Vijvv- i V- oh about ivy r mooting of of Church will bo held jt A a Dec at oclock Call tlth And boo latest novelties lor man Handsome China in Odd and Hutu and for Presents For convenience see our and Tables of China Novelties OUR STOCK OF Parlor and Hanging Lamps Blue mot night and their miration of decorations of Mr Geo Wood with general produced by Mr Hobo communication of Tuscan The Beautiful section was only favored with a slight flurry of snow tho beginning of week wo notice by bar exchanges that other parts of Province had enough fall to Parry Ho and peo ple got up Wednesday rooming to above away about sixteen of enow from their walks and in Central Ontario about Kingston and it is said had a foot of beautiful Montreal did not more then wo had to say that snow bad fallen Barrio good aloigbtug on of MfloM of Donald McDonald of very on evening of last at the hotel Toronto It appears he entered the hotel and oat down in one of was not noticed un til near time pro prietor of the hotel on through rooms discovered Mr- McDonald lying on the floor His body seemed cold A was summoned and on arrival pronounced Sir dead and said that his Cook Stolen CO at is Finest wo ever shown and our Sinner Sets in Genuine China Porcelain and Ordinary Quality from to arc without doubt the best value over offered Look for Higher Prices in near future and money by buying now We control a Special Line of China of a souvenir character Canadian Emblem in odd pieces this lino roads are in excel Ion condition for wheeling Big crowd expected In Town to morrow A big jump in freight rates on the is paralyzing shippers Mr Collins at Canes is getting oat more washboards delivery of nearly throe tons and a half of newspaper at the last Friday dont look as If this journal wan loosing popularity is now subscribers being added every week Old got about twenty degrees out of bis latitude last Wednesday of being at zero the mercury registered from to 20 degrees above Now that winter has its lot each do his part towards keeping tho walks clean for the next four months Dont wait till enow is hard- packed before attempting to remove it matters are very quiet Boys wore playing hookey on the pond Wednesday afternoon Twelve oars of pail timber arrived here this week for Canes Steps are being taken to organize a Hor ticultural Society in town i Fringe for Drapes A new lot at Next meeting of will be hold at Reeve Our Toronto better The military convert at Hall on Saturday was a great Owing to scarcity of wool on death was duo to heart failure Mr other Hide several American dcal- wag of ago and era have been thin city recently had been officer In- making largo purchases land Revenue for several Wre Ho leaves a wife and two grown up The funera j took place on Saturday by a special w car to Cemetery hero and I Talmago of wore interred with mason- yJit in America will appear honors j a Toronto in Hall noxj Monday With new Court en- paper an that the Court offiolala including attached to County arid Divisional Coil Sheriff etc will not have their quarters ready or April next year The Council iho City to understand that liability for main tenance will not commence til tho officials of the judicial district trans- forced to maintain the Adelaide Hi property and then pay the city beside Toronto ap pears tube go ting a hold the purso strings of County to help for city blundering THE LEADING wmwwmmmm at took place on Wodnoaday A lamp exploded at Royal Hotel on Monday night and Miss dioss caught on Her fathers hands badly burned while nutting fire out Not much domago done Fruits Peels and Spices This is our Strong Point we make a Specialty of Keeping the Very Choicest and Best Quality No need to enumerate We the quality and quantity and at Rock Bottom Prices Our Finest Selected Raisins and Currants in lb cartoons are specially fine Finest Raisins CHOICE RICH GOLDEN FANCY APRICOTS FANCY PRUNES SPECIAL VALUE IN EXTRACTS See our oz Bottles of Lemon and Vanilla GRENOBLE ALMONDS BRAZIL NUTS SICILY FILBERTS NUTS School IN OF MERIT FOR NOV HO Class- Alice Clarence Toole Scott Carrie Ill Minnie Brooke Garfield Oldham May Cooke Intermediate HI Toole Ida Oldham Oldham Jr Ill Norman Crone Roe Crone Willie and Lyman Rose equal Maggie Rose Eva II Fred Grose Morton Toole Annie Powell Jr Brooke Emily Loot I II Frank Roy Graham Grant Oldham Jr I Willie I I Evelyn Clif ford Roso Etta Harrison Jr I I Frank Kirton Jessie Toole Walter Armstrong Present every day Clarence Toole Toole Morton Toole Jessie Toole Ada Crone Roo Nor man Crone Alice Lyman Rose Fred Grose Average attendance Jordan Teacher Council A Good Roads Convention will bo bo Court on Wed nesday next Representatives ex pected from all over the Province Court of General Sessions opened on Tuesday last mem- bora of the grand jury from county am John Cameron John J Proctor John Win Watson and Hood jury in the of Mrs Ida wife of a commercial travoller returned a verdict to the effect that death had bean the result of a criminal operation Coroner Cotton at close of inquest stated that he was surprised at the number of edu cated and refined women who continually asking physicians to aid them in committing murder Six car loads of apples shipped from this city to old countiy on Friday last A Specially fine line of Child rens Strictly uptodato Ladies Fine Box Calf and from up Mens and Box Calf from Misses and Boys Fine and Medium for Skating Rubbers Council met on Monday evening last Present Mayor Cane and Messrs Robertson and Following bills were passed freight 92 Denne carting servico at Power House Wm Cane Mfg Co lumber 8 T 0Ham labor Com Packard coal 81 S