Newmarket Era, 8 Dec 1899, p. 7

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i ONTARIO BANK HEAD Business BRANCH A General Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED I AT ALL and American Drafts bought and cold attended to Op Alfred Newmarket Into Dr Of lately occupied by Campbell opposite 0icE talQe and a p in Dr alii to DENTAL A I post Block Method let Vitalised Air for satisfaction the of Dr Porter jukA ford Monday MARRIAGE in Gluing Dec Mai l God a cheer ful Wulo governor of Jerusalem during time was absent on a visit to Persia prophet first appeared God sent him to enforce what was saying and doing as and Zechariah had worked with loudly reproved people because of their lack of heart in divine worship Instead of honoring their loving Father by bringing the best they had when fiiey to offer sacrifices they brought or sick animals or things which were too poor for own use and brought oven those unwillingly They thought by doing this to save for themselves but on contrary they experienced great Joss There was failure of their crops and the of locust for God cannot give his blessing to those whoso are so stingy and loveless Our best gifts should bo scd in Gods service Wo rob God when wo keep from our love our time or our tal ents In giving to God wo only restore to him his God has a right to us and all that wo possess Israelites had boon taught to give onetenth of income for tho sup- of religious worship How much should wo give NATURE AND NUMBER Of THE Ityman Issuer or CARRIAGE LICENSES At Office Newmarket Papers Itsuod at private residence If INSURANCE J A Agent for Vita and Ufa to Loan interest At Curt Kates OrrwKAtthoPoatOmceNewnuultet m A We the undersigned do J hereby agree to refund the money on a five cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of Bottle they do not relievo Constipation and Wo al so warrant that four bottles will per manently the most obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay Wills English Pills ate used Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Druggist Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Troop from lh For For the In Wore and ArmUi of a recent data indicates nature and numbers of local troops from which tot active ser vice were In where leader of Opposition had given public that a proposal on part of the Government to equip men for service in South Africa would moot with unqualified support tho local forces consist of a body known as Canadian militia This body of which constitution- Is by Canadian Militia Act is under command of a majorgeneral of British army is properly divided Into- three sections namely tho permanent militia the active mili tia and militia first section having a strength of only remains permanently with tho colors and forma tho nu cleus of army The second section or active militia constitutes for practical purposes the available forco of Canada It Is strong but It does not remain permanently with colors receive drill and Instruction In local camps and called out a year for training for a period which on showing of in an able and in teresting report published last year is too short to satisfy require ments of military ma terial of this army is however held to be excellent third section of the Canadian army consists of tho entire male population between tho ages of 18 and tho constitution of Dominion permitting a gener al call to arms If required for tho defence of country Cana dian forces batteries of garrison artillery and field bat teries Thero are also two R- Fire Insurance Agent Rates on Farm and Isolated To own Property Over Hodge Tin Shop JlfB Simpson W Main and Fancy CUP R Sow of 9 Tuner of Plana and all String Instruments Oliver Graduate of Ohio of Mualo Off PIANO Queen St to Loan At per cent on flrsteaa farm loans effected on Wfo Insurance policies by Davidson for taking IJ Conveyancer and Real Agent o Agent for the following reliable Insurance Companies Liverpool and London and Glob Colon Standard Hutu a Office Hopkins Block Mount Albert Money to Loan At Five per cent on Sara by David for taking Affldavlts Agent Conveyancer Licenses Kte Also Aont for tho following Insurance Companies Queen ofXndon and Liverpool England Citizens Gore District Mutual fa for the Confederation Life Association To ronto Corner of If tad Lot Streets ark At GUARANTEED Our lee returned If of Invention will receive our opinion free concerning Mow to tent upon reoKCSt secured for tale at our expense teats taken out receive left in Phillip Phillips a fanner who re sides near Bonds Lake was held up by a man on Friday Mr Phil lies was returning home after dispos ing of a load of pork in the city and after leaving rig at Hill rode to the entrance of his farm lane with a friend When about half way up the lane he was by a man who demanded his money The night was dark but stood up to the