a quarto reckoned In bills as onesixteenth of a Gibraltar real is also without circulation DU MAURIEIVS SHOES- IS Who Foot About Own 1 Du says the man who made his shoes was a great lover of stylish footwear He had small wellshaped feet and paid good prices He always had number of pair of shoes on hand and did not con no himself to one shoemaker was the most parti cular mam about his footwear I ever knew Ills shoes had to bo perfect in lit and style or he would not tako them Ho never wear a re paired shoo I remember coming to the shop for a pair of shoes He told me that since ho ordered them he had decided to have another style After paying for tho first pair he went to the shop door and gave them to a man who was passing telling him that if they did not lit him he could give them to othor man He then came back and ordered the new style London Leader The man who has lost a leg on tile field of battle may find a fairly service able substitute a crutch or a wooden but the man whose lungs have been invaded by the dead ly germs of consumption must act promptly or give up all hope There is no substitute for a destroyed lung and there is no hope for luns that are crippled save in Dr Pierces Golden Discovery Although to the taste it contains nosyrup or sugar which so often disagrees with the dyspeptic stom ach It contains no alcohol to inebriate or create morbid craving for stimulants It is the only known medicine that acting through the blood will build new and healthy lung tissues It builds up the lungs because it builds up the whole oody It endows a man with the appetite of a football player It puts strength and muscle into the stomach and intestines and causes the digestive juices to flow freely It fills the blood with the elements that build up every organ and tissue of the body It turns dis eased lung tissue into healthy tissue by aiding nature in her own process of tearing down and re building It cures bron chitis weak lungs bleeding from lunga and lingering coughs It prevents con sumption by curing the weakness that leads up to it Honest druggists do not offer substitutes and urge them upon you as just as good Below is one of the thousands who have testified to these facts Freer Esq of Rockbridge Greene Co Ills writes My wife had a severe attack of pleurisy and lung trouble the doctors gave her up to die She commenced taking Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery and she began to im prove from the first dose By the time she had taken eight or ten bottles was cured and it was the cause of a large amount being sold here I think the Golden Medical Discovery Is the best medicine in the world for lung trouble My wife is now using the Favorite Prescription for burn of Feel craniy Case el constipation A man or woman who neglects constipation suffers from slow poisoning Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure constipation One little Pellet is a gentle laxative and two a mild cathartic dl When you Buy a SEW BUGGY I You not only the latest stylo but you saant one that will standi he racket That Is the kind you will find at shop Bud of They best quality of material to better than machine work and at low Over Tin slues Id 3tntt a iin IJooOkoj i j THAT THE and Bowels of j and neither FACSIMILE SIGNATURE A perfect Remedy Sour Stomaxh Worms end LOSS OF SLEEP iaii Simile Signature of HEW YORK IS THE OF EVERY OF Onto It up In It Is not la balk alloy aajcza to U yon eh on Is jort as good and answer csrBte that get el wjm 3 Do you think of If you do THIS SUMMER LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get prices of Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors Windovs ALL THE Artistic in Inside Woodwork Largest Factory in Canada for the manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We construct HighGrade end all on notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET It YOUNG LADIES ONLY Any young lady can earn a Gold Walthain Watch Bet Writing Desk or Chair etc For selling among her friends a few boxes of highly perfumed SOAP Send us a postcard for premium list and instructions Young ladies having order forms can fill them out and send them in ST JOHN SOAP CO ST LAWRENCE ST MONTREAL V The Era till Jan for cash THE DUVAL TREATMENT FOB BEAUTY Consists of ten for all Im perfections of the tfklo Hair and Teeth for sale by who Is with FREE SAMPLES to ell lady to TORONTO toJUKItaMf to It ud Mr mH It a i4ct M If til Hun utt 4 rsi Watch Toronto Cab FREE Shell Half Co I Lessons in Painting BY 1 I Art Graduate of Ontario- Newmarket a

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