Newmarket Era, 24 Nov 1899, p. 4

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A doctors examination might show that kidneys her and stomach are normal But the doctor cannot the Blood upon which these organs depend vitalizes and enriches blood It cures you when a bit off or seriously afflicted disappoints I has no for rheumatism It- has done more good than any other medicine I hare token Mm jarampton Sad After my long IllntifX was very weak and had a bad cough I notat or Bleep Different remedies did not help mo hut Hood ma rjp and I am now able to attend to work Ont The Ottawa been advised a despatch from Dawson thai royally up In Yukon gold regions up to Nov let amounted to 9730080 telegram also states that passengers on wrecked roaobod Dawson In and ft is added thai river al- frozen over is not yet for levelling It fs stated In a proas from Ot tawa that of go coral which boon received from England been engraved and within fourteen days of the reception of ribbon will bo distributed militia authors lies at Ottawa do not remaining twothirds of medals till early next spring to the crowded condition of work In Royal Mint The often a of Pain and Aloofly J to gjaokbon Mm m y Best Advertising Medium York County Rates Transient advertise ments cents per lino for Insertion 3 for each subsequent Insertion KATES FOB SPKCirtED PERIODS Thursday of last week a was tendered by to the now Provincial lion James and It was a great success Mayor Davis occupied and between and people had at festive board hall was beautifully decorated for occasion Speeches woro by Hon Mr Premier Hobs Hon Mr and other present It must bo Indeed to now Provincial to bo thus congratulated by bis follow citizens it PACE inched Inch us Advertisements unaccompanied with ten Inserted until forbid and charged accordingly Advertisements will bo each month If deal rod each month composition must ho paid for at regular rates for advertisements must bo In office by noon on Wednesdays Special Low Rates for Executors Notices arms to Kent Articles and etc A reading notico will bo Inserted free for Church or Society where fur nished or when no admission fecor collection an Is taken cents will he charged for such a notice No execution to this rule The junior Conservative at Toron to oyer and anon in its of Government on Fielding tariff takes occasion to say that the latter is only the old Bo has tho been repeatod that it is quite possible our really believes It Those however not blinded by prejudice or partisanship who knowledge of facts entertain a different opinion Had remained daring past year the sa mo as under the old of this Dominion would paid on its imports about raoro than was paid the Field hi tariff to say nothing of gain to our manufacturers by reductions in imports raw material No no the old and Fielding tariff verily are two different things Mr David of NB Was An Intense and al- most of Finding a Curb Tolls Story of his Release Life Years Hot mil dhy v Thos J Public o OrriCE Main Street Newmarket on- good Farm security MontMk Barrister Solicitor etc for Township of King J to Division Court Building Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer etc Late with Marsh Cameron Barristers e Toronto J mutes carefully managed and made Money to loan at lowest St Newmarket Barristers Conveyancers o Of- doors South of Pest nee Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will also beat Newmarket on Saturdays and Court J Rots Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora ffueda to Loan considerable disappointment has been experienced by in general of the nonappearance of Temples Leonid meteors as predicted It Is that brilliant Leonids seen in different parts of the but nothing like the of a shower the reading were led to anticipate The con nection While these meteors are quite old friends having made a or lets re gular appearance since before the Christian era they are upon by some distant and unknown which render the time of their approximately in calculable About soon after their lost appearance they came very near to Batorn within miles and that may have diverted them from their course or delayed or dissipated them Local astronomers incline to the opinion however that the earth has lately through the at a time unfavorable for observation The Wolfevilic KB Recently a reporter of was told another of triumphs of Williams Pink Pills are becoming very common in this vicin ity fortunate individual is Mr David a highly respected dent of is his experience in sub stance as ho gave it to us About two years ago for the first time in ray life I began to realize fully what ill- health meant first symptom was a feeling of drowsi ness which crept over me at Often I would be at work in fiold drowsiness would