challenge and put up such a fight that his was glad to get away Phillips made strong efforts to detain the man but he managed to get out of his proved too fleet of foot to be afterwards secured County Constable Walter Stewart has the particulars of the affair and will if possible hunt the individual up Deeds Are Fruits Words are but leaves It Is not what wo say but what Hoods does that tells the story The many wonderful cures effected by this medicine are the fruits by which it should be Judged prove It to be the great unequalled remedy for dyspepsia rheumatism scrofula salt rheum catarrh and all other ailments due to impure or Im poverished bloody HOODS PILLS are mild effective Jacob Shoemaker who lives about two miles from Berlin was on Friday and the event was celebrated by scores of friends gathering at bis home to him He is the first man in the coun try to have attained the century mark He has children grand children and greatgrand children scattered throughout North He was never sick in his life and bids fair to live for many years as be is very strong of his age He was born in Montgomery county Pa and came to Waterloo county in 1829 whore he has lived ever since A SUDDEN CHILL often means sudden Illness Is all that Is needed to ward It off Unequalled for cramps and di arrhoea Avoid substitutes thore Is but one Per ry Davis and The now Victoria Jubilee bridge at Montreal has been opened for rat- Ac W W Commandant of the Canadian Contingent Pal and widely circulated journal Manufacturers and for FREE VICTOR EVAH8 CO Patent Attorneys an WASHIKOrOM ratepayers voted al most uuamiously to grant a bonus of to proposed steel yards- Children Cry for ialffi A of engineer and squadrons of cavalry admirable of material which Army Is composed tho absence of organization and equipment and the urgent need for military purposes- of an adequate general staff in the following graph of report the Major- Commanding which al ready been alluded to The troops themselves general ly endowed with a profound patriots lain gifted with an physi que and infused with that zeal and aptitude for military service which is an historical attribute of the Ca nadian people The Canadian militia consists of a number of small units of cavalry artillery and infantry of varying strength and of a very vary ing condition of discipline and effi ciency Valuable such a may be in the fighting qualities of its personnel It is useless for military purposes in the absence of a trained general staff in absence of ad ministrative departments and in the absence of an adequate supply of those stores of arms ammunition and equipment which are to maintenance of an armed force Intended for military opera tions The militia force of Canada is not under the existing an army in Its true sense it is but a collection of military units without cohesion without staff and without those military departments by which an army is moved fed or ministered to in sickness This as a general criticism is not flattering to the Canadian forces as- an army but the high testimony borne by General to the qual ity of the troops is sufficient to af firm the general belief that any se lected portion of the active militia which should he fully equipped and despatched for service with the Im perial army In the field might bo counted upon to form a valuable fighting unit Troop In Australia the Colonial Govern ments have requested the military commandants of the six colonies to forestall tho results of federation by meeting together to prepare a scheme for the organization of a combined for service with the Imperial army hi South Africa Of the forces from which such a contingent would be drawn Queensland which has been most definite and helpful in its offer of assistance deserves to bo mentioned first The total strength of the Queensland military forces on June SO which is the latest date for which a return Is at present available in this country was men officers and of the defence force volun teers with an additional men of the clubs and police force who are liable to he called nut for military service The Queensland forces exclusive of rifle clubs prfce force are divided into three sections There the artillery Ceo- volunteer Of artillery which Is very small in fully paid partially paid and called out for annual training be sides receiving drill and instruction the year volunteers unpaid The permanent artillery Which Is regarded as a very hut undermanned and over worked body supplies a clous of training or tho whole army It urgently recommended by the con of that this should bo Increased In numbers Financial considerations alone have hitherto from being made The militia includes field and garrison artillery mounted infantry infantry engineers and staff corps Tho contri bution which Queensland acting alone proposed to make to tho forces for South Africa would iavo