lumber for Expressage on Fire Light 30 Bell Telephone Co 25 John GUI labor D Lloyd Court of Revision P J Anderson Rice Lewis A Co Fire and Light The following accounts were refer red viz Canadian General Electric Co and also re Royal Electric Co to Fire and Light Committed and the account of Stark to the Town if found to be correct to be paid by the Treasurer The application of Hill for a reduction in the annual rental of the market weigh scales and of rent of butchers stall in the market was re ferred to Market Committee The Mayor and Mr were appointed to attend the good roads Convention next week The request of Dora re taxes was considered and Clerk ordered to make a reduction of tha ten per cent added to taxes in arrears and the re quest of Mr to he relieved his situation as electrician of the Town was referred to Fire Light Com Mr Robertson introduced a By Law providing for the coming municipal election In Committee the following were named Deputy Re turning Officers St- Georges ward St Andrews ward Fred and St Patricks ward A Ji MbCraoken The ByLaw was read three times and passed adjourned till Dec A SMITH The Leading jr Main Timothy Sts Miss Faucett of South London a student at the Whitby College died vory suddenly Joseph of London was killed in a Detroit lumber mill by being caught in iho machin ery- Met Bonds Lake Hotel Satur day Nov The following bills passed Armitage cedar cedar 1 P DoLahae blacksmith bill 16 J Billings salary mo labor J Coulter repair Linton side line 400 W culvert con Chamberlain repair ber Bridge repair line blacksmith bill 40 Oat Sewer Pipe Co sewer pipe J A Watson service re Court of Revision 1 A Lloyd gravel Borden damage to wag- on 00 W Wobster sheep claim 86 M Murphy claim 9 88 J Cutting tax refund 1 Homer tax refund 1 The Reeve and Mr were ap pointed to investigate a complaint of Mr Hamilton re change of a water course by which bis lands were dam aged The Treasurer was instructed not to return at present to the County taxes for 1893 on East half of West half of lot con Moved by Mr by Mr tbat the resolution remind ing the grant to King Agricultural Society be cancelled and that the Reeve do now issue an order on the Treasurer for amount of former grant Yeas Nays Lemon Burns Carried Movd by Mr Burns by Mr that the clerk be and is hereby instructed to notify Messrs McArthur Pottage to remove their fences off Road facing lots 28 on the North and South sides of the East halves thereof on 4th con of King and that all ob structions tbereon to be removed within six days from service upon the owners of said lands of a copy of this resolution Carried Moved by Mr by Mr Burns that the Township Solicitor be instructed to obtain opinion of a competent coupsol on bylaw granting a bonus to Aurora Rail way and further that the said tor in case Messrs Pot tage to remove on Road pursuant to resolu tion of this Council bo and hereby instructed to take the proper legal compel removal of same Carried Watt flews Oitawa Dec The following cable was received from Colonel Otr tor Town Dec Just land ed hero excellent health and spirits Ottawa died the third day out of heart failure Tho transport is a total wreck Nearly all the guns safely removed before tho vessel broke up but over horses wero drown ed London Dec A delayed de spatch from Cape Town received to day describes the departure of the Canadian contingent of troops to front The streets were decorated and dense enthusiastic crowds lined the principal thoroughfares A party of Canadians lemained at Cape Town as the men had not passed the medical inspection The Canadian contingent will act in con sort with the Black Watch and forth Highlanders Tho fact that Canadians were left behind evidently indicates that this number had not sufficiently re covered from the effects of a sea voy age of nearly a month lo the front London Dec The Canadians ordered to join Meuchcna force at the front They will leave Aar tomorrow Ah special dated Deo o Star All the departments have officially to have their ani mate ready as possible This the statement thai there is to be an of Parliament If this re turns will be on certain of the Op position been prrpheaying some weeks that a was on the cards in the near inure Inrjertesting better fllbePta Red Deer Nov 1899 Dear Old Friend in Newmarket My health will not allow me to do more than poke around and very slow at that which is a great change for me It is over a year now since I had to quit work but I am hoping to This country is quite different from Manitoba There it is all wheat here it is cattle and stozk A lot of rain fell here last summer AH July it was wet in August alone there were 12 inches of waterfall and September was also hard on the crops Oats barley and rye the principal grains grown here and there being to much wet weather the grain grew so rank and thick that it was late before it could be cut The ground was so soft the grain had to be cut with the mower or by hand What do you think of loads off ten acres I My brother Joe had some oats that he mowed with the soythe and bound by hand then carried out of the water to dry that will turn out from to bushels good oats to the acre here do not place much dependence upon the grain because if it does not ripen into a good sample it makes firstclass feud for cattle Everybody here calculates- to have cattle and they are in fine shape now- fat and prime the weather having been fine this fall and now there is lots of feed on the prairies and that saves feed from the farm On account of so much rain the did not secure near enough hay to feed their cattle so they are paying a head for keep of young cattle