mo and I would find that it required the of all my to keep awake In a time I was attack ed by sharp piercing pains which shot through lower part of my baok At first this did not trouble me very during tho day but at night pain became almost unendurable and often I would not my eyes throughout whole night Gradu ally a nausea and loathing for food de veloped would sit down to a meal with a keen appetite but after a mouthful or so had passed my lips siokness and vomiting would fol low I bocamo greatly reduced in flesh and in a short time was but a of my former self said troublo was disease of the kid neys but his treatment did not help me My mother who was something of a nurse urged mo to try Dr Wil liams Pink and at last to satis fy her than from hopes of cured I took up their uso After taking one box I seemed better and ro- to try another Before the box was used my condition was improved beyond gainsay and felt sure that the pills were responsible for it I took two more boxes and they were all used the pain in my back wholly disappeared my appetite bad returned and I felt like a new man For sum of two dollars cured myself of a painful disease There cannot be the least doubt but that Dr Williams Pink Pills was the solo cause of ray recovery and I con sider them best medicine in exist ence Bold by all dealers in or sent post paid at a box or six boxes for 260 by addressing the Dr Williams Co Ont Refuse all substitutes If there doubters who in the past questioned Paines Celery Compound in saving life must after carefully reading Mr second letter to the conclusion that the great is worthy of thought and atten tion than they wero disposed to give it weeks or months ago Mr P J Kilbride postmaster of Inverness P E I is no idle theorist or speculator neither has import ant testimony been unduly obtained This second letter a per manent and lasting cure is allowed to bo made for the advantage and weal of thousands of sufferers who anxiously looking for now life and freo from tho of Mr Kilbride says Nearly six years ago Paines Celery Compound cured mo in faot saved my life At this time I am still feel ing well and have not boon ilia single day sinco I used your famous Com pound I truly owe my present health and strength to Paines Celery Com pound it saved me from insanity and the grave I shall never forget awful state I was in before I used your grand life restorer Mow I can sleep and eat well for which I thank God and your wondrous medicine I answered over two hundred and fifty letters to other sufferers after my first testimonial letter was publish ed These letters have come from all partR of Canada and United States The Transvaal 800 Boers Killed Captured at near and musical selec tions The report of the special committee re a county system of roads stated that the time had come when the county should either take the leading roads over to see that they were properly maintained by the townships It was recommended that definite action be deferred till the January session In view of complaints having been made to the effect that the tan railway charged a fare of more than three cents per mile the engineer was instructed to a statement of distances on the recommendation of tho Railway Committee in order that a proper tariff might be arranged Railway Committee also recom mended that a freight line be built from Lake Ontario to Lake and the Georgian Bay There com mendation endorsed by Coun cil report of the Board of Audit called attention to the necessity of justices making the complainant or de fendant pay costs in dismissed in order to the expense of the county They also took occasion to complement Mr E Irwin the new clerk of the peace for the manner in which he had prepared his accounts The report of the committee revis ing the lists of justices of the peace showed that fifteen men whose names appeared on the list were dead and that twentythree others had left the country They cannot be struck off the list however until the Ontario Government meets The Finance Committee recom mended the payment of 60 to the warden for extra work he had done and the Council decided that it should bo paid UV A yo Idnej If flat Kidney win per nv Of all forms of and in Dy Instances stoat serf out forms disease tit disease core pi let ted tend a four of will sdrlss you what to do innrron It Sty s to sdttes fcW it SWQ ffOWH LOSS On Street Desirably 8Ituated near the old Woollen Bale on Easy Terms Apply to Heal Estate Agent Brio or To Stmt acres Lot In 2nd Con of Scott cleared Well watered and good buildings WARDEN to Boll or Rent Pbetoria Wed Nov In an placo inflicted heavy losses on the an engagement yesterday morning Boors in several engagements jSSgj acres on tho Town line of villi half a mile from Newmarket