consisted of mounted In fantry fully equipped including hor ses The splendid quality of these troops was fully recognized on tho occasion of their visit to this coun try for Diamond Jubilee of General last report fipeakfl of their drill and Instruction as having been specially thorough during the year and mentions that in returns for musketry training per cent attained standard of efficiency Tho Now South Wales forces those of Queensland divided Into permanent forces fully paid militia partially paid and volunteers Tho permanent forces include tho head quarter staff ordnance staff per manent staff and besides thesc a nucleus of artillery engineers medi cal staff corps and army corps Tho total number Including and men Is Tho force mounted rifles field and garrison ar tillery Infantry engineers subma rine miners army service corps and medical staff corps amounting In all to With volunteers and rifle clubs the total military force of Now Wales reaches the number of The Victorian forces are divided Into usual three sections Tho pcrxnanent forces composed in much the same way as those of New South Wales and reach a total of all ranks of The militia which includes cavalry horse artillery field and garrison artillery engi neers infantry ambulance commis- and general staff has a strength of volunteers consisting of mounted rifles and Vic torian Hangers have a strength of giving for whole defen sive force of Victoria a total of fi38S In Victoria as In Now South Wales special attention has of late been given to musketry training and the Infantry competition at Inst year was said to rival best infantry competitions in any part of world The local military force of South Australia is very small It Is di vided into fixed defences and a field force Tho fixed defences which In clude two companies of garrison for the forts erected at and Largs to protect tho harbor of Adelaide half a regiment of mounted rifles and two compan ies of Infantry a nominal total war strength of men but In timo of peace tho mounted rifles and infantry exist only in name and men provide for the garrison of th forts The field force composed mounted rifles artillery and infantry has a total strength in time ot peace of men Western Australia has a permanent artillery force which was enrolled In three years after the colony had attained the dignity of responsi ble government and a volunteer force The volunteer is hot paid and tho total strength of both forces combined reaches in timo peace less than men In In Tasmania there aro fixed de fences and a THERE ARE OTHER handling Perfumes handle only the best ISH AND FRENCH They will stand sampling Call and see for yourself and you will acknowledge that our perJumes CANT BE EQUALLED DRUGGIST NEWMARKET The of Love laughs at difficult things than locksmiths in days When the young couple decide to marry nothing can stop them not oven the wrath of the irate par- This was exemplified in town on Monday morning when Rev Cannon Greene united a young couple under romantic circumstances The parents of young lady averse to the wedding but she had her mind made up leaving ten miles from town she met the young man in early Monday morning and arrangements im mediately made for the wedding Time did not permit the getting of a wedding gown but that mattered little The groom had a license and a ring and rest of preliminaries were soon settled Going into of the principal millinery establishments the bridetobe purchased hat and gloves and incidentally mentioned to the obliging saleslady what the oc casion was and that she had no lady friend to support her through tho try ing ordeal was gladdened with the of fer of one of milliner assistants as bridesmaid The groom was equally fortunate in rinding a willing young man in the hat store where he bought his and the four journeyed over to Rev Canon Greenes study where knot was tied and the hap py couple left on the noon train for their new home And now we may expect the milliners and gentfl fur nishing establishments to advertise Bridesmaids and groomsmen furn ished on the shortest notice There aro new industries cropping up all the time Times FOR Winter Dry Goods OR Clothing Without first examining our new stock and prices We have some good bargains Just arrived Fresh Good Cheap Leading House Sharon By using a HighGrade Flour we still intend to turn out volunteer force total strength the volunteer corps Is officers and men In Now Zealand where a resolution to offer a fully equipped force Of mouoted riflea for In South Africa was carried almost unani mously through the Legislative As sembly a similar division of forces observed The ports of Auckland Wellington and are strongly fortified with batteries of artillery and defended by a complete system of submarine mines A permanent force of artillery and engineers is maintained number ing men and there are also