the winter Farmers who have lots of feed are doing at that We are having remarkably fine weather some were playing lawn tennis If the winter was only like this it would be a fine country to Quite a few settlers are com ing in every week mostly from the States Lots of good land here yet The Government handles the Cream ery business and it runs the year around Those who send cream get paid in cash at the end of each month so that there is no trouble about the money as is the case with so many private and company concerns There is no cheese made in the West except that by the Icelanders and it is not like Ontario cheese The latter sells at a lb Good dairy tub butter and eggs doz Mutton by the carcase beef to geese 12o turkeys to lb and ducks Wild ducks a pair There has been good shooting for prairie chickens and ducks but I am not able to enjoy the sport Glad to notice that the is prosperous and increasing in member ship No ooe knows what a feeling of satisfaction it is when in poor health be insured all old friends in and vicinity a prosperous New Year I am yours c Weight Cold Weather Talk Is In Season We have just added to our large stock Comprising every size and variety of makes in Canada for both coal and wood These goods were bought before the rise in iron and intending purchasers should examine them before selecting elsewhere COMPLETE WINTER STOCK OF SHELF HARDWARE Everything you want for the barn or stable Reliable Up- to- Date Goods J A ALLAN GO if i Christmas Comfort is Pleased the clothes be orders from us The Patron Saint of Christmas an of comfort In apparel and to comfort we add elegance and style giving you the excel lence We guarantee you satisfaction with the clothes we make for you Get ready for the Christmas Fair my Tailot opportunities References exchanged En- cfcseeelf addretsed stamped envelope A TRENT CANAL w AMI DIVISION NOTICE TO BALED TENDERS to the under- endorsed Tender for Treat Canal will be received at this until noon on Saturday Dec JEM for the con struction nine between Trenton and Frankfort Plans specifications of the work and forma of Contract can be Been at the office of the Chief Engineer of the Department of Ball ways and Canals at at Engineers Office Pcterbqro where forma of tender be obtained on and after Thursday Nov In the ease of firms there must attached the actual signatures of the full name tbo nature of the occupation and place or resi dence of each member of the same and ffifW bank cheque for the sum of accompany tender this ac cepted cheque must be endorsed over to the Minister of Ran and Can Is and will be forfeited If the party tendering declines en tering Into contract for work at the rates and terms stated In the offer The ac cepted cheque thus sent In will be returned to the respective parties whose tenders are notacceptid The lowest or any tender not ac cepted By order Department of advertisement Department will Park fsSO Caxton Building Chicago BLOOMINGTON The Quarterly Meetings of the Christian Church on Saturday and Sunday were meetings long to be re membered because of spiritual bless Although Elder is the clo3e of his ninth year here the work has never more prosperous The Annual Hot Roast was held on Monday night and was a grand The officials cleared about j over all expenses I have been photographed by SMITH BRO since opening their In New market thirteen months ago STUDIO- Opposite Metropolitan Station Newmarket Market December Zst I 0 IT I J After Suf fering Intensest Pain and Distress of the Mr Cooke of Kin Heart for Seven Years Is Cured most Mirrculously by Dr for Heart A Which Saves Lives Everyday that Have Been Proclaimed any hope of permanent recovery But by this won- By Physicians Beyond Cure for Ibe Heart He man fllci it is a harmless Specific fxtxd Con Wonders In Half remedy which seemed just to be my own case repeated I got a trial bottle and derived great benefit from it I concluded to continue as it promised a complete and permanent cure and when I had used six bot- ilea not a vestige of the trouble re- 1 and although that is a year fcom acata ago there has never been form of heart I lightest symptom of a return of great had smothering Gen J r Kingston Mr A byJaw appointing A Arm- Cooke Johnson street Kingston strong of Toronto Solicitor of this tells this wonderful story township was passed and a by- from heart disease am law appointing place to hold the considers hie almost nomination of municipal councillors by the aid of that and to select polling stations and medical trouble palpitation badly that one You verily this or any in same room could hear the art other testimony of the curative powers thumps bad great nervousness and Agaew Cure for Heart for depression at times suffering commendations for it come heart disease in form If modern medical science has giv en to the world a remedy a cure- that thousands have used and tested the curative powers of after having suffered for years and had been pronounced hopeless cases if as a last resort even it has proved such a boon what an amount of suffering would spared if when the slightest uneasiness of the heart is experienced Dr Agnews Cure for the Heart used It has never do what it promises It gives relief in tho most acute forms of the disease in leS3 than minutes It not only a healthy heart action but it teals the digestive gives vital ity tones the whole system and not claiming to say IT MOST WORKS MIRACLES Dr Catarrhal Powder re- in the bead in ton minutes it will cure the most and dis gusting forms of Catawh no matter how long standing Dr Ointment acts magic Itchiofis Irritating Troubles such eczema Scald Head Piles