depot Young bearing orchard of SCO trees Good market farm Apply to Newmarket For or J Lot In tho rear of 3rd concession of Whitchurch containing For Fur ther particulars apply to Box Newmarket dunk Solicitors o Arcade KlogSt West Toronto to if Barrister Block Honey to Loan PAINTING The leading Bouse Painter and Paper years experience In all branches of the I business iPull line of samples of latest designs In Wail Papers Ask to see them A Will Break Under the Strain of Indi gestionHere the Testimony of the Preacher and His Wife Back- Prom Good Health Be claim by the Power of the Great South American Nervine- Rev Barker of Peteiboro says I was greatly afflicted with indigestion and nervous prostration and my wife was all run down and suffering much from general debility and we heartily join hands in testimony to the great relief and cura tive powers of South American Ner vine Splendid results followed the taking of the first bottle and a few bottles have cured us both and we cheerfully recommend it to our fellow- sufferers Sold by E Lehman leyo Pharmacy Newmarket A large and interesting meeting was held in the Christ ian church on Wednesday of last week when full arrangements for holding the anniversary hot roast were made for Monday night Deo A Popularity That Increases With Strides Diamond Dyes pivot in flli Points Perfection of the British advan ced with guns and attacked 880 burghers of the Transvaal A big gun was fired on troops who retired at 8 oclock to Kloof near The British is unknown The Boers had one man killed and wounded and horses killed Natal Nov 16 An armoured train having on board a half company Durban volunteers and a half company of Dublin Fusiliers steamed to Chieveley six miles south of early this morning On its return it was shelled by the artillery of the placed in four positions Two trucks in front of engine left rails and toppled over While the train was thus helpless the and faced the Boers in skirmishing order and Boers poured shot and shell into the crippled train A naval the only gun aboard the train responded but only fired three shots when tho enemys heavier artillery shattered it British wounded and missing number nearly 150 the latter includ ing Captain Nov General reports all well at Kimberley and smith The garrison at the latter The Boors are reported to have blown up bridge at with a view of retarding the British advance A special from dated Nov 20 nays a report has reached there of a battle at on Wednesday Nov 15 lasting from daybreak until in afternoon Many Boors are said to have been killed and many reported to have been taken prisoners The British losses are reported to be much less Another battle is said to oc curred Thursday It is described as the heaviest yet fought The Boer dead number hundreds while Brit ish losses were comparatively small A report that Commandant General was killed in action before is not confirmed At Camp which protects town on the southwest the Man chester Regiment hold the position Descending under cover of the British guns for some distance on the further side of the hill they detected several hundred Boers hiding in the ditch out of the way of the British shells They poured volley after volley into the enemy scattering them widely and inflicting heavy The Boers were driven back at every point with a los estimated at men ouse for Sale 2nd door North of Primary Street Tho best way to get eggs from hens is to keep them at work scratch- ing It is a mistake to over feed as the hens will cease to lay When confined In yards the hens become ad dicted to feather pulling and other vices due to idleness They should be fed not than once a day if very Overscan b MrJSOrcon head of nut little grain An excellent thing Street West Newmarket to to millet seed on straw ft Paper Ac In I am also associated with a Car- and Writer Practical Painter anger and House Decorator His id k Corner Street Millards Lane end Bad Dizzy Head J- Life was a Living Death but Dr news Gore for the Heart Believed in Thirty Minutes 1 was so troubled with heart dis ease that I could not stand on a chair without growing dizzy Going up stairs or being startled brought on violent palpitation and suffocation Had pains about the heart Tried many remedies and phy sicians without relief I took two bottles of Dr Agnews Cure for the Heart and although two years ago I have not felt the slightest of the trouble I think it greatest of remedies Mrs It Pacific avenue Toronto Bold by leys Demean Auctioneer for the Jo of York sold on commission Terms reason able attended to A trial solicited Street Newmarket NEWMARKET WORKS DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Sf Call Ordering Notwithstanding the fact that imita tion and crude package arid soap- grease dyes are before seelc- recognition the fame and of the Diamond Dyes increases with mighty strides Those who have the misfortune to try any of the inferior dyes sold by some dealers know well how deceptive they prove The users are utterly and disappointed Their with common dyes show muddy and dull colors and anger is kindled because valuable garments and mate rials are spoiled The Diamond Dyes simple and easy to use have a standard of excel lence that no others can approach They give true uniform and honest results when used in the mansion or cottage Bright clear and brilliant colors are always obtained on all kinds of goods all wool cotton or mixed goods when the plain directions are followed Do not be deceived by any dealer when he offers you something just as good as the Diamond Dyes There are no other dyes in world that can equal the Diamond no others that can so successfully make old things new A violent storm inundated the quarters of Athens last week Numbers of houses collapsed the rail road was partly washed away many persons were drowned and an enor mous amount of damage was done TO A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Tablets All if It falls to euro Groves signature Is on box County Council THunsnAY Dr Tcflft reeve of village Mr councillor and Dr Rob inson asked for the erection of a bridge on the eighth concession They agreed on behalf of the village to take over present county bridge and to build the approaches to the new structure Councillors Evans Norman Lundy and Fisher were appointed to go out and view proposed site for the bridge They will report to Coun cil at the January session A deputation from York township consisting of Reeve Duncan and a number of councillors asked that tho county charge them three per cent per annum instead of on overdue levies After a prolonged discussion it was decided that the township should be allowed interest at the rate of per cent per annum for moneys to their credit in the hands of the county treasurer The special committee on the Court house presented its report stating that differences had arisen between the city and the county as to who should pay for the furniture for the part of the new City Hall to be occupied by the county the county holding that it should only ho liable for its own share of the coat of the erection of the build ing on the basis only A stated case had in consequence been sent op to the High Court to deter mine who should pay for the furniture It had been agreed that the county should pay per cent and the city per cent of the cost of the admin istration of justice The commissioners of the Court house building instructed to take such steps they deem necessary for the sale of the structure to determine what sura can be obtained for it They are not empowered to close a deal for its sale without the consent Council however Another special committee reported having settled a claim of with the King Bridge Company for WAS CANED he outing of the November session in the evening It was the annual banquet and it was served by mine host Lemon in the cosy dining- rooms of tho Clyde hotel Fully people were in attendance and after doing justice to an excellent repast a lengthy toast Hat was commenced Councillor Lee acting as chairman The Queen was proposed and re ceived most patriotically Councillor then proposed The Empire This drew forth able addresses from Mr Clarke Wallace P Hon J Davis Mr John Richardson P P Lloyd and Mr T all of whom referred to the marvellous growth of Britains colonies and the patriotism of her subjects pointing out that a nation which attacked the Mother Country attacked all colonies as was shown by offer and accept ance of troops for service in South Africa Councillor J Gibson on behalf of the Council then presented War den Woodcock with a goldheaded cane suitably inscribed for which the warden thanked them in a brief but eloquent speech Agriculture and Manufacturing In terests was proposed and Messrs Duncan A Baird Guardhouse and Johnston replied Councillors J D Evans Joseph A Russell Geo High and James Stokes spoke for Ex- War dens Messrs P Dr Robinson Mr Savage and replied to Visiting Friends The health of County Officials was responded to by Messrs J A James James and C 0 Robin son QO Dr Inspector Inspec tor Davidson and Irwin respond ed to Learned Professions Prom those who responded to the toast of Wardens for it is dent that Baker Norman and Chester have an eye on the chief chair of the Council Mr J Stark president of the and Councillor Hall spoke for Our Na tional Sporty and honour of Ladies was gallantly upheld by J Sinter and proceedings were enlivened by a for In London some years ago my at tention was attracted by a huge sign on the opposite side of the street and also by the number of people flocking into the building The sign read as follows Infallible Cure for Consumption Dispensary hours to am pm Entering the building I was at ft loss what to make of the matter aa all I could see was the crowd and a largo tank fn the centre of the room tank was seventy long thirty feet wide ana as I afterward about thirty feet deep having been constructed at great ex pense waiting patiently for developments I found that the liquid was being lowered let out by some means Soon a smooth black surface appeared to view and the water continued tQ recede I became aware that a captive whale on exhibition Surprised at not having to pay any admission fee made aware of the reason- A frame work had been constructed on the animal rested and sow an ex pert engaged In ex tracting or whales milk which was greedily at shillings per glass This plan seems to ho identical with lhat milkmen in Naples who lead a cow to the door and deliver the fluid In the presence the consumer so that the latter con be that no il legal dilution Is indulged in I had hardly rccovored from my surprise at this unique method of getting na ture own emulsion when I was to encounter a severer shock Joining the throng who were drifting further down the street I went to South ampton How The place of attrac tion was a smaller building also la belled in a mysterious manner loids Authorized agency protected by letters patent Supplied to sub scribers only Specific for and consumption Now what do you suppose codlolda proved to be Why eggs of cod- fisb and wonderfully large ones too They were retailed at two shillings per and eaten row with a sodium chloride which In plain Eng- means salt Corner of John and Timothy Eta 8 rooms kitchen atone cellar closets etc domestic water Apply on the premises or to C WrDDIPIELTJ w43 Newmarket Flour BEST FIELD 8EED8 of 11 kindsTimothy Clover Mangel Carrot and Turnip Seeds of the VARIETIE8 Portland and Ontario J fa Cor Main and Huron and GEO Co Gonad Stock Exchange r31 1 Broadway New York hots of Can be made through speculation with of thirty upward for per cent margin upward on the Stock Exchange The greatest fortunes greatest through speculations In Cotton have Stocks been made Wheat or Interested to know how specu lations are conducted us and we wlU scad you market letter free or charge Usual commission charged for orders Municipal and Donas quotations furnished on application for purchase and exchange A Mind Trie The mind reading trick of finding articles is absurdly easy declared a New Orleans man It can be done by almost anybody of ordinary intelligence The way to go about it this Let flU or eight people themselves about a room not too close together and have selected as an assis tant blindfold you with a handker chief and lead you to another apart ment you absent some small article Is hidden anywhere choose On your return take the hand of the person who did the hiding tell everybody to think about the place of concealment and start in a run around room yourself be perfectly passive and stop when you feel an impulse to do so Irian stretch out the hand that is being held grope about still passive and still obeying impulse only and three times out of five youll find the ar ticle That sounds strange but Its true If you dont believe It try for yourself You will improve by prac tice by the way and finally youll hit It almost every time It is capi tal amusement for a little evening party but I warn you not to be discouraged by a few failures and not to permit any laughing or gig gling The secret of the thing un doubtedly musclereading but I have not bothered about theories Tho facts are stated New Orleans Tim Democrat my head as J Cm Up Dont you find our breeze refreshing O yes replied the visitor from the east looking sorrowfully at specks of soot on freshly laun dered like your air ever better your Children Cry for AUCTION BALE OF or CitowK Woods and Korea Branch Toronto lit 1S Is hereby given that under tyof Order la Council Timber hereunder mentioned In the and RIVER DISTRICTS via the Townships of For and part of catx In the District of theTowo- of NOB MAN part of Berth Davis and the north part of the Jhip of WroDinru all in District of and certain small areas In District of will be offered for tale by Auction at the Department of Sheets containing conditions and terms of Sale with Information as to Areas Lots and Concessions comprised la each Berth will be furnished on application personally or by Utter to the Department or Crown Lands or to the Crown Timber Ofilcca at and Rat J 1 No uaauthorlied publication of advertisement will bo paid for Lessons in Painting BY J Art Graduate of Ontario School Cor Timothy Main Sis

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