local volunteers to the number The combined forces of Australasia Including the volunteers reach a to tal of little more than men and of this number only half are paid or partially paid If we tako the forces as a whole the relative strength of the various arms is as follows Staff and all arms not enum erated artillery engi neers cavalry mounted infantry Is from this body that the contingent to be sent by New Zealand and tho combined colonics of Australia will be drawn The entire military of Australasia falls as will have been seen considerably below that of Canada unless the other colonies were prepared to contribute in the generous proportion proposed by Queensland the Australasian contingent could not bo expected to reach the of men sug gested for Canada how ever runs high In Australia upon the South African question 1800 men are reported to volunteered for service In New South Wales and in Victoria alone It Is clear that If desired by the au thorities a contingent strong could readily formed The strength of the contingent offered Is not however supremely important Colonial assistance will be specially valued for the which it carries Imperial unity of senti ment- That the sympathy and sup port of Canada should be offered by Jtho to a Ministry rely ing largely upon the FrenchCana dian vote is in Itself upon the situation he Health World A Magazine written plainly for the home showing how to prevent and cure diseases of the human frame No free has how to be beauti ful how to cure rheumatism lumbago sciatica corput3nce consumption diseases of men and women deafness and head noises the hair St London Amobrstboeg Nov The riot running between Windsor and Island and owned by Walker Boo was partly destroyed by fire about this morning while lying at the dock here The flames burst out while the crew were at breakfast and within a few minutes the upper works were ablaze Tha vessel was loaded down with cargo of potatoes and fish from Island- TO CUBE COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Quinine All druggists refund money if It falls to cure signature on each box A farmers wife while out feed- chickens recently cropped an ear- rinc which was quickly gobbled up by one of the fowls She could not pick out the particular chicken so kill ed them one by one but failed to find the loat earring Then be gan to look around and found it in the grass where the old hen had dropped it They are now serving chicken in fifteen different ways at every meal at that hoif- FIRSTCLASS BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry always on hand Wedding Cakes a Specialty Fresh Groceries Always in Stock ALB 4 -oxo- I take this opportunity to thank- the many customers for their past patronage and ask a continuance of their favors Albest THERE IS NO UNCERTAINTY about It cures your cough quickly All bron chial affections way to it of all druggists Manufac tured by the proprietors of Per ry Davis Oct til OTt cxxrcci USc ft re to It fat or Mt gdji The Buffalo AllSteel This Is the only DIM Barrow made or sold In Canada having Independent adjustable spring- the inner ends of the gang alios allowing any amount of to he thrown m cue PATENTS Write for Our lite renting Invent Help and How you are swindled Send us a sketch or of your Invention or Improvement and wo ten you our opinion as to whether Is probably patentable Wo make a specialty of applications rejected In other furnished ft fts Polytechnic School of Wort ftieind Viler Work of f tea At tut OLD at the per lbs fcCJa depth this Machine care fully and compare with others The IS A MARVEL OP mBdelbst both or teeth will cut an depth In Examine it and you will why The only Cultivator with a move able tooth set bo that toe angle of the can be regulated to suit any condition of can be regulated to act differently on every requiring It are carried between the wheels Instead of trail Off behind as In machine thus securing lighter draft This ma chine la furnished with grain and gras seed box when required It be reversible diamond steel points for the teeth also wide will buy no other THE BEST DRILL The Needs Over 0OCO and of our maDufao- in ue In Canada fhfe Drill made with lever for Instant and perfect regulation of depth of hoe in all of noil while motion Bows absolutely correct to scale uvea seed every kernel is at a proper depth to Purchase only the and you will be manufacture Binder Heap col Mower fMltivfttora and good as the beat Bead for catalogue Non Co Canada ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET ONT jx tin CI tf iViUi travail Johnston i Toronto Oat A sporty invaded 1 the north of Bond Head last week J SfiJi ill In to and captured Si rabbits together with other game CHASES 1 direct to Ibe dUcc4 iLo clear cps dropping la it4 and Krmanainlir nd Hay uj tjC- Id A jrttt4 